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Topics - Nom|Aplem|Nom

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Add-Ons / Aplems Colorset - From RTB
« on: May 29, 2011, 11:32:38 AM »
Title: Aplem's Colorset
Summary: Whip out your sandwich it's gonna get messy!
Submitted By: NomAplemNom
Date Submitted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:45 am
Description: Aplems Colorset

Again? I know right, it seems I can't stop doing this kind of stuff. But better yet, my last colorset I locked due to the fact people were being stupid on it and because I noticed. It was lacking the browns and greys. So whip out your sandwich cause it's gonna get messy!

This time I made sure I got it right! This colorset is packed with delicious colors that make you wanna pee yourself! The browns and greys are in great order and a big variety and all the others are spot on!

This magical colorset includes:
Aplems Standars
Aplems Bolds
Aplems Browns
Aplems Greys
Aplems Trans
Aplems Specials - Small Tweak
Aplems Specials 2 - Small Tweak

So yes, if you have noticed I put a section called "Specials" because I believe there should be a good open variety of not just plain boring flat colors. But some odd shades and good colors for those builds you want "class" in!

Have fun you silly ducks you.


File Information:
Version: v2
Filesize: 995 B

Download: /!\Download Click Here/!\

Clan Discussion / [TCG] Teh Cool Guise - Need members - Fixed now
« on: May 29, 2011, 02:09:47 AM »

Welcome to [TCG]'s clan page. After one clan I decided to leave to die failed I decided I will make this one to replace it. We are devoted to keeping a good nice clan and to also keep it together. I do not want to let this clan die so lets see if we can keep this going. The clan tags are of course TCG. Any questions can be answered by simply posting here or PM'ing Aplem!

Want to join? Simple make an application! You can either build, event, model or script. Look below for the following steps to join...

Build an application of any sort.
Build must be over 2,000 bricks.
Must have a reasonable presentation for the build and a decent amount of pictures.

Make an event brick of any type.
Must have 15 events or more.
Video or pictures and a good explanation of what is does and how it works.

Make a model of any type (gun, lamp, car, etc.).
Model must be decent and "Blocko".
Decent amount of pictures and a good explanation of what it is.

Make a script of any type.
Needs at least 20 lines or more of code.
Needs video or pictures and good explanation of what it does.

All of the things on each list must be completed will full honesty and to your best ability. Things needed are low at the moment to get members but later on the clan will advance.

Here is the list and position of every person on the clan.

~ Aplem - Clan Leader - Builder/Eventer/Scripter

Please join we could use the help!

Are current projects are listed below so anybody can know what we are working on!

The clan HQ/meeting place is under way, pictures will be posted later on.

Some of the clan addons.

Some questions and answers.

Q: What is this clan?
A: Please read the whole clan page.

Q: When will we see pics of the clan HQ?
A: When it is ready to be shown.

Clans that we are friends with and are helping also. PM Aplem if you want to join together!


The SS GALE was created by Aplem of (Nom|Aplem|Nom) a while ago. It was not finished though, I decided I would finish it and refurbish it. The SS GALE is a fast cruiser type ship. Lets get into explanation:


The SS GALE is a 8 person crew ship.

The SS GALE is an observer ship. Very important in battles because the crew is specially trained to develop tactics for the battle. There are 6 scanners throughout the whole ship that allow quick radar access and an easy scan of the area.

The SS GALE is guided by 2 smaller battle and carrier ships known as 'Pigins' and yes I meant to spell it that way.

The SS GALE has an interesting exterior and is very thin on the width side so it can dodge lasers when going straight to the battle area.

Pigin Info

Not much to the Pigin but it is a 9 person carrier/drop ship.

Holds 2 red plasma laser cannons.

The Pigins are known mainly for a guide not really a combat ship. They usually also drop off troops at war zones.

Well now pardon me for not getting to the pictures I guess I better!




On my last topic I was told to work on the exterior a-lot and not make it flat walls and more wedges, ramps and more. So I did that and made the exterior a little overdone on wedges and ramps and the Pigins I will honestly admit rushed just a little but the main idea is the SS GALE. Not the Pigins.

Thank you [BAN] for all your great tips on the last topic and I hope this time I can make it in!

S.S. Harbird


The S.S. Harbird is a Cruiser class ship. Does not have any guns but mainly just a small plasma jet powered cruiser.

