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Topics - Nikolan

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Jack Buckby - conservative waste of space
« on: February 18, 2014, 05:45:37 PM »
Earlier today I got a message about this guy spreading a bunch of hate and ended up finding his tumblr, here. Right now he's trying to argue that its ok to be discriminated against for race, love, or really anything when applying for a job. He also thinks gay rights are some kind of "entitlement" and every gay on the planet wants to be above straight people. I think my favorite line from this all is how he thinks not wanting to hire someone because they're black is alright simply because "they wouldn't be fit for the job" when in all reality how the forget does the color of someone's skin determine if they're good at something or not.

Vice has an article on him about starting a youth group that basically spreads hate against Muslims, which you can view here.

Golden quote from it:

On the group's website, they claim they are "making anti-egalitarian and socially conservative politics accessible for younger people for the first time". There are parts in the FAQ where they deny that they're tribal or Islamophobic, but they say they believe Muslims "cannot mix well in a country like the UK", because of the separation of church and state and belief in "rights for women and equality for all".

So yeah discuss this piece of trash if you want.

Off Topic / Operating System Poll!
« on: February 13, 2014, 08:11:43 PM »
I'm actually extremely interested in all OS's that are being used by the forums, cause I doubt the only thing you're using is Windows, lol. Please remember to select only the ones you're currently using and not ones you "might use later" or "used to use".

Also feel free to discuss OS's and pros and cons and stuff

Off Topic / @DerpTrolling is back again?
« on: February 10, 2014, 04:57:24 PM »
They just tweeted this

so does this mean they're going to be a nuisance again?

their last tweet since this one was on jan. 7th

Drama / Nienhaus linking child research on tinychat
« on: December 31, 2013, 01:51:07 AM »

people who can vouch for this that i know of are tompson, koopascooper, and some other people under names i didn't recognize

here's his address (im pretty sure) to give to police if any of you want to:

2454 Delmar Ave Granite City, IL 62040-3426

Off Topic / Didn't people get banned last time there was a topic fad?
« on: December 30, 2013, 12:35:45 AM »
In case you haven't noticed, there's a lot of gay topics floating around

and i think someone got banned as an example last time

Off Topic / 000webhost decided to suspend me for basically nothing.
« on: December 23, 2013, 10:12:09 AM »
In summary, I've had my site running off of their hosting for about 3 months now. I got bored, and set up a forum with fluxBB on it, and within like 20 minutes they suspended my account "for review". Note that I know people who have tried to set up a forum with 000webhost and they immediately get taken down (i wasn't thinking about this at the time). I opened a support ticket because they said it'd be back up after about 4 hours and it had been more than 9 hours since it went down. They never replied to my support ticket and now this morning I get this email:

So basically, they're now holding everything on my site from me unless I pay to get it back. This is total bullstuff, I'm never using their service again.

Off Topic / GNU/Linux Thread v2 - request things to be added pls
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:24:35 AM »

What is Linux?

Linux is, in simplest terms, an operating system. It is the software on a computer that enables applications and the computer operator to access the devices on the computer to perform desired functions. As an open operating system, Linux is developed collaboratively, meaning no one company is solely responsible for its development or ongoing support. Companies participating in the Linux economy share research and development costs with their partners and competitors. This spreading of development burden amongst individuals and companies has resulted in a large and efficient ecosystem and unheralded software innovation.

What Distributions are there for Linux?

There are a lot of different distros to choose from. Here I'll list some of the popular ones, along with what I think of them.

Ubuntu - Ubuntu is currently the most popular distro out there right now. If you want to get into Linux, I recommend starting here. Ubuntu comes by default with the Unity desktop environment. It's pretty slow and crappy, but you can install lots of other desktop environments or window managers that are a lot more customizable and faster. Ubuntu has a lot of hand-holding to it, so the community has pretty much every problem you could think of handled already.

        Variants of Ubuntu:

         Xubuntu - Xubuntu is a lightweight version of Ubuntu. Xubuntu comes with Xfce, which is a stable, light and configurable desktop environment. I'd recommend this for users who want to use the Ubuntu Software Center, but without a bloated OS.

         Kubuntu - Kubuntu is based off of Ubuntu, default comes with the KDE desktop environment. The benefits here are that KDE comes with a lot more default programs for everyday tasks. Kubuntu also uses the official Debian repos for packages so if you're familiar with those that's nice.

