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Topics - level94836

Pages: [1]
Creativity / made an ep/single about blockland
« on: November 08, 2022, 01:29:30 PM »
im an amateur who makes dumb music but i hope yall check it out

(idk how embedded images and stuff work on the site, attatchment is just a screenshot of the page)

Hello there. I mentioned on my weeaboo trash thread that i will make a megathread of all my stuff. Now i'm doing that, but better.

My first face and decal pack:

It's the first pack i made. Everything pictured is what you get. For some dumb reason i split these up incase you want just the faces or the decals.


My second face pack (labelled the "weeaboo trash" pack)

Carl telling you politely to get off his property.

Officer pikachu busting criminals since 1957.

There's too many for me to picture here, so you'll have to make do with the screenshots i put here:

Now for my new stuff, including:

Yes, you're seeing this. You're not high or anything. Free real estate: collectors edition. With around 16 edited faces of the free real estate guy, what's not to love?


I'll be updating the topic name with the date i update it with new stuff. Enjoy!

Faces, Decals, Prints / level94836's face pack (weeaboo trash edition)
« on: November 21, 2017, 08:03:46 PM »
(yeah ik 2 face packs in a day, i'll make a single thread dedicated to everything soon enough)

for all you weeaboos or straight up memers out there, this face pack is for you. enjoey.

what you see is what you get folks


(i'll stop posting now i promise)

Faces, Decals, Prints / level94836's roblox face pack (26 Faces)
« on: November 21, 2017, 07:19:22 PM »
hiya ther

(This is where i would put cleverly put together screenshots of my favorite roblox faces i put into this mod but since i have no friends nor the effort to put together a bunch of bots with the faces i'll just show you a showcase and a list of em) (yes i know some of these have been done before but i worked too hard on this)

This pack incluuuuudes:

Big Sad Eyes
Chill McCool
Crimson Laser Vision
Cute Face (otherwise known as :3)
Cute Face Evil (otherwise known as >:3)
Emerald Evil Eye
Evil Skeptic (i dunno why i didn't put the regular one in, stuff)
Eyes of Crimsonwrath
Friendly Smile
Grumpy Blox
I hate noobs
Know it all grin
Madbot 10000
Mildly irritated face
Red Glowing eyes
Retro Smiley
Sad (Otherwise known as =( )
Smith Mccool
Super Crazy Face
Tough guy
Uh oh

Download HEEEERE


Gallery / Kwik E Mart from simpsons hit and run (download at bottom)
« on: November 09, 2017, 10:45:17 PM »
Trying to recreate the kwik E mart from simpsons hit and run, after people decided in a poll on my last save that I should make something original. Now i'm trying. I'm new to building, and this is WIP. My goal is to try and get almost every place from the game ported to blockland. Let me know how I've done so far! (and what you might want next?)

I based it completely off of screenshots off of google images, so some of my replicas/placements are kind of off. But i did my best. Right now the interior is finished, all i need to work on is that damn exterior. All default bricks, default colorset.

Hey everyone, you may remember i asked for help for a mouse issue where my character would move his head to fast when i move my mouse slightly. Here's what i've done before:

Overrided DPI scaling (didn't work)

Went to windows XP service pack compatibility (worked for a bit, came back again)

Unplugged my mouse to different ports (didn't work)

Got rid of all of my addons except for some bricks (didn't work)

I dunno what else i can do. I have windows 10 incase you're asking. I'll take a tiny recording of what's happening and make it a gif of it if i can.

Gallery / level94836's super dupe-r ACM city (Now with download)
« on: October 29, 2017, 04:12:01 PM »
This was something I got an idea from when I noticed that I had a bunch of saves lying around and saw someone trying to combine ACM city and beta city together. I thought "Why not go one step ahead and put random stuff everywhere and put signs telling what builds they are?" and came up with this. It's not done yet but I thought i'd get some screenshots out to see what y'all think. Most of the structures were duped in myself but others I had to slightly or heavily edit to make them fit into it. Credits for everything in the save is credited on the signs you can click next to the builds (so i don't have a whole scroll of people to credit) Some of them i didn't know who made what. I tried to credit everyone i could but i couldn't find everyone. So please excuse me if i forgot you!

(and yes, it's all default bricks.)

Here's some screenshots of everything in it. It all adds up to 99024 bricks. Wowies.


(Every image below here are old screenshots of when this was still a WIP.)

