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Topics - Manchild

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Merry Christmas everyone!
« on: December 24, 2013, 02:29:33 PM »
happy christmas take shots with me

happy new year etc idk

-from new zealand

Creativity / crap wrong topic
« on: December 24, 2013, 02:28:17 PM »

who is that person that you used to like now cant stand?

because im new to blockland, i dont have anyone atm. but, it would be interesting reading about some of your personal vendettas.

Off Topic / so my brother burnt half of his face with boiling water
« on: October 07, 2013, 12:52:51 AM »
and now he has to go to the doctor

i accidentally bumped him
he got a jug of boiling water on his face

apparently it has a similar following to that of my little pony. so, today i decided to get a hold of a couple of episodes to see what its about and why people like it so much (which was quite hard, seeing that in my country its nowhere on TV)

i was told that the popular age range of the show is from 9-16 in the US, but to me it seems like it could go for 5-10 year olds. the comedy is completely horrendous, mostly just slapstick humor.

i dont get it
are only some episodes good or something

Off Topic / You Americans won the America's Cup...
« on: September 26, 2013, 02:57:43 AM »
Us New Zealanders almost beat you!

Too bad you guys have deeper pockets than us.

Edit: If you don't know what this is,

It's basically a boat race, first to 9 points.

What happened was is that Team New Zealand got 8 points, while America had 1. America then started to catch up to us on Friday the 13th of boat race number 13. They won the cup 9-8 today.

Modification Help / Weapon model problems - model not showing in game
« on: September 25, 2013, 03:51:18 PM »
When I put down my weapon that I made, only one part comes up (as far as I know, two spheres are not coming up) on it and it's all in gray.

I followed a guide step by step and I don't understand what's wrong.

Forum Games / The Events of Scary the Bear
« on: September 25, 2013, 03:09:53 AM »
The Events of Scary the Bear

This is Scary the Bear, a brown bear that loves to get into all kinds of mischief. He enjoys to eat fish, go on long walks on the beach, and kill humans that get too close. He lives in Honey Hill Forest, a calm and peaceful place full of bears alike him. Scary the Bear always gets himself into trouble! This is his story. You decide what he does next.


Oh, hello there, Scary the Bear! What are you doing? He is wandering throughout the woods searching for food! He is looking for berries, fish and, his favourite, human flesh! A little taste couldn't hurt, could it?

Oh look, he found some strange meat on some kind of steel device. It looks rather sharp! Scary the Bear wouldn't want to be caught in one of those! Or does he? He doesn't know, because he's just a bear.

What next? You decide!

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