Holds 18 people. (yes very cramped)
3 man pilot crew. (part of 18)
The seats as shown in the video are set up like a train. (some odd reason I do not know why I did that)
2,300 bricks in total.

Video (because I do not feel like taking pics I just feel like making a video that will take 2x as long)

Sorry for long beginning it explains the whole reason for the shape of the ship, crew, and purpose.

To the members of [BAN]

I absolutely and totally respect the clan and all the members. The builds are amazing and far beyond what I have seen anybody do, the clan is nicely set up and is very organized into how you want it to be. Several times I look at your clan page and get excited to think... maybe I can be in there one day. May not be today or next week or year. But if I do not get excepted I will still hold all respect for the clan and let you continue on your business.

Off Topic / I Made a Mix Up - Cookie Monster
« on: May 22, 2011, 09:31:17 PM »
I made a mix up of the Cookie Monster with Adam Sandler because I was bored and had nothing else to do.

Add-Ons / Event Set - Target Events - Ported
« on: May 22, 2011, 09:04:59 PM »
Target Events

Target events are an old addon created by Ephialtes and Space Guy. What eventually happened sadly though is on Space Guys SpaceMods website is the link does not work anymore. I then was one of the very, very few people who had this addon and was currently using it. Eventually some started to beg for where to get it and for me to post a link. I got mad and decided I will port this so here I am porting this.


Comes with the targets:
An easy to use events set up.


I bet all you wanted was this and some pictures.


Image taken from Space Guys SpaceMods site.


I did test this on a default installation and everything worked fine. Please report and bugs.

Known Bugs

Targets will not fall down in some cases. (you can use events to get around it)
Some servers may lag with moving targets. (just use stationary targets)

Gallery / Lego Based - Small House
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:18:53 PM »
I decided to make a small house because I was bored. This was based off of Lego instructions so that's why its small. Well I do not want to hold you back!

Do you wish to download this small house?
None. This uses default colorset and default bricks! Have fun.


Welcome to the [NNC] clan page! After many months the clan is now back and running! We expect to make this better then the last page and WAY more organized. In which we do vow. In this clan we realize that everyone has a certain building skill. So for that case there is several things you can apply for if you are not so good at building, such as eventing, modeling & scripting! Now if you want to apply for the clan just look right below this and you will see the "How To Join" tag. Read over that and apply using those standards for that subject. The clan does not need the top of the top best builders, at least a good decent builder. Decent modeler, eventer, scripter. So no SUPER high expectations to join but you must follow the application guidelines. The clan also runs on a voting system to join, that means that members of the clan that go on the Gallery page and look at the app can say yes or no. Which ever number of no/yes overrides will let the person go or let them in! So thank you and have a good day!

Want to join do you? Well look at the expectations for how to right below.
To app for a:
- Make a decent build that is not a complete square box.
- The build must have some sort of shape and have windows.
- Build must be more then 4 colors.
- The build can have no interior but if not must have a great exterior.

- Make a script for either a server or client.
- Script must be medium, not to short or long.
- Script must be of some use.

- Make an evented object with more then 15 events and must be medium complex.
- The only events you can use to make the contraption must be VCE and default events.

- Make a gun or tool.
- Must be sort of complex.
- Low poly item.


Builder - None
Scripter - You can make server events also!
Eventer - None
Modeler - None

Clan tags must be NNC (yournamehere) [rank initials]

SM - Super Member
FM - Full Member
MM - Medium Member
OM - Okay Member
N - New member
Look below at ranks for more info!
You will also be told what rank you are when you join and advance in the clan.

Want info on our clan servers? Want to look at some of our info? Right here, right now.

Clan Server Info:

None at the moment. Once more members join THEN we can have some info on current servers.

Hosting A Clan Server:

In order to host a clan server you must have permission from the clan leader (Aplem) and then tell what the server is about here.

Current Servers:

Current clan ranks best to least:

- Super Member - Always active and attends almost all servers.
- Full Member - Is active alot and attends good amount of clan servers.
- Medium Member - Is active quite frequently and attends a decent amount of clan servers.
- Okay member - Is active but not alot
- New - New to the clan

Clan Leadership:

- Leader - Aplem
- Co-leader - Leonstormrat23
- Secretary - None

Current Members:

- Aplem - Clan Leader - SM
- Leonstormrat23 - Clan Co-Leader - MM
- Munk - Member - N

Apply you fools!

