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Topics - Chrono

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SetBotHat Event

Works with any bot.
Does not work on players.
Input > Bot > SetBotHat > Hat's name


Image by Khain

Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

This add-on requires SimpleWell_HatMod. by Mr. Doom & Pandan


-A mirror supplied by you here-

In the future...
Expect this event to change and have the input involving the spawn instead of the bot. This will make things easier and also stop other bots from stepping onto the wrong brick and getting the hat.

Why isn't this on RTB?
Quote from: RTB Mod Bot
Ephialtes failed your add-on "SetBotHat Event" today for the following reason:

I'm afraid we can't accept add-ons that rely on other add-ons not submitted to RTB.

This means it is no longer available for download and has been removed from the online and ingame file listings. Furthermore all users of your add-on have been notified of the reason of failure and will be encouraged to remove it depending on the severity.

Sorry about that,
RTB Mod Bot

Drama / Skyler
« on: February 23, 2010, 11:23:36 PM »
OBVIOUSE CHEST troll is obviouse. Even ROCK MAN could see this comming.

Also, if you see this topic, hi jesusfreak

Drama / No I will not re-upload vehicle events.
« on: February 22, 2010, 12:36:18 AM »
Subject: OnVehicleTouch
You know that "onvehicletouch and a few outputs" thing you posted?
I would really like it to be on RTB v3.2, because i had it during RTB v2.
Is it OK for you to do that?
If so, thanks.

Subject: Vehicle events v2
could you please re-upload it? Thanks!

Subject: Vehicle Event.
Hello Chrono, could you update your Vehicle Events V.2 too RTB3?
I am making a build that could REALLY Need it.

It's not going on RTB because it's poorly done. Infact, it cannot be done good at all.
The only way this is going to work is if Baddy makes some engine edits to include function calling when a vehicle touches a brick.

Stop asking please.

Drama / agentjake12 - Total of 17 posts and off to a bad start.
« on: February 18, 2010, 07:15:59 PM »;u=25792

I don't know what else to say. Take a look for yourself.

Also made some topics.

Drama / Nix and Alex T whatever the forget.
« on: February 13, 2010, 11:47:27 PM »
They're both horrible and should feel bad. 'Nuf said.

-Admin abuse
-ID Discrimination
-Constant whining
-Banning for no reason

-Told Alex not to ban without a reason
-Didn't do forget all about it
-Continues to run Add-ons on his server that obviously lag the forget out of it.
-Mutes everyone but his gay buttbuddies.

Off Topic / Google your BL_ID!
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:46:17 PM »
Put your BL_ID into google, and post the first result.

ID: 15335
Title: 我要看美女-美女图片,自拍,写真,逸闻_首页
Text: 我要看美女图片站wykmn为您提供最新最热门最养眼的美女图片,写真自拍逸闻图片.给大家最舒适的环境来享受美眉mm!
My description about the site: Some Chinese site about beauty photos.

Drama / Cca - Abuselololololol :cookymonaster:
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:27:29 AM »
Okay, trench mod DM.
People making bases bla bla bla.

loving 30 second respawn time.
Cca uses f7 to instantly respawn.
He used a relay loop to shoot a mass ammount of arrows at anyone who killed him.
After plenty of people started digging the forget out of his base as revenge, he busted out the bannhammer.

If you wanna have a little fun, goto A Guy's server. Straight ahead from the spawn, his base. Dig the forget out of it for lulz.

Drama / Bisjac
« on: February 09, 2010, 01:53:42 AM »

General Discussion / My issue with studs and lighting.
« on: February 08, 2010, 01:54:08 AM »
Recently I was hosting a server in destruct.
This map has absolutely no light. (sun color is 0 0 0 1)
That is what I wanted.
But when I looked at my bricks, the studs were visible.

Is there any possible way around this without modifying client sided files or using special bricks?

Edit: And no, I'm not going to use print bricks. That increases the brick count by 1024 per 64x64 baseplate.

Edit2: Made a certain important note bigger that everyone seemed to miss.

