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Topics - []----[]

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Hey, you guys remember Mafia Madness?  No?  Good, because this isn't the same thing.

Mafia Madness, as some of you may be aware, was actually based off of a forum/party game known as Mafia, or Werewolf in some places.  Mafia is a much simpler game which runs at a slower pace, making it often more fair and far more focused on thought and reasoning than its run-and-shooty gamemode counterpart.  Some of you may even have played this game before!  That's fantastic.

Interested?  Great.  I'll try to explain the rules for those of you who haven't played before.

The basic strategy of the game is as follows: There are two teams, Mafia and Innocent.  There will be 2 mafia, who know who each other are, but the Innocents will not know who each other are or who the Mafia are.  The mafia pretend to be innocents, and try to avoid being lynched while killing the Innocents.  The Innocents try to find out who the mafia are and lynch them.  Once a player is night-killed or lynched, they are removed from the game, and may not post in the thread, discuss the game with living players, or otherwise participate.

There are two phases: Day and Night.  The game will start on a Night phase.

Night phase: During the night, the topic will be locked, and the Mafia will collectively decide who to Night-Kill in private messages.  Based on the mafia's decision, one person will die, their role will be announced, and the day will begin.  Night phase will last a maximum of 24 hours.

Day phase: During the day, all players will vote on who to Lynch.  Once a 50% majority is reached or 48 hours pass, the player with the most votes will die, their role will be revealed, and Night will begin.  Day phase will last a maximum of 48 hours.

But Innocents and Mafia aren't the only roles in this game!  Let's take a look at the roles list...

Mafia: Mafia-aligned.  At night, they vote on who to kill.  They may also choose to kill nobody.

Innocent: Innocent-aligned.  No special powers.

Cop: Innocent-aligned.  At night, chooses one player to investigate, and learns whether that player is innocent or mafia at the start of day.

Doctor: Innocent-aligned.  At night, chooses one player to protect.  If that person is targeted by the mafia during that night, they will not die.  Protection applies only during that night.  Cannot protect self.


Mafia team: Wins when the number of Mafia-Aligned players left alive is equal to or greater than the number of Innocent-Aligned players alive.  This is because, at that point, the mafia controls the lynches!  Innos have no chance.

Innocent team: Wins when all Mafia are dead.

So there you have it!  Fun and intrigue all around.  Now, here's some extra, specific rules.  If I didn't clarify anything, let me know:

1. To vote, you must have Vote: Name in bold and red somewhere in your post.  E.G, to vote me, you would put Vote: []----[] in your post.  Capitalization of the VOTE does not matter, so it could be vote: []----[] or VOTE: []----[], but spelling does, so no VOT: []----[].  Please use the target's forum name, and not any nicknames or their in-game name for your vote.  So no VOTE: Brackets, okay?

2. Please please do not edit posts, period.  No changing your vote by editing, no quickly making secret messages, no correcting spelling errors, no adding things or clarifying things.  Please, double-post.  The reason why you are not allowed to edit posts will become clear shortly.  If you edit your post, you will be removed from the game.  If you wish to unvote someone without voting someone else, use Unvote: Name.  The name is not required, but it helps me out if you put it.

3. If over 50% of the living players are voting the same person at the same time, the day immediately ends, and that person is lynched.  I may not notice it immediately, but I won't be counting any votes or unvotes after the point at which there's a 50% majority.  That's why it's so important that no-one edits posts!  If this setup really doesn't work, then I'll change it if we have any future games, but I like it.  This is called the "hammer rule", and reaching the vote to 50% on a person is called "hammering".

4. If you wish for the town not to lynch anyone on that day, you may vote for No Lynch by using Vote: No Lynch, Vote: NL,  Vote: Nothing, or something similar.  (Unless there's some forum user named Nothing or NL playing.)  As long as I can tell you're voting for No Lynch, you're good.  If No Lynch has the majority, no-one will die and night will begin.  The hammer rule applies to no-lynching.

5.  If no-one has at least 25% of the living players voting for them at the end of the day, no-one will die.  In other words, you need at least a 25% vote to lynch.  Not that this'll probably be a problem, we won't have that many players.

6. In case of a tie vote in which multiple people have over 25% of the living vote, but none have over 50%, the one to be lynched will be whoever reached their majority first.  E.G, if there are 7 players alive, two players voting Darren and two players voting Electrk, then a third person votes Darren, and then a third person votes Electrk, Darren will be lynched at the end of the day, because he reached 3 votes first.  However, if someone unvotes Darren, then Electrk will be lynched at the end of the day, even if they change their vote back to Darren afterwards.

7. You are allowed to PM each other about the game, even if you're not Mafia, or use any other method to discuss the game.  This does not apply to dead players!  If you're dead, please keep things fair and don't post in the thread or discuss the game with living players.

