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Topics - WingZero

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Modification Help / Edited playertype doesn't show up
« on: April 14, 2013, 03:16:28 PM »
I've been trying to make playertypes for a build a few friends and I are making. I don't have any real knowledge of coding, and I need to know if there are any flaws that I can fix in the file provided.

Off Topic / it's my goddamned birthday
« on: July 03, 2012, 09:41:43 AM »

im 14 now
wat do

Off Topic / Memes in school may have escalated to a new level.
« on: April 12, 2012, 10:29:32 AM »
While browsing the internet today, one of my friends messaged me through Steam that our school's 8th Grade Spanish teacher's website had a very intriguing sight to see.

What you're seeing here is Condescending Wonka, and whats scary is that said Spanish teacher was pretty close to doing it right.
Link for proof if you're still doubting this.

Recently, I was using my mother's laptop to go and check the forums (I am posting from an older laptop.) and I get this message from the task bar claiming that the laptop's security has been breached and a second later a window appears showing supposedly "infected" files that didn't even do anything. I close the programs and move on and when I open Google Chrome instead of the usual search page I get another antivirus message from the same fake antivirus stuffheads. It calls itself "Win 7 Antispyware 2012." It's just so blatant that it's a scam that keeps begging for your money. It's like a chicken that's going to peck you 24/7 until you give it what it wants. It keeps popping up every 10 minutes and it's just so frustrating.


Drama / MasterThief - animal love wow so funi XDDDD
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:36:32 PM »
[url]=]The reason why this drama exists./url]

MasterThief has contracted ridiculous symptoms of playing MapleStory 24/7. Such an example is the thread he created in the Off-Topic board with a video that is NSFW. Apparently, he thinks animals undergoing intercourse is hilarious, so he must really have mental problems.


Help / Stuck on "Building Cache Database"
« on: October 28, 2010, 09:01:02 PM »
Ever since I got v18, every time I started Blockland, I get stuck on "Building Cache Database". I've waited a few minutes, and it won't even load. Whenever I click something, It brings a blank white screen and doesn't respond. Can anyone help with this?

Off Topic / Seagull Attacks.
« on: August 16, 2010, 10:00:37 AM »
After watching this video where a bird was eating another bird, I was thinking, "Eh. No big deal." But after reading these links I'm thinking now "Holy stuff seagulls attack humans ohgodwhat" Discuss what you think of these Seagull attacks in this thread.
Video Link:
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:

Drama / Night Fox - i accidentaly a avatar fad
« on: August 08, 2010, 12:10:08 PM »
So today, we get another topic which yet again shoves Night Fox's furfandom into everyone's faces yet again. Little did we know that he also had closet furcigarettes siding with him. Such as Kochieboy, Stick Man, hi459 or some number bullstuff I can't explain. I was also sure that JamesTheLeet also had an avatar that something to do with this too. If you want, go see this thread for yourself. But Night Fox, just stop showing us your fandom. Im sure you've done this a few times already, but all you're doing now is making more people frustrated.

Drama / thesmoker.
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:06:52 PM »;u=30275
His recent posts. I am at a loss for words. Also, did I just notice a Roblox link in his profile?

Off Topic / The Verbose Thread Game
« on: June 19, 2010, 03:43:41 AM »
How to play: The starting user makes a simple sentence, and the next poster has to make the same message, but rather using elegant and presumably long words. After that user is done with the verbose sentence, the user then states their own simple sentence. If you still don't get it, read this.
Start: This seems easy.

Help / key.dat no longer works.
« on: June 13, 2010, 12:50:05 AM »
After getting Invalid Packet = 1 in my friend's server, I figured it was time to reinstall Blockland, so it would come off as clean. Before that, I was looking in the Blockland files, seeing what they would do. I accidentally launched key.dat and it was opened with Nero Showtime. I thought it was harmless, so I proceeded to launch the game. While the console was loading up, it said "Blockland could not write to key.dat file. This can be caused by running the game from a Read-Only directory or  a CD-ROM" I thought it did nothing. Later on, I uninstalled so I can reinstall. After reinstalling, I opened up Blockland, typed my key in and got that same message. Can anyone help me out here?

Games / Team Portress - A TF2 Mod.
« on: May 15, 2010, 12:22:57 PM »
I was just watching some youtube vids when my older brother said "Hey, watch this. It's pretty cool." He typed in "team portress" at the search bar and the outcome was a sweet vid of a TF2 Mod. Team Portress allows the sue of Portal Guns in, well, TF2. It actually has real velocities like speed. Because it's a portal gun, you can get to places any class can't get to.

Games / Riddle School
« on: April 11, 2010, 04:36:37 PM »
A point-and click game quite popular for it's time. It is one of those puzzle games hence the name "Riddle". The game's story simply revolve around a kid named Phil Eggtree. He wants to find a way to ditch school, and ditching it is the only way to complete the game. Over the months, the creator of Riddle School, JonBro has made more games mostly due to the fans' demands. As the sequels go by, Phil goes through the school years. There are 5 games, each one getting longer and more confusing. There are also hints scattered around the school, so it's not impossible.
The list of games:
Riddle School 1 -
Riddle School 2 -
Riddle School 3 -
Riddle School 4 -
Riddle School 5 -

The walkthroughs -

Off Topic / Holy loving stuff, crazy dream.
« on: March 01, 2010, 09:14:19 PM »
While I was sleeping last night, I had this awesome but crazy dream at the same time. I was in a 2 story cabin with my 2 friends Shemp and Meekl. I was at the second story, looking out the window. I saw some police cars rush in the this one area, then a giant Blu Pyro came in and burned the cars. It resulted in a huge explosion. I went downstairs and said "Hey guys, you better take a look at this." They walked up the stairs and looked. Shemp said "Holy stuff.." Meekl said "Get in my car. Now" We ran to the garage, opened the garage door, got in Meekl's car and drove out of the cabin. The giant Pyro noticed Meekl's car driving out of the scene. Then, the Pyro started chasing us. The footsteps made sounds of thunder and shook the floor. Pyro then started shooting his flamethrower at the car. It was starting to burn. Shemp yelled "IT'S COMING RIGHT AT US!" Meekl started to drive faster, but the faster we went, Pyro started running faster too.The flames started to catch up with Meekl's car. It started burning fast and Meekl muttered "stuff." Meekl kept on driving and there was a ramp that wasn't able to be built due to the Giant Pyro. But the other end of the bridge was still avalible. At the last second, Meekl jumped the ramp and got to the other side. I wanted to continue, but that was when I woke up. :C


Damn, this story is TL;DR, so I saw a giant pyro, told my friends, got in a car and drove away.

Games / How does purchasing on Steam work?
« on: January 28, 2010, 06:07:35 PM »
I've decided to purchase Team Fortress 2. Does the game get delivered or is it downloaded?

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