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Topics - Ipquarx

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Drama / Amy (BLID 6431) - betch nyegguh
« on: June 23, 2014, 04:52:54 PM »
I was feeling like playing some speedkart, so I joined AnthonyRules144's Speedkart server. As soon as I join I'm greeted with Amy spamming up the server.

I know I'm probably late, but nobody else has ever mentioned this so I don't imagine too many people know about it.

On January 15th, the project known as TorqueDev has been officially updated and released as open-source software. More specifics about the release are at and I will summarize them here:

First off, the project is no longer being developed by the creator. He says if you make any major changes that drastically improve the project, he'll consider making them official.

Second, the project is now licensed under the GPL license, which means you're free to modify and distribute and use it as you like, as long as long as you keep it in the same license.

Third, the licensing system and auto-updater has been removed from the final release.

So, go ahead and enjoy what is currently the best TorqueScript editing IDE available.

Music / WolframTones Dance loops
« on: May 13, 2014, 08:44:06 PM »
So I was playing around with WolframTones and I decided to record the stuff that wasn't absolute stuff.


All are ~30 seconds long, mono, loop nicely, and are encoded at 6KB/s for a total size of ~179KB per song.

Note: if MEGA fails, I cannot control

Help / Unable to load shape player/m.dtsttttttntttttttttttttttdtt
« on: May 11, 2014, 07:19:05 PM »
What is with this error? It seems to pop up every other time I try to join a server.

This is the only clue that pops up in my console.log:
Code: [Select]
ERROR: File "Rr2mhlvmrnhfhapes/player/m.dtsttttttntttttttttttttttdtttitttttttltt
tttttltwttttcttttttttttttttttttttttctttttttctmdttttittttttmtttttttttttttttt" is
not in one of the default directories
Connection error: Unable to load shape: Rr2mhlvmrnhfhapes/player/m.dtsttttttnttt
Issuing Disconnect packet.

Drama / Mr. Jmorra79 (BLID 47306) - Spamming at Zix's Randomizer
« on: May 06, 2014, 07:29:50 PM »
Because Zeblote de-admined me for no reason and is too loving lazy to make sure the server is properly administrated

Off Topic / A Pure Psychological Question...
« on: May 04, 2014, 04:29:52 PM »

Add-Ons / Server Polls - Like Server Voting but better!
« on: April 14, 2014, 07:23:00 PM »
Hello all, I'd like to introduce a new mod called Server Polls.
It's loosely based off of Dephurites' old "Server Vote" mod, but shares no functioning code with it, and I made it because that version was an absolute pigsty, riddled with bugs and sloppy code.

Its most basic function is to allow admins and up to create polls that everyone on the server can vote Yes or No to.

It has 3 main commands, the first two being restricted to admins and the third being available to everyone.

/newPoll (Duration of poll in seconds) (Poll topic) (or /newVote)
Creates a new poll with the given topic that will last for the specified number of seconds. Admin-only.

Ends the current poll if there's one currently going. Admin-only.

/SV (Option) (Or alternatively /Vote)
Locks in your option for the current poll. Yes, yup, y, etc. to vote for Yes, and No, nope, n, etc. to vote for No.
Accessible to everyone, and the command will also tell you the topic of the poll again if you've already voted.

Example! (With pictures!)

The following commands, when used by an admin, will be shown in the server like so:
/newPoll 120 Is Ipquarx the coolest thing since sliced bread?
/Vote Yes


By chance interested in downloading said mod? Marvelous! Just click on this here button:

Off Topic / My posts are equal to my ID!
« on: March 31, 2014, 05:08:37 PM »
Hello fellow forumers, today is a glorious day.

For today, approximately 4:10 PM local time for me, my post count is now equal to my BLID. You guys provide weeks and weeks of entertainment, and for that have a large red heart

Off Topic / What should my grad quote be?
« on: March 05, 2014, 10:53:28 AM »
Quick guys, I have no idea what my grad quote should be!

Rules: Cannot be inappropriate.

Off Topic /
« on: February 20, 2014, 10:28:49 AM »
let's get this stuff going

Previous topic:


Off Topic / (3) wild Terraria's appear!
« on: February 18, 2014, 08:13:06 PM »
So for whatever reason I suddenly have 3 gift copies of Terraria:

ITT: beg me for terraria

EDIT: Copy one going to Caribou!
#2 going to Momentum and #3 going to TheKid

Off Topic / My computer is probably possessed
« on: February 10, 2014, 09:35:42 PM »
Hey blogland forums, today I post this topic to bring to attention a very particular issue with my computer.

No, this does not belong in the PC megathread because as far as I've been told, it's unfixable.

But still, the issue itself freaks me out and is incredibly annoying.

Anyways, every once in a while my computer will start to freeze itself up. A few seconds every few minutes, and then it gets more frequent.
Once a minute. Five times a minute. Until the damn thing is nearly unusable.

But not only is it doing that, it also forgets with the graphics on the screen. The most prevalent example of this is my cursor.

The cursor itself has very erratic behaviour, sometimes it'll change based on what your mouse is over and sometimes it won't.

Don't believe any of this? Well here's the most common permutation of my cursor when typing:

It's cyan, red, and I'm pretty sure it's leaving parts of the pixels themselves fully unlit. This pattern doesn't change at all, but it does take even more disturbing forms.

For example, the hand cursor.

And some common Paint.NET cursors.

I took those photos with my webcam, as it won't show up when you take an actual screenshot.

Think it couldn't get weirder? you were wrong

Sometimes, when you click on something that has that "give this program admin priveledges" popup happen, the screen will flash white with red squares of various intensities literally cascading down the screen.

I've created this picture to show you what it looks like, as I haven't been able to get it on film, my camera has horrible exposure controls.

And they would be sliding down the screen and some of them would flash randomly.

I'm seriously not kidding one bit here, this is freaky stuff.

Suggestions & Requests / 100 Floors: Blockland Edition
« on: February 09, 2014, 08:25:03 PM »
I was recently playing this game on my iPod, and it's pretty fun. I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of ways of going about making this into a blockland gamemode of some sort.

For example, one of the floors could be having to win a game of pong against an AI.

Off Topic / Cloudflare???
« on: February 04, 2014, 11:17:59 PM »
The error page showed that is now using cloudflare

does this mean no more ddoses?!

Modification Help / Making code excecute after addons are finished loading
« on: February 03, 2014, 08:18:39 PM »
How do you do it? Solution has to work on both dedicated and non-dedicated servers.

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