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Topics - Chrono

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Drama / Does splatter u a cigaretteoot poll
« on: May 24, 2010, 04:06:41 AM »
hi guys this is just poll i made btw he spoiled the arc poll by changing it what a friend  :panda:

« on: May 21, 2010, 01:04:23 PM »
So I see a new mining server up by some dude I've never seen.
I join the server to see he's using Kalphiter's unmodded mining add-on.
In the welcome message, it says the max level is 5 because he's still adding stuff to it.
So I propose to him, something I've been working on that I didn't plan to release till I've got the next part done. A revision of the infinite mining add-on that makes it easier to mod and adds a few new ways of modding it.
He claims that he made the whole thing.
I ask him why it's exactly the same as Kalphiter's.
He said "INSPIRATION DUDE!" or something like that.
I told him he was stupid for making something EXACTLY the same when he could've just downloaded it. Same minerals. Same layout. Same colors. Same health for the bricks. Same values. Same chance. Same announcements for whoever has the most of something. Same centerprint layouts. The only thing different in his server is that he spawned a stuffforget of pickaxes and guns in the middle which may have been by wrench.
I was banned for "Whining"
So I decided to check what add-ons his server was running using RTB.

See: attachment

Drama / Darkwarrior
« on: May 13, 2010, 05:30:45 PM »
This is a topic.

If you are wondering why I posted this, stop being a lazy pile of crap and make the effort to spend 2 or 3 slight finger movements that we call clicking.

Look at his posts.

Suggestions & Requests / [Request] Main Menu Button Images
« on: May 12, 2010, 10:46:55 PM »
A very simple request.

I require the 4 images needed to make a main menu button. (Start a game, Tutorial, etc.)
It needs to say: Colorset Editor
I would highly prefer it to have the exact style and font size of the other images, as that is the problem I'd have if I attempted.

That is all.

Off Topic / Old "Moved:" topics should be deleted.
« on: April 23, 2010, 05:45:31 AM »
Sure it's nice to see it when it's an active topic so you aren't suddenly confused as to where it went, but is it necessary to keep old ones?

Drama / Horizon/SparkTheYoshi - THIS IS MY FINAL WARNING GUYS
« on: April 12, 2010, 05:22:42 PM »
Okay I join a server, and this is how the story went (slightly modified because I was talking to more than one person):

SparkTheYoshi: Chrono from the forums?
Chrono: Yes
SparkTheYoshi: Well chrono,you suck richard.
Chrono: lulz
SparkTheYoshi: You told the whole loving community about something i said.
SparkTheYoshi: Go eat stuff.
Chrono: Who are you?
(Was an excellent question at the time that he took awhile to answer)
SparkTheYoshi: People like you don't have the will to live
(Wait what? I told you guys something so I wanna die now?)
Chrono: Oh no I said something that someone else said! I totally want to die!
(Other people calling me emo)
Chrono: What is sarcasm?
(He saw my player in the server)
SparkTheYoshi: And he is right here.
(As if it were somehow significant to the 'argument' to know where I am)
SparkTheYoshi: If this person stops bugging the hell out of me,i will stop being an starfish.
Chrono: I wasn't even bugging you.
(He started this, so wtf? I was only responding)
Chrono: I don't even know you.
SparkTheYoshi: Thanks to Ephialtles,he locked the topic.
Chrono: What thread?
SparkTheYoshi: Horizon
(took him long enough to tell me who he was, though I was in the middle of typing and actually missed this message, the server had over 20 players)
Chrono: Who are you? What thread? What is this about? Me picking on you? You started this.
SparkTheYoshi: I wondered,why does this guy even ask if people think's hot? I asked you,you were the wrong person,and you told the whole
SparkTheYoshi: loving community!
(This made me realize who he was. Still, he was the one starting stuff for me to make that topic)
Chrono: OH NO
SparkTheYoshi: I hope you're really sorry right now,Chrono
Chrono: Sorry for posting one quote! For doing that I totally want to die! Because you make a whole lot of sense.
Chrono: You're not making this better.
SparkTheYoshi: Maybe i am not making it through to you bitches.
(bitches being plural because there was more than one person against him, but this is about me and him)
Chrono: I could post more because you're continuing a handicapped fight.
SparkTheYoshi: But honestly,if you keep loving telling the commujnity what i do
SparkTheYoshi: I will hunt you down,and forget you in the ass.
SparkTheYoshi: This is your only warning.
SparkTheYoshi has left the game.

This guy is honestly the first one to act like this, because of a topic so MINOR as this.

Drama / Horizon - Send a pic of 2 girls kissing you.
« on: March 19, 2010, 06:16:23 PM »
Profile: link

Subject: Send a pic of 2 girls kissing you.
And i will belive that people think you are 'hot'

My response:

His response:
Well,it was hard to tell since you were gay enough to copy that guys icon.

What I did instead of responding: link


Drama / Kidney Theif
« on: March 13, 2010, 11:12:27 PM »
Welcome to Chrono's 10 Second Drama!

The one in question? Well Kidney Thief of course! Where? Cucumber's co-op challenge! A wonderful place filled with impatient people who get in your way.

So here's how the story begins...
In the part with the sequenced platforms, where one person hits buttons when the other person jumps across them. I believe this is... the 3rd level?
There's an elevator where the button operator goes when the jumper gets across, and waits for the jumper to kindly open the door for him or her.
Well me and my brother were waiting up there for Panda to open the door, because there's too many people in the way to do that properly. Kidney Theif and about 3 other people follow us, because they're too incompetent to wait for people to get by. So me and my brother stand in the way so they can't get up. Panda wasn't even going to open the door, and we're now trapped by a bunch of people in the elevator. Kidney Theif then thinks it's okay to call me a 'noob' because we in the way. It's not like ANYONE could get by anyways! I convince Panda to let me and my brother by. We get out the door and block the rest. I asked Kidney Theif what he called me again. He proceded to call me a 15ker noob. I give proof using Kalphiter's ID list that my old ID was 1630. He didn't believe me. He said I could be someone else. He later rage quitted and insulted everyone but one person whose name I forget.

