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Topics - Miked

Pages: [1] 2
AoT General / Drunk minigame! (Updated)
« on: December 21, 2006, 10:42:34 AM »
Drink as much as you can before passing out!

If you have seen anyone wobbling around Port recently, its probably because of this.

      To install
- paste this script into Ageoftime/base/client/scripts/
- paste the Gui into Ageoftime/base/client/ui/
- OR PASTE the base folder you downlad straight into your AOT folder.

       Open up AOT, Press ¬ (button left of 1) to open console
       and enter this: (paste if you want).

Then press ¬ again to close the console, and you are ready to go.
(Press #)

Instructions also in the .cs file,

-The Gui is a bit dodgy, but it works.

-The script is a .cs so you can see for yourself it wont take your password or anything like that. Its just a fun little thing to do, and gives no advantage to the game. I got the idea when I was talking to someone about a tramp npc.

-Merry Christmas

UPDATED - Lots of different kinds of drinks now. There was a bug for the people who downloaded the new version before now.

AoT General / Log Challenge Record back
« on: December 18, 2006, 01:52:02 PM »
Taken out for v17 and never returned, it was one of my favourite things trying to get the best time

Could you return it to its former self, or better still give it weekly and all-time records pretty please?

AoT General / Birthday Party!
« on: November 01, 2006, 11:21:42 AM »
4 hours 12 minutes from now Ill be giving away 10k (money and items) in lots of mini events, including but not limited to...

- quizzes
- fancy dress competition (the most unual outift wins)
- ruleless races
- hide and seek perhaps
- catch the pigeon
- free-for-alls in the ring, last man standing, no hooks, no dynamite, no re-entering (may be too hard to enforce these rules)
- ideas welcome

So get to Starboard for 8pm GMT today

Sorry to those who cant make it for short notice

PS i might be a few minutes late

General Discussion / Daily Server Review
« on: September 23, 2006, 10:07:31 AM »
Heres how it works; I judge the server on "BLOCK"-

Build quality - Are the builds there any good? Are there many of them? Is it made purely from 1x12x5s and firebricks? Correct use of EW?

Leadership - Are the admins kind? EW given within 3 requests? Spammers jailed or kicked?

Originality - Is it just another freebuild on RTB isles? Or is it a challenge on a custom made map with new scripts and items? Are the builds unique?

Custom settings - Includes game types and mods used, and whether these worked or not. Also includes LAG

Koolness- Overall rating, several ratings may be given on servers where people may have multiple tastes on what they do and don't like. Koolness is not an average of above ratings.

These are my own views and some might not agree with them these people are wrong

I will tend to review the servers that are up frequently rather than one-offs, unless the One-offs are pretty good.

23 Sept
Name: >Kap's Server<
Details: DigitalDesigner map

Build quality: 7/10 It hadn't been up long, but some cool traps and houses were made
Leadership: 9/10 Two friendly admins gave EW instantly, set up a DM between admins and other players for whoever wanted a fight, and protected builders. Knew a lot about the game
Originality: 8/10 Made traps and messed about on an uncommonly played map. Unique builds
Custom stuff: 5/10 Basic RTB but with a downloaded map
Koolness: 8.5/10
Made a fort wars game, with some really good builds. I had to leave before the fight but I know it would have been fun. Recommended.

AoT General / EVENT/GAME: 48hours only
« on: September 17, 2006, 09:52:36 AM »
Update... Because of the way parchments get messed up in the post or when you log out, all 4 of the parchments that people sent to me are blank, so i dont think posting them to me would be a good idea. As blockheads cant use the PMing system Ill end up with only a few people being able to enter, im not sure whether theres a point that way as the most anyone is going to win is probably around 60gp

Whoever PMs me the lowest unique number wins that amount in GP
You can PM a maximum of 20 numbers, but put them all in one post. PMing more than 20 is disqualification. Whole numbers greater than 0 only.

Its free, and if you cant PM send a parchment to "penguin miked" in the post ingame.

You have 48hours

If all numbers up to 1,200 are taken and all have been said twice or more, then only one person posts "1206", and nobody posted 1201-1205, then that person would win 1206gp

AoT General / Advanced dye guide (only 1 left to find now...)
« on: September 04, 2006, 03:58:22 PM »
Updates: Midnight blue proven to exist, Lavenders RGB was wrong, finished off ways to make colours at the bottom,

This is briefly how to obtain different dyes by mixing the others, and information on the Red-Green-Blue values.

