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Topics - Tomcat

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Games / Minecraft Hackers: Really? What the forget guys.
« on: May 12, 2012, 11:40:04 PM »
I don't know, just, I don't know. I never thought BL users with the exception of a few would be stupid enough or morally defunct enough to hack at a videogame where it's easy to destroy what other's have made, but there are a few. I don't like any of them, and while I may not like doing this, but some of them are my friends.

I know two hackers, Messes and Edman. I played with them, and didn't like their personalities. We opened up on a conversation about what happened on Butler's server, and it soon turned to hacking as Edman uses a mod which enables him to crash servers.

also, I told them i used xray on butler's server.
I really didn't, if I did it would show up on his anti-hack log.

Games / Can anyone host GMOD?
« on: May 05, 2012, 05:07:27 PM »
I was wondering, because it'd be cool if people could co-op through the HL2 campaign with gmod weapons and construction.

Forum Games / Surviving the Future Apocalypse: 2072.
« on: April 28, 2012, 07:22:40 PM »
You awaken in a dilapidated, old rundown store in the middle of ACM City.

You haven't eaten for about a week since the infection began, and, frankly you don't expect to. The problem is water, you've run out of water since the water lines broke down yesterday. You need to find water.

You found a old US Army Pulse Pistol in the back of one of these drawers. It is your only weapon against the horde, and, to be honest, it won't do much good against those hulking monstrosities.

Those hulking monstrosities out there used to be your friends. Now they're nothing. All of them died during the infection, the whole town did. Your parents (your brothers and sisters were off-world) and your friends are ALL DEAD. If you die, who will remember you? You will, and that's why you need to survive. Should he go out? And before that, what is his name?

Help / SP serv crashes 5 min into startup.
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:16:36 PM »
     I use a Mac OSX Snow Leopard machine, and, my crashes about 5 minutes into a singleplayer game. I've tried removing RTB, re-installing, vanilla, etc., but nothing works. I need help. I have console.log and launcher.log down below, console.log has trace(1); put on it.
I have T+T, Wh40k weps, and RTB enabled.
I can't upload the console, know any free upload sites that do not require an account?

« on: March 30, 2012, 10:07:55 PM »

« on: March 02, 2012, 11:15:11 PM »

Games / Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
« on: February 26, 2012, 07:30:01 PM »

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is an online multi-player game, wherein the players interact with each other over a network, in two teams (Allies and Axis) to defend or destroy mission objectives. The game is playable over the Internet or a Local Area Network. Like many online games, cheating and exploit communities exist. To prevent cheating, the anti-cheat program TZAC is used in some competition mods. In public games, PunkBuster used to protect the game, however its developer, EvenBalance, discontinued support for the game in October 2011.

Character classes

Each character class has several unique abilities. Every class except the Covert Ops can use the Thompson (Allies) or MP-40 (Axis); No-Quarter and Jaymod also have functionality for shotguns in this way. In Jaymod, any class can spot landmines, even if they are not a covert ops.

The soldier is the only class that can use heavy weapons. They are: mortar, portable machine gun (MG42), flamethrower, and bazooka/Panzerfaust. The bazooka or the M2 Browning are available to allies on No-Quarter as a replacement for the Panzerfaust and the MG42 respectively. On the No-Quarter mod the Venom machine gun and the BAR (Allies) or StG44 (Axis) have been added as well. Only one ammo pack is required to restore the flamethrower to full ammo. Leveling up gives the Soldier benefits such as the ability to run with heavy weapons, instead of being slowed down, increased charge rate and more ammo when spawning with an MG42, Panzerfaust or mortar.

The medic has the unique ability to drop health packs, as well as revive fallen players with a syringe. They also regenerate health at a constant rate, and have a higher base health than any other class, which makes them the most common class for close-in combat. When a player has achieved skill level 4 in medic, they get Self Adrenaline, which enables them to sprint without draining the sprint meter and take less damage for a certain amount of time. If the medic has reached level 3, he will receive a green syringe that can revive players to full health. The revival sequence can take anywhere in between 1 and 3 seconds.

The engineer is the only class that comes equipped with pliers, which can be used to repair vehicles, to arm/defuse (dynamites or land mines), defuse enemy satchel charges, or to construct (command posts, machine gun nests, and barriers). As most missions require some amount of construction and/or blasting of the enemy's construction to win the objective, and as defusing dynamite can be very useful, engineers are often invaluable, and one of the most commonly chosen classes. The engineer is also the only class capable of using rifle muzzle grenades. Once the Engineer has constructed a command post, this often creates an additional spawn point for the team to spawn at. Often, constructing a command post will provide health and ammo cabinets nearby, for example, the Allied command post in Fueldump.

