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Topics - Mr.jacksaunt

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Games / Bisjac won the name draw, he wins the Ghost Recon Beta key
« on: June 18, 2012, 10:28:55 PM »
If Bisjac doesn't claim his key by Friday it's going to Moriarity.

Games / Does anybody know what Garry's Mod Map this is?
« on: June 17, 2012, 12:27:12 PM »
I know there are hundreds of thousands, but I was looking through mega bear's screenshots and saw this one.

(my name was nurse jackie at the time)
It's a small nighttime map with some scare triggers and sounds. I don't know if anybody can tell from these screenshots at all.

Games / (VIDEO) Using a nuclear strike in Arma 2 CO
« on: June 15, 2012, 08:45:08 AM »
Sorry if theres some bad framerate, recording nukes isn't the best thing for my computer.

Off Topic / Who is this "Wound" person?
« on: June 13, 2012, 09:17:06 AM »;u=45118
Just registered a few days ago, 330 posts, seems inteligent enough, has a transparent 75x75 gif (most new people don't) high ID number.
Is this guy an alt or cool person?

Games / What games should I buy?
« on: June 11, 2012, 07:12:26 PM »
So I have $40, I'm wanting to buy MW2, GTA 4 or Killing Floor.
I have
Arma 2 CO
L4D + L4D2
Portal + Portal 2
Give reasons on why or why not I should buy MW2, GTA 4 or Killing Floor.

Games / Does anybody know what CS:S map this is?
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:47:55 PM »
I know there are hundreds of thousands, but I was looking through my screenshots and saw this one.

It's a warehouse with a ton of boxes and a platform in the middle, it's a gun game map I think.

Off Topic / 8th grade trip
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:29:58 AM »
So my grade is staying at a resort hotel thingy.

Person not looming at camera is Royalmilkshake.

Music / Can someone test this .ogg?
« on: June 02, 2012, 08:08:34 AM »
I looped a song and converted into an .ogg file. I pasted it into Blockland's music folder but it doesn't show up. I used to convert the mp3 to an ogg, it's probably no difference, but I've had bad experiences in the past with certain mp3 to ogg sites.

General Discussion / I need good administrators for my server
« on: May 31, 2012, 05:24:48 PM »
I'm planning on hosting a server with Zloff's Beta ME3 pack. There might be a decent amount of people, and my friends who administrate always get into fights with the players, which drives them away. I'd also like people who are available more often then my friends are. If you think you'll be a good admin and you want to, say so. I pretty much know everybody here, no need for statistics.

Gallery / VIDEO - Stratofortress's F-18
« on: May 28, 2012, 10:04:02 PM »
Just a small demo, not the best video quality, but meh.
Uploading in glorious 720p that took about an hour to upload so be happy.

Off Topic / Story I wrote for English class
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:34:02 PM »
Soldier Charles Davis
107th soldier platoon
Dated 6/15/19 - 6/25/19
Rebellion held section
Location: 63.570718,-143.347721

