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Topics - *Magick* Mage

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Gallery / Mage's Townhouse
« on: July 14, 2010, 07:36:10 PM »
This is one of the smallest homes I've made in a long while, and one of the only homes I've completed. It features two bedrooms, two halls, a deck, and a joint Dinning-Living room. I've worked on it for about 4 or 5 days now, and I'm quite happy with the turn out. I hope you like it. c:

View of the home.

View of the deck and side of the townhouse.

View of dinning area.

View of full entrance.

View of stairwell.

View of hall leading to the bedrooms.

View of Plasma's room. (Red room)

View of master bedroom.

And, my Hobo Den. :3

That's all. Feel free to make constructive comments. c:

Gallery / Mage's Countryside Church. c:
« on: June 03, 2010, 02:45:23 PM »
This has been an on-going project for almost a year now. It has been a very long while, and though it isn't the greatest build, there is a warmth to it that I've always liked. It's my favorite build, by far, that I have ever built. c:

I'll start with the old, and work my way to the new.

The old version of this. It was created almost 11 months ago. The original inspiration was trying to find a new look for a Wedding Hall I had recently built with Placid, mixed with boredom and curiosity

This was the original wall I built about a year ago, I believe at I Have Not's. c:

~Old Exterior: Front

~Old Interior: Entrance

~Old Interior: Leftward Side

~Old Interior: Rightward Side

~Old Interior: Altar

~Old Interior: Front View

Thanks the generous donations of my time, finally my Church has been recreated. Notice the new wall paper, shrubbery, candles, benches, re-done altar, new stain-glass, and flooring. C:

~New Exterior: Front

~New Interior: Entrance

~New Interior: Leftward Side

~New Interior: Rightward Side

~New Interior: Altar

~New Interior: Front View

~New Interior: View of the new rafters

Tell me what you think about it. The old and the new, how it's improved, if you liked the improvements, constructive criticism. Anything of that sort. c:

Also, I built this for fun, not as a religious statement. Yes, it is a church. That does not mean it's structure or design is any less or more because of that fact.

Thank ye for reading. C:

Off Topic / Anti-Theists and Anti-Atheists.
« on: May 01, 2010, 09:15:58 PM »
Both these groups, religious or not, are more often then not prejudice. They judge other beliefs based on their own, and as such, discriminate those they disagree with.

Anti-Theists display often apathetic or aggressive attitudes, and want not even a piece of religion in their lives or in those they interact with. These are the ones who, more often then not, proclaim religion as evil and a grave source of corruption. They are discriminatory, and often try to tear apart other ideas as apposed to contemplate and develop their own. I understand they hold their beliefs, but they need not to belittle and insult beliefs of others. This group are the extremists, really.

Anti-Atheists, similarly, often display dominant or arrogant and, often, manipulative attitudes. These are the ones whom, more often then not, proclaim anything outside their own religion as pure evil, blaming the "nonbelievers" as the cause of corruption in the world. They are discriminatory, and often try to tear apart other idea as apposed to contemplate and develop their own. I understand they hold their beliefs, but they need not to belittle and insult beliefs of others. This group are the extremists, really.

I am generalizing neither Atheists nor Theists, I am speaking against discrimination aimed at these people. Not every Theist or Atheist discriminates each other, and not everyone that disagrees with another is discriminating.

In fact, both groups hold much in common, ironically, however they are merely discriminatory against the other. Too long people concentrate on destroying another as opposed to building themselves, and helping another. Both groups fail to see that part of themselves are defined by the rest of the world, and how you use what is given to you in this world. Both of these groups fail to see that we only have a short time on the Earth, and fighting with each other wastes everyone's time. War is probably life's largest piece of irony. It is almost always fought to preserve ourselves, yet it causes so much turmoil and pain. So many trials and wounds that never fully heal.

And as Mark Twain said, “I have no race prejudice. I think I have no color prejudices or caste prejudices nor creed prejudices. Indeed, I know it. I can stand any society. All that I care to know is that a man is a human being -- that is enough for me; he can't be any worse.” We are all humans. If we can't get along with each other, then we are in a hell worse then that depicted in any belief.

I have ranted about this everywhere for a long while now, so I feel this topic has been long overdue. I understand there are many topics similar in subject, but I feel many of them are merely pointing at one side going on biased views. I (hopefully) did not not do such, seeing that I have been on many squares of spirituality. This is not meant to become a religious war, nor is this meant to point fingers at any person, nor is this not meant to be anything of that sort. This is merely a thread for you to think about yourself. After all, one can only begin to change the world by first changing themselves; By first discovering who they are.

Too Long; Didn't Read:

People worry too much about what others believe and not enough about growing as an individual, a community, and together as a world. As a family.

