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Topics - Zharthon

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Forum Games / Age of Charlemagne - 781 AD
« on: September 24, 2016, 04:46:33 AM »

Europe is in war, the sons of Pepin are fighting over who will be the true ruler of Francia, the Kingdom of Asturias is facing down against the Umayadd threat in Hispania while the Byzantines are trying to fight off the pagans and muslims who contest the borders of the Byzantine Empire. Will you lead Francia to the glory it deserves? Maybe you will help the Byzantine Empire bring back the glory of the long lost Roman Empire or will you be the one to fight off the Umayadd threat in Hispania to claim the land for yourself. The possibilities are endless - but what will YOU do?

Anno Domini
781 CE - 3 years per update


Please look into your chosen land on Wikipedia before playing as them - not all of these are simple tribals.

The following are some places that may be of note:
King Desiderius | No Player
Lombard (Germanic) | Western Christian
West Francia
King Karl | No Player
Frankish (Germanic) | Western Christian
Middle Francia
King Karl | No Player
Frankish (Germanic) | Western Christian
Basileus Leon | Juncoph
Greek (Byzantine) | Eastern Iconoclast
King Tarla | Maxwell
Pictish (Celtic) | Western Christian
Grand Chief Theoderic | No Player
Saxon (Germanic) | Germanic Pagan
Khan Dengizikh | No Player
Avar (Altaic) | Tengri
Sultan Rahman | No Player
Bedouin (Arabic) | Sunni
High Chief Nezamisl | No Player
Bohemian (Slavic) | Slavic Pagan
King Offa | No Player
Anglo-Saxon (Germanic) | Western Christian
King Aurelio | No Player
Visigothic (Iberian) | Western Christian
High Chief Ankad | No Player
Lettigallian (Baltic) | Slavic Pagan

That was a list of the many important duchies, kingdoms and empires that you should keep an eye on/play as, you aren't limited to these kingdoms and empires. As you are equally allowed to play as any random duchy, kingdom or empire! However, I will be picky about who I allow to play as the Byzantine Empire.

  • Juncoph as Theophylaktos (9) of the Byzantines.
    • Culture: Greek (Byzantine)
    • Religion: Eastern Christian (Christian)
    • Integrity: Unified
  • Nicepoint as Ihala (43) of the Satakunta.
    • Culture: Finnish (Finno-Ugric)
    • Religion: Western Christian (Christian)
    • Integrity: Unified
  • Maxwell as Tarla (37) of the Picts.
    • Culture: Pictish (Celtic)
    • Religion: Western Christian (Christian)
    • Integrity: Disparate
  • grunterdb as Mansa Seydou (56) of the Mali.
    • Culture: Mandé (West African)
    • Religion: West African (Pagan)
    • Integrity: Stable

Age of Charlemagne does not have a tech tree, policy list, or similar, nor does it utilize hard numbers for economy and military. However, it DOES have a mechanic called Integrity. Integrity is a measure of how centralized and stable your nation is, and how close your nation is from simply falling apart into isolated barbarians with no ruler. Integrity may be reduced by succession crises, constant war, internal strife, plotting, and more; increasing it is more difficult, and requires being at peace. Increasing integrity may disgruntle the nobility, but it can also help barbarians reform to a feudal kingdom. It is a scale from zero to five, as follows:

Ø - Anarchy
You are essentially no longer leading your nation.
The monarchy has lost all authority over the people,
and the land will quickly splinter into individual
bands of barbarians. It is almost impossible to bounce
back from this, so be sure to keep your integrity high.
I - Collapsing
The monarchy is barely on the verge of falling apart.
The lower nobility is unhappy with the rulership, and
internal strife threatens to tear the land apart. The
situation is dire, and must be fixed immediately.
II - Disparate
Although there is certainly bickering among the
nobles, the land seems to be holding it together for
now. The situation is tenable, but should be improved.
III - Stable
The nation is stable. There is no immediate risk of
catastrophe, the nobles seem relatively benign, and
there are few single events that could ruin the realm.
That said, things could definitely be better.
IV - Unified
Not only is the realm unified, but it's been decently
centralized, too. The nobles do not have very much power,
and regions are not particularly autonomous. Improving
beyond this is difficult and will anger the nobles.
V - Absolute
The land is essentially an absolute monarchy.
None dare to question your power (resent it though they
may), and even a major crCIA won't damage the realm
too much. This is as stable as it gets.


  • Don't be a richard. This includes being an starfish, being a douchebag, and even being a cunt!
  • Don't be an idiot. This includes being a dumbass and means you should use common sense.

