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Topics - PossesedAngel

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Drawing livestream woooooooooooooooooooh
« on: October 08, 2011, 04:01:58 PM »

Off Topic / The fancy hat club
« on: August 30, 2011, 09:50:38 PM »
No wars here.
Screw fads, we got hats.
Since man was created he wondered about one question and one question only.
How do i look diffrent and fancy at the same time while being different from other people.
He murdered a few lions and cave age bears and decided, "Il make a hat"
This created many styles of hat and fancy, yet everyone had forgotten in the future what the first hat was....
BUT REJOICE MY FELLOW FRIENDS, as our scientists have found the first and only hat.
and now we wear it with proudness.
Join us in the time of fancy.

Your everyday loveable fancy hat wearers.
Remind me to put you in here:

Remember everyone, the caveman creator copyrights these hats, nobody else.
Made from
Copyrighted alt hat by Cybertails (reskin):
Glowy radioactive hat (reskin):
Recolors are free to do but must have given credit.

Off Topic / Dayum lightning
« on: July 27, 2011, 03:36:38 PM »
Lightning storms with a spice of hard rain with pieces of ice.
Had this in 3 days this week now.
Yesterday lightning hit my power and fried one of my laptops

You guys having any lightingstorms or any bad weather?

Creativity / Possesed's everyday silly drawings.
« on: February 01, 2011, 12:31:31 PM »
Day 1
Birthday today
dear god possesed you are so original
lol shark shouldnt you be dead by now
(cooperation of two)
I will draw something everyday and add it to the first post and if needed, bump the topic.

Off Topic / happy new year
« on: December 31, 2010, 06:15:54 PM »
well for people who are in the other timezones,those who don't have it yet, happy new year in (insert time until new year for you).

Games / New(er) dwarf fortress topic
« on: December 03, 2010, 05:28:28 PM »
(Continued from the old thread)
Dwarf fortress

Quoted from the Dwarf Fortress website at

Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game. You can control a dwarven outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world.

Although Dwarf Fortress is still in a work in progress, many features have already been implemented.

The world is randomly generated with distinct civilizations spanning over 1000 years of detailed history, dozens of towns, hundreds of caves and regions with various wildlife.
The world persists as long as you like, over many games, recording historical events and tracking changes.
Command your dwarves as they search for wealth in the mountain.
Craft treasures and furniture from many materials and improve these objects with precious metals, jewels and more.
Defend yourself against attacks from hostile civilizations, the wilderness and the depths.
Support the nobility as they make demands of your populace.
Keep your dwarves happy and read their thoughts as they work and relax.
Z coordinate allows you to dig out fortresses with multiple levels. Build towers or conquer the underworld.
Build floodgates to divert water for farming or to drown your adversaries... and don't forget the magma!
Surgery, sutures, splints, crutches and more: care for your wounded dwarves instead of leaving them to fend for themselves.
Much much more...
Play an adventurer and explore, quest for glory or seek vengeance.
Meet adversaries from previous games.
Recruit people in towns to come with you on your journey.
Explore without cumbersome plot restrictions.
Seamlessly wander the world -- up to 197376 x 197376 squares total -- or travel more rapidly on the region map.
Accept quests from the town and civilization leaders.
Retire and meet your old characters. Bring them along on an adventure with a new character or reactivate them and play directly.
Z coordinate allows you to move between twisting underground caverns and scale structures, fighting adversaries above and below.
The combat model uses skills, body parts, individual tissues, material properties, wrestling, charging and dodging between squares, bleeding, pain, nausea, various poison effects and much more.
A dynamic weather model tracks wind, humidity and air masses to create fronts, clouds, rain storms and blizzards.
Over two hundred rock and mineral types are incorporated into the world, placed in their proper geological environments.
Add new creatures, weapons, plants, metals and other objects via modifiable text files.
Extended ASCII character set rendered in 16 colors (including black) as well as 8 background colors (including black).

This thread has been made for the continued discussion of Dwarf Fortress, please do not be afraid to ask questions if you find yourself struggling.

You can find video tutorials here (please follow the 2010 versions to make sure you don't get the wrong information):

And extended help here:

You can get many helpful tools here:

And this is where you can find the version that everyone uses the most:

(The ASCII version)

Please enjoy and remember; Losing is fun!