I Love you all. <3

Off Topic / Mage will not be here tomorrow.
« on: April 26, 2010, 03:46:48 PM »
Quite. I'm visiting my brother tomorrow, so I will not be here. (x.x). I don't really want to go, but I must. :c

Don't you all kill each other. I'm telling you now so that you may be warned in advance, as for some reason, every time I leave, the forums seem to explode. :o

In any case, I'll be on the rest of the day. I Love you all everyday. <3


Off Topic / Am I too nice? :o
« on: April 23, 2010, 07:41:24 PM »
I get told this quite often in Blockland, and today, while traveling around, I was told by someone I knew the same exact comment. It got me thinking about things, and I've decided to make a poll about it. Partially since I haven't made a topic in a while, and partially because I want to know what all you think, and actually read it calmly instead of over the roar of another topic. :)

Leave comments, preferable reasons or whatnot to your answers, or questions or something. I'm always glad to read. :D <3

Gallery / Trifax's Castle Build
« on: April 15, 2010, 01:35:38 PM »
Hiya all. Trifax asked me to post this because he can't, apparently, so just a forewarning:
I'm not sure if he'll be adding to/improving it, but I'm posting for him. You may rate x/10, and leave constructive criticism or comments.  <3


Southeastern Tower

View of the Windows

View of the Small Window (looking in)

Entrance View (With view of Center Room)

Interior of Tower (Right of the Entrance)

Inside the Center Room

That's all there is for now. Once again, feel free rate x/10, and leave constructive criticism or comments. And:


Creativity / My Epilogue
« on: April 12, 2010, 11:08:56 PM »
Hiya all. I've been speaking with several people recently, and I've decided that I will post here an epilogue to a book (A compilation of stories, rally) that I have/am writing/editing. This is still a work in progress, but I thought it may answer your questions on why I Love so much, and why I try to be nice, plus so I can see what you think of my writing skills. Mind you, these are my philosophies, so we may not agree, but its no reason to flame. Well. Here it is :D :

   In many aspects of my life, I have been questioned on mostly one perspective - my Love. Of all the traits to be stubborn upon, others seem to find it most surprising I chose, or perhaps just am, Loving. However, there is never a simple answer to any complicated question.

  Believe it or not, I find Love is within my deepest pain, turmoil, and struggle. In each of the challenges I have endured, I found that each of them I made it through. Each of them I survived. Each of them, I learned. Each of them, no matter how much rain fell before, I always ended seeing the rainbow.

  When I lost Lucy all those years ago, I felt like a piece of my soul had been torn out. Like I had fallen under some dark shroud. I lost my sight of the world, in God, and in myself. I fell into a deep depression that I thought I would never get out of. Grief had taken over my life, and slowly devoured it.

   One day, after stumbling upon some old belongings, I found a picture of my Grandfather, about 10 years prior to his death. I remembered his story. For 8 years he struggled after 2 strokes, and about 3 surgeries, yet everyday he admired the world. Everyday he enjoyed his life. Everyday he Loved. It was in this that the grieving stopped, that the mourning slowed. And after several months I, too, had learned one of the ultimate secrets of life.

<Snippets from stories and memories you wouldn't get, since you haven't read the books. Sorry. :P>

  In my life, I have endured many challenges, and I have many yet to endure. And it's in these challenges I learned. I learned you are the person you desire to become, only you can mold your life. I learned that as much wisdom a person may have, it is virtue that acts upon it. I learned that God does exists, and God is within everything - every life - and watches over us as a parent each day.

   And most important of all, I learned, what I believe, to be one of the ultimate secrets to life. I learned Love is stronger than all else. Love builds and grows, and never does true Love fade. Love overcomes all pain, all greed, all lust, and all hatred. Love is pure.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres....
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. "   
           ~1 Corinthians 13

I ended with a quote, since that verse (Yes, it's from the Bible.) really sums up all my feelings. This is by no means done, I just have a funny way of working backwards. This is my second draft, and I plan to do several dozen by the time I'm done. Tell me ehat you guys think about it. I know it's not typical Blockland writing, but I've never been that typical, have I? :D

Gallery / My Monastery - Medieval-Doers Application
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:07:12 PM »
So. I decided to join another clan  :cookieMonster:
I improved, a bit, on my old Monastery Build. I hope you guys like it! :D

Front View:

Prayer House - Outside:

Prayer House - Inside:

Tower Ladder:


Yey. Thanks for looking! Feel free to comment.

Off Topic / Fun at Netwars4's
« on: August 31, 2009, 02:01:38 AM »
Well, it's that time again. Early in the morning and bored. So, everyone wanted me to post, so I will. I told everyone about an ancient dounut within my Bakery. Here is what came out of this:

We're having fun. And by now, they've destroyed the place. :3

Off Topic / Duck Army! :D
« on: August 10, 2009, 04:39:06 AM »
I'm on KRS1's server and I was bored. Greek banned me cause of Woodland's bitching (that was resolved). Woodland bitched. Boltster was annoying Woody cause....well, he's Boltster and so far it's like a Soap Opera.....But with plastic people.