8. Please don't take screencaptures or copypastes of PMs I've sent you, or forge them.  Let's just... avoid that field altogether, okay?  If I really have to prevent this, I can post in the topic a copy of each type of PM I send to everyone.

9. This isn't an RP game!  You can still RP if you want to, but the game comes first.  Don't reveal that you're mafia or backstab your teammate because you're RPing a crazy person.  Game first.

10. Remember, it's just a game!  Please don't flame, insult, or be a richard to other players, even if they screw up or act stupidly.  Let's try to have at least one civil thread here.

Some strategy/basic terms:

LYLO: LYnch or LOse.  This occurs when the number of Innocents left alive is one greater than the number of Mafia left alive.  If Innocents don't lynch, Mafia wins in the night when they do their night-kill!  No point in no-lynching today!

MYLO/MILO: MislYnch and LOse.  This occurs when the number of Innocents left alive is two greater than the number of Mafia left alive.  If Innocents lynch an Innocent on this day, they lose the night after!  Most of the time, Innocents no-lynch on this day.

Now, this is an awfully tiny game size normally, but since this is probably the first time on this forum, we'll be running this game with 7 players.  (3 Innocents, 2 Mafia, 1 Cop, 1 Doctor.)  If it works out well, we can do it again with more!  That'll be great.

If I get more sign-ups than I have slots, I'll remember extras as substitutes in case a player has to quit mid-game.

If you're interested, sign up by posting that you'd like to join!  But keep in mind that it could take a bit, so maybe wait for next time if you're going to lose your internet in 2 days.  If I try to contact you and don't hear from you for 24 hours, I'll try to replace you.

I don't know how quickly we'll get players, so I don't know when the game will start, but I'll send out confirmation PMs to all players once we have enough to start.  If we don't get enough players, I'll probably give up after a while, so get those sign-ups in!

If I haven't been clear enough with any of this, just let me know, and I'll try to fix it!

Player List:
The Resonte!
Cuddles le Bear

Last slot filled!  Fantastic time!  I'll start sending out confirmation PMs to make sure everyone's still here.  If you missed it but you're still interested, let me know and I'll register you as a replacement in case one of the players is inactive.

Edit: One player may have gone inactive, so if you'd like to replace him, there's still a slot open!  Now's your chance!  Hurry!

Filled!  Great!  Let's see if it takes this time.

Modification Help / []----[]'s Unfinished Add-On Dump
« on: May 20, 2013, 04:43:35 PM »
hey so

Occasionally I get requests for a couple of the unfinished mods I've had lying around, and, while I've tried to put off those requests with the idea that I'm still working on them, and that they're not fit for release, I've gotten kind of tired of working on a lot of them, so I'm sort of out of excuses to not try to distribute these in some form or another.  The problem is, they're still not fit for release and I really don't feel like doing all that boring patching-up work to make something releasable.

So I'm just going to leave these here.  They're provided as-is, and I hopefully won't spend too long writing detailed instructions on how to use them.  If you can't figure it out, either give the script a scan, or nag me to the end of time/until my eyes and ears fall out.  I'm mostly hoping that someone might be able to reuse parts of the code or improve them.

Mafia Madness
Code: me, a certain amount of people specified specifically in code comments, a significant amount of ottosparksian additions, and everyone who answered my questions when i was stuck
Models: khain, khain, khain, khain, khain, and khain


I think the only thing you have to do to get this one working is to build a map with spawn points & junk in it and type /startmm.  I think to set the afterlife up, you'll want to go to where you want the afterlife spawn to be, and type $Pref::Server::MMAfterlifeLoc = findclientbyname("yourname").getcontrolobject().getposition(); into console.

edit: sorta-full list of commands here

UPD8: the crazy knife problem was totally my fault so i went & fixed that but the observer problem was a totally dumb thing and i hate that i had to fix that
the observer fix may break other things though idk i didn't see anything broken when i tested it but just in case here is the old version.  the new version is up there.  do not click the "old version" link if you are looking for the new version.

Terrain Generator
Code: me and ottosparks afaicr
C++: me & i can't really remember & also some suggestions from brian smith


The thing about this mod which makes it so hard to release is that it uses a second half which runs as a .exe.  Clearly I can't post that here, but maybe I can post the C++ source code for other people to compile?  Idunno, but in the meantime, the same file which contains the torquescript interface for the C++ terrain generator also contains the old version of the terrain generator which functions kinda the same except slower and with less features.  If I get any confirmation that I can post C++ source code here, I'll do that, but in the meantime, feel free to seethe at the squandered potential of the incomplete application lying in front of you, the other half of it just out of reach.  Or contact me personally.

Anyway, I can't even remember how to use this.  It's operated pretty much entirely in console.  Something about newTerrainObject with some parameters and then maybe a .generateNoiseMaps on the new object?  And then I remember you set your client's .terrainMap to the object to make it auto-build as you plant 64x cubes.  If I get requests for it, I'll look at the script again and poke up better instructions, but slicknoise's better anyway if you put octaves on it.  This code was super annoying.

