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Topics - Ducky duck

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Modification Help / Vehicle on Destroy (solved)
« on: December 17, 2015, 01:52:04 PM »
-Found code-

Addon: Vehicle Events

Off Topic / [Megathread] Rick and Morty
« on: December 17, 2015, 12:31:21 PM »

Rick and Morty is an Adult Swim cartoon created by Justin Roland and Dan Harmon. Originally created for the 101 Channel as "The Adventures of Dock and Marti", and changed to what it is now. The show revolves around Rick Sanchez, who recently moved in with his daughter Beth Smith. It follows Rick and Beth's son Morty as they travel through space and dimensions. Rick, being an extremely smart (unemployed) scientist, and Morty, a less-intelligent child. Currently the most recently released episode aired on October. Season 3 of the show is said to be released "In like a year and a half. Or Longer" by a character on the series "Mr. Poppy back door". It is also said that the show shares the same universe as Gravity Falls.

Off Topic / What should I get for christmas
« on: December 16, 2015, 10:01:32 AM »
My aunt is buying, I have a 350$ budget and I already am getting a new CPU for my computer for about 106.00$. I want to have a series of presents just for that nostalgic feel from when I was 10 and actually believed in Santa and got a stuffton of crap. What should I ask for?

Off Topic / IBM Lenevo T61 Thinkpad customization ability?
« on: December 15, 2015, 03:36:23 PM »
What chipset does the motherboard use? Currently it has an Intel Mobile Core Duo CPU, I'd like to swap it out for a higher end processor. I can't multitask as much as I do.

Modification Help / How do I learn Torquescript from C#?
« on: December 13, 2015, 08:32:06 AM »
I already know how to code in C#, but I can't figure out how Blockland works with it. Nothing makes sense, i can't figure out the functions, and they have variables I don't understand what for or how to modify them.
Is anyone willing to tutor me on the basics of using this?

Drama / Faze Adapt - [102322] Not thinking before posting dramas
« on: December 09, 2015, 09:12:58 PM »
As unnecessary as I feel it is, this is just hurting me to watch.;u=146756;sa=showPosts -His only posts are in the drama, all of them are seriously painful to read.

Pfft,I Don't need proof,I didn't put proof on my other post So You Should Look. Have A Nice Day Noob.

I don't think he'll stop either.

Off Topic / Who do you hang out with//are you bullied?
« on: December 09, 2015, 07:03:03 PM »
Kind of bored, so I came up with a random subject. I myself linger throughout my class, hanging out with mostly everyone. There are only 26 people in my entire class though, and since its only middleschool we don't swap out for five different teachers. All of us are pretty close friends, aside from the overly annoying kids, which there are really only two but they have their own group to hang out with. If I had to classify specific groups who hang out all the time, it'd be 'The Sports Club' although half of them don't play anything besides in the school yard, those weird kids who look your perky definition of "popular" but really they're just a large group of friends, and me and my friends who just kind of hangout and talk but there's only seven of us. No one really bothers me though, probably because I'm the second oldest and basically the strongest in my entire class. I can lift up to 200 pounds (depending on the grip I have) and basically all of them complain about lifting two 10lb chairs at the end of lunch. Yea, they make jokes, annoy me all the time but not about personal stuff, but they're good friends. I dislike some of them but that doesn't stop me from talking to them as a friend.
With my connected friendships in the class, I've never personally been bullied physically or mentally, so I don't know what it's like. I'll be going to highschool soon, where I won't really have connection to friends aside from free periods when I'm not doing work during them, and I'm worried that I might end up in a bad position with people. Most of my friends are going to the same high school, a private school up in Springfield PA, but with my budget I'll be reduced to a low graduate, stuffty, public high-school. Not to mention this location is right outside Philadelphia, a major city with major problems.
Are you bullied?

 Also, is a stun gun classified as a weapon in schools? Note: A Tazer shoots, a Stun Gun doesn't.

Suggestions & Requests / Brick for maps
« on: December 01, 2015, 10:03:04 PM »
Theres an addon that tells you what bricks are needed for a map iirc, I need it asap.
I am suppose to host the BLeasternfront server but I'm missing the .## bricks that look like vertical prints and a bunch of other stuff.

