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Topics - carolcat

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Creativity / A Short Comic I Drew as a Father's Day Card
« on: June 19, 2011, 03:13:53 PM »

I drew this one-panel comic in a Father's Day card I made this morning. Note that this isn't the original size, I shifted the parts around a bit, but everything is still in order.

Semi-edited card inside:

The girl on the far left had originally had a thought bubble saying "you guys are nuts o-o" but PDN had cropped it to where it only showed "guys nuts o-o" so I removed it.

Feel free to rate x/10.

Off Topic / Birthday Today
« on: June 08, 2011, 01:44:38 PM »
Whoopdeedo, today's my birthday. I'm turning 12.

So far I've gotten $80, books, some Metroid-themed shirts, and some stuff from the Smithsonian Museum. Also I'm going out to eat dinner with my family at Texas de Brazil ("House of Meat" as my dad calls it).

Also, since I'm here, happy birthday MegaScientifical and any other forumers who have their birthday today.

And no I do not want cake from an insane lady in a bikini, I'll go get my own.

Off Topic / How Bad Can This Get...? (computer problems)
« on: April 29, 2011, 01:30:37 PM »
Well, my sister's had a few odd crashed with her computer: First Windows Explorer, then Media Player (the funny part was that it crashed while playing Still Alive). It's been awhile since her hard drive was corrupted, and we've been re-installing corrupted drivers because games don't work on my sister's computer anymore (they just freeze after a few moments).

How bad is this, and is there any way to fix it?

EDIT: Media Player crashed again after a few brief moments.

My sister's computer is running Windows XP, by the way.

Off Topic / well this could get rather scary...
« on: April 20, 2011, 12:36:12 AM »
its 10:30 pm right now where i am, and stuffs going down

were getting hit by a loving huge storm right now, my room is like a strobe light from all the lightning. the wind is insane, and im not too sure i want to look outside. i can hear the rai---
OH stuff
i cant see a damn thing right now
im afraid my window is going to break
we dont have any power and im posting on my dsi
im so loving scared right now
im all shaky
i cant see a thing

tl:dr this storm is frightening

edit: still cant see anything, havent tried weather channel, surprised i have internet

thank god it quieted down, can i have power now :c

Off Topic / learning to type properly...
« on: April 08, 2011, 09:52:41 PM »
so today i figured, hey, i need to learn to type properly eventually. so i was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions on learning how to. currently my mom has put a pair of underwear over my keyboard (?), but its making my hands all sweaty currently.


Off Topic / New Graphics Card, Bad News
« on: March 01, 2011, 10:37:07 PM »
Ok. So ever since a big storm hit my town, my sister's graphics card had shorted out or something, despite being on a surge protector. It was only the morning after, when she tried booting up her computer, that we found out that the power outage and large series of brown-outs had killed her graphics card.

My dad ordered a new graphics card for her, and it came in today. It's an ASUS ENGTX460 overclocked card. He tried putting it into her computer, but encountered a series of problems. Apparently, the card was way to big to fit into the small amount of open space in her computer. Secondly, even if it could fit, there would be no way for it to work due to the fact that her computer had a specific power port. That, and the card required 2 power ports, but her computer only supported 1.

As I'm coming home from my art class, my mom says that I "got a new, spiffy graphics card". So I'm assuming that meant I got my sister's new video card, and I was right. My sister's computer had received my old one to take it's place. However, when my dad tried starting up her computer, he received a message telling him the Windows had become corrupted. With that being said, my dad re-installs Windows XP on her computer. As he reboots it, the hard drive is still corrupted. So now he has to reformat the computer's old hard drive and then install XP.

So my dad's plan is to set a hard drive from one of my old computers as the primary hard drive, and use the native hard drive as secondary. From there, he plans to move all of my sister's files to the temporary drive and then reformat the native drive. Afterwords, he'll move all of the files back to the computer's native drive and see how it goes.

Just throwing this out there, if you've got any suggestions, they're welcome.

