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Topics - Yosher

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Forum Games / Overworld 2 - locked
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:38:42 AM »


What is this?

It's World of Chaos 2 again except without a stupid name and a different character template.

Can I still participate?


That is all then.

Character making rules:


- a ripoff of an already existing character.
- too overpowered.
- just plain ridiculous.

Classes(you can combine two if you want)

Swordsman - Swords and such.
Mage - Uses magic, mostly elemental.
Spearman - Uses pole arms, spears and halberds and such.
Marksman - Projectile user.
Maceman - Blunt weapon user.
Mechanic - Uses mechas to fight, either transforms into one if cyborg/robot, or spawns them. Can use mechanical weapons to fight as well but only if the second class is the class that the weapon belongs to.
Thief - Very fast, uses either daggers, throwing knives, whips, or nothing at all if combined with Martial Artist class.
Martial artist - Uses martial arts to fight. Can only be combined with either Thief or Mage.


Human - Just normal humans.

Goblin - Goblins used to only live in the mountains or underground, but now, a lot of them live elsewhere as well. The majority still lives in the mountains, though, but no one knows why. Perhaps they just like it there.

Fishman - Fish-people who used to live at the bottom of the sea but are now spread over the entire world. They can not only breathe both underwater and on the surface, but also get twice as strong underwater.

Elf - They're very similar to humans except they have different traits. They have a very large lifespan which can go up to 1000 years, meaning there are some who have witnessed the core of the earth exploding, and survived. An elf's life is like this: 10 years after birth, they enter adolescence. They stay in adolescence for 50 years. After that they will be fully grown adults and stay in that state for about 200 years. After that, their bodies grow old and they become official elder elves. Most of them are very wise and know at least some form of magic.

Cyborg - Humans who have engineered themselves to be half robots. Some did it to be "advanced humans", others did it because they were heavily wounded so they replaced their organs with mechanical ones.

Robot - They were created shortly after the explosion of the core as workers to help rebuild the world. After those times, they blended in with everyone else and now have lives of their own as well.

Undead - Dead creatures can be brought back to life with a certain kind of dark magic. The result is an Undead, which can be in the form of either a zombie, a skeleton, a ghost or a mummy. This is not just limited to humans. They are not as common as the other races and they can usually be found in extremely dark and creepy areas.

Animal - At first, animals were not a big part of life. Eventually, humans and elves started raising them by teaching them their language and standards. As a result, a lot of animals can now talk and are more advanced than ever. Humanoid animals exist as well but are not as common as normal ones.


or , but this is only for animal characters who want to be a humanoid animal except a bit smaller.

Special Ability:
Little Backstory:
Weapon(please post a sprite):

Character list:

Name: Geno
Race: Human
Class(es): Swordsman, a little bit Mage.
Element: Wind
Special Ability: Devil Arts, except he now has a bit of control over it.
Little Backstory: Fought off a great evil a year ago, is now ready for even more adventuring.
Weapon: Dual Shortswords

Name: Not revealed yet.
Race: Time Gear(this is exclusive to only this guy, you can't be one.)
Class(es): Martial Artist, a little bit Mage.
Element: Time
Special Ability: Can stretch arms and legs to a certain extent.
Little Backstory: A Time Gear who lives in the Alleys of Time.
Weapon: None.

Name: Verrou Vecthrall (pronounced væk-tral)
Race: Elf
Class(es): Mage, Marksman
Element: Light
Special Ability: Spatial Tether - Can physically/magically link himself to an object, and then either bop, pull or twist it. Can be used as a ninja rope if used on a surface.
Little Backstory: Served Vardet Vantas, Geno's magician companion on his first quest, until he reached adolescence this year and became a skilled mage himself.
Weapon: Visolator's Focuser - Verrou's favorite wand, given as a present for his tenth birthday. Can shoot either small mana blasts or long concentrated beams of searing perishment.

Name: Uli-Tal B'resk (Yewlee-tahl Barresck)
Race: Human
Class(es): Mechanic, Marksman
Special Ability: Reverse engineering ability. Basically, he can take apart something, then know how to:
rebuild it
build a copy
and modify it/make it better.
Little Backstory: A mechanic from a small rural town. Hates snakes. Likes big guns. Really likes to go hunting.
Weapon: Dual function heavy rifle. Can switch between rifle rounds and shotgun shells.

Name: Whisk
Race: Humanoid Animal
Class: Thief, Marksman
Special Ability: Stealth - shortly becomes undetectable by sight, scent, or sound.
Little Backstory: Grew up with a family of thieves and assassins, but they are not historically smart people.
Weapon: A bow and a dagger.