Suggestions & Requests / Some more default-like content.
« on: February 07, 2010, 03:17:26 AM »
Everything people make always seem to be based on something, or have very specific names.
Examples: Halo Battle Rifle, or the FX4D-832X.
They usually tend to have more than quadruple the detail of the default weapons and such.
They usually also use colors you would see on real guns, using real (and annoying) sounds.
They also sometimes have hands all over them and weird animations that don't go with the shoulder.

We need more content that looks and feels like default add-ons.
Examples: Shotgun (Ephi's), Stunt Plane (Kaje's)

Simple names like the default ones. See how they're just named Sword, Gun, and so on?
And look at the detail on these, they look so basic. You know, something that actually fits in with the game.
Look at the colors too. Guns Akimbo are blue. Do you see blue guns lying around?
Listen to the sounds in the game. Do they sound realistic?
Look at the animations on the weapons. They're pretty basic.

We need more simple stuff like this. Stuff I would use.

Some examples of what people could make:

Car, Machine Gun, Machine Guns Akimbo, Stick (anyone remember rtb 1.045 sumo matches?), Ballista, come up with more.
This is the kind of stuff that makes it into the default game, like the row boat and the pirate cannon.

The whole hats idea I don't mind, if they actually look like they suit the game. Some basic hats would be nice.

I'm also capable of scripting.

Drama / Nedude - My first time being discriminated by ID woo.
« on: February 01, 2010, 02:20:06 PM »
Since I don't have a chat log, and I suck at trying to replicate them, I'll just explain what happened.

This Nedude guy on Badspot's server was asking Ephialtes for help on his river build.
I asked him why Ephi and not anyone else, and why he needed help building in the first place. (No kidding, it's a frikken terrain build about rivers. Come on.)
He said that Ephi is a talented builder. He also said that I have never seen him (Nedude) build.
He claimed to be a good builder.
I asked him for proof.
Then he simply said this:

After being bashed for ID discrimination by multiple users, he left.

Drama / SkullSlayer
« on: January 16, 2010, 11:01:16 PM »
Well, we got ourselves an starfish here.

Spamming votekicks because a player would not kill an admin who was in the middle of building.
Thinking fake links as insults are funny. Ex: <link removed>
And generally being a whiny brat.


User was banned for this post

Off Topic / Strange beeping and silence.
« on: January 02, 2010, 03:32:03 PM »
All I can hear upstairs is a beeping every 3 seconds. Nothing else. What to do?

Off Topic / RE: Fallout: The Movie
« on: December 20, 2009, 02:54:22 PM »
Original Topic:

The Video:

I wasn't finished talking.

This movie isn't called Fallout by the way, considering most of that footage was taken straight from the trailer for 'The Book of Eli'.

Suggestions & Requests / [Request] Need some models for my scripts.
« on: November 10, 2009, 03:53:13 PM »
Locking due to lack of interest.

Something that would heal you once you pick it up. I'll leave the imagination up to you, however I do wish for it to have low polys. Definently under 30, under 15 sounds nice. I need it to look simple. A heart, box with a + on it, or just the +, whatever you want. Just keep in mind I will not accept something that looks like a chicken, or anything that does not resemble a health pickup.
Accepting multiple submissions.
Needs root animation to be rotating.

Serious Damage
In honor of the Serious Sam series, I bring to you the powerup that increases your damage.

If you bestow upon me something wonderful that isn't serious damage but looks like it would increase damage, it could work aswell.
Needs root animation to be rotating.

A magical glowing orb that grants temporary invincibility. It should be a golden glowing ball, and shouldn't look like just a yellow snowball. I mean the real deal for shiny.
If you have a better idea, feel free.
rotating kthx

Ghost Sheet
That white sheet with eye holes people wear over their head and act like a ghost. With your grand imagination, you think you're invisible! Well turns out you are, the sheet is blessed with magic. (limited time)
I will not accept some nintendo cloaking device or cardboard boxes.
I do not need the time, so you can keep your watch.
Default animation should be hovering, slowly accending and decending slightly.

Note: I do not know whether items actually animate, if they don't then that's fine. I can script the spin stuff.
Note: Do not script them for me. I only need the .dts files.

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