The field ops is a support class that has the ability to drop ammunition packs for other players, as well as call air strikes (by throwing a colored smoke-grenade at the target) and artillery strikes (by looking through the binoculars and choosing where they want the artillery support fired). On No-Quarter, airstrikes can be blocked by crouching over them, or canisters kicked in a direction, for the airstrike to fire elsewhere. This class has low initial health, but makes up for having an unlimited supply of ammunition. A common practice is to 'farm' for XP outside a friendly spawn and lay ammo packs for collection by teammates.

The covert op is the only class that can use the scoped FG42 automatic rifle, the silenced Sten, and a silenced, scoped rifle (M1 Garand for Allies, K43 Mauser for Axis); he also uses a silenced version of his side's standard pistols. The covert ops has the ability to wear a fallen enemy soldier's clothes to disguise himself and infiltrate the enemy base, throw smoke-grenades to reduce visibility temporarily, and place remotely detonated explosive charges to kill enemy soldiers and destroy enemy structures such as command posts and certain other objectives such as light barricades and ramps. With his binoculars, the covert op can reveal enemy land mines, making them visible on the field, map, and radar for his whole team. The covert op will lose his stolen uniform when he fires a gun repeatedly, depending on the loudness of the gun and whether he's being watched by an enemy. A high-level field op can also recognize a disguised Covert Op, but cannot directly reveal him to his team mates.


There's not much to say except that it's a team-based, fun as hell shooter that's free and is really satisfying.
Play it.



Games / S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Megathread.
« on: February 06, 2012, 10:32:54 PM »

     The STALKER series is a series of video games that centers around the "Zone of Alienation" in the very-true city of Chernobyl and the accompanying town of Pripyat. The games revolve around three characters: Scar, The Marked One, and Major Degtyarev. It takes place in the Chernobyl Area after a group of post-Soviet scientists create a body of psionic masterminds welded together to create a supermind, and unwittingly, creating the psionic background of the Zone of Alienation, contributing to the mutations due to radiation, and scattering anomalies, which are psionic/radioactive hotspots around the zone of alienation.
     There are three games in the STALKER series: STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl, STALKER: Clear Sky, and STALKER: Call of Pripyat.

     The gameplay is much more fun and much more simpler than Fallout or standard RPGs. There are no stats no skills, and that's one of the things that sets it apart. It's all of your aiming, and all of your stuff. You have to do quests, as you can't simply just sell off everything, as you can only carry 50 kilograms of gear. Scavenging is important, and "stashes" hidden caches of weapons and armor can be found throughout the game. Enemies range form bandits and the ones you make yourself, and religious fanatics and mutants. Exploration is a must, and one of the main factors to surviving are the artifacts you own, which are only obtainable from going into anomalies (or shooting them out) and help you fight radiation or increase your health.

Down to opinions:
     Now, you may be thinking; "What in God's loving name sets this apart from all of the other post-apocalyptic games like RAGE or Fallout?"
Well, there are alot of things that I think set it apart. Aside from the obvious setting, story, and gameplay differences, there are plenty of things that the other games don't have, or that STALKER doesn't have.
It's more of a action oriented game, leaning towards more of the FPS side rather than the RPG side. There are not stats, no agility, no strength represented by numbers. There isn't a skill for shooting a gun or talking your way out. It's all in the player. Want to get a perfect headshot on that guy across the hall? No stats, it's all you.
     Plus, it's more serious. While there's mostly no change in setting in STALKER, neither do the other games, and STALKER possesses a great deal more variety than Fallout or Rage in that respect. STALKER is a serious game (mostly). Just don't be surprised when you find a dead Gordon Freeman in some ass-crack of the world.
I also think that the gameplay is more plot-oriented. While in Fallout you can go off and do other things (never found the main plot interested in NV or F3) in here, it's more confined, as in, there's a objective, and you go after it. There are still tons and tons of side quests for the multitudes of factions, and in Clear Sky (even though it's the buggiest one) you can join a faction, and be shot on sight by other factions, and feel that you're in a real conflict.

Screenshots: image dump.

Games / Run full-blown PC games- on a tablet?
« on: January 22, 2012, 08:06:04 PM »
Holy stuff.
Take a gaming computer wherever you go, loving literally.

Year: 1920.
Location: Burgstown, USA.

Twelve shots reported, two dead bodies at 116 Clermont Road. Calling for police to arrive.

You awoke out of a nice sleep on the PD's lounge couch. After a coffee binge and a few shots of rum you're up and ready to go to the crime scene. You take out your badge, and discover stupidly, that you did not fill out your name when you got it a few days ago.