The small medical room was in desperate conditions. Several of the Rebellion’s soldiers had been injured in the attack on the mountainous compound, they lay helpless in makeshift beds on the ground. With barely any doctors around, it would take days to get to all of them.  Medication, bandages, food and munitions were sparse in the small area. The Government had set up the two story 6000 square foot base partly in a large mountain to base their covert operations out of, the supplies were low, not very many Government soldiers lived here. Our rebel forces had attacked the building in hopes that they could hole up in the area without very much attention towards us. In rumors passed around other soldiers, the attack had been such a surprise that the Government hadn’t even been able to send a distress call. This was especially good for us because this would give us time to prepare until a patrol would stumble upon us.
Unfortunately, the building was a short mile from a large valley. Not an ideal place to fight. The Commander, high with pride, said that very valley would be the area where the Rebels would repel all the attacking forces. Although, me and the other soldiers weren’t so sure about that. The Government had overwhelming forces. Tanks burdened with weapons, helicopters filled with eager soldiers, trucks that can run down trees. Their list goes on. Yet we only have the clothes on our back and whatever gets shoved into our hand.
Commander Brenigan ordered everybody to meet right outside the base for an address. As we all gathered, I started to hear a negative vibe throughout the crowd of 200 people.
“This is just a last stand at best,” I heard a soldier say, “Self Delete.”
“What are we all doing here? This is all act of pride.” Another said.
        All the chatter around started to morph into a deeper, negative tone. As Brenigan walked up to address the crowd, people started to pick out what he was looking like.
“His face looks red!” someone shouted.        
“Probably just from hearing us.” another added.
As he prepared to speak, everybody started to quiet down. A “hush” sound fell over the crowd.
“Okay soldiers, in the coming days we will probably be attacked with no prior warning. We have some supplies coming to us from a special source that wishes to aid us in the ongoing campaign to destroy our friend, the oppressive government.” He spoke in a not nearly confident voice.
Although no one was talking, everyone was thinking about how young the Commander was. He was 29, he had fought for the Government in past years, he had worked his way up to a Sergeant but then resigned to join the Rebellion. The man up top and placed him as Commander because he showed some good leader capabilities.
“We will set up in the coming days in defense against the coming forces. Unforchantly, because of how quickly the enemy is expected to retaliate, we need to treat wounded men who can get on the field faster first. More men will mean victory. You will be assigned jobs to undergo for our defense soon after this.” Brenigan dismissed everybody to do whatever they had been doing before.
Throughout the day, men started being called up and told to do jobs. The building, becoming more sparse every hour, felt empty. Everybody was welcome to go anywhere outside within loose parameters, so I decided to go see what progress had been made.
        “Wow.” The three letter word was the first thing to come into my mind.
        More supplies had already arrived, large pre-built fortifications had been dropped down by helicopter, anti-vehicle obstacles littered the valley except for one road, with scattered holes showering throughout it. I counted nearly 60 until I stopped. Realisation came slowly to me, there would be only one thing that would be put in those holes.
6/18/19 - 10:00 PM
        Over the course of a mere three days, everything that could be thought of for defense was there, in our grounds, in our possession. It no longer seemed like every soldier, including me, were being faced against incredibly huge odds. It felt like the tables had finally turned for us, everybody had an ecstatic feel about them, not regret, not “butterflies”, nor the feeling of being near death. It felt like defeat was no longer going to happen.
My thoughts tended to steer towards what I was going to do after everything was over, I kept to myself, I didn’t want to bond with anybody and have a bad experience with them dying. Or if both of us made it out, I would never want to share an experience like this with a personal friend. Friends are supposed to talk about nice things together, share nice experiences with each other and have nothing terrible to both remember.
        6/25/19 - 7:25 AM
        I haven’t wrote anything in nine days, nothing huge has happened as of late. A few previously wounded people making a full recovery, a funny conversation at a mealtime. Everything is prepared, everybody is ready and armed, and attack is going to have something to stop it. Attack is already been confirmed imminent, only the time hasn’t been.
6/25/19 - 2:17 PM
        Enemy transport helicopters and gunships have been spotted, their estimated time of arrival is in an hour. The Commander has sent everybody to their barracks to get into gear and write in their journal if they have one. I’m ready, set and able to go. Every soldier has been told to leave their journal in their bunk. If they die, someone will mark it at the end of their most recent log that they have been KIA.

        On a more positive note, I have been put into a good squad of guys, they are more then able to survive, I’m hoping that they can help me if I get into a pinch. I’ll be heading off into the field very soon to go to my group’s post. My squadron leader is already calling me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of log~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

forget the forum's lack of word to bbc code, everything looks messy.

Creativity / Guess what I made in art
« on: May 01, 2012, 09:03:47 PM »

The Ascii terror was made using sand, and 2fort was made using some sort of cray-pas.

Off Topic / Guess what I made in art
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:51:23 PM »

The Ascii terror was made using sand, and 2fort was made using some sort of cray-pas.

Gallery / Three Team Beach Landing KOTH
« on: April 27, 2012, 07:08:19 PM »
Basically me and a friend, Mr.Kitkat, wanted to build something yesterday evening. A day later, a damn near finished build is here

Ariel shot showing all 3 team spots and the C130 that moves on it's own

The pillbox

One of the lvcps

This build has ambience! If you want to download and listen to a direct recording of the sounds, click here.
Basically three teams try to capture the pillbox for the longest time they can. I plan on hosting fairly soon.

I've looked around and approximately 20487 people have not posted out of the total 35612 members.
Also, the majority of people who have made 1 posts total are from 2005

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