Linux Mint - Linux Mint is a pretty good distro, in my opinion. It works well for both experienced users and beginning users, and happens to have a lot of DE variants. There's also LMDE if you want the Mint experience with official Debian repos. I haven't seen very much of the community for Mint, but from what I've heard they're very friendly and can help with just about any issue.

openSUSE - (this whole paragraph is copy/paste info because I have no experience with openSUSE) openSUSE is a global community promoting and developing a Linux distribution and related tools. The distribution focuses on stability and flexibility. openSUSE devs also have the Open Build Service (packaging for 27 Linux distro's via a web interface), Studio (build your own OS in a browser), Tumbleweed (rolling release for openSUSE), and WebYaST (control your OS remotely)

(pls dont hate me for this its really bad i know i just copypasted and edited from the openSUSE about page)

Debian - Debian is basically the vanilla Linux OS. Ubuntu, and all of Ubuntu's variants, stem from Debian. Debian has a lot of packages and I haven't had a problem running any program on it. Debian comes with GNOME, and also comes with XFCE, both are good. But, you can always change the DE and WM if you want.
The Debian Wiki has a lot of info at your disposal on it.

Fedora - Fedora is developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and owned by Red Hat. The Fedora Project's mission is to lead the advancement of free and open source software and content as a collaborative community. I think I've used Fedora once or twice, and the only thing I can really say about it is that the package manager loving SUCKS. I couldn't really get any programs to work with it but I'm sure that's a problem on my end.

Elementary OS - Elementary OS has been in development for a very long time and its long awaited release has finally come in August. It runs a custom desktop environment (Pantheon) with lots of it's own programs made for it, it branches off of the Ubuntu 12.04 kernel.

Slackware - Slackware was the first distro ever, and is probably the only other Linux distribution that branched off to so many others (Debian being the other). Think of this one as Arch, don't try it unless you know what the forget you're doing. If you want to see the impact Debian and Slackware had, look here.

Arch Linux - Arch Linux is probably the most difficult to use distro. I do not encourage new users to use this distro. If you still want to try it but don't have very much experience, I recommend ArchBang. ArchBang is basically the same as Arch Linux, but it comes with the OpenBox WM and has a guided installer in terminal to walk you through the steps for installation. Also, you probably shouldn't ask the Arch community for help, they're probably the biggest group of starfishs who think they're above everyone I've ever seen.

        Derivative of Arch:

         ArchBang - As I mentioned above, ArchBang is a simple GNU/Linux distribution which provides you with a lightweight Arch Linux system combined with the Openbox Window Manager. Installation with ArchBang is relatively easy, as it comes with a more graphical install, and Openbox is ready to use from the moment you boot.

Package Managers

Package managers are what you use to manage software packages from your Linux installation, some have a GUI and are very user friendly while others are used with terminal. Here I'll put some of my favorites (and some of the stuffty ones) and what distro they are used on. First I'll list ones used in terminal, and below that will be GUI Package Managers.

Pacman - pacman is a package manager originally made for Arch Linux, but eventually adapted for Manjaro and ArchBang. It's name derives literally from the term "Package Manager."

Apt-get - This is probably the most widely used package manager I've seen. Debian, Ubuntu, Ubuntu derivatives, Debian derivatives, and lots of others use it.

Yum - Absolute stuff. Fedora Linux uses it and its half of the reason why I hate Fedora. Red Hat Linux uses it as well.

Emerge - Gentoo and Funtoo's own package manager. I've used it only once before so I can't offer much of an opinion, but it worked well when I used it.

GUI Package Managers

Synaptic - Synaptic is very popular with Debian and Debian derived distros. I don't use it but it's user friendly for newbies.

Ubuntu Software Center - Is a description for this even necessary? I think you all know what this is for...

Aptitude - This is what you'd run (aptitude) in a terminal to have a graphical look for Apt-get.

What should I use Linux for?

Primarily, Linux is used for networking. So I recommend it's usage for people looking to host dedicated servers. Alternatively, Linux works really well on lower end computers. If you have a laptop that struggles to run Windows, then by all means try out Linux.

How do I install Linux?

Personally, I recommend trying out a distro on a virtual machine before even thinking about installing it. You can try them out with a program called VirtualBox, here.

You can install Linux to a CD or USB. Use unetbootin for installing a distro to a flash drive. You can use FreeISOBurner to install to a disc.

Where else can I get help?

ArchWiki, Debian Wiki. Both of these are great resources that you can look through yourself to read up on a lot of linux programs.

I'll be adding more here later on.
If you want a distro or something else added please PM me.

Off Topic / This is my favorite facebook.
« on: December 15, 2013, 02:05:25 AM »

a merry christmas from bloukface :--)

here's his brother too :

honk honk look at this hot meme

Off Topic / Someone joined the #minecrafthelp channel today...
« on: December 13, 2013, 01:07:48 AM »
...and their dad died.

this child is loving 10 and hes trying to get the minecraft account from his dead dad back after a month

i dont even have words, this is so weird

Off Topic / im pacha
« on: December 09, 2013, 10:21:26 PM »
I'm not sure if everyone is totally clear on this yet but apparently PurpleMetro was totally unaware and thought I was impersonating Pacha or something today but yeah.

please enjoy this gif from tumblr dot com while you contemplate on whether you dislike me or not :o)

Off Topic / The Imgur Lottery v84397
« on: December 06, 2013, 09:42:58 PM »
Just a quick note; I've changed the dropbox link to my website 'cause I host the same script there since the Dropbox link wasn't working.

