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Topics - Joe205

Pages: [1] 2
Games / Perfect World International
« on: June 17, 2009, 01:30:02 PM »
    Click here first:

It was a big MMORPG in Asia, but then some people translated it so that we could play it too.  The entire game is not a lude as the home page, unless you play as a girl and are always zooming in.  I have played it and I think its really fun.  It has good graphics, sound FX, and the entire package.  You can choose between 3 different races, and 2 different classes for each race (or 6 classes althogether for the trolls out there).  My highest character is ArcherJoe (obviously an archer), but I may be on a different class, (which will end in Joe, ex VenoJoe...yes I know my names are very original and complex).  Post your highest character, as well as its class, and even your faction/guild; I may not update the list that quickly though.

  • Joe205-ArcherJoe-Archer-MYSTIC
Also I can't for some reason update the client file so, I won't be on.
Working again.

Games / Suggest a Game for me.
« on: June 02, 2009, 09:22:31 PM »
->Before you post read the requirements<-

1. It can't be M rated. I already tried convincing my parents with Fallout 3, I doubt Half-Life, Bioshock, or L4D would work.  They are strongly against: language and loveual themes, but not so much on violence and blood.

2. It must rather be for PC or Wii.  Sorry I don't have a X-Box or a PS3.

I realized these 2 things take out most options.

I'm looking for something thats complex, no Mario Kart, or etc.  I want something along the lines of a Action RPG (such as Fallout 3 is).  Multiplayer would be good, but is not needed.  It doesn't have to be online either, actually I'm tired with playing beside all these jerks.

Good luck, hopefully someone comes up with one.

Off Topic / Fluffee talks
« on: May 28, 2009, 02:29:54 PM »
So my friend showed me these videos.  I think their sorta funny.  Post what you think about them.

AoT General / Money Making Methods fot AoT
« on: May 27, 2009, 07:10:18 PM »
Post your best money making methods simple as that, but try to give a decent description on how. 

My noobish little method:  Go to the swamp and just break every crate and kill every orc in sight.

Hopefully some of you have better lots better ways to make money.

Modification Help / How do I a server.cs for sounds.
« on: May 24, 2009, 07:54:03 PM »
I was trying to make a sound.  I tryed looking off of other people's scripts.  I made it, but when I opne Blockland the file does not come up.  Here's the code. 
Code: [Select]
datablock AudioProfile(Leroy_Jenkins)
filename = "./Leroy_Jenkins.wav";
description = AudioClosest3d;
preload = false;
Yes I know Leroy Jenkins -_-

If thats ok, then I probably messed it up somehow while exporting it. 

Off Topic / Post your Best Post-Apocalyptic Life.
« on: May 24, 2009, 02:56:30 PM »
So the what, the world basically just came to an end.  What will you do, rob Walmart for food, live in the white house, play Blockland.  Just because just about everyone has died doesn't necessarly mean that you have commit Self Delete, you can enjoy it. 

1st: post the situation. What happened did Zombies kill everyone, or maybe aliens.  Who is still living, your dog, your friends, your hot girlfriend, or maybe just yourself.

2nd: post what you will do.  How will you live now, live on a boat, camp out at Walmart,  find a cure, or just kill all the zombies with your grenade launcher and restart the population.

Also remember:  There doesn't have to be zombies, lots of things could cause a situation like this.

Here's mine: 
A new disease comes along.  It kills almost everyone (only humans), but I accidenatally came across the cure.  There's only enough for a handful of my friends, and a selection of girls.  Since we are all resistant to the virus, it dies.  Then we hotwire some cars steal all non-parsiable food from any store somewhat close.  Then we go and live in a mansion.  Restart the population.  Then get more food, and supplies. 

My imagination is rather weak today, idk why. 

Music / 300 Main Theme Song
« on: May 21, 2009, 04:12:20 PM »
So I decided too make the  Main Theme Song for The 300.  The actuall name of the song is: Just like you Imagined, by Nine Inch Nails.  This is the song playing in the background of this trailer:


This may or may not inspire you to build some City of Sparta.  Hopefully it
won't for me, I have built to many Spartan builds (Spartan Minigame, Spartan RPG, etc).   

Gallery / Joe's Fort (Image Heavy)
« on: May 18, 2009, 08:34:41 PM »
Well to everyones surprise, I made yet another medivel build.  This time though I used all my skill (or most) and came up with something with a decent amount of detail.  As some of you may know, this was originally in my rpg (that never got done due to lag).  I isolated it (lots and lots of blowtorchin) all by itself, as well as added in a couple new features.  This was going to be my application for URPB, but I hear now that there dead (I miss out on the blockland world for a week or 2 and look what happens).  Any way here's some Pictures. 