According to Brian it's OK to post C++ source files, so I'm gonna go ahead and post these.  Let me know if it's not OK, I guess.

Ok so basically you first run the compile the source files and run the .exe, then execute a command in the server console that looks like this:
findclientbyname("yourname").terrainInfo = "0 0 0 0.00390625 48 242 15 5 0.015625";
Then place a 64x cube on the ground, move it 1 brick forward (the movement won't work, don't worry) and then switch to supershift.  Plant a chunk, then clear your bricks.  Then execute these commands:
localServerTCP.send("SET LAYERS 6\n");
localserverTCP.send("SET LAYERS3D 5\n");

Then supershift your ghost brick around and plant to your hearts' content.  That should be enough to get you started.  Fiddle around with those numbers.

You're on your own for compiling it.

Let me know if I'm missing anything or you want something else.

[also i forgot to mention it's perfectly fine w/ me if you host, modify, or even re-release a modified version of these or something that incorporates these just so long as you give credit to those specified above]
[also i forgot to mention big thx 2 otto for putting up the files on his dropbox <3 u da man]

So for reasons that would probably end up being a bit of a long rant, I want to set the amount that a player is looking up/down to match an eye vector that was retrieved separately at a close-to-instant speed, and I was to understand that the only way to do this on the server-side is to have an AIConnection control the player briefly, and use the setMove function of the AIConnection to set its' pitch speed to a certain amount.

The problem is, I am completely at a loss as to what the units are for this function.  I thought I was informed that if you entered ...setMove("pitch",x); it would move at whatever x is per second, but I don't recall what the units were, and trying x at values such as 0.1 still resulted in the player looking all the way down by the end of a second.

Does anyone know exactly what units the variable is for pitch in setMove, such as degrees, radians, or fractions of the total vertical movement range, and whether it's "per second" or some other unit of time?

Thanks for your time.

Drama / tke is stupid... ban this pece of crap!!!!
« on: June 30, 2011, 05:58:20 PM »
i reley don wan do say this, but i have to now.
this servre is so STUPIC. i mean, all you do is hit the stabe on other pepole. thats it! how is this a  TD M anyway? in what way is this supposd to be a TDM if you cant shot people and stuff? theres only PATFOMRS in the map there is no COVER!!!!!you only get two wepons a knife and a grapple rope. there arent even any guns!  that is so unrelistic... and i know because i watch the history channel; .on the history chanel there are not floating places; yuou can only jump on patforms and stab each other! wat if i want ot shoot soemoene or hide? what apout ammo? this server is crap! iit's not even a T D M at all. i MEAN LOOK AT IT! all you use is ONE... WEPON the entier time! explain to me! the sevre name al totol lies! explane to me how is this even a spase TDM AN Y WAY! you dont even jump high!  it is just the SAME TDM only with STARS! and then they change map to TREES and call it a SPOOKY TDM! now ive seen scary moives like mostners inc and this is NOTHING LIKE THAT AT ALL! (that movie gives me nightmares) it isnt even DARK all there is is TREES but you are so far above the trees that there is NO chance that the trees eat you! its suposed to be army playtipe? that is so much BTER because it is realistoc''' and all the players are stupid CHEATRES that always JJUMP AROUND so i grapled beneath the platrforms nd then the admin KCKED me for no reison! i dont know how this game got tirty people OR a ll these cookies :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

but i now you cant get the cookies becaus :cookieMonster: ated them all hahahahahaha

pepole think this drrama is pointles.......
go ahead! i dont care! im just trying ot make a pojnt here!
ban this pece of crap!!!!


P.S the only reson im giving this a 1 is beacuase the graple was prety fun.  but thats it!

User was banned for this post

I was on a passworded server of my own shooting rocket launchers at things in Beta City, and I was shooting rocket launchers in the museum, when I found this weird... face... side of brick... or something floating in the place.  I could walk right through it and I could shoot right through it, but I couldn't get rid of it.  I took screenshots, below.  Any idea what this is?

Me looking at the floating face.

Me behind the floating face, proving that the floating face is not back-faced.

Me floating outside the bedroom looking at the floating face, now turned a shade of blue.

Update: I found another one next to it.

General Discussion / Slate Wall
« on: November 10, 2008, 10:24:08 PM »

Amazing, isn't it?  Me and my friend darkhunter88 were flying endlessly in one direction in slate, and we ended up at this.  (Splash was also there, as you can see in the picture.)  I don't think that anyone else has found this, as I searched for "slate wall" and didn't come up with any relevant results.  Please tell me if someone else has found this.

Modification Help / Materials in milkshape don't work when exported to DTS.
« on: September 16, 2008, 10:04:21 AM »
I can put materials on milkshape and they show up fine, but when I export them to .DTS and put them in blockland using Mission Editor, the materials don't work.  Can someone please help me in any way?  Thanks.

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