Everything below is from Regulith's topic on this:

Step right up to the random image generator ladies and gents, what you see might surprise you...

Just add a string of 5 case-sensitive letters and numbers to the end of Let's put in "BLOCK". That's pretty neat. There are a lot of fairly boring images, mostly game screenshots and reaction images, but there's a fair enough share of interesting things to dig up that it makes it a pretty fun little time-waster. You've got the potential to see something very few other people have!

ALTERNATIVELY (and admittedly much more easily considering the volume of 404s), one redditor by the name of "pjdraud" devised a simple page that generates random strings until it finds an image that exists.

/!\ Before I link you all to said page, let me be perfectly clear about something:

You will be browsing random images uploaded by people all over the internet, so it's very possible you'll come across something that's NSFW during your journey. The link below will automatically generate the first random image, so it's also within the realm of possibility that you'll see one of these images right off the bat. Know that I am not responsible for that happening, it's just random chance being a richard (hopefully not literally). You have been warned, play at your own risk.

But all seriousness aside, let the games begin, and post your favorites!

Drama / BDX777 - Still stupid as ever.
« on: December 05, 2013, 03:23:53 PM »

BDX (Current)

Reasoning for Drama

BDX still has some weird vendetta against me and my friends, which I will go into detail about later.
I would've attempted to handle the above privately but he's blocked my PMs and blocked on steam/skype.
So I suppose I'll just explain the whole event and see what you people think of it.
Not to forget he's "changed" on this account yet still ignorant and stubborn.
I'll start with some of the quotes that I think are the stupidest, then move onto the incident with him and my friends.


You are excited because you're expecting people to give you free stuff.

The above has been edited since posted after I called out on him that he's just saying everyone's like this. Since I didn't really feel like arguing with him in topic I tried to send him this PM, (also when i found out he blacklisted me):

He's also got a huge hate for Nal for doing basically nothing. AFAIK Nal doesn't speak to BDX at all.

I don't think it really matters when we got people like Nal running around.
(All of a sudden he started being rude as forget, and spammed messages on steam that had links to furry yiff bullstuff)

Spontaneous hate when Nal wasn't remotely involved with anything here.

I would ban you from my server or any other one for problem user for what you do on this forum
Actually I came back so I could post in gallery and submit addons and stuff like that, why so ignorant and off-topic?

^^hilarious because he has a total of 5 posts in addons & gallery combined, with 100+ in off topic and drama.

Here's his posts in the Village Idiot thread where he says "Hope I win" and apparently wasn't expecting a negative comment from that, along with some other posts:

Wow what great timing, I just registered today. Hope I win. /sarcasmfont
I hope you do
Typical Nal

forget YES

How does it not make sense to you? I wasn't expecting 28 votes, unless people are signing into their other accounts to vote then I'm surprised because I don't have over 20 nemeses. (Is it Nemesises?)
Maybe your ego is just so inflated you cant handle the fact people dislike you

and for the record, no, i dont even have access to like half of my accounts because i just gave them away

Then he just makes some stupid remark against someone about the above, then goes back to just posting in the topic normally.

Well that's just like... your opinion, man.

BDX and his hatred for me.

I've never really spoken to BDX before this happened, all I really knew was that he's an idiot and a nuisance to be around. Me and a few others were playing gmod and then BDX joins and starts whining about how we happened to be there in chat, and someone just started trash talking him on mic and then two other people decided to chime in and then eventually we left because he kept yelling. Then later on we found out he uploaded a video of the whole thing. Here's the thing though, of the many thousand servers he could've joined, he joins ours and begins recording before he even closes the MOTD. If that's not suspicious to you then I don't know what is. So now ever since that he's been trying to contact any one of us and spouts random stuff at us about how we need to "apologize" and I'm getting sick of it. Now that he's back, any time I even mention him he plays the victim card and says I need to stop harrassing him, even though I've hardly had any contact him and any  conversation I've had with him has been started by him.

So, I think I've reached my conclusion here; BDX is still loving stupid, he refuses to admit that he was wrong, and was blatantly trolling on gmod.


add me pls

post yours as well, if theres enough i might start putting them in OP

This time they've reached upwards of $600, down to $530 right now. Look at everyone selling them and making stuff tons of money

Off Topic / Rap/Trap -
« on: November 08, 2013, 11:58:35 PM »

Hosted by me and Muslim, rules are common sense. Don't be a richard.

You can play rap, trap, and similar genres (like neuro trap) if you want.

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