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Topics - IkeTheGeneric

Pages: 1 ... 36 37 38 39 40 [41] 42 43 44 45 46 ... 60
Off Topic / April fools!
« on: April 01, 2011, 07:32:27 PM »
April fools! this isn't an april fools joke!

Man did I get you guys.

Off Topic / Your most hated holiday.
« on: April 01, 2011, 04:56:34 PM »
Quite simple, really. Which holiday do you dislike?

List your reason for disliking it, too.

I don't like holloween. It's completely commercialized, and there's no real history behind it.

Off Topic / Computer Doctor: My first youtube video!
« on: April 01, 2011, 02:21:03 PM »

This was as a test to see if I can upload videos.
I uploaded a video on my favorite subject.
The computer doctor.

He fixes computers.
He fixes your computer when it needs fixed.

Off Topic / Thread of general bragging.
« on: April 01, 2011, 01:18:12 PM »
Everyone hates a braggart, but sometimes you just need to tell awesome stories of yourself.

Just brag about stuff you've done, not that hard. And it also has to have happened before. No lying plz

Off Topic / My mother has great life stories.
« on: March 29, 2011, 11:03:37 PM »
My mother is always telling stories of her youth. She told me many things. She said she's partied, gotten dead drunk many times, and then there were some stories she told me that stuck out the most:

Her stepdad was driving once, and didn't notice a train coming by due to no warning signs for the railroad. The train hit his car, but was stopping already so he didn't get killed. He escaped with two minor cuts, if I remember correctly. Also, my grandpa seems to have a knack for cheating death.

In his old house, there was a gas leak that nobody noticed. My mom and my dad (who were dating at the time) went off to do something in town, apparently. He went off to do some lawn work, and while he was getting ready to mow the lawn, the house exploded. If he hadn't of decided to mow, he would have been seriously injured or killed :o

Also, my mom said she remembers a few times when she got drunk and hilarity ensued. One time she punched a hole in the wall because her boyfriend was being a douche. She also got so drunk on her 21st birthday because her brothers kept buying her expensive drinks, and she passed out in the bathroom.

And the last story I remember is where she was being taught how to drive by her mother, and two tornadoes touched down nearby. She said she was so scared she wanted to throw up.

Anyways, my mom is the coolest person in the world. Not only is she a gamer (She loves half-life, halo and starcraft 2), she's kind and according to her stories, she was quite a tomboy.

Off Topic / What is your favorite one-digit number?
« on: March 29, 2011, 10:09:18 PM »
Just that, your favorite single-digit number.

My favorite is eight since I can remember. It's strange, though. There's no actual reason I like it, I just do.

I also kick ass at writing eights.

Off Topic / Everything believes that you should stop being stupid.
« on: March 29, 2011, 08:47:12 PM »
Seriously, it's true. Ask them yourself.

Are you going to do this every time I start a topic?

Off Topic / Everything is perfect
« on: March 29, 2011, 08:24:08 PM »
Nothing is wrong, ever.

Nothing is bad, ever.

Everything possible is perfect forever.

Even flaws are perfect.

Off Topic / inb4thelock: The game
« on: March 28, 2011, 08:46:39 PM »
This is how this works: At any moment a thought may or may not enter my head to randomly lock this thread.

If the person who posts "inb4thelock" before the lock, they win. If they DO win, they'll be posted on the list of winners and a reason for why they're heroic.

Two minutes or earlier after locking, I will unlock.

List of winners:
sorrel - because I SAID SO!!!!!!
LeeroyBlockhead - not relly lol!

List of losers:

Forum Games / Military Frigate Holding You in Space - The second part!
« on: March 28, 2011, 10:17:40 AM »
Your space cruise took a violent pause and everybody on it was stuck drifting towards an asteroid.

Luckily, five people made it off with an escape pod, and the rest (Eighteen people) used a pirate's spaceship to go back to earth. Unfortunately, the pirates were obviously wanted men.

You were captured by a Military frigate, and imprisoned in a cell. In six days they will reach earth, and you will be sent to major court on count of many murders, stealing property and flying an unlicensed ship.

No doubt the court is going to want to listen to you, you have to find a way to escape!

This is a text roleplay that ends in seven days. It's not just a one-man text roleplay, many people join in and RP. You have to provide your character's first and last name, and his occupation on the cruise that crashed.

And there's only eighteen spots, so get cracking.

Jailed "Pirates":

Jake Kosh


Henry Donk.
Black man.

Roger MacTavish
Artillery Sergent

George melons
Melons family heir

Steve Yorst
Head Scientist

Jack Golem

Thomas Barrenter
Head Janitor

Lenuoes Kiolns

Every now and then I hear a contact request pop up, and it's always a person saying "Hi there! I saw your profile when searching and you seemed worth talking to" or variations of that same sentence.

It's annoying because I don't want to add these people, and I don't know them.