RGB values (B means bright, D means dark):

Pitch black - 0 0 0
Black - 32 32 32
Dark gray - 64 64 64
Gray - 128 128 128
Light Gray - 192 192 192
Bleach - 255 255 255

B red - 255 0 0
Red - 128 0 0
D Red - 64 0 0

B green - 0 255 0
Green - 0 128 0
D green - 0 64 0

B blue - 0 0 255
Blue - 0 0 128
D blue - 0 0 64
Midnight blue - 0 0 32

B yellow - 255 255 0
Yellow - 128 128 0
Ocre (D yellow) - 64 64 0

Lavender - 255 128 255
Magenta - 255 0 255
L Purple - 192 0 192 or 192 128 192 or 192 64 192 (Being figured out ingame right as you read this)UPDATE - this isnt it :( Light purple probably doesnt exist then, or its just magenta
Purple (D magenta) - 128 0 128
D purple - 64 0 64

B cyan - 0 255 255
cyan - 0 128 128
D cyan - 0 64 64

Brown - 78 60 22 (ROUGHLY - give or take 1 on each number).
Orange - 255 128 0
Pink - 192 128 64

Red green and blue are primary colours, cyan, yellow, magenta and secondary.

Not much use are these numbers if you dont get them;
Firstly, each number can be between 255 and 0, 255 being the most intense colour. The first number stands for Red, the second Green, the third Blue, hence RGB. So, 255 0 0 would be very strong red, with no green and no blue. This makes the colour bright red. 0 255 0 would be bright green, and 0 0 255 bright blue. 0 0 0 is no colour whatsoever, so it is black. 255 255 255 is all colours used at the same time, and makes white.

Mixing dyes isn't so complicated when you understand the basics;
When mixing two dyes, you end up with an average of the two. Each of the 3 numbers in dye A is added to the corresponding number in dye B. Then, each number is divided by two. Its just an average really.
E.g. 10 10 10 + 6 6 6 = 16 16 16.     16 16 16 diveded by 2 = 8 8 8
It gets trickier when you start using multiples of 255. An important number to learn is 128, as it is half 255.

Bright colours use 255 and 0 values only.
Regular use 128 and 0 values
Dark use 64 and 0 values.

Ways to get each named dye:

Mixing a bright primary colour with another bright primary colour gets 2 regular secondary colours (b blue + b green = 2cyan (bad!))
Getting dark colours can be done the way above, using regular secondary colours. Getting dark primary colours can only be done by using pitch black and the regular primary colour.
All bright colours can only be obtained from crates.

Pitch black - Volcano
Black - Volcano/Dgray+PitchBlack
Dark gray - Gray+PBlack/Red+Cyan/Green+Mag/Blue+Yellow
Gray - BRed+BCyan/BGreen+BMag/BBlue+BYellow/Bleach+PBlack
Light Gray - Gray+Bleach
Bleach - 300gp in shop
B red - Red crater
Red - Red crater
D Red - Red+PBlack
B green - Woods
Green - Woods
D green - Green+PBlack
B blue - Blue hills
Blue - Blue hills
D blue - Blue+PBlack
Midnight Blue - DBlue+PBlack
B yellow - Auric fields
Yellow - Auric fields
Ocre - Yellow+PBlack/Green+Red
Lavender - Magenta+Bleach
Magenta - Volcano
Purple (D magenta) - Magenta+PBlack/Red+Blue
D purple - Purple+PBlack
B cyan - Swamp
cyan - Swamp
D cyan - Cyan+PBlack/Blue+Green
Brown - Level 1
Orange - Level 1/BRed+BYellow
Pink - Magenta+BYellow

AoT General / I just crashed the server, and in turn fixed the bug...
« on: August 28, 2006, 02:32:42 PM »

Another new side-effect of the bug found today was that you could take your clothes on and off and it would immediately give you demerits, nomatter how fast you do it, so naturally I tryed to see how many demerits I could get. The limit of 1000 meant not many, so I jailed myself to see how long I could spend in jail. I quickly got to 4 hours jailtime left, then started thinking of the possibilities...

This is where I should have just stopped. I then decided to use a macro to take the clothes on and off, with a goal of 100 hours jailtime. I left the computer to go to the toilet and came back to find a crowd around me watching as I reached 238hours! I stopped, and thought 1000 hours would be a good place to stop and leave it, so I bumped up the speed to 10x, then all hell broke loose, I lost control of the macro, and it started getting laggy, Ctrl alt delete did nothing, the macro had overpowered it and summoned a black hole of lag, I ended up switching off the computer manually.

I returned to AOT to find 3 people online, as the server had timed out for everyone apparently, and been reloaded from past saved state. I had no idea that taking your clothes on and off really fast could end up to the destruction of the server...

Fortunately nobody knows how the stun bug that affected everyone today was done, so the crash one wont be abused until well after BS finds a fix.

I had no idea the exploit would have this much of an effect and im sorry for any damage caused. It wasnt for personal gain at all (nobody gained anyway, except now d1 is slightly easier to find...).