This message was sponsered by no one at all.

Have fun and be sure to write some reviews on today's episode.

Off Topic / Recent Add-on spam infestation
« on: March 11, 2010, 10:45:35 PM »

Stop loving posting the most worthless things you could think of posting.

Seriously. I thought the crosshairs were bad. Now we got lag icons that are like 400x300 and unknown maps that are just random things from google images with "Unknown Map" planted on it.

I don't care how good it looks. Stop posting them.

If you think they're that important, make a site dedicated to UI edits so users can upload them there. Then you have to somehow convince Badspot to let it stick around.


I don't see how people can miss the fact that it says "Finished add-ons only" and a topic saying, in caps, "NO HELP. NO REQUESTS. NO SUGGESTIONS."

This also isn't about how easy they are to make. It's the simple fact that they're more useless than a "Hello World!" script.

Short Range Music Bricks

Shorter range music, good for looping ambient sounds and such.
Includes two bricks, a half range music brick, and a quarter range music brick.

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.


Support_CustomRangeMusic.cs - Allows you to make different ranges in music brick datablocks. (see server.cs for examples)

Drama / Alex T. Warren again - This is more like comedy.
« on: March 08, 2010, 12:47:01 PM »
This all started off with a good point (#rtb):

Then became this humorous 'argument' (in a PM window):

I lol'd how he claimed to be some guy that I never even heard of, expecting me to be like "OH OKAY!"

Some of his 'SUPER COOL' videos that make him really famous!  <--- doesn't work.

Off Topic / >whois hur data collected am i cool yet?
« on: March 07, 2010, 12:38:07 AM »
Just loving turn that stuff off or shut it up and stick to using loving GUIs.

I WILL rejoin just for the sake of making you unable to talk.


By someone who is not me.

Edit: No this isn't directed at everyone.

Dammit stop telling me to change stuff Mr someone not me.

Drama / Metal, LilRobot, and LilRobot's server.
« on: February 28, 2010, 02:36:47 AM »
Yeah yeah we all already know Metal is loving handicapped.
inb4 hur he cul wan u met him on survar
No that is absolute bullstuff.
I was browsing the server list, and I seen LilRobot hosting an RP. I thought "Well I think (bad mistake) LilRobot is a cool person. Maybe this will actually be good."
Metal was on the server, but he hasn't done anything wrong yet except using an event loop to spam numerous items in a location that wasn't bothering anyone. I still mentioned it. He denied it. (obviously, when does Metal actually admit to something he did wrong?) The only admin who actually took notice was some Phoenix or whatever dude. He cleared Metal's bricks. Metal took a bitchfit, and I said "Why are you complaining if you aren't supposed to be building anyways?" He just said he was allowed and didn't say anything to back anything up.
So LilRobot and whoever are building and stuff. Cool.

Finished, the RP starts.

God loving dammit worst idea ever.

I continue, seeing the large number of people. (wasn't paying attention to the number of people before it started)
Before anything even gets anywhere. Minigame reset. Minigame reset again.
Admins are complaining about people rushing into the office and mashing buttons.
Minigame resets again, and they scream at players.
I see people shooting horse rays, which wasn't an item given off the start, and mention that Metal is holding one. Nothing is done. Admins are complaining.
Okay so we get into the class or whatever (it was a school RP) and it's tech class.
We sit at our chairs. More horse rays, someone gets kicked for using one. Metal gets kicked afterwards by Phoenix, and after he bitched and got back to the class, go figure, the horse rays stop. Obviously means his event loop stopped from when he got kicked. Bam, red baseplate in the middle of the room, occasionally moving but only slightly so I can't see who is doing it.
People complain.

Phoenix kicks Metal, and sure enough, the red baseplate tempbrick dissapears.

Metal comes back and says a bunch of bullstuff about being AFK making a sandwich or something.
I ask him why the tempbrick dissapeared when he got kicked.
"What tempbrick?" He asked. You can see where it went from there.

Phoenix permanently banned him with the reason "Moron."
I felt joy. One of the two people causing problems is gone! (some Jello guy wasn't dealt with, but all he was doing is turning on and off his light)

So Metal comes back into the server, and LilRobot, being ignorant, tells Phoenix not to ban Metal, because Metal is his friend.

I bitch about how Metal is pretty well runing the RP, but I am ignored again.
Metal tells me to shut up.

I leave with these exact words "This server is stuff and you are too." (directed at Metal)

I don't know if I'm banned or not, because I actually never went back.

Moral of the story?

It's hard to not goto stuffty servers when the ones you think are good end up turning bad.

Add-Ons / SetPlayerLight/ChangePlayerLight/SetBotLight Events
« on: February 27, 2010, 07:56:02 PM »
SetPlayerLight Event
Pretty simple to use.
One output:
Player> SetPlayerLight > A list consisting of [Dynamic, AlwaysOn, AlwaysOff]

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.


-A mirror supplied by you here-

ChangePlayerLight Event
Yes I am aware of the /setLight command. This is different.
With this, you can force the light in a minigame, which is actually why I recommend you either use this one OR the other one.
One output:
Player> ChangePlayerLight > [A list of light datablocks]

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.


-A mirror supplied by you here-

SetBotLight Event
Changes bots light, and can turn it off.
One output:
Player> SetBotLight > [A list of light datablocks]

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.


-A mirror supplied by you here-

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