Those should be both obvious and sufficient. If you should need more (and hopefully you don't):
  • Do not act for other nations. Never say you attacked a province and captured it, only that you tried to.
  • Be reasonable; technology should be appropriate to the era, et cetera.
  • I, as the Pope OP, have the final say in all matters.

And some technical rules:
  • Covert actions can be taken via PM. You can use personal messages on the forums, messages on Steam or Discord for this purpose.
  • Any kingdom and empire may be played. Also, see me personally if you want to play as the Byzantine Empire.
  • Pick a kingdom or empire according to your experience and how busy you will be.

  • If I miss an action that you made, pester me when I'm online to fix it.

Forum Games Discord! Join it!

Forum Games / Art of War [Mount & Blade: Warband w/ Floris]
« on: August 14, 2016, 09:42:37 AM »

You hear about Calradia, a land torn between rival sovereignties battling each other for supremacy, a haven for knights and mercenaries, cutthroats and adveturers, all willing to risk their lives in pursuit of fortune, power or glory. In this land which holds great dangers and even greater opportunities, you feel that finally, you hold the key of your destiny in your hands, free to choose as you will, and that whatever course you take, great adventures await you.

You were born years ago, in a far away land known to you as the Islands of Verlen, when you were born you were declared to be:

a) A male
b) A female

You were named:

a) _____

As you grew up, your life evolved into:

a) An incredibly easy one, as you lived your life in the castle your father owned as a Lord of Verlen.
b) An easy life, as you lived in the village your father managed as a minor noble in Verlen.
c) A mediocre life, living in the big city of Asven in Verlen with your father as the leader of the guard.
d) A hard life, barely surviving off of begging and stealing as your father spent what little else you had on ale.

You spent your early life on becoming:

a) A noble in training, learning how to manage fiefs, collect taxes and even a little bit of self defense.
b) A craftsman's apprentice, learning how to better understand complex contraptions.
c) A steppe child, riding your own horse up the great steppes, hunting to survive.
d) A street urchin, stealing, begging and even fighting your way to ensure your survival.

After you went past your early years in life, you became:

a) A university student, studying theology, philosophy and medicine.
b) A squire, learning the ways of combat and serving under a lord.
c) A gladiatior, fighting in the many arenas of Verlen against beasts and men.
d) A bandit, robbing and killing farmers, caravans and anyone who dare cross you.
e) A warlord, leading your own band of mercenaries and helping others if the coin is right.
f) A slave trader, finding "livestock" and offering it to the right people for coin.

But soon you would have to leave Verlen:

a) As a civil war raged on in the land, causing you to abandon your duties and leave.
b) As you receive a message from an old friend who lives in Calradia, asking for your help.
c) As you seek for more coin and glory to obtain.
d) As your father died on his travels in Calradia, now you seek to find the one responsible.

As you set sail for Calradia you decide to head to:

a) Praven, in the Kingdom of Swadia
b) Jelkala, in the Rhodok Republic
c) Sargoth, in the Kingdom of the Nords
d) Rivacheg, in the Grand Principality of the Vaegirs
e) Tulga, in the Khergit Khanate
f) Shariz, in the Sarranid Sultanate

The decisions you make will decide if your journey in Calradia will be a slow and painful travel or an easy travel down a straight road.

so yeah just write down what you pick from that list including a character name so i can actually start playing the loving game so we can get stuff goin