The thing now is that there is a way to repeat the server crash without needing the stun bug we had today. If you are able to crash the server this means that you can also duplicate items and money! I need to contact you about it Badspot.

Im tired so ignore poor grammar

AoT General / Adventures of Spiderman
« on: August 23, 2006, 03:05:40 PM »
It seemed funny when I was making them but now I think the narrator notes are just sad, W/E. Oh and the preloader text is intentionally big, to keep you alert, yeah

Its a flash file

You might have seen spider-man, Mary Jane, and the Green Goblin running around recently, this is a short story about them. :)

General Discussion / So who is Buying/Not Buying Retail then?
« on: July 17, 2006, 05:47:00 AM »
You can have two votes on the poll, incase you aren't sure between two options.

I personally am going to buy it the day its out, I can't wait. I feel happy Badspot will finally make a little money from years of hard work too. :cookie:

AoT General / v28: no more shop glitch
« on: June 27, 2006, 09:04:55 AM »

« on: June 10, 2006, 06:18:59 AM »
UndefinedMinded, one of the coolest, most active, most loved and generous players is celebrating his birthday today!

In 9 hours 40 minutes from now, when this post was made (post made at 11:20 am, so thats 9pm GMT start time) the festivities will begin!

All kinds of events are scheduled, all with some meaty prizes.

Event Ideas:
♣ AOT quizzes
♣ Hide and seek in Port town
♣ Best cop competition (arrest the target, who will be called "arrest me to win a prize")
♣ Dropping money and dyes from roof of warehouse
♣ Perhaps a treasure hunt
♣ a Horserace if over 5 people are willing to race.
♣ A big skydive, where everyone jumps off shop roof at same time.

♣ Other ideas welcome

The schedule wont be too strict, and whenever one event is finished there will be a short break and ill start shouting announcements for the next.

♣ Steel shield with plutonium emblem
♣ 2 plut. crossbows to give away - custom made to whatever wood the winners want.
♣ 1hour of having penguin miked as your personal assistant/slave (you will have to wait a week until after the event before I can do this - I have exams.)
♣ tonnes of dyes and about 1k gold

♣ DONATIONS wanted! these prizes are all I can afford, we need more!

Please post if you are willing to donate something, or just to say a nice HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Undefinedminded.

AoT Clan Discussion / Clans are dead.
« on: May 30, 2006, 11:51:24 AM »
I was just thinking about the penguin gang, and realised that nobody but me is active anymore, and that after 6months, we had finally died off. Then i thought about SA and Elven's clan, and how rarely i see them. Then, i thought to look here for anything on new clans, and there are a mere few new posts.

Clans were a lot like a phase, when everyone started making and joining them; a lot like fansites were for a few weeks i think that if there is a new phase coming/here, its gotta be finding and trying glitches

kinda funny how things come and go

General Discussion / Master Server down, post IPs here
« on: May 27, 2006, 05:43:46 AM »
Post the IP of your server, or a good server you are on here, so that I or others can join ;)

Also if you get hamachi, you can join a server by using Query Lan.

AoT General / Weapon Shop
« on: April 22, 2006, 07:46:16 AM »
I will custom make any sword, shield or crossbow, just post here or talk ingame.

Current material stock:
iron: 2
steel: 0
lead: 23
zinc: 10
copper: 9
brass: 14
rust: unlimited
plutonium: 12

50 of each kind atm.

As you can see, ive used up all the iron and steel; so i will buy these too:

Steel: upto 20
Iron: upto 20
Heamatite: upto 60

Make sure you tell me what materials you want in what places (e.g. don't just say "copper, iron shield", say which should be the emblem and what the third material should be.

Heres a list of what materials are needed for each weapon, so you can see if i have enough materials.

5 wood
2 metal  (distance shot*)
1 metal  (velocity and accuracy*)

5 metal
2 metal
1 wood

10 metal   (This is the shields effect)
2 metal     (This is emblem and determines power of effect)
1 metal     (This doesnt matter)

*I think - you should ask somebody else about this as i cannot guarantee its true.

If there aren't enough materials for your choice:
You should tell me about the choice, so i can buy the stock somewhere. Also, i will buy the stock off you and pay money, or take the stock off you and give you a discount on weapon equal to the value of the stock.

Ill give a quote on the item, and only when you agree on this will i make the item.

Picking up
When we are both online at the same time, i will put the item for sale in the shop when you are with me.

General Discussion / How did you find blockland?
« on: March 12, 2006, 06:40:45 AM »
I decided to try the game after reading a small box detailing what the game was about in an issue of "edge" magazine (which i have only ever bought once, and never seen again as i bought it at the US on holiday (they dont sell in UK)). Pure chance that i found the game, in other words.

Im just interested in where you all heard of a game fueled purely by publicity

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