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Topics - Niliscro

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Help / Strange Error While Using /reloadBricks
« on: July 29, 2009, 11:48:50 PM »
This utterly surprised and confused me when I got it.  Clicking "Ok" resulted in Blockland closing:

Any clue what it is?  I've only gotten it once, but haven't tried again, so I'm not sure if it is recurring, but I mainly want to know what it is.

Help / DOF Screenshots are not DOF
« on: July 29, 2009, 11:21:09 PM »
I went to take a DOF before, and noticed it didn't have it's usual screen shaking.  After I checked the file, I realized that the screenshot wasn't a DOF, and the problem persists after many tries.  I also have $megashotScaleFactor set to 4, so I don't know why it is doing this.  The keybind is correct.

Off Topic / Post Your All-time Favorite TV Show
« on: July 27, 2009, 10:52:47 PM »
Title says it all.  It doesn't matter if it's off the air.

Mine is a tie between Seinfeld, Futurama, and The Colbert Report.

And Ed Edd n' Eddy :D

Games / Low System Requirement Games?
« on: July 27, 2009, 08:46:07 PM »
While I am typing this from my DSi browser, I am also trying to run various games on my internetless old dinosaur Gateway, and to no avail.  So does anyone know a few good games that I could run on this computer?  Preferably the free stuff.  Here are a few specs:
Intel PentiumII Processor
Running WinXP SP2, but the computer only designed for Win98/NT (lol)
399 MHz, 128MB of RAM

Not sure about my video card or anything, I'll look a bit harder.

Off Topic / Yuck, outlining
« on: July 25, 2009, 09:53:14 AM »
So I have to do outlining for AP Euro next near, and I've been doing it all summer and am loving sick of it by now D:
It's so boring and a pain in the ass, why can't they just make us write an essay instead?  At least when I write an essay I'm doing something productive that will help me learn this stuff, rather than reading a page and spitting up what I just read onto MS Word.

Why outlines suck so much.

Off Topic / Why it tails' name italicized?
« on: July 20, 2009, 09:48:39 AM »
If you look down on the main page at the 'Users Online', tails' name is in italics.
It it because this user has racked up ~17500 posts?  I am lost.

Drama / MetalMario - Strike Three
« on: July 20, 2009, 09:42:31 AM »
As most of you may have seen Here he asked us to stop making drama topics about him.  In response to this, I made a drama topic about him.  This will be mainly focused on his post that I linked.

If one does not want any more drama topics about himself, why would he go and create another asking people to stop?  Why doesn't he just shut the forget up like everyone wants him to, and leave the forums?  Mario mentions this in his post:
Just ignore me, go away, quit the forums.
Well, we can't ignore Metal if he's posting like a moron, especially if he made a whole topic about ignoring him, and we certainly shouldn't be the ones leaving the forums, that would be Metal.

My verdict:  Mario is currently whoring for attention, else he wouldn't have made a topic asking people to stop; he would have just stopped stopped being an idiot and moved on.  He must somehow be able to see what he's doing wrong if he really isn't a handicap like accused of and defended himself not to be.  Otherwise, he reiterates the whole handicap point, but I'm not going to bother with that, just his attention whoring.

And before he comes in guns blazing....
You are the one acting like an starfish. So forget off all of you.
Yes, I am an starfish.

You must be obsessed if you want to keep talking about me.
And no, it's just that you post things so ridiculous that it has to be done.  It's a primal human urge.

Suggestions & Requests / Map Request: Jungle
« on: July 19, 2009, 10:23:34 AM »
Because who doesn't want to sleep in a forest full of dangerous things?

Basic idea:  A thick forest with a jungle-like terrain (Hilly, crossed by a few streams, etc) and a copious amount of trees and vegetation.  Lighting should be somewhat darker since you're under a jungle canopy, and it would be best if you could not leave the jungle, since the trees won't repeat with the terrain.  To do this, I thought that using a high concentration of trees as a type of wall would be a good way to hold people inside and make it look good.

Jungle, darker, vegetation, wall of trees.

Off Topic / MS Word = RAAAAAAGE
« on: July 17, 2009, 09:11:18 AM »
So I'm trying to type a loving outline, but every time I go to pick an outline format, it's either italicized, bolded, or really loving huge in a new font.  I reset the options for all of them, and it's still doing it.  So once I manage to actually make it non italicized and stuff, I go to make a new line, and it won't work.  So after about 10 minutes of screwing around, I finally get it to make a new line, but it's giant, bolded and in Arial, not TNR.
It's been about 15 minutes and I have a header done on an outline that should have only taken about 20 minutes in the first place.

I personally think Apple should make a word processor, since they would either A) do it right, or B) give MS some competition so they get on their loving toes.

Off Topic / I scored a 5 on my AP test :D
« on: July 15, 2009, 07:07:00 PM »
So I was thinking I got a 3 or 4, but when the letter came in today I was shocked to see a 5 (out of 5) :D

Thought I would share that.
For anyone who cares, it was AP World.

Modification Help / Playertypes - Question on Camera Angles
« on: July 15, 2009, 09:56:29 AM »
How could I get a player's camera to look like this:

Yes, this is for the 2D playertype suggestion found Here.
I've made the min/maxLookAngle = 0 to get them stuck in a perspective, but how can I make the camera move like pictured (and stay like that)?  I did that using the free look when you press 'Z' (by default).  So can anyone tell me how the code for free look works so I could pull this off?

Gallery / Blockocar + Longhorn = Epic Win
« on: July 14, 2009, 10:04:43 PM »
So I was messing around with vehicles in the console the other day, and decided to put Longhorn tires on the Blockocar.  The result:

Creativity / Some Animations I Made
« on: July 13, 2009, 12:02:04 PM »
And yes, Tikitai, another animations thread.

Some of you may have seen this already, when I asked for help making it trans with the feathered brushes:

Toaster :D

Off Topic / Post Your Favorite Badspot Quotes
« on: July 13, 2009, 11:10:16 AM »
Title says it all.
It can be any quote from The Spot from anything, whether from this website, in-game, or his personal site.  Just make sure you can prove he said it.

Quote from: Badspot
Do not make posts about how you are going to kill yourself.  Just do it. 

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