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Topics - matthew10a

Pages: [1]
Gallery / me and some of my builds!(no downloads sorry!)
« on: December 27, 2009, 07:18:31 PM »
This is me:

This Use to be me:

This is me and my portal! (sorry about name-i got bourd and changed it...)

And This is my popcicle that i made JUST now!

Well Thats all for now! PLEASE NO BAD COMMENTS!

ok so i just tryed doing the other website thing on Normal Yin Yang-did it work?

Music / REQUEST:some one make me a song PLEASE
« on: December 21, 2009, 05:01:11 PM »
Do you know that song they played at the end of sonic dx?(last level where super sonic fights perfect caouse)can someone make the song for me?(it goes:super sonic x!...something something pick up the pace...some thing into oblivion...oh just look it up on youtube! Rate ^^^(dont be funny,Dont check "i AM her" or i am LOCKING poles,i did check it because i AM HER !!!
 OK so 2 people voted i AM her so i locked voting (i keep my word!)

Music / can some one make me a loop of a song?
« on: August 08, 2009, 10:52:52 AM »
hi,can some one make me a loop of the song Goodbye? the part where they say"nah nah nah nah,nah nah nah nah,hey hey hey,Goodbye!"please thankyou

Off Topic / Hey it's Yin Yang!
« on: May 24, 2009, 10:56:45 PM »
Hi it's me, Yin Yang.You might think that i'm fibbing.i'm not! but anyway-i can't play blockland anymore :panda: sooo you maynever see me again :panda:.BUT i know they say that roblox is a bad game. well its not as bad as you think!i play that name will be YinYang20 because YinYang was taken.i will only be there every 3 weeks starting this week 5/23/09

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