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Topics - IkeTheGeneric

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Off Topic / Hey look, another thread about user search or viewer!
« on: February 04, 2011, 10:38:08 AM »

Huh? What is this guest doing?

Is he accessing admin controls? Is he viewing a hidden forum? Is it badspot?

Well what ever he is doing it's not that nice looking.

So discuss what "Nothing, or nothing you can see" means.

Forum Games / Sailing to Frostwall - A text adventure
« on: February 03, 2011, 10:58:28 AM »
The price of spices and herbs have driven up. Six coins per ounce. Lots of trading is going on.

The half-gallon sea is being used as a passageway between Halesbroke and Frostwall.

Frostwall is an underground dwarven city which is rich due to the rock holding large amounts of gold and other valuable stones. Because of them, mass production of coins and jewelry have gone up around the continent of Hammerfold, the dwarven capital.

But, lucky for you and your crew, you overbought spice when it was as cheap as paper. Sailing from Halesbroke to Frostwall would take months, but your crew is a bunch of greedy folks. Nothing could separate them from money.

You start the journey on the rickety ship "Old Man". Now, before you release the ship, you have to learn the names of each and every shipmate. But, unfortunately Old Man can only hold eight people before sinking, and the job can be done by three people at the least.

So you're looking for six people exactly.

So, state your name, your job, your age and whatever the hell you're good at, and the rest of the crew will decide if you go with or not.

(People signed up):

Nobody yet

Off Topic / Tipcreeput - The closest person to being a moderator.
« on: February 03, 2011, 10:41:10 AM »
His profile?

It says in the member position sorting in the member search that tipcreeput is the closest to being a mod.


Off Topic / My cat is trollin' me!
« on: February 02, 2011, 05:26:46 PM »
Okay, there's this cup that I have for when I'm playing on my computer and I get thirsty, but this time instead of being full of coca cola or anything it's empty.

I plan to use this cup for some orange juice to drink. But this cat is all like "I hate you and your cup" so he jumps up and licks the cup.

How disgusting is this? A cup I was planning to drink out of in the near future, and he licks it.

But the worst part is he sticks his entire face inside of the cup and starts breathing heavily. Why would a cat do this to my cup? What did I ever do to him?!

Off Topic / "Type x with your y!" Threads
« on: February 02, 2011, 12:03:17 PM »


Games / What is demon souls?
« on: January 29, 2011, 12:49:29 PM »
I wanna know

I was like "OO i check google" but then no because google kicked my internal organs

So what is Demon souls? I heard it was really hard, people can kill you even though you're on single player and that it's like monster hunter with IWBtG difficulty

Off Topic / I'm going to try to act the way I do ingame.
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:13:14 PM »
If you ask me, ingame I'm entirely different.

And the reason for that is because I have less time to react to people talking, I think less about what they typed.

I'm nicer, funnier and less persistent.

What are you like ingame other games? Although I admit, I am not as quick-witted, ingame I don't think about how stupid people are being, and instead I am like myself in real life :o

Drama / JPSC - Shut up and give them a chance to change!
« on: January 28, 2011, 09:55:36 PM »

JPSC has to be the definition of the newcigarette. Almost every thread in drama has JPSC saying the same exact thing. "He's new, let him change" and "It's not that big of a problem!"

You're being overly sensitive.
Grow up.
There's nothing wrong with it.
type in another font or color
get a drama

And so on.

When I made that thread about how people can't change, this jackass decides I'm totally wrong.

Gotta love Ike's Dramas.

After stuffposting a little while using Courier font for no reason, he says this smart comeback.

It's not fair to say that people never change, I started to use courier font and stopped. ;P

I said he needs a punch in the mouth and he replies (after six hours) with this

Because you would rather focus on my "dumb" posts rather than my "smart" posts.
I am smart when I think it's necessary.

I am not going to eat up a part of my brain to make a huge wall of text so you can finally call me a "smart" guy.
Really, I don't care if you think I am smart or not. I don't need your opinion to continue posting here.
You have no control on what I post or how smart I am. Please, you're a very sad person who likes to transform people into the same person you are, do some praying so you can finally get that grudge out of you. I did nothing bad to you.

