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Topics - SWAT One

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Basically an admin puts a brick in their inventory, and "places" a ghost brick, and says something like /clearthisbrick, and all the bricks of that kind are cleared.

An application:  Idiots keep using spawn points in fort wars, causing players to spawn in other players' bases.

Perhaps also a parameter that allows admins to only remove the bricks from non-admins, to remove the bricks and anything it is supporting, or perhaps the bricks alone, serving to preserve any supported bricks.

Suggestions & Requests / Taking suggestions for Industrial content
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:02:03 PM »
I am making a few packs of Industrial content for Blockland in the form of sounds, ambience loops, and emitters, possibly more.  I haven't worked with lights before, but I'd be willing to figure it out to make some.

Let me know what you would like to see.

Current Sounds:

Steam burst
Hydraulic-electric lift
(Some others I can't remember off the top of my head)

Music loops

Ambience 1
Ambience 2
Ambience 3
Machine in operation
Giant fan slow
Giant fan fast
(Some others I can't remember off the top of my head)



Suggestions & Requests / Two Events: matchColor | fireEncompassRelay
« on: February 10, 2015, 07:09:14 AM »
Two Events

1.  matchColor

<Input><BrickTarget> → matchColor [<BrickTarget>]

What it does:  The output parameter lets you specify a named brick (In a drop-down would be ideal, but text would also work fine.).  When a named brick is specified and the event is triggered, the brick will become the color of the specified brick.  If multiple bricks are selected, it will select the color that is the majority of those bricks.  If there is no majority, it will select a color at random.

2.  fireEncompassRelay

<Input><BrickTarget> → fireEncompassRelay

What it does:  It will trigger relays with any bricks that occupy space within it.  Applications could include firing relays for bricks that exist within zones, rather than having to use named bricks.

Off Topic / What is your terminal fear?
« on: February 04, 2015, 04:03:07 AM »
By terminal fear, I mean the thing or things that if it happened, you would lose your sanity.  Do you have one?  If so, what is it?

I'll start.  Probably complete rejection—not just a few people.  What I mean is literally everyone in my life regarding me as having no value.  Having no one to talk with, and having no one to connect with.  It's a disturbing fear.

Suggestions & Requests / Smart Rain Protection
« on: January 26, 2015, 03:18:31 PM »
Basically we have all these zone brick packs that can be used to keep out rain, but I think it would be nice if we could combine zones with trench mod.  Suppose the pack has a 2x2 plate zone, and when placing these 2x2 plate zones in a 2x2 orientation, it merges them and makes a 4x4 zone plate.  Etc. etc.

It would be really nice to use these for flat rooftops.

Suggestions & Requests / Metal Gear Solid – Alarm Emote Replacement
« on: January 24, 2015, 04:05:49 PM »
Yep, just pretty much if there can be a replacement mod of the alarm emote which plays the metal gear solid emote sound effect, and makes a !, that would be nice.

Suggestions & Requests / Server Mod Request — Mass VCE Compatibility
« on: January 20, 2015, 07:49:22 PM »
Pretty much where events used to not accept VCE (such as in vector parameters), it would now accept it.

Would be cool for making slingshot events with relays where players would charge with the condition of <var:pl:firing> is true, causing numbers to add up to 200 max.  When on firing is false, it fires a projectile from the player at that velocity.  Or perhaps it works with delays as well, etc.  

Off Topic / How low can you hear?
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:12:58 AM »
No, not volume.  Pitch.

I got it down to around 3 Hz. before it started to become unrecognizable.  I can just barely hear 2 Hz., but 1 Hz. is probably just plain inaudible.  Blasted 10 Hz. on my over-the-ear headphones and oh god the rumble.

I'm trying to make an information brick, like for instance "For further information, visit <link>the official help page</link>."

Suggestions & Requests / BOOMerang
« on: December 09, 2014, 04:06:47 AM »
I know this sounds stupid as forget, but please hear me out.

It would be cool if we had a boomerang with a grenade comically tied to it, that if standing still, it flies off for about 50 studs, then returns back to explode at the point at which it was thrown—if standing still.  This would work well for setting up "traps," much like cooking a grenade, except you could get out of the way first.

The next application would be to use the inheritvelocity thing to make it so you can arc it around corners and hit guys hiding on the other side.

Also if it collides with players or vehicles, it should just explode, but if it hits a brick or the ground of the map, it should stick and explode in the amount of time it has left, so you could stick it in walls, either within view or around a corner to set up a trap.

Forum Games / The Outcast
« on: December 08, 2014, 04:49:59 AM »
The Outcast

You open your eyes.  It's night, you're on the ground, halfway in an alleyway and the street.  All the lights are out in the houses around you, and you have the most terrible headache.

Suggestions & Requests / Game Feature: Dynamic Tiered Environments.
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:19:28 PM »
Simply put, have about three environments at once, but have them all set at different altitudes, and have these altitudes be adjustable, including an adjustable "fade to" threshold had decides what height away from the separation point* will the environment fade to the next setting.

Possible applications:

  • Going underground.
  • Going underwater.
  • Simulating altitudes of fog and cloud layers.
  • Simulating space, surface and sky conditions.

*For instance, if your height is 60, and your threshold is 0,
then it is a direct change once the player's viewpoint moves past 60.  If the
threshold is 10, then the environment fades from the heights from 50 to 70.
If the threshold is 15, then the environment fades from 45 to 75, etc.

Suggestions & Requests / War Zepplins
« on: November 20, 2014, 05:40:56 AM »

Off Topic / If you could meet one forumer irl who would it be.
« on: November 18, 2014, 01:18:39 PM »
If you already met them, that does not count.  Go!

Help / Game crashes when trying to start a server.
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:56:23 AM »
Console.log seems to indicate that it stops in the midst of loading Add-Ons for the server--it just stops at any random point.  I can post it if anyone seems concerned.

Okay so here's what I've been doing:

1.  On a MacBookPro, running Mavericks 10.9X.
2.  Run Blockland through Steam.
3.  Start a Game.
4.  Go through normal startup selections, no problems.  I am definitely under the datablock limit as I have minimal Add-Ons enabled for the server launch.
5.  Server loading screen shows up.
     a.  If Singleplayer, nothing pops up.
     b.  If Online Game, a dialogue box sows up up saying that Blockland needs to accept online permissions.  Select "Accept", and loading continues.*
6.  Loading bar continues through "Loading Add-Ons" and sometimes "Loading Music."
7.  Some time during those loads, Blockland crashes and shuts down.

*Note I already allowed this in the Security Preferences for both Steam and Blockland.

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