Suggestions & Requests / Segway
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:10:42 PM »
I know there is one, iv done searches in Addons and Modhelp but found nothing.

Help / Blockland folder keeps going into read only mode
« on: November 26, 2015, 02:45:59 PM »
Even after I uncheck it for all files and subfolders in the folder, it goes back when i hit apply and exit the tab.

Off Topic / What do you wish for your career in the future?
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:40:55 AM »
Besides just a job, how would you reach that goal?

My plan, which I don't think will go perfectly, would be starting after High-school. Going into collage for Technology and Business, then later on back again for Criminal Justice. I would start a small software business, make a few things, update them for a year, then stop. I would go into the Academy, then I would work my way to eventually becoming a Federal agent as something along the lines of forensics in computers, for either the F.B.I. or N.C.I.S.

Drama / CGBuilder - Very Rude
« on: November 19, 2015, 07:49:59 PM »
I was simply bored, waiting for Paper to host. So I joined this server out of many I didn't feel like joining.
The first few minutes in, I could tell the server had many flaws in building, and the host wasn't very mature. But that didn't phase me, I was bored, so I stayed. Until this happened.

I've marked important lines in the chat here, and I tried my best to crop this without removing any chat even if unimportant. I do not wish to have evidence that seems cut out.

At this point I just left, I could not bare it any longer.
I usually don't post dramas on anything, but I was kind of pissed about this. Specifically because I was not banned for asking the same question later. I was not trying to add to the situation by asking the question, but I had tried to spawn a vehicle later and it wouldn't let me. And, this was like ten minutes later anyways.
This small amount of chat, although seems like a quick incident to not overreact about, took a span of twenty minutes before I left starting from when bill asked the question.

Hello everyone,
I am producing a short film for Blockland that, I'd rather not give away details to until near the end of finishing it. I will however of course tell those who are for sure going to participate. I have spent a long time attempting to find people to act in these films, but have come up short because they are never able to stay the entire time, and don't respond the next day, or ever. I request those who have experience, or at least a good ability to follow instructions on what you're going to be doing. Speech is NOT required for this film, nor is Talking Animation. If you are interested, I'd like the following information to decide.

External methods of contact (Steam, Email, etc):
Past experience in films:
Internet Service Provider(RCN, Comcast, Verizon, etc.) :
Internet Upload/Download Speed (MBPs):
Free Time Available(In hours apart):
Time Zone:
Maturity (Will you take this seriously?):

If you are not interested in acting but may want to build, event, or even help edit the footage, you're welcome to do so, just add Applying For: in your application.
A total of five players are needed for acting, not including those who will be doing other jobs which could be up to four users.

Basic Film Information:

The film's topic will not be revealed yet, but basic information can be given.

Estimated duration: 4.30
Estimated filming period: Two Hours-Three Hours
Genre: Music Remake

I know this is not much, but Id rather not give away the film yet. Once I'v gotten enough players, I will begin to post more information.

Thank you for those who would like to participate, you will be inserted into Credits during Post-Production.

General Discussion / Did blocknet die
« on: November 15, 2015, 01:16:47 PM »
I left for a few months and when i came back i couldnt find their thread after like five pages. Did they shutdown?


Resource Links

Community Website

Wikipedia Page


Trailer Reveal

Official Trailer E3 2015

(Steam) System Requirements

OS: Vista SP2 / Windows 7.1 SP1 / Windows 8.1 (64-bit Operating System Required)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2500k, 3.3GHz / AMD Phenom II X6 1075T 3GHz
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 (2GB) / AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2GB)
Storage: 54 GB available space
OS: Vista SP2 / Windows 7.1 SP1 / Windows 8.1 (64-bit Operating System Required)
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770, 3.4 GHz / AMD FX-8350, 4.0 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (3GB) / AMD R9 290 (4GB)
Storage: 54 GB available space

Also Available on Platforms:

Play Station 4
DirectXbox 1

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