Bolded is what makes this funny

I have said that IkeTheGeneric is trying to transform other people he throws his words into sad people, just like him.
You're not understanding my posts, are you?

If you're going to continue insulting me, you can forget about me and I'll ignore the rest of your posts.

Transforming people into sad people like me?


Rookie's right, I can't argue with a brick (you).

I said that Ike changes people into sad people, sadness is a negative feeling.

Again, what the hell is he talking about?

Why would I discuss something that I don't like?

Bad logic time!

What about the quote above is wrong?

If confronted with his issues, he calls you a bunch of names, ignores you for two hours and then posts an image to
sum up your quotation.

I, for one thinks he should be banned for being so dismissive.

"He should change, and I'm ignoring everything anybody said in the thread."

Off Topic / How would you react to your own death?
« on: January 28, 2011, 11:46:35 AM »
You can't really display emotions once you die. Many people never think about this, so why not answer the question?

If you were to die, what would be your own reactions and thoughts to your death? How would you feel about it all? How would you deal with the fact that you're dead?

Or in an other way, if you were somebody else who is a friend/lover of yourself, and you died, how would you react?

What if Earth was the only planet that had intelligent life? It would be extremely chilling for the same facts.

If we died out, and if we found a way to explore farther.

First off, if Earth stopped supporting life, and humans died, what would happen to space and time? Nothing would be intelligent enough to be aware of anything (Unless evolution is real). The entire place we call "outer space" would be empty. This means that if we were alone, nobody really knows how important everything is on Earth!

What would happen if we found a way for infinite space travel? Generations of Human beings flying across the empty place, seeing nothing. It would be extremely upsetting and creepy. Nobody wants to know that they're alone in a field of infinity.

So ask yourself this question; What if our world was the only world with intelligent, or even any life at all?

General Discussion / How many people actually play blockland?
« on: January 26, 2011, 10:03:19 PM »
Many people who are frequent to these forums are on the forums more than the game.

I'm not saying the game is unfun, I just don't see why you would forum more than play the game that the forum revolves around.

So discuss why so many people don't play Blockland but still forum a lot.

Off Topic / Weird website links.
« on: January 26, 2011, 12:31:39 PM »
Just what the thread name implies. Post links to weird and awesome websites that don't break the rules.

The internet holds billions of weird websites, so why not share a few?

Off Topic / Random google search!
« on: January 25, 2011, 09:53:25 PM »
The website

Just set the number of words to search, then press the big lovey button.

It is kinda nsfw since it is google so be careful.

Off Topic / My struggle with gaseous passing.
« on: January 23, 2011, 10:50:50 PM »
Hey guys I thought about farting, but I realized it would only bring misery. But the pressure got so bad, the fart burst through and out. A horrible wall of gas filled the room, and my only means of escape would be the upstairs passageway.

A tumble out of my chair proved difficult as I breathed in too much toxic gas, but I realized that I can filter the gas using my shirt collar and putting it over my nose and mouth. I quickly scrambled towards the stairs, the room filling with gas. My eyes started bleeding, but I made it out. I am posting this on my droid phone, my house is under quarantine.

Forum Games / Depressedjon - Jon's continual haunt
« on: January 23, 2011, 12:09:44 PM »
The setting of Garfield comics includes Garfield being a jerk to Jon for kicks. In this version, Garfield died at the age of three years old, and Jon was pretty indifferent. But this time, he is haunted by Garfield's mischievous spirit.

Edit a Garfield strip to remove only Garfield, and edit things that make the house crazy.


You must not remove any other characters except Garfield.
Jon cannot escape his house.
Jon has schizophrenia.
Jon is afraid of Odie

And please try your best at editing.

Progressed story:
Jon realizes that he's stuck in his house. He's hallucinating, and whilst doing so he's being terrified and stressed. Jon is depressed that he has no way of getting outside. He's tired, he hasn't slept yet. He's beginning to imagine that somebody is in the house other than him.

Random objects are attacking him, Odie is acting surprisingly strange. Jon has begin talking to himself. Somebody called Jon, threatening him. Jon's terrified of his house.

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