None yet. Will start official project once more clan joins.

Off Topic / Cheesy Joke Thread - Post Your Cheese
« on: April 16, 2011, 01:31:04 AM »
Hello. Post your cheesy jokes.

1. Slimming Down
A man was standing on the scale, sucking in his stomach. The man's wife sarcastically said, "I don't

think that's going to help."

"Sure it does," he said. "How else could I see the numbers?"

2. What do you call someone who doesn't fart in public?

 A private tutor!!

6. When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice safe
 playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.

7. I'm a light eater. As soon as it's light, I start to eat.

8. I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where
the Self Help section was, she said if she told me it
would defeat the purpose.

9. The evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening,' and then
  proceed to tell you why it isn't.

11. Atom Humor
Two atoms are drinking at the bar. Suddenly one says to the other, "I've just lost one of my

"Are you sure?" asks the other.

"Yes," replied the first atom. "I'm positive."

13.  The wise never marry.
  and when they marry they become otherwise.

15.  A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired.

16. Conversation
 The real art of conversation is not only to say the right
 thing in the right place, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at
 the tempting moment.

17. You can listen to thunder after lightening to tell how close
  you came to getting hit. If you don't hear it never mind.

18. You can always pick your nose but you can never choose your face

19. Ever wish someone was a whine bottle and you could put a cork in em?

20. Constipated People Don't Give A crap.
21. Jay Lo Cal barely dressing

22. what do you call a fish without an eye?  ....a fsssshhhh

23. I drank 8 cokes today... I burped 7-up

24. How do you make a venesian blind? poke him in the eye

25. ask not what your country can do for you, ask who in your country you can do
                                                            -President Clinton

27. Did you hear about thr new Chinese novel called "Spots on the Wall"     by Who Flung Poo?
    whats green and brown, has 4 legs, and if it falls on you could     kill you?
                                                            Pool Table
    what do you call 4 Mexicans in quick sand... Quatro sinko

    its like my daddy used 2 always say... "you can laugh now, but when     u stop... you wont be


    whats a cow with no legs... ground beef.

33. Why dont you take a long walk off a short pier

36. love is hereditary.  If your parents never had it,
  chances are you won't either.

37. A computer once beat me at chess, but it was  no match for me
  at kick boxing.

39. Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips?

40. Glasses
 A policeman stops a lady and asks for her license. He says "Lady, it says
 here that you should be wearing glasses."
 The woman answered "Well, I have contacts."
 The policeman replied "I don't care who you know! You're getting a ticket!"

42. Energizer bunny arrested, charged with battery

43. May all your dreams come true, and may you have only nightmares.

44. I think I am a pretty decisive person.

45. Santa's elves are just a bunch of subordinate Clauses

46. Ever been to Florida University?  FU?

47. What do toilets and anniversaries have in common?
Men always miss them.

48.  If vegetarians love animals so much, why do they eat all their food???

Off Topic / Silly Google...
« on: April 16, 2011, 01:23:10 AM »


A very, very simple script. Allows you to go into your server/config/prefs.cs file and change any preference in the file such as max bricks, lights, emitters, bots the basic stuff. Then go back in game and say /reload. Thenceforth reloading the server preference file and allowing you to do what you changed. Note that you must change the map (even just change to the same map) and then they will work. I am working on that right now.


Known Bugs:

None at the moment.
Map reload glitch is almost fixed.

Extra Notes:

Please do not flame as not only was this testing a new script writer but also this is in beta towards a more advanced Server_Reload.

Extra Sites:

My website. Has some more of my addons and some cool stuff such as what I am working on.

Hello there fellow Blocklanders.
1. Yes I got a new account.
2. This is one of my new videos I made.

This is basically what happens when I download a new awesome screen recorder, get a new 2011 version of iMovie and throw together a decent movie. Please make sure to watch the whole video.

Yes it is a little random but I was mainly testing graphics, the screen recorder and iMovie11.


I bet you can find the video here...


The first one to say they will take the pass on will make it and PM me the video link. I will then review it and put it here.

Drama / B.S. Did It, I am back...
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:26:47 PM »
Yes, I was banned from the forums for a very odd reason. I am now back but with a slightly new username.

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