Help / My mouse keeps jolting around
« on: October 21, 2017, 05:09:22 PM »
I got on one time on blockland, hosted a server, and now whenever i move my mouse it either jolts way down, or my view spins around and i can't do anything. Here's what i've tried

Trying to update my graphics drivers (I dunno, worth a try)

Unplugging and plugging my mouse (nope.jpg)

Plugging my mouse to a different port (kind of worked at first, but would still jolt my view to the floor if i looked to high, and would also spin me 20000 degrees if i moved it horizontally.)

Restarting blockland (nothing fixed)

Restarting my PC (nope, and went back to being worse than before when i did the mouse into a different port thing)

See if it does this on any of my other games (nope, played streets of rouge, worked fine for me)

What do

Music / level94836's soundclown meme music pack #1
« on: October 15, 2017, 08:41:35 PM »
hoog richardsclaimer: none of this music or the edits of them are mine, i just edited them to fit in blockland. (No, didn't do the full length because of big meanie weenie rules)

The wonderful genre of soundclowns are about to invade your eardrums as soon as you get this cool music pack, edited by "that guy who made the wii remote in gmod". I hope you enjoy!

The songssss:

Yes - Roundabout (Sega Genesis Cover)

Goin' Wild at the Wii Shop


Thomas needs money

Ice Ice Polkka

The paaaaack:

lemme know if you want anything else made yeh fugg nuggets

I tried getting it from BL glass' RTB archive, but when i installed it, it wouldn't work. I tried removing all my addons except default ones and loaded blockland too, and nothing. The category for the bricks won't even show up.

Music / level94836's memealicious midi music pack
« on: July 29, 2017, 10:34:02 PM »
Hey yall! You remember midi? I sure don't. But hey, back on topic. You like your favorite songs but worse than usual? No? Oh.. well i have this anyways. I'll update this as i make more, but for now, here's what i got. Before you ask, i did make sure that it wasn't the full songs. And i made them easily loopable.

Pack 1:

What does it contain?

Smashmouth - Allstar (Featuring random gunshots!)
Linkin park - Crawling (Almost all bagpipes.)
Evangellion theme (You know what an anime is right? Well, lemme ruin it with some bag pipes and random dog barking.)
Undertale - Metal crusher (Every instrument is bagpipes. No exception.)
Earth wind and fire - September (Every instrument is square wave except the lead vocals, that's an organ.)
Tetris - theme A (Only this time it sounds like it was from wii music and it has a guitair and square wave.)

Tell me what you want next! I'll do almost anything you guys can find (as long as it's a song i can find in midi form)

Help / Blockland loading up on steam before, now it's a black screen.
« on: July 24, 2017, 05:36:28 PM »
I didn't add any new addons that would've prevented it from working before. Now when i launch blockland, instead of going to the main menu, it says "blockland.exe is not working." I've uninstalled it before, reinstalled it, with or without my current addons, it's stopped working normally and just gives me the black screen and the blockland.exe has stopped working

Faces, Decals, Prints / level94836's face and decal pack 1
« on: July 22, 2017, 07:07:59 PM »
Well, after looking back at my old face pack (And realizing i lost the Dropbox for it..) I decided to make up for that mistake by doing 2 things:

1. Make something way better

2. Actually save the original files on my computer this time.

So, allow me to present my first face and decal packs! They're small, but what do they include?

3 Faces, including: The free real estate guy (Look up "free real estate" from adult swim), Pepe the frog, And "whoa" face (I have no idea of the source material but i have an original image I've attached)

4 Decals, including: the "You tried" star, "It won't suck itself" (A T shirt i searched up and made my own mock up of), "Why the forget everything cost money" meme, and "whoa.." text.



Screenshots: ("Won't suck itself" and free real estate picture here.) (Pepe and "You tried" pictured here.) (Whoa face and decal picture here.) (Why the forget everything cost money picture here.)

Original sources: (Won't suck itself T-Shirt) (whoa..)

This is my first time doing anything like this in a while, so let me know how i can improve in the future! (I know i screwed up with some of the faces fitting correctly, i fixed it with free real estate but not "whoa", and pepe is a bit squished.)

Faces, Decals, Prints / level94836's first face pack
« on: June 07, 2016, 09:56:28 PM »
Yeah, some of these have been made before, or are stuff. They possibly all are.  this is my first attempt at making a face pack, and an addon on blockland for that matter. Criticism would be nice. :panda:

Preview (you can view it normally from dropbox, no need to download:

Actual Pack: 

(Most, if not all have flipped versions. The lenny face has a white and black variant instead.)

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