Gallery / Look at What I Forced my Sister to Build!
« on: February 05, 2011, 12:42:25 PM »
Ok, so since January, I've been giving my sister pixel art requests. Here is what she's done so far:

^Currently, this is her hardest pixel art yet. It took her several weeks to finish. This is Samus' ship from the game Super Metroid (SNES)

^Fusion Suit Samus from Metroid Fusion (GBA). This was her first pixel art and took a few hours to finish.

^SA-X sprite from Metroid Fusion (GBA). This was her second pixel art, and it took about an hour.

^Yoshi from Super Mario World 2 (GBA). This one was by request of another player, iSala.

Img2brick was not used because neither my sister or I have it. Besides that, it would take the fun out of everything.

Help / Trouble with one of my add-ons on my server
« on: February 03, 2011, 04:45:20 PM »
Ok, so yesterday I noticed that my server preferences/control button didn't show up in my admin menu. Since I got it through RTB, I checked my add-ons list to see if I could find it. With no luck, I ran through a check of the add-ons I had active and deleted any I had downloaded that day. Then I tried hosting my server again, but the server control/preferences still wasn't there. After that, I checked my controls in options to see if I could find the key-bind of it, but I couldn't.

Figuring it might have been deleted, I ran a quick check through my add-ons to see if I could find it there, but with no luck. Thinking it might be a glitch, I made a back-up of my add-ons folder and un installed RTB. After that, I re-installed RTB and checked my add-ons list and server. The server preferences/control didn't show up on either.

I was thinking I should check through my add-ons folder, re-install Blockland, or delete all of the downloaded add-ons I have and start from scratch to see if that would work. I haven't tried it yet because I wanted to have some input from you guys on this. My sister told me that she still had the option to edit server preferences, so I'm thinking that the bug or glitch has only affected my Blockland.

I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on what to do to solve this problem or any ideas on what might be causing this problem.

Off Topic / Zip File Extracting Program Suggestions?
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:03:17 AM »
Okay, so I have a few zip files that I want to extract in order to use them, but I don't have any program to extract them with. Rather than going out and downloading just any zip file extractor, I was wondering which one you guys might recommend.
Please note that the program needs to be free and without a limited trial.
Just in case an OS version is needed due to compatibility, I'm running Windows 7.

Help / Dying Whenever I Load a Save
« on: January 18, 2011, 06:02:37 PM »
So I've noticed lately that whenever I load a save file, I always die. I know it's not a kill brick because sometimes I spawn where the save doesn't have any bricks.
Not that this is interfering with anything else, it just gets a little bit annoying after a while. Any ideas on how to fix this, or is it something I'll just have to deal with?

Creativity / When my sister gets bored...
« on: January 16, 2011, 11:25:34 AM »
She draws these:
Texting Troubles

Marshmallow Lover

Cookie Thieves

Credit to my sis for drawing these. She wanted me to post a topic for them.
Feel free to rate each x/10

Off Topic / What Monitor Are You Using?
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:41:16 PM »
Simple: What type of monitor are you using currently?

I have a Cathode Ray Tube, booyah. This thing weighs a ton.

Off Topic / Cleverbot wins Macine Intelligence Award 2010?
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:18:52 PM »
So I'm sure most of us are familiar with the AI Cleverbot, right? So, today I decided to pay the little guy a visit and happened to notice a little news banner. It stated that Cleverbot had won the Machine Intelligence Award 2010...
When did this happen...
And I thought that Cleverbot was a pea-brained AI similar to Monty. Apparently it has potential.

wtf, discuss.

Off Topic / Would you rather have...
« on: January 04, 2011, 09:38:27 PM »
So this is basically a simple forum game. One poster will ask the next if they would rather have one item or another. Then the next poster must answer with the one they would rather have. He/she would then repeat the chain by asking the next poster a question. See example:
 Poster 1: Would you rather have eggs or cheese?
 Poster 2: Eggs. Would you rather have a car or motorcycle?
And it continues from there. I'll start:
  Would you rather have a DVD or CD?

Topic name is self explanatory. You know how in some games, movies, or TV shows, the people have clones and how sometimes the clones are evil? And when they kill the clone, mainly the person who was cloned, is it considered murder or Self Delete?

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