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Topics - Flatflyer

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Off Topic / Ask the Bird obsessed kid a Question
« on: March 02, 2014, 03:12:00 PM »
Alright I guess some people are doing this so I may as well do one for me since I don't really talk about a lot other than avian related things 90% of the time. questions can still be about my avian obsession though.

so just ask me a question and I will try to answer it.

Alright so I'm just gonna start off with saying that this is my Opinion entirely on this subject.
I'm sure theres going to be someone who disagrees with me so Just want to let you know that
I'm sure you all know of the type of game where you earn money/resources from playing, upgrade/make something and have to wait from around 3 hours to a week for it to complete.

This trend has been popping up recently as of Iphone games coming out (or at least that's when I started to notice them).
and many companies and games have been using this.
but why?

well its a simple Idea that a Impatient player will instead of waiting for the timer to end, they will buy a Ingame Currency using real money to finish it instantly. thus creating profits towards the company.
seems simple and effective doesn't it?

Simple, yes. Effective, Not really.
Because you see, as you get people who pay for this and immediately advance through the game, you drive off other players that don't want to spend large amounts of money on things like this.
There is a much larger amount of people who don't spend money to rush these timers than those who do. and games that have this mechanic tend to make those players leave.

I honestly dislike this because in games that do this, during the time when the item is being made, I never actually PLAY until its done.
there just isn't any reason to until you get your shiny new item most of the time.

There are a few examples of this I can name off the top of my head:

Clash of clans: This game uses this mechanic all over the place, although it has a slight excuse because its an Iphone game which isn't meant to be played constantly

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot: This game use to use this mechanic for the castle defense system, but the devs finally realized that it wasn't effective and took it out.

Warframe: This is one of the Bigger offenders of this. This game has a crafting system which requires a ton of resources which will most likely take a few days to obtain, and then you'll have to wait 1-3 days for a new weapon/Warframe. then Include this with the fact some more basic things like keys for specific areas take about an Hour to make and a rare Item that is needed for every room in a Guild hall takes around a day to be made.

Really This mechanic should just be removed entirely from anything that isn't an Iphone game.

it isn't fun, it's boring and makes people not want to play

Off Topic / Best way to Bypass school's internet blocks?
« on: February 26, 2014, 04:02:11 PM »
well my school finally decided the Forums should be blocked so now I am in need of some work around to get by this.
I think the way it works is it redirects to the page where it says its blocked or something.

If someone knows how I can get by this I would appreciate it if you could tell me.

Here guys look at the Poster of it the Director made in about 10 minutes

Discuss having movies dedicated to you.
aka photoshop Images of your avatar onto Movies thread

also lets take a moment to remember this thread:

Games / Loadout is now Free to play.
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:27:34 PM »
you can get it here.

I've been playing it and its pretty fun.
Its pretty much TF2 meets Borderlands meets Saints row.
I'm surprised that I actually don't suck at it unlike every other Multiplayer shooter.

Games / Rogue Legacy Megathread
« on: January 27, 2014, 08:16:57 PM »
Credit to KelBlock for OP


Rogue Legacy is an indie platformer with roguelike elements by Cellar Door Games released on June 27, 2013 for Microsoft Windows and via OnLive cloud gaming platform. Macintosh and Linux versions of the game were released on October 16, 2013. PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and Vita versions have been announced for release in 2014.


The goal of Rogue Legacy is to explore a randomly generated dungeon, defeat four bosses in each of the four unique environments of the dungeon, and then defeat the final boss. Characters have the default ability to jump and slash with their sword, along with secondary abilities, such as magic attacks, which use mana.

Whenever a character dies as a result of losing all of their HP, control will transfer over to one of three randomly generated heirs, each with their own unique characteristics and abilities. Such genetic peculiarities include color-blindness (in which the game is presented in black and white), ADHD (in which the player moves faster) and dwarfism (in which the character is short and can fit into small gaps).

Gold found while exploring the castle is passed onto that character's heir and can be used to improve the abilities of any successive heirs. Gold can be found by smashing pieces of furniture, opening chests, or defeating enemies. There are also various fairy chests hidden throughout the castle, most of which require the player to complete an objective, such as taking no damage, in order to open.

Spending gold on the manor, which appears after a new heir is chosen, can increase stats, such as health and mana, and unlock and upgrade new classes that may be carried by one of the heirs. These include mages, which can use more advanced spells, warriors, who have higher strength, and assassins, who can use various stealth techniques and perform critical hits.

Gold can also unlock the blacksmith, the enchantress and the architect, who each provide their own services. The blacksmith can use blueprints found in the castle to create new armor and equipment for the player, improving their stats. Similarly, the enchantress can use runes found in fairy chests to give the player enhancements, unlocking additional abilities such as double jumping and dashing. Finally, the architect can lock down the design of a previously encountered castle (so that a new one isn't randomly generated) in exchange for a percentage of any gold found.

Any leftover gold must be paid to a grim reaper in order to enter the castle, though upgrades can reduce the amount required to pay.


Off Topic / I've hit 1000 Posts.
« on: January 20, 2014, 12:07:48 PM »
well I've made 1000 posts in about half a year of being on the forums.
I guess this means there's no turning back now.
the forum owns me now.

Off Topic / What do your friends (or family) think of Blockland Forums?
« on: January 10, 2014, 05:31:39 PM »

One of my friends at school who I told about the forums thinks its full of child enthusiasts.

Hey guys, I'm gonna be doing a bit of Livestreaming

Channel is

Currently streaming Rogue Legacy

I apologize in advance if I or my Voice or anything annoys you.

Alright things should be running smoothly now.

Nevermind my region is horrible for livestreams.

Off Topic / Merry Christmas everybody!
« on: December 25, 2013, 07:49:52 AM »
Hope you have a great season of giving and get tons of cool stuff today!
Merry Christmas!

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