Name: Sentry
Race: Robotic MG
Class: Mechanic, Marksman
Special Ability: Rockets - Shoots out 4 rockets to take down an enemy a lot quicker.
Little Backstory: When constructed its creator died of age. Grew up with his only robot friend, Tlp300.

Name: Aero
Race: Human
Class(es): Mage and Marksman, uses mostly Lighte/healing-related magic
Element: Light
Special Ability: Solar Flare: Makes his hand in the shape of a gun, or pointing at the enemy; then he shoots a straight, narrow, beam of light at the enemy. This only blinds them. If he uses it with his staff, it could possibly burn them.
Little Backstory: He graduated professionally from the Temple of Lighte, the elders taught him all the Lighte magic they knew, and they taught him the greatness, and the kindness of light. He then learned how to heal people, something that no other student at the Temple could do. Light seems to bend around him, making him glow a little.

Weapon: Sevine. A golden staff with a glowing ball of blue-ish light in the middle. Using this staff increases Aero's attacks and other magic spells by a little.

Name: Meaza Selam

Race: Fish(wo)man/cyborg

Class(es): Spear(wo)man

Special Ability: Sonic scream - Ability to generate vocal sounds of a higher amplitude than a normal being.

Little Backstory: Was in a bad traffic accident at a young age and obtained a cybernetic arm prosthesis.
Weapon: The "Self Delete Special"

Name: Otis
Race: Robot
Class(es): Martial Artist
Special Ability: brown townysis (Can brown townyse objects and certain living creatures)
Little Backstory: Designed as a robot to work in a key-making factory, Otis eventually became self aware and escaped with a key to an unknown door. He eventually shut down in an unknown facility. As a robot, he possesses incredible strength, but lacks pain tolerance and can shut down by barely hitting his hands. It is unknown where his scarf came from
Weapon(please post a sprite): Bare hands/claws

Still waiting for:

Nothing, currently.

Note: Aces said that he cannot be in the adventure for a while so his character will not be added or resprited until he can.

I'll update later today. In case you forgot where it left off, click the link at the top and go to the last page.

Off Topic / found this in my geography textbook
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:36:45 PM »

there's two variants of this problem:

1. it will just restart the video from 0:00


2. here's an example:

10 minute long video. i am on 7:43.
then it will abruptly end and the length of the video will change to 7:43 until i refresh.

does anybody else have this problem sometimes

Off Topic / friend zone
« on: May 26, 2013, 05:21:03 PM »

Drama / Can you people please loving stop?
« on: May 09, 2013, 05:44:25 PM »
Stop making millions of different topics about the same subject. We all know about Eepos and Lando and their ridiculous antics but that doesn't mean you have to spam the forum full with things we already know.

Stop it.

when suddenly

sorry but this is so hilarious i just had to share it with you guys

can someone reccommend me a decent graphics card

i'm sick of my current one

i get 4 fps on sonic generations
it's the reason i barely have any games in my steam library: i can't loving run them.

i can't even run super meat boy
i mean come on

Suggestions & Requests / Child threads
« on: May 02, 2013, 02:16:01 PM »
Wouldn't it be very handy to have an option to do this:

-You make a Minecraft Megathread.
-You can make Child threads inside of it to discuss different stuff in different child threads, for example:

Minecraft Megathread
  • -Help thread
  • -Player Skins thread
    -Play tips thread

It would greatly reduce the amount of topics made. And instead of just putting it all in one topic where multiple discussions will be mixed together creating confusion when trying to look a certain thing up, everything major in Minecraft would have its own Child thread which would be easier for people to look up things.

Off Topic / rip in peace spellcheck
« on: May 02, 2013, 04:13:58 AM »
let us relive our greatest memories using spellcheck

may its sole rest in peace

write your final words on this gravestone to honor spellcheck's death

Off Topic / Happy Queen's Day!
« on: April 30, 2013, 11:08:10 AM »
A new king has been crowned in the Netherlands today, so it's actually King's Day now, I believe. Anyways, to those who live in the Netherlands, happy Queen's Day!

Off Topic / Futurama is getting canceled.
« on: April 24, 2013, 10:16:46 AM »

brb gonna go down to seaworld and punch a dolphin in the eye

Games / looking for a certain game
« on: April 24, 2013, 01:39:44 AM »
looking for this game i used to play when i was younger

it was a platformer. you played as a green alien who was looking for his parents, i think it was that at least. the game had about 10 stages, and i can vaguely remember the 7th and 8th stage being aboard an airship/spaceship. i think the last stage took place in a cave but i don't know for sure.

does anybody know what this game is called?

Off Topic / internet explorer 6 simulator
« on: April 07, 2013, 10:05:59 AM »

I don't care much for the others but almost every time I start up my computer and open Google Chrome, Adblock and all my other extensions aren't activated. Does anyone know why this keeps happening and how I can fix it?

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