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Topics - kendawg

Pages: [1]
Help / Lost Activation Key. Recovery Email Deleted. Help?
« on: June 28, 2014, 03:19:05 AM »
As title says, I cannot find my blockland activation key. I've been playing blockland for years (ID is < 6000), and am just trying to play. My email that was used to recover my account key was deleted, due to Time Warner Cable (Road Runner) deleting the email (Or my parents, the owners of the account, deleted it without my knowladge). Any support is helpful, I do remember I paid by credit card, and can provide information about the email, about my blockland account, etc. Thank you.

Off Topic / Sn1p3r of D34th (YouTube Channel) Near-Daily Uploads!
« on: May 02, 2012, 01:09:32 AM »

So anyways, This is my channel! I record games like Minecraft, Blockland, L4D2, other source games, nd pretty much anything someone suggests to meh. The Playlist section shows my playlists (duh), the News section will just tell the newest uploaded video (which then I will bump this thread), and the Milestones show my milestones. Enjoy!

  • 25 Subs [X]
  • 50 Subs  []
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  • 250 Subs []
  • 500 Subs []

General Discussion / Rocket Jumping! [Tutorials Inside!]
« on: April 21, 2012, 05:39:57 AM »
  • So as many to all Blockheads know, the Rocket Launcher can be your friend and your enemy. Its splash damage causes frustration to many DM'ers and RPG'ers. Well it's my job (and many other rocket jumpers) to teach Blockheads how to deal with the damage, and learn to jump higher and move faster. The Rocket jumping needs to grow!
  • Intro vid.

When To Use
  • There are plenty of situations when jumping is useful. Obviously, stock rocket launchers aren't available in most standard deathmatches, just hope the launchers that are available work.
  • Rpg's are probably the best place to use this technique. Fort wars aren't bad either. Just make sure where your'e jumping has plenty of rooftops or walls, and obviously a floor. It's where you'll be jumping off of.

Turorials (Video Soon)

  • Basic Jumping (Easy)
    • 1. Look at TF2 Rocket Jumping videos, they're pretty similar.
    • 2. Aim down (NOT straight down, this will damage more than help) with Rocket Launcher equipped. Jump while crouched (don't have to crouch) and shoot a rocket. To keep going, hold spacebar and shoot downwards again.
    • 3. Repeat step 2.
  • Speed Jumping (Medium - Hard)
    • 1. Hold "S" and rocket jump backwards. Make sure you don't go for air, jump low and go for speed. Aim a bit higher than you would for normal jumping.
    • 2. Since you're looking down most of the time, looking up sometimes helps. Make sure you look back down.
    • Repeat steps 1 and 2.

  • Again, DO NOT AIM STRAIGHT DOWN! This will cause damage, and wont get you in the right direction.
  • All players learn at their own pace, don't worry if you can't get it at first.

Music / A Few Rap Songs
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:11:29 PM »
My first mini-pack of songs! These are my first edits ever, so feedback would be nice :). I know no one wants this but I put a 2 part whole song.. Don't hate me :c.
Ken's Mini-List

Help / How Long is 30 Seconds? (in the Delay Part in Events)
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:38:43 PM »
How long is 30 seconds?
Where it says delay, the very first thing. I'm trying to put together a whole song (chopping the whole song into 30 sec bits), then string them together in an event block. You might say dont string together a whole song for copyright reasons, but who said I couldn't split the whole song in 30 sec bits? Anyways, how long is 30 secs? Or if it just counts milliseconds, then I'll feel like a tard.

Music / Music Installation Help?
« on: March 24, 2012, 05:45:08 PM »
1) I put in newly downloaded .ogg files into my music folder in the addons folder.

2) I start Blockland

3) Check the music tab in the "Start Game" Screen to see if they're there

4) Not there

Wat do?

Clan Discussion / [*Tdh] Team Death Headshots
« on: October 23, 2011, 05:56:39 AM »
Sniping Server: [On] Off
Gamemode: CTF

   Hello, my name is Kendawg, if you couldnt already see by my username.. Anyways, this is TDH, or Team Death Headshots. This is mainly a sniping clan, but there IS other means of taking out your enemywhere are primary gametype is Team Death Match. Of course being a sniper clan, we use the sniper rifle. We will also have a knife or something for Close Quarter Combat. The leaders are me, Kendawg (5492), and a good sniper I've recently met, his name is Barl (15693).

How to join
   To join, you must 1v1 me, or a trusted admin. You must get 10 kills in two minutes. Also, fill out this application :p

Name (ID)
Divison you want to be in
Why you feel you should join

   At TDH, we have three divisions of sniping.

1) Combat Sniping
   This is probably what most applicants will apply for. This divison would consist of Close-to-Mid-Range Sniping.

2) Long Range Sniping
   Speaks for itself. You will probably one of the guys creepin' on the top of the map sniping.

3) Trick Shot Sniping
   Hm.. I cant describe this one very well.. I guess this could be the division you would want to enter if you can pull off those crazy 360 spin third person shots across the map.

4) Small Arms Assault
   Yea.. Speaks for itself.. You'll be using rifles and such to take out enemies at medium to close range.

5) Covert Ops
   Spies. End of story.

   We have 6 attainable ranks at TDH.

General (Super Admin)- You really know the leaders and have always been there for them.

Lieutenant General (Admin)- You know the leaders and play on their servers whenever you can.

Colonel- You play on the servers a lot, and you know the leaders.

Major- You play on the servers a few times a day.

Captain- You sometimes play on the servers.

1st Lieutenant- At least your here...

Kendawg (5492)- Leader
Barl (15693)- Leader
Jad (30537)- Lieutenant General (Admin)

Modification Help / Chatbot Help?
« on: October 16, 2011, 08:50:14 PM »
Hey, Ive played Blockland since.. A while. :p

I've never gotten into scripting, and I'd like to start.

I've seen a few scripts and I came across a Chat Bot. Im sure you know what it is.

So, can someone teach me or give an example of a chat bot?

I tried to make one, and I made this

package chatbot {
function clientCmdChatMessage(%a,%b,%c,%fmsg,%cp,%name,%cs,%fmsg) {
parent: :clientCmdChatMessage(%a,%b,%c,%fmsg,%cp,%name,%cs,%fmsg);
if (%msg $= "testing testing 123") {
   if (%name $= "Kendawg") {
      commandToServer('messageSent',"I hear you, shut the FAK UP!");

Off Topic / The, I'm bored page!
« on: July 30, 2010, 08:03:39 AM »
Ok, this is the page when ur bored and you say whatever the f**k you want!

Faces, Decals, Prints / Crackdown2 Decal and Face
« on: July 30, 2010, 06:34:39 AM »
Hai, This is my first Decal and Face. Its a level 5 Crackdown 2 Agent, enjoy!


Note that ALL Credits go to kendawg

« on: March 22, 2009, 12:36:47 PM »
PLS PLS PLS give me the link to download the song
pls pls PLS!!!

hey im kendawg i need to know the basics of this place
i know people have requests so just post

                 Tazer     General Kota       xXxshadow LordxXx
                                           please come to my server

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