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Topics - Rigel

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Off Topic / What are you thankful for?
« on: November 24, 2016, 08:22:24 PM »
You've got to be thankful for something in this eventful year, what could it be?

I'm thankful for this forum never having been abandoned, and I guess I'm also thankful that Badspot never sold it all to LEGO. I'm thankful that my eye doctor is such an amazing person. I'm thankful for all the research that's constantly being funneled through 4chan, I never would've built my collection as great as it is without it. I'm also thankful for all the amazing friends I have, here and in school. Without all of you guys, i'd probably be just bored out of my mind.

So you have my thanks. You're all also a bunch of friends.

Off Topic / Medical Marijuana legalized in Florida
« on: November 20, 2016, 11:08:32 PM »
So, I have Glaucoma, you all know this.

The THC in marijuana lowers In-Ocular-Pressure, most of you know this, too.

I can't smoke, because I have asthma, so I have refused every possibility to smoke the dankness, because coughing sucks. But I now have a medical excuse to buy and eat pot cookies whenever I damn well please, so long as my doctor prescribes it, and it seems he's been willing to. I just wonder how schools are going to handle this regular application of THC I'm going to need to actually make a difference in my IOP. Do any of you know how schools would react to having their students prescribed medical marijuana?

 :cookie: :cookieMonster: :cookie:

Off Topic / Open question for Meme Professor Kimon/Poliwhirl
« on: November 17, 2016, 11:43:11 AM »
Why are unfunny things such as "Damn, Daniel" and "Milhouse is not a meme" turned into memes? What could drive someone to spread un-dank, non-spicy, and just unfunny memes around, such as that "Funny Banana"?

Off Topic / Dream Thread
« on: November 16, 2016, 01:27:53 PM »
Post dreams here because everyone has them and some of them are coolio

I think about two weeks ago, I had a very weird dream.

I was walking from my friend's house to a bus stop that was right outside of our school, and while crossing the street, my friend's sister almost got hit by a car. He called her stupid, and we laughed, and then kept crossing the street. Then at the bus stop, it's a flying saucer-type UFO that comes down. I try to get in it, but fail. No one else is trying to get in it, either. It starts taking off without me in it, and I yell after it to come back down, so it does. This repeats about 5 times. Then I finally climb in, and it leaves without picking anyone else up.

I'm then greeted by what looks like a tall, tan XCOM:EU sectoid, and then I realize that I'm a dumbass that got myself abducted by aliens.

It tells me that it's on earth to harvest resources. I think to myself, "Okay, that's pretty standard alien stuff" and then it says that it's extracting heroin from the earth. Apparently the earth is 95% heroin. It tells me that I must help it fight off exactly seven waves of human rescue fighters before his job is complete and I can go. Then he says some spooky thing like "Instant conformation is the first step to immediate subjugation."

Then my alarm wakes me up.

I'm still pretty spooked by that last quote but I'm mainly weirded out by the 95% heroin thing.

Off Topic / hey guys ten or eleven
« on: November 10, 2016, 02:17:37 PM »
well? ten or eleven?

« on: November 05, 2016, 03:09:57 PM »

So what fun things do you guys think that hacker 4chan anonymous is gonna do now???

Off Topic / The monday Snickers Snatcher
« on: November 01, 2016, 02:06:28 PM »
Some forget reached into my candy bucket at school and stole a snickers, laughed at me, and started eating it while walking away. His friends all called him out on it, and one apologized for him. It pissed me off, because I know I can't really do stuff about it.

So then a period later, when I'm walking down the same hallway, he approaches me again, asks for some candy while citing that he "accidentally robbed" me. I rightfully told him to go the forget away. He's a freshman, too. Now I'm unreasonably salty because it was just a fun-sized snickers, but then again, he did just loving steal from me while mocking me.

What do?

Off Topic / annoying new avatar fad
« on: November 01, 2016, 01:59:01 PM »
people are copying each other's avatars again, and that's nothing new, but this time's different, because it's like only one or two people copying one avatar, and three others for another avatar

it feels like tony started this one by taking seventh's sandwich.

Off Topic / Halloween stories thread!
« on: October 31, 2016, 10:20:30 PM »
Give us all your spooks, laughs, tricks and treats here! Also, who all was in your group if you weren't alone?

I tried trading for all of my friend's 100grands, but came short 700grand of 1 million to loan out to someone.