3800 bricks and a guy with a bow stands between you and your destination.

Open Drawbridge

Interior with grass floor

Interior with stone floor

Close up view for the texture of the wall

Another interior view

Original Joe flag design

Ok thats all the pictures I got for you, but I do have a save.
Actuall Save:

Ok have fun exploring the events in it, but you may need:
JVS Doors: for sounds on the drawbridge
SetPlayerTransform: to find the gold
Variables: for special drawbridge breaking events with zombies
Zombie Mod: fun

Also you can rank x/10 on your comments too.

Some History
1st Castle: Big, yet bland and serious lacking in detail -Failed
2nd Castle: Lot more detailed, yet it was a bit small to use.
3rd Castle: Even more detail than 2nd, Perfect size too.

Normal Build Crew
Wizard-1% built part of drawbridge.
Dante77-0.5% added the sound effect to the drawbridge.

Music / Blame it on Halo3
« on: May 08, 2009, 08:18:28 PM »
Its a cool little spoof (from Blame it on me) JamesatWar made about the addicting powers of Halo 3.  Its so sad that its funny.   Here you watch it on youtube:

Then you can download:



Music / I'm on a boat!
« on: April 19, 2009, 07:47:02 PM »
You can ignore the above poll that was mainly for fun (you can flame me for that i guess too). 
I decided to make one more song thats great for sailing:  I'm on a boat by Lonely Island.  Its quite funny.  It also says the f word alot of times so I had to make a edited loop (I'm not the best at editing music. so don't flame me for that).  I also have a unedited version for those who can't deal with my editing skills or are in love with the f word.
Here they are:


Not Edited-

I do also want to warn you they are longer loops then normal (I did loop it though) so there will be more kb.  Consider using this only in your advanced music (like me).

Also if you find anything I missed out on while editing, please tell me.

Fun Pics:

Clan Discussion / [SBB]
« on: April 01, 2009, 10:08:36 PM »
uh SBB stands for the ****ty Builders of blockland, were an awesome caln taht jsut fromed!  We make really ****ty biulds and uh stuff,  if you join today you get this  :cookie:  :cookie:  :cookie:  :cookieMonster:  :panda:  :iceCream:  :cookie: and a  :nes: but you must got one those application thingys like dis:
Id: (must be above 13000)
Social Security number:

and doyou must got an application that is under 150 bricks so that i can load tit. 
Please join today or I will uh cause yeah.

Help / The Zombies are unstoppable!
« on: March 29, 2009, 09:54:56 PM »
When I test out the zombies on my server projectiles will not kill them, the only way to kill them is with the rocket launcher, because they are forced into a wall.  I keep shooting them, but nothing really works.

Please help.

I'm also offering this nubish slave of mine for anyone who can diagnose the problem.
:cookieMonster:     |

there he is in his box

Gallery / Making a Movie, post builds on here.
« on: March 26, 2009, 09:47:58 PM »
I'm making a movie that hopefully will redefine the way people look at Blockland.  I already have over 1 minute made and I have 4 minutes too use.  If you want your build on here you must know that, you may or may not be given credit for it.  If you have a good build you can rather post me a save, or open up a server and allow me to have admin for a bit.  If you really want to know what the background song is right now then I will tell you that its Viva La Vida.  If you have a better song for me to use then you can give me a link for youtube, or a download.

Post away!

Modification Help / Need Coding Help
« on: March 24, 2009, 06:00:13 PM »
If you have read my post in the gallery or not, I'm making an Medival RPG.  For this RPG there will be jousting, and how can you joust without a lance.  Now Seventhsandwich is working on a model for one right now so thats covered.  What he couldn't do is code it.  I need someone to give me a good description of how to code a lance weapon. 
*Things that need to be included.
  An animation of it slowly coming down and across.
  A dismounting (maybe slight damage too) ability
  Sound effects
  Pieces of wood flying off as it breaks, the comes back to its normal form

This all may sound hard, but if you give me a tutorial on how to do some of this stuff, then that would be appreciated.

Also anyone have an idea of how to make a MIDI into an ogg. ?

General Discussion / Which Forum Emote do you use the most?
« on: March 19, 2009, 09:04:23 PM »
I have a good guess on which will win, but I want to see what other people think.

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