Also it seems like they want to steal something from me, because so many people are wording the requests almost the same.


Yes. Arkadel is the hellish island of the medieval Province, Pellsdoyl. You start as an adventurer who willingly accepts that he/she is ready for the outside world, and is booted out by his/her mother, given a branch as a weapon and sown armor. You start in the town of "Allesnatwhel".

It's going to be an RPG dungeon crawler with a twist. While PvE is the main thing of an RPG, PvE is mixed with PvP, meaning while outside of towns players can kill you.

There will be random trees that show up that you can knock down with your weapon (or the axe), and you will get the most useful item, logs.

You can make boards to make weapons, furniture, and even silly gag items like board stuck in a board.

So let's get started on some ideas I've had (With the help of madmitten and Edman2299K)

The weapon classes are Sharp, Blunt, Ranged and Hand.

Sharp: Sword, Dagger, Spear and Axe.
Blunt: Mace, Hammer and Staff
Ranged: Bows, Muskets or Crossbows.
Hand: No weapon equipped, Gloves or claws.

Ideas so far:
Mining ore to sell for money.
Building a house and furniture.
Falling trees that fall and kill you randomly.
Killer squirrels, bunnies, bears, turtles, fish and lions.
Caves and treasure chests containing good items for selling.
Clothes. Generally useless but just for looks.
Streaking. Taking off all armor and clothes.
Hats. Useless, but for show. Rare and cool looking.
Shoes for jumping and climbing. Walls that can be climbed can be climbed by equipping shoes in your trinket slot. Same goes for jumping. Even a rise of one inch can prove to be an obstacle!
Horses and other mounts.
Catching wood on fire.
Making bombs to open up pathways and hurt enemies.
\me command (Like "/me teabags your body" = Frank teabags your body)

In Arkadel, life was peaceful, save a few bandits or bear maulings. Then an evil necromancer built a giant tower with magic and summoned powerful beings to do what he wills them to. He commanded them to steal the souls of six powerful kings so he could rule Arkadel with an iron fist.

Sixteen years later, the kings are dead, and all of Arkadel is covered with a dense shadow. The inhabitants have grown depressed or murderous. Fish are mutating around the shores, bears becoming more violent, trees falling on people more often! You take control of an adventurer who just wants to make some coin and kill stuff regardless of what it is.

This is Arkadel.

So I need help, too! I can't do this entirely myself, so I need some people to help.

Two extra programmers who are pretty good at BYOND.
As many people as possible on making sprites.
If BYOND supports music and sounds, somebody who can make music and sounds.
Ideas. I need as many ideas as possible!

Also, you're possibly thinking "Why all these ideas but nothing coded?!" I just thought up this idea a few hours ago. I want to make sure I know what I'm doing before I do anything at all.

And those who do help make this, you will get a special hat once the game is done <3

So discuss Dark tales of Arkadel, and please help me!

Credits list:
Edman2299K - Helping me start this idea
Madmitten - Possibly helping me code, and giving me ideas
Frenchfrie - Helping me code

I want this to be a fun game for people to play, and I want to make a game.

It's always been my dream to make an MMORPG :cookieMonster:

Forum Games / Put your avatar on this picture.
« on: March 26, 2011, 01:47:51 PM »

The blockland group picture!

Edit your avatar in. Every page the OP is updated with the first picture on the page.


Off Topic / Teratomas - Seriously about the worst tumor imaginable.
« on: March 26, 2011, 09:57:40 AM »
Okay, tumors are scary already, right? Lumps of whatever the hell inside of your body killing you slowly.

Teratomas are about the scariest version of tumors possible.

They usually form with teeth, eyes and even a loving face. Search up an image of  them if you're ready for some loving disgusting stuff. Seriously, a teethed tumor.

My brother's comment: "Good lord that's loving disgusting. I think I lost my appetite"

Off Topic / I have had a relatively good day.
« on: March 25, 2011, 11:51:10 PM »
Usually like all days I have, this one was great and awesome.

I woke up not too late, but still late enough for complete daylight.
I go downstairs and there's just enough Mini Wheats (my fav cereal) left for one person.
I watched some TV. No shows really important enough to name.
Played on the computer. Made progress on a minecraft map and got lots of things done on Guildwars.
Had lunch. A toasted-bread sandwich with butter, ham, cheese and a fried egg. Was delicious.
Forumed a bit. Can't remember anything I posted lol.
Went outside and explored yard. Petted my cat some, ran around and took a walk through the woods.
Went back inside, made up a tall glass of chocolate milk.
Played SSBB with my bro. Was a fun match. He was Mario and I was Toon Link. He won :(
My mom made a shrimp and sausage gumbo for supper that was spicy but was like an explosion of flavor.
Forum some, read and have some good laughs.
I then made a thread about having a good day.

Good days abound, discuss about your good days and how cool they were!

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