Also, my friend was dressed up in a huge, inflatable T-Rex costume, and ended up meeting another T-Rex, they promptly charged eachother, started dancing, and banging their huge inflatable heads against eachother. My other friend was in a chicken costume and met another person in the same costume, and they both tried running from my brother, he was dressed as a chef and gave chase yelling about soup. I got scurvy. Later in the night, some group of girls were walking to their car, and the one next to me tried opening a locked door, grunted, and gave out a small "I think I broke my naail!" and I just started laughing my ass off and kept walking, I think I heard her say "That forgeter." My friend scolded me, saying that it's not funny. Then we walked a few more steps and he continued, "as long as they're not near us." and started laughing too.

We're thinking of all going as crusaders next year, chanting "DEUS VULT!" throughout the streets.

Our group was pretty large, we had:
A pirate (me)
A chicken
A T-Rex that kept stopping because sooo many people wanted pictures
A communist revolutionary that carried around an airsoft AK
A freedom fighter that asked everyone for freedom
A purger
A failed carpenter (he had a circular saw blade sticking out of his side)
A chef
Green Arrow
Harley Quinn & Joker (They made out a bit, then left the group after two streets, thankfully.)

I loving love Halloween.

Off Topic / I found a Lord Tony in the wild!
« on: October 22, 2016, 11:26:31 PM »

You really are everywhere, aren't you?

Anyone else find him in unexpected places?

Games / looking for a specific type of game...
« on: October 16, 2016, 12:40:09 PM »
Does anyone know a game where you start out small and weak, but your enemies start out huge and powerful and can easily crush you? Something like a game that requires territory control, but everyone almost always has so much more until you start snowballing into power.

An example of what I'm talking about could be the creeper games, since you start off with a small bit of space and some resources and are just told to eradicate the creeper from the world. Another example is what XCOM 2 is supposed to feel like, but ultimately doesn't because the AI enemies increase in power alongside your units.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Off Topic / Gonna be hit by the newest hurricane.
« on: October 04, 2016, 02:17:46 PM »
It's gonna sweep my part of Florida and likely blow some stuff over and flood the streets. I'm gonna be playing D&D at a friend's house without power as the streets flood. Oh, and the water around my friend's house apparently has some brain-eating bacteria so if it floods, the entire neighborhood is gonna be playing "the floor is lava."

Anyone else getting windswept in the next few days?

Off Topic / Favorite song verse?
« on: September 21, 2016, 01:11:30 PM »
What's your favorite verse from any song that has lyrics? With these recent music hate threads, I thought I'd make one to think of what music they truly enjoy.

My personal favorite is from Manowar's "Sleipnir"

Carry we, who die in battle
Over land and sea
Across the rainbow bridge to Valhalla
Odin's waiting for me!

Yes, there's a lot of question threads, but I'd like this one to be a little more serious.

Previous questions & summarized community response:

Our previous question was whether or not robots could give consent to loveual acts. Your responses seem to have mostly depended on whether or not said robot was sentient, sapient, or not. To try and bring a conclusion to that question, and to bring about more questions, I shall ask, "Should sentient/sapient robots/AI be granted rights?" Rights in this context would be akin to those human rights described by John Locke, and those rights that are bestowed by the government to its residents. Again, with the advances in technology, this may become a political issue in the future.

Question inspired by:
Against a sapient robot, assuming that they are given the same rights as a human legally (which is its own can of worms), it could probably be classified as rape.

Off Topic / Would you suck a richard for a million dollars? [CONTINUED]
« on: September 07, 2016, 01:24:10 PM »
previous topic:

So, it's a new school year and I'm bored, so I'm asking people this question once again. I'm also taking suggestions for a new, equally shocking survey to entertain myself and the school with, since I'm drawing blanks on ideas.

Current school results:
Yes: 8
No: 16
More: 2
Less: 2
Death: 2

"I'm comfortable enough with myself to know I'm not gay, so..." -Unknown
"I'd do it for two." -Nicolas
"Is my name going to be on the survey?" >"No" >"forget yeah, then!" -Unknown

Because specifications are important, and people are too lazy to read the previous topic:
If the students ask for specifications, I will provide them. The specifics I've had to provide are as follows:
Length? 6 Inches
Circumcised? Yes
Someone I know? No
STDs? None
It's a normal, healthy human male. (Seriously)   [this one's because of you guys]
Time? Until he's finished. (This is almost always followed by several disgusted groans and yells.)
Do I have to swallow? No

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