Forum Games / How to Jedi [Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 1]
« on: July 01, 2016, 12:23:37 PM »
Previously, on KOTOR 1
The Mandalorians, who were at the time a group of battle-hardened humans hailing from the planet Mandalore declare war on the Republic ; the Jedi Council, being massive pacifistic starfishs, officially refuse to involve the Jedi Order in the war, leaving the Republic to fight an unstoppable enemy alone and causing the war to go poorly for the Republic. Eventually, a group of rogue Jedi led by Revan run to join the Republic fleet and fight off the Mandalorian forces, ending the Mandalorian Wars. After the war is finished, Revan goes all dark side and seizes control of most of the Republic fleet, declaring himself a Sith and thus beginning his genocide crusade against the other Jedi who did not join him in the war effort against Mandalore.
Creating the Jedi Civil War, Revan and his apprentice Malak announced their return as Sith by bombing the utter living forget out of the planets Telos IV and Foerost, after two years of (possible) skirmishes against the Republic planets, Revan and his space fleet are finally located by Republic forces who engage them in battle. Squads of Jedi board Revan's ship and "peacefully" annihilate his entire crew while another squad of Jedi break through the rest of the defenses leading to the bridge, and in doing so they confront Revan and kill him in a fairly anticlimactic way.
Now you're just some random dumbass Republic Soldier who is stationed on the ship named the Endar Spire, while the name of the ship is downright handicapped, you have to cope with living on the Spire long enough to get sent back home.
Cool, what the forget is this game?
Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic is an RPG video game created by Bioware and published by the dead and still dying LucasArts, plus there's an iOS and Android version for this game but who really gives a stuff about those platforms.
Before working on Knights of The Old Republic, Bioware had developed Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights, so they had some degree of skill when it came to writing the story and designing the gameplay mechanics, while this game isn't a graphical knockout in 2016 and the gameplay is at best mediocre for today's standards, it held up fairly well when it was released, most of the game was there and what was cut content was mostly very minor additions to the game.
The combat in this game is fairly simple if you know how your usual DnD ruleset works, the game follows a turn-based combat system (although you can switch it off to give yourself the illusion of real-time combat) in which each party takes a 6 second turn smacking the other party around, combat actions are calculated by die rolls and modifiers so you can feel extra forgeted when you constantly miss your attacks.
What can I do?

Parts of the game will be posted in a chapter-like manner, somewhat like Tber and his XCOM playthrough.

People who want to participate in this thread won't be able to pick dialog options, sorry, but I just don't feel like waiting every single time a conversation pops up in-game for the forums to pick a response in the conversation, I will pick conversation options based on what's more entertaining in the given situation.

Although allowing the forums to pick conversation options is out of the question due to time restraints, the forums will instead be allowed to pick and vote for both minor and plot changing choices that our character will make during the game.

Cast of Thousands
- The Protagonist: Just some random shmuck stationed on a Republic vessel, nothing special to note about you, nothing at all.
- Carth Onasi: Another random Republic Soldier who was stationed on the Endar Spire alongside you, has serious trust issues and will constantly shove it in your face.
- Canderous Ordo: Mandalorian (cool) guy with a gun, nothing to note about his personality, seeing as Bioware didn't write him with one.
- Mission Vao: Some random Twi'lek kid, has some boohoo tragic backstory that you're meant to care for, but never really do.
- Zaalbar: Your basic Chewbacca clone, his dialog consists of him making the same roaring noise over and over again.

- Bastille Shan: Imagine if Furdle had bigger ego problems, lived eons ago in another universe and his gender was reversed, this lady is pretty much Furdle.
- T3-M4: The Chinese bootleg R2-D2 knockoff, doesn't do anything other than speak in beeps and boops.

- HK-47: A protocol droid with disturbing homicidal tendencies, kinda like iBan.

- Juhani: Half cat, half human Jedi. It's almost as if she was built with the sole reason of baiting furries into buying the game.

- Jolee Bindo: Black Jedi with no sense of a moral compass that lives in the middle of the woods for no reason.

basically this video right here that is some "coming together to celebrate identity" campaign thingy that youtube has launched for the sake of transgenderism and stuff like that has received massive backlash from the community and got decimated by 69,542 dislikes within a matter of hours

picture in the case youtube decides to pull a prank and remove like/dislike counts:

/discuss, i guess


What is Fight Night?:

Fight Night is the very simple concept of pitting players against players who have some form of beef on the forums or in-game, both competitors can agree to a match and the promoter(s) of the company [Who are HULKHOGANWWFCHAMPION and Zharthon.] set up the fight if both parties agree in order to settle the dispute they have over a good old fashioned slobber knocker. There is a plethora of match types waiting inside the server that can hand you unique and varied methods of eliminating your opponent, whether it's a simple belly-to-back suplex on the mat or a throw off of the two story tall Hell in a Cell, you can decide how to kick ass and get the victory.

Can I have friendly fights?:

Yes, you can agree with a friend or allow yourself to get picked for a random fight, feuds between forum users aren't the only main attraction of the show. There are championships to go after and ranks to climb, you can fight your way to the top through those who have proven themselves worthy of retaining their spot or you can have pure mindless fun, but do you believe you have what it takes to overthrow the current champion of your division and make a name for yourself in the squared circle?

Betting on fights is not endorsed by me or HULKHOGANWWFCHAMPION, so we suggest you don't do it.

Do I have to fill out a form?:

Kinda, you have to fill out a form for us to judge in what weight division you are to fight in (so that you can specifically aim for the championship of that weight division), what your theme song is going to be and when you will be able to fight.

