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Help / Fatal PNG error
« on: June 08, 2009, 04:29:18 PM »
This is getting maddening.
On my friends servers, about 3/4 of the way through the datablocks loading section, a window pops up and says:
"Fatal ISV: Error reading PNG file. IDAT CRC error"
The game freezes and I have to use one of the Windows keys that open the start menu to get out of BL. I check the console.log file and it says this:
"Fatal-ISV: (\dev\Blockland\trunk\engine\dgl\ @ 80) Error reading PNG file:
 IDAT: CRC error"
Heres the thing though. It happens only on 2 servers, Rykuta's and Spock's. I have everything Spock has, and it STILL crashes.
NOTE:Anything negative about me, Spock, or Rykuta will be Ignored.

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