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Topics - Butler

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Off Topic / Need external hdd
« on: June 15, 2011, 02:21:12 AM »
Is this a good external hdd?

Clicky dese bwue words

Also, how portable are HDD drives? I'm assuming it's HDD because there is no ssd as big as 1 tb... YET.

Off Topic / Want to find flash game
« on: June 12, 2011, 12:14:47 AM »
My bro recently told me about this flash game. He said it's a lot like phage wars only it's a map of the real world. I can't seem to find it. Please help?

General Discussion / Unlimited mining
« on: June 11, 2011, 12:26:30 AM »
Is there a top?

Help / Not wielding anything in unlimited mining
« on: June 10, 2011, 09:33:21 PM »
In the unlimited mining mod it says I have a pickaxe in my inventory, yet, when I select it I do not wield anything.

Help / Can't use console in own dedicated server.
« on: June 10, 2011, 05:47:11 PM »
Title pretty much says it all. I am the owner/host of the dedicated but a get and error:
Code: [Select]
==>findclientbyname("Erythros").player.mountimage("SwissArmyGun_Image, 0");
<input> (0): Unable to find function findclientbyname

<input> (0): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'mountImage'
BackTrace: ->ConsoleEntry::eval

Any help would be appreciated. And what is eval? I see references to it a lot and it bugs me.

Modification Help / Stunstick tumble.
« on: June 03, 2011, 10:40:43 PM »
I just need to know why this doesn't work. I can't figure it out. then again, I dunno what I'm doing either, so I'ma hoping to learn something as a result of this too. My part is the part commented out.

Code: [Select]
package stunstick
function stunstickProjectile::OnCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal)
if(%col.getClassName() $= "Player" || %col.getClassName() $= "AIPlayer")
parent::Oncollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal);
function stunstickProjectile::OnCollision(%this, %int)
if(%col.getClassName() $= "Player" || %col.getClassName() $= "AIPlayer")
parent::Oncollision(%this, %int);

Gallery / -=IMAGE HEAVY=- {K} Krypt Application -=IMAGE HEAVY=-
« on: June 03, 2011, 01:48:51 PM »

Some of you may know that I was in Krypt awhile back. I was kicked out due to inactivity; since then i've been wanting to join but never really got around to it..

This build didn't take me too long, don't ask 'cuz I have no idea. The build is currently 21,658 bricks.


Outside recreational area.

Trampoline that actually trampolizes.

Super long gay ass tunnel that really has no reason to be as long as it is.

Other end of the super long gay ass tunnel that really has no reason to be as long as it is.

Indoor recreational area.


Treadmill actually treadmills

Bathroom doors.


Toilet that has a toilet gun.

Gurls bathroom.

Cell block.


Upper level cell.

Stairs to upper level cells.

Top of stairs to upper level.

Hallway to hole.


Maximum security door.

Maximum security bridge ON

Maximum security bridge OFF

Maximum Security cell door.

Maximum security cell.

Maximum security cell observation.

Hallway to maximum security cell observation room.

Treasure chest in prison? WHAT.

The other end of that hallway that leads to that hole.

That hole that the one hallway leads to.

The door that you see in that hole.

Open the door to reveal this walkway.

This is the room that the walkway is in.

Another angle of that very same room.

Not so secret secret way in/out of that very same room.

Other side of that door on the other side of that walkway.

Hey look, another hole!

Entrance to prison from the main lobby.

Main Lobby.

Weird generator thing.

Another weird generator thing.

Bunch 'O Crates.

Police HQ/Armory Hallway.

Ploice HQ.


Hallway Leading outside.

Not the way outside.

The way outside.


More Stairs.

Long hallway to locked door to outside.

Name of Prison.

Overview of cubescape above prison.

Warden's House.

Warden's garage.

Warden's front door.

Warden's front hall.

Warden's useless door to empty room.

Bird's eye view of cubescape.

HOLY stuff. That's a lot of pictures :cookieMonster:
Uhm... I guess you can rate x/10?

Games / Creeper World
« on: May 27, 2011, 07:16:43 PM »
Creeper world.


Off Topic / NCIS/NCIS Los Angeles
« on: May 14, 2011, 03:33:39 PM »
These shows are the stuff.


« on: May 10, 2011, 11:46:09 PM »

Games / Erythros' 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server 1.7 update
« on: May 08, 2011, 10:10:22 AM »

It is a Bukkit server. Thus it has mods.

Also, I used a seed!
Seed URL!

IP =

All the freakin' time. This is a 24/7 server. What does this mean. Well it means just that. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. So really. All the time.

Because I want to play with other peoplez


NOTICE! = Bukkit has released a up to date version. However do to my never ending wisdom, all of the locks were erased. So relock all your stuff peeps. Type /cprivate then click your chests/furnaces/doors/what ever you do not want other people touching.

  • FlowControl -- Control if/if not water/lava flows with redstone.
  • GravelClay -- Water turns gravel into clay.
  • LWC -- Lock your chests, furnaces, signs, dispensers and doors!
  • Permissions -- Permissions

  • No greifing
  • No trolling


Butler/Erythros: Hosting server.
BrickyBob/MC77: Helping write permissions (technically he didn't HELP. He did it all for me), mah fella niga
I had to rewrite permissions for update. And I did it all by myself. MC you would be proud.

Suggest mods. I'll probably say no to alot. But I'd like to enhance gameplay.

I need a log.

  • Tralgon - Greifed, then lied horribly about it.
  • maxwell10206 - Just being a general friend.
  • Behmeno - Dumbass stealing friend.


Games / Minecraft 1.5
« on: April 16, 2011, 02:44:12 PM »


        I've decided to start my own Minecraft Megathread since I have only seen threads for Minecraft servers and not the game.

My Story

        I recently just got this game, like last week, and I've been addicted. Awhile back I tried it, but it was the classic version so there wasn't really anything in it. But my bro bought it and showed me all the badass stuff that comes with the full version. I then bought it and I've been addicted to it ever since.


        Notch plans to release the 1.5 update next week! forget yes.

Just post your name and IP and ill add

  • Erythros:

Suggestions & Requests / Health Bars
« on: March 30, 2011, 03:47:50 AM »
Health Bars. 'Nuff said.

Off Topic / The trolling thread.
« on: March 28, 2011, 11:42:58 PM »
Unleash all of your trolling intentions here.

I wont continue till alot of votes on teh poll. in the meantime   :trollface:

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