Weight Division [Middleweight, Light Heavyweight, Heavyweight]:
Entrance Music [Optional]:
Fighting Style:

Match Types:

Wrestling contest, grappling is your main method of dealing damage for the knockout is your throws, exiting the ring is allowed but competitors can get counted out with a slow count to 10, disqualifications are on.

Boxing contest, purely punching and no grappling, your main goal is to knockout your opponent, exiting the ring is not allowed and disqualifications are on.

The same with wrestling, albeit competitors aren't allowed to exit the ring until one of the competitors is knocked out.

Grappling and boxing are both the main methods of dealing damage, exiting the ring is not allowed for either competitor until someone has knocked out or has forfeited from the fight.

Tag Team:
Can be 2v2 and 3v3, tag team matches are focused around grappling, one man from each team stands on the apron and waits to be tagged in by the legal man, becoming the legal man, rules the same as wrestling, illegal men cannot be counted out.

Steel Cage:
Grappling/Boxing/Hybrid contest inside a steel cage specifically made to prevent competitors from exiting the ring, exiting the cage in any way leads to a disqualification loss.

Hell in a Cell:
Grappling/Hybrid contest inside a two and a half story tall cage surrounding the ring, competitors are allowed to climb to the top of the cell and use weapons, disqualifications and count outs are not enabled in this hardcore environment.

Street Fight:
Hybrid contest where everything goes, count outs and disqualifications are not enabled, hardcore aspects are enabled such as tables, barbed wire and even more weapons.


BWA Smackdown:
Time: 2:30 EST PM
Match Card [5 Matches]
Hosted by: TBD

BWA Bad Blood:
Time: 2:30 EST PM
Match Card [6 Matches]
Hosted by: TBD




2nd of March, 2015

It was a peaceful, calm and relaxed night in New York, people were walking about on the busy streets as they talked, visited one of the many opened shops and went about their business like usual. Everything appeared to be fine up until the invasion began:

The sudden barrage of meteors surprised everyone, nobody was prepared and many lives were lost in the explosions caused by the high-speed impact of multiple "pods", CCTV footage shows that not everyone was intelligent enough to evacuate and run away from the area.

3rd of March, 2015

The very next day, the Council of Nations was created by 16 countries which all had a common goal, to protect the Earth from the incoming horde of extraterrestrials. I received a video message that informed me I would be serving as the commander in something called 'The X-COM Project' the very same day as the council was created, I didn't have a choice seeing as they were confident in my abilities to make this 'project' work.

I was transported to an underground base somewhere in South America by an armed escort, I was instantly outfitted and put to work, a man named John Bradford introduced himself and informed me that we would need soldiers to fight a war, afterwards asking me if I knew any capable soldiers that could be recruited to help the X-COM project in fighting the war against extraterrestrials.

Some basic rules, I know you want this to be wacky and crazy, but please use realistic names for your characters.

Recruit Application Form:

Name (First & Last):
Preferred Role*: (Assault, Heavy, Sniper, Support.)
Volunteer for (Gene Modding, MEC or none):

Sections marked with * are entirely optional.

welp, sam pepper agreed that if his gofundme campaign reached his goal of a handicapped amount, 1.5 million dollars.

he ended up removing the campaign from the gofundme website but evidence of his handicapation still remains on the internet.

video on this ordeal, includes evidence of sam pepper attempting to raise 1.5 mil:

petition to remove sam pepper's channel:

sam pepper is a huge friend, personally i think his stuff needs to be wiped from the internet.


Off Topic / why are these videos suggested to me?
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:49:39 PM »
alright so lately i've been getting some really stuffty recommendations from youtube, but this stuff really loving made me wonder why.

like what the forget are these, why is ray william johnson a female all the sudden?

and why are they suggesting stuff from UFC? i don't watch MMA or UFC at all.


About this:

Usually these threads from me end being discontinued due to specific issues I have to deal with, whether it's the game loving up due to mods or real life matters, I will attempt my best to keep this thread running as long as time is on my side.

In this thread, I will be playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim with several mods installed which make substantial changes to certain gameplay aspects and overall contribute to making Skyrim feel more realistic, these mods range all the way from the small yet useful mods like Pumping Iron and Skyrim - Enchanced Camera which make subtle yet also noticeable changes, since I have used too many mods to list in this thread, although I would just suggest that you go over to Skyrim GEMS for any mods you think you want/require for your playthrough of Skyrim, I have used several mods from this site for this thread.

