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Topics - Ducky duck

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Off Topic / My grany's 90th birthday
« on: November 15, 2015, 01:03:20 PM »
Im at my granys 90th bday rn and im bored af.
I dont know half of the people here even though were 'related'. The only good thing is the food.
Pls help me

Off Topic / I need noise to sleep
« on: November 04, 2015, 09:09:24 PM »
I don't know why but, I can't sleep when its completely silent. Iv tried, but no matter what I'm stuck awake listening to my annoying as hell nervous system. Not to mention all the thoughts keeping me awake, because there's nothing to focus on to allow me to sleep. Every night to help me go to sleep I run Psych on Netflix, because I've seen every episode so many times Its not something I can get distracted by. Because of this I've literally seen every episode at least 50 times. Any other show, or other broadcasts like radio shows and songs just keep me awake and aware. I can however sleep with the sound of the dryer or washer, or just sounds in general that aren't a specific meaning to something.

Is this a problem for anyone else? Not being able to sleep without noise?

General Discussion / Mod Discussion
« on: November 04, 2015, 09:02:28 PM »
I'm not very observant but I did notice that Mod Discussion was moved.
Or is it just me?
I went to click Clan Discussion and accidentally hit Mod because I don't remember it being there.

Off Topic / Got a laptop from school
« on: October 01, 2015, 04:03:14 PM »
2 Core Duo CPU
some kind of Nvidia GPU
2GB Ram
Windows XP (I have a Windows 7 disk for it)

Its myn to keep, I got it from the computer technician in my school. And odly enough, it came from my old school. (Saint Gabriel's, I go to a regional school in Ridley now). I guess its because the technician came from St. Gabe's too.

What should I install?
So far I'v got:

Microsoft Office
Fingerprint Scanner (pre installed)
Smart 11 (Pre Installed software for Smart Boards)
Mozilla Firefox (Id use chrome but it uses up too much RAM, ill be getting more RAM later)

Off Topic / Can't get the drivers for a Huion 420 Pad
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:25:24 PM »
I have purchased a Huion 420 Graphics Design Tablet on Ebay, it came with everything including drivers on an optical CD Disk.
Currently, my optical drive has stopped working. I have checked the wires already, nothing seems wrong. The drives still turn on, but it seems the data transfer wire is not doing it's job. (I can confirm its not a disk problem because it is happening with two other CDs that aren't part of the package.)

I looked up many sources to download the needed drivers, and even found an official one. But, of course theres a problem. It asks me to pick an operating system, and when I click the drop down menu it just shows this:

When I click the Windows icon, it disappears. Nothing happens. I click download, and it still asks me to pick an OS.

Does anyone have another, safe, source I could download these files from?
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you can help.

Help / Randomly being timed out
« on: August 17, 2015, 10:50:54 AM »
Sometimes while I'm playing on a server, I get a lag spike out of nowhere. I would normally assume its the host saving or Comcast being a usual piece of stuff ISP. But starting last week when I got these spikes, they wouldn't go away. Eventually I would time out of the server, rejoin, only to find out no one else was lagging. This could be a problem with my ISP but I can't tell because the latency doesn't spike when it happens.

General Discussion / Possible Malicious Code in Blockland.
« on: August 11, 2015, 10:20:47 AM »

I spend most of my time watching the console as BL starts up because it takes forever and I need to make sure nothing happens. When this appears at the end, I got suspicious because 1. I didnt get any new addons recently. And 2. I never see this execute in the console on startup.

TBH it looks like website setup code. Like HTML

Off Topic / Forums Bus Stop
« on: August 02, 2015, 10:39:20 AM »

Lets start this stuff


Also, Microsoft wont let me post a help thread for some reason. It just loads in limbo.

I meet all the requirements to install Windows 10 but this update is missing. Iv run windows update and it says nothing needs to be installed now, but

When I clicked the link it had at first, it brought me to a site I couldnt use without Internet Explorer. So I opened Internet Explorer and it still said I needed Internet Explorer.

So I clicked the link it redirects to for a different download, and it brought me to a HELP website. I searched for the driver but only found help threads that dont solve my problem.

I would have made a Microsoft help thread but it wont let me :l

General Discussion / Hello Again.
« on: July 27, 2015, 10:25:10 PM »
Hello, I'm not sure if even any of you know me. I would like to calmly ask, after my past actions, how do you view me now? I have actually considered many of my previous posts to be handicapped, or just stupid. I don't usually see anyone talk about what I used to do in reference, but I believe it was a year ago or less that my maturity grew into me, and I stopped acting like this little child running around the forums. I have only been visiting the forums occasionally. I do not enjoy wondering what you may think after my past, over me now. If you do remember me in that way, please do tell how.

Help / Can't connect to Vault-Brick's server.
« on: July 26, 2015, 11:50:29 AM »
Many other people seem to be able to connect to his server, but he has not Port Forward and can't.
But, I can't connect, and I cant port forward either because in CMD when I type Ipconfig it says my IP adress is some handicapped number code with letters about 20 charectors long.

Anyone know how I could connect to his server somehow?

Help / Cant convert my key to steam
« on: July 25, 2015, 09:39:40 PM »
After I had hit the button,

Off Topic / Home Designer
« on: July 25, 2015, 02:35:43 PM »
Anyone know any good free 3D/2D Home designing software? Or, at least, something cheap?
My budget is $75 But I don't want to spend more than $30

Off Topic / Discuss handicapped/autistic/dumb things you did Irl
« on: July 12, 2015, 11:11:02 AM »

Threw a broken printer out of my second story window because I was too lazy to carry it.

Modification Help / Modeling bricks in Blender
« on: July 06, 2015, 06:03:24 PM »
I cant figure it out, I got the exporter now and I tried exporting the default Cube from startup, it was the size of a stud in game, it was invisible, and it did not have raycasting.

I know how to model a bit in Blender, but, could someone help me figure this out for BL?

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