Games / Anyone up for a good ol round of Zombie master?
« on: October 16, 2010, 03:56:40 AM »
Refer to title.
Anyhow,since being bored is being boring.
anyone wanna go for a round or two of zombie master?
i have a strange server that gets filled when it has two people.
If anyone wants to join.


Off Topic / Bind the first mouse button to "C"
« on: October 08, 2010, 12:38:19 PM »
I can move the mouse,but the first click is kinda like broken and it would suck anyhow.
Does anyone know how i could make it so when i press "C" it would shoot/click?

Off Topic / Scary/Non scary comic C:
« on: August 16, 2010, 10:32:43 PM »
Holes in the walls
If you read it please dont give no loving spoilers,and read it all.

Suggestions & Requests / Auto-lock old topics?
« on: August 13, 2010, 07:26:55 PM »
This would be nice to stop the friendry bumping of old topics,every 1 week-1 month without replies or something,the topic would be locked.
Because seeing stuffty old topics is gay.

Games / Quality thread livestream || Pff...Zombies?Ive got plants!
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:53:27 PM »

Idunno got bored then decided to STREEEEAAAMMMM.
Sleep tv
Sleep tv is one of a kind funfest for the whole family.People can decide what i stream and i shall do it.
Go to Sleep tv..
Currently streaming:FU.
Status:richards of
[Moved from offtopic to games yey]
(PS:Crismonland 2 player is gay.)


Idunno got bored then decided to STREEEEAAAMMMM.
Sleep tv
Sleep tv is one of a kind funfest for the whole family.People can decide what i stream and i shall do it.
Go to Sleep tv..
Currently streaming:.

Creativity / Skin a TRiK Contest
« on: July 13, 2010, 01:07:28 PM »

Sony’s TRiK™ docking system is a unique, brand new audio enhancement machine capable of transforming your musical world into something you’ve previously only dreamed of. In the past, musical superiority was relegated only to bland black boxes. Today, with the advent of the TRiK™ , your musical experience can now be far more colorful and far more customized. The cool and interchangeable skins you can download or create yourself make the TRiK™ more than just an iPod-friendly powerhouse. Nay, the TRiK™ is the perfect representation of you and your tastes.

Exemplify your skinning superiority. Create a unique, one-of-a-kind skin for the TRiK™ that represents a musical genre of your choice. To participate, download the skin template below and start getting creative.

Making an awesome skin means a potential win (that rhymes), and a win means incredible prizes including your very own TRiK™ and a Sony® Playstation® 3 computer entertainment system (meaning you can listen to awesome music and play awesome video games AT THE SAME TIME).

A winning entry will be visually stunning, so make sure you really bring out your A-game on this one.

Original page and download link here!

Games / Survival CrCIA Z
« on: June 24, 2010, 06:02:09 AM »
Yeesss indeeed.
Basicly a game where u survive from zombies.

Survival CrCIA Z is a video game within both the role playing and survival horror genres for Microsoft Windows. The game was published in 2004 by developer Ska Studios. The game takes place in a city during the wake of a zombie apocalypse. Players assume the role of a survivor, and are given free rein in how they deal with the hostile world.

The zombies function as the antagonists of the game, and while they are dangerous at night they can be used to attack faction members if they are lured to the zombies' locations. Three episodes are available in Story Mode with different missions and more enemies. The player advances the plot by taking missions or work from faction leaders. In work missions, the player can take over houses, look for secret dungeons, eliminate rival houses with C4 or simply roam the map looking for items and weapons to trade; as long as they watch out for threats from the post-apocalyptic world—living or dead. In missions the player performs special tasks like saving a scientist who is researching a cure.

kick heads and other stuff around the street.
Blow zombies into half
zombies puke blood
you can shoot people in half.
internal body parts

I have to warn people about something tough,its pretty gross and all of that stuff,at the start u get a tv where there are zombie flashing pictures and stuff,after that you get a console.Make your character and other stuff.Then you see something really strange and gross,a picture of a baby without eyes.After that you adventure into the world of Z or whatever.Happy hunting!


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