During this thread, you will be playing a major role in the story of your own created character as the possibilities are endless, do you want to be a wealthy aristocrat living life high in one of the most expensive manors in Riften, whilst looking down to those lower in the social ranks than you or do you want to be a poor beggar in Solitude, pickpocketing and begging for meagre scraps of food and gold to sustain yourself, maybe you consider yourself worthy of being the High King of Skyrim, all doors are open for you to take and it all falls down to what choices you make during your journey.

The Rules:

1 - You can tackle situations head on, but please act accordingly to what you consider your character capable of.

2 - At the beginning, you can decide if your character is a dragonborn or not, but please don't make last minute decisions about this as I am not going to change it after the decision is made.

3 - Take this thread seriously please, no random jokes or random suggestions like 'jack off and leave'.

4 - The usage of cheats is going to be rare and it's most likely going to be something small, cheats will only be used when required, so please don't request things like cheating to get items.

You hear a voice, it sounds like whisper in your ear.

Opening your eyes, you gaze around as you are unable to move.

The voice becomes louder and you can hear what it says very clearly.

"This is Helgen." A female voice says, "You were one of the unlucky residents in Helgen, fiends and bandits stormed in through the walls and took the lives of every living being they could get their hands on, this is where you died trying to get away during the attack."

Whilst you are confused, you realise you can't speak once you attempt to ask a question.

"You are one of the few people that are allowed a second chance in life." The female voice pauses for a second, before saying: "I will ask you a series of questions and you will answer them with honesty, as from now on you may alter and manipulate life itself to be whatever you wish."

"What is the name you wish to make yours, what is your gender and your race."

You find yourself able to speak again, what is your name, your gender and your race?

Available Races:

Forum Games / A Legend Reborn - Prologue: Awakening [MGS 5: Phantom Pain]
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:08:18 AM »

About this:

Kept you waiting, huh?

In this thread, I will be playing Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain from the start to the end with your help, YOU the player are going to guide me through this wild journey by giving me suggestions in this thread on what to do in order to complete a certain objective/mission as stealthily or loudly as you want this playthrough of the game by me to be.

There isn't much to be said other than the fact that updating this thread is going to take a lot of effort and strain my free time due to the nature of the game, I will sometimes update really frequently in one day, barely update it in a single day and sometimes not update it at all, please don't yell at me for not doing so because chances are that I have more pressing matters to deal with than make an update, thanks for understanding.

If I manage to somehow miss a suggestion, please tell me so I can see if I can fix my error.

For more information about the gameplay, story and characters please visit: here and here

The Rules:

1 - Don't suggest to go loud unless absolutely necessary, if you tell me to do something like 'gun down everyone in X location', you will be ignored.

2 - Use resources you find on the field wisely, don't suggest to waste it all on building a single platform when that platform isn't needed or something similar.

3 - Take this thread seriously please, no random jokes or random suggestions like 'jack off and leave'.

4 - The game doesn't have a 'save whenever you feel like' system and it saves at specific checkpoints, so please don't make choices that you know that it would lead to your death.


Prologue: Awakening

This mission hasn't been finished, therefore no ranking is given!
Playing as: ?????
"You open your eyes, confused as to where you are, everything around you seems to be blurry and your head hurts, your goal is to find out what happened to you."

Mother Base:

Mother Base hasn't been created yet!

You have no unprocessed or processed materials to be kept track of!
You have no other platforms on Mother Base!
There are no soldiers, vehicles and/or items currently on Mother Base!

You open your eyes, looking around.

Before you can ask yourself what is this place and how you wound up here, you experience a flashback.

You can clearly understand that you are lying down on a bed, but what did you just see, who was the man you saw in your flashback?

You feel sleepy, you can try struggling to stay awake or fall asleep, what do you want to do?

You have no weapons.

You have no usable items.

You have no ammunition.

Detection Status: Undetected
Overall Health: Critically Wounded
Current Status: Lightheaded, confused.
Playing as: ??????
Current Location: ??????

Games / the most amazing game of all time - SC2VN - The eSports Visual Novel
« on: September 23, 2015, 04:55:59 PM »
this is stuff nightmares are made out of:

tread carefully and watch that you don't commit sudoku when finished viewing this masterpiece.

Off Topic / there is a weaboo festival in my town
« on: September 20, 2015, 06:41:30 AM »
so there is this thing called Japan Fest and it's currently going on in greece, people who are clearly not japanese are walking around my town wearing anime costumes and speaking in japanese, it's a bona fide weaboo fest and i really really