Anywhom. I made a Duck Army! :D Nothing original, but I feel special.  :cookieMonster:

And yes, I'm a Hobo. And as we all know, Hobo's have control over Ducks.

Gallery / Laser Fence 2.0
« on: August 06, 2009, 04:22:39 PM »
Hiya! I know I just put up a topic in the forums....but I made something else. While bored on the iEvent server, I built this little device. It is a compact versions, and more hack proof version of my previous laser fence. Information and pictures below.

The Fence while it's De-Activated- No effects. You can jump over it, yes, but this is just a small version.

The Fence while it's Activated- While activated, the fence will kill you. :)

The Console and Pad- Now attached to the fence, when the Console is activated, it will ask you to input the Key Code, which is 1-3-2-3-4. Though on this fence, you have to click each number before the pad de-activates. That is 7.5 seconds to input the entire code, with 1.5 seconds to input the first. Tested by numrous people, it is near impossible to get the entire code by randomly clickling. The console takes 9 seconds to reset, so no interference from an outside source. The events are simple and compatable on every server, it's just a long confusing process to set it up. That's why I only did 5 numbers as opposed to 10 or 15. (Though in a secure base, I may.)

That's it :D Rate if you wish, or just leave a comment...or both! Grazie. :D

Gallery / Cielo Della Luce Bakery Shoppe
« on: August 05, 2009, 09:03:55 PM »
Hiya! Recently I've been helping on many City RP's, both building and playing them. This, though, I built when I was bored. Special thanks to Ben Grapevine for giving me the idea of a bakery, to Dah Bomb for letting me use his server, and to Syntho for...well, being Syntho.

Front of the Bakery.

The Side....

The Bakery's interior

The Bakery's lower deck

The...other side

And the upper deck

And that's it. Rate if you want or just comment. Grazie! :D

Gallery / Fun at Woodland's!
« on: July 11, 2009, 02:22:55 AM »
Well, Mi Cumpari wanted to post a picture here, so he will soon. Until then, here is a picture of us:

Strange picture, I know, but we are one big happy family ^.^

Gallery / Monestary Fortress!
« on: June 26, 2009, 03:07:37 PM »
Monestary Fortress

Hidiho everyone. It's been quite a while since I've posted o the forums, and in truth I haven't missed it one bit. :D Though, I made this Monestary a few weeks back, and I've finally decided to post it here. It is about 9,000 bricks large, and is more of an architectural design then an interior design, but still contains an interior. The Monestary Fortress features 2 reading areas, a main prayer room, Guard towers, chests, rugs, 2 floors, and many battlments/crosses.  It was originally designed as a castle, but it turns out it wsa a bit misproportion to be it is! :D

-An Overview....

-The Main Brdige (Gatehouse)

-One of the Halls, looking at the chests.

-Reading Area 1. (Seating and Bookshelves)

-Reading Area 2.

-The Bridge (inside)

-The top of the Monestary

-Me!!!, in my priest form....(Damned Thee, foul Grass.)

-And, the Prayer room! :D

That's it. Not much, but some people like it.  :cookie:

*Also, due to Technical Difficulties, all previous projects posted on the forums are canceled.*

Gallery / Greek Temple/Castle By *Magick* Mage
« on: April 12, 2009, 03:59:42 AM »
Hiya guys. I've been of the forums for awhile and.....I decided to post again......:D

This is a Greek Temple and or Castle I built on Shadow Warrior's server. He helped me on some of the events, as well as hosting the server and keeping the players in order. Thanks Shadow. :D   :cookie:

Prime Exterior
A basic Greek front. Yay!

A close-up, looking a bit into the treasury.

From here you can see the front, main bridge, and even the throne.

Side-view of the main bridge. You can also see a bit into the barracks!

Starting Hall

The first stairway going up.

The second stairway going up....exciting, isn't it?

The Hall

A main view of it. Not much going on.

Oh, a fountain thing. With a statue on top. Wonderful...

Bridge and Throne Room

Here is the main bridge with fire. All of the lights can toggle on and off.

And now without fire.

The throne and Royal flames!


This guy owns a lot of statues....

The first look at the treasury.

A side view. A lot of gold and chests.


When you first walk into the barracks, there is a lot going on....

There is the beds and dinning table.

Here is one bed, with a working chest for the knight.

The chest opened.

Over all, this is a simpler design, but adds an elegant look.  I know it is fairly repetitive, but that is what help the whole place together. So that you don't walk into the Parthenon, to find upon entering your in somewhere completely different. Hope you guys like it. Leave some comments and tell me what you think :)

(P.S I know one of the statues' hats is brown instead of gold. I fixed that, I just don't want to re-take the picture right now :P)

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