Creativity / Agedale; A Dwarf Fortress fiction.
« on: January 07, 2012, 11:12:55 PM »
        'The this that I hate most, is when something you think is one way, turns out the next. I thought that this damn place was bad, now i don't know what to say. It was the same damned story that happens to every one of these dwarves. Delusions of grandeur, loving rat bastard advertisers giving  us misleading information. No use grumbling over it now, what's done has been done. I'm surprised that I fell for this stuff, after what my brother went through, rest his soul. We went to the ass-end of places, sweated like pigs, and received nought from our own people but words. I'm sick of words, they do nothing. They do not put sustenance into our starving bodies, they do not put liquid into the parched life, they do now mend the wounds or our scars, and they do not eradicated the evil that threatens us today.'
   Urdin Tômas "Tom" looked up from his journal. The room was cold, with a chilling breeze emanating from under the door. The cracked stone wall oozed with slime, something he had to clean every few weeks. He grabbed the mug of wine, the blood red liquid sloshing out of the smooth stone interior. The journal was bound in leather, the motto "We need not fear what is known, only what is known," burnt into the cover. The paper was a finely made pig-tail parchment. His pen, a stylus of stone dipped into blue dye, was made with care and precision. Papers of his sketches and poems lay strew across his table. The walls of his room were engraved this images of dwarves fighting, monsters laughing, and the ever-present depiction of blood. His table, which was made of the finest obsidian, had a dull luster and was the only that that shone in Agedale. The only thing that shone but the gleaming obsidian swords of the military.

   Tom looked at the vast open plain. He had never seen such land as this, nor had he ever felt such a strong breeze flow through his beard. He was born, raised, and learned in the Mountainhomes, and had never seen the light blue sky until 3 years ago, when it was his age to venture out and delve "secure lodgings" into some hunk of rock. The journey had taken three years, and the entire wagon train- save his- perished in the journey. He himself had almost lost hope. But we were here, and as was the tradition, we would settle down, live a happy life for about 3 years, and die in the most excruciating way possible. He led the wagon, which was pulled by a horse and a mule, down the gently sloping hill. The river proved a challenge, but they managed to get over it without losing but one dwarf. Death was a daily occurrence by that time. When they first settled in, they were amazed at the fact that nobody died. Tom, a miner, knelt down and kissed the ground, and said a silent prayer to ók, his deity. He chose the spot- right next to the magma pit, a nearly bottomless pit of heat and molten stone. The reason for settling here- the magma. This was going to be the forefront of industry for the dwarves. He nodded to his close friend, Vabok, and started delving into the earth.
   A month later, they had carved a nice little hole for themselves. It was a few bedrooms, two crafting areas, and a farm. Life, so far, was alright. Tom passed the days by dallying off, completing the work that was assigned to him by the overseer, Rith. The stone, however hard, gave way to their copper picks with due time. The stone was then hauled to anywhere and everywhere. They each got a room, and life continued, and continued. All that continued until he heard the overseer talk.
"Listen Tom, I uh, need to talk to ye about something," Rith said.
"Yeah, it's that the caravan is going to be forgetin' pissed off when they come here, aaaand the reason is because we haven't made anything particularly useful or pretty."
"So, is it my damn fault?"
"No, it's jus' that everyone seems to be as bored as hell here, and, well, you're going to have to dig deeper."
"Oh. Just say so."
"Yeah, but, be careful. It 'ad be a tragedy for you and Vabok to get melted from breaching th' magma chamber."
Tom nodded, and picked up his pick. He headed for where Vabok was standing, leaning against a rhyolite wall and drinking a mug of ale. The two miners knew each other well, and had learned the ins-and-outs of mining at the same quarry.
"Hey, Vabok, have a minute?"
"Yeah, sure"
"The man wants us to dig deeper."
"No probl'm."
That was the end of it.

Off Topic / I learned how to walk again!
« on: December 30, 2011, 02:58:35 PM »
After being in crutches for a few weeks (building up my legendary crutch-walking skill) I can now learn how to walk again. Hooray me!

Off Topic / I have a forgetton of questions about Warhammer 40k.
« on: December 26, 2011, 10:17:19 PM »
This is a topic for me, (and generally other people) to ask questions about  40k because some of it confounds and confuses me.

Why are all of the space marines (Especially the female and Inquisition ones) all on permanent PMS?

Why didn't the Emperor use his mackicalmaly psychic powers to prevent the Horus Heresy?

Why are all of the armies except the Dark Eldar virgins?

Why are all of the xeno races excluding orks, necrons, and tyrannids gay/biloveual?

Forum Games / Nuclear Earth
« on: December 03, 2011, 11:10:50 PM »
Nuclear Earth

      In the year 2040, resources were running out. The oil tapped at Antarctica was running. Most of the new oil wells were big enough to power a small town, but not a entire nation. Iron, once considered the most abundant resource excluding dirt and humans, was actually running out. To gain resources, world powers were absorbing smaller countries to gain their resources. It eventually came to five nations: Australia and the Indonesian Islands, China and most of Asia, Europe and Russia, Antarctica and Africa, and North America and South America. Possessing nuclear weapons and running out of resources, they launched all of their nukes to attempt to destroy one another. This act just resulted in the nations destroying themselves. Now, bands of the surviving humans have risen out of the ashes.

Time: Year 2162.
Every year is one day.


Keep the RP realistic, I don't want everyone saying "lol I have nukes now". No, bullstuff.

If you're going to start a war, you must check with me first.

Don't suddenly start off with 3,000,000 people in your country. The population of your country is 1/4 of your country's current pop plus the original population. This occurs every year.

*Alliances can't be formed until your population is atleast 5,000, then ask a country if it wants to form an alliance.

**Not a necessity.

*** You can create your own warning scales.

Guys, keep your gains realistic. You can't traverse an entire state within a year without dealing with the thousands of mutants, raiders, perils, natural disasters, and other bad stuff in Nuclear USA.
Also, I'm going to make a new rule that allows only two mines per year in a country. The amount of mines increases every year. You can sacrifice the two mines to get one mine that has a super-resource, like titanium, gold, oil, uranium, etc.

Things you may do:

Start a war, if you really need to. Contact me before you do. THIS IS ABSOLUTE. When you PM me, I will post in the topic allowing the war.

Form alliances. Contact the person you'd like to form an alliance with before you do so.

Establish trade routes. See above.

Terrorist attacks, covert operations. You don't need permission for these. The target country cannot retaliate until evidence is given that proves the attacking country's involvement beyond a reasonable doubt. Minimum is 1/2 of a year.

Whatever you can think of that's not below.

Things you may NOT do:

Suddenly claim you have 39492 nukes. You have to announce when you create new super weapons.

Nuke anything (Yet)

Have super weapons. (Yet)

Start a nuclear war once nuclear weapons are enabled.

Base your country off of a game.

No laser weapons. I will allow prototype laser weapons when one country reaches 10,000 people. Then you have to scavenge for research and parts, which takes a year, and build it/ throughly research it, which takes another year.

Use real world leaders to represent your country IE: Riddler, Stalin, Bush, etc.

Have really stupid and handicapped named like "SUPERGUNNATION" or "MINECRAFTLAND" or "NEW CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC." Be creative.

Anything you could think of that's completely stupid and unrealistic, use common sense.

What applies for robotics applies for laser weapons.

To create heavy industry and factories you need to build factories which takes at least 1/2 year for 2 factories.

Country Organization:

Country name:

Flag(Make it with Paint.NET or a flag creating program):

Government type:


Root City/State:

Population(Max is 15,000 for now, you start with 2,000.):



Alert posture***/**:

Location (Number/Name):

If someone would be kind enough to make a better map, please do so.

Country List:
Chicago Phoenix
New Mexico
The United Order of Utah
New Ohio
Religionists of Seattle
Territorial Federation of Florida

Super Countries:
None yet.

Known Raider Bands:
Pastor Johns

War - Resolving  armed conflict in the wasteland.
   Now that things are heating up, it's about time I explain the war system. Each side(s) will post the amount of forces taking participation in the battle, their training, etc. Weapons are not important. A mediator (usually me, sometimes a neutral country incase of conflict with my country) will determine the probabilities of both sides winning. There are a few types of resolutions to a battle (not wars. You may have won the battle, but not the war.) You can role-play out the battle/war as you go.

The more troops you put into a battle means there is a more likely chance of success, but means more casualties.

Major Victory - This results in a major loss for the opposing side. The other side is completely eradicated, with the surviving troops, if any, captured. The winner only loses 1/20 of his/her/it's army. The loser's morale is crushed. The winner's morale is at it's maximum point.

Victory - This results in a loss for the opposing side. The loser loses 1/4 of his troops in the battle, the rest retreating to fight another day. The winner loses 1/14 of his/her/it's army. Morale for the winner increases. Morale for the loser decreases rapidly.

Minor Victory- This results in a minor loss for the opposing side. The loser loses 1/8 of his forces. The winner loses 1/10th of his/her/it's army. Moral for the winner increases slightly, morale for the loser decreases slightly.

Stalemate - Nothing is gained, nothing is lost but men. Each side loses 1/12 of their forces. Morale on both sides deceases.

Ultimate Stalemate - This stalemate means that neither sides can break each other until something twists the tide of the battle. Both sides dig in and lose 1/16th of their forces each year.

Minor Loss- Loser loses 1/8 of his forces. Loser's morale decreases slightly.

Loss - Loser loses 1/4th of his forces. Morale decreases.

Major Loss - Loses loses all of his forces in the battle. Morale is crushed.

When you take casualties, subtract it from your population. I was tired of stuff by people in other Earths having the same population after a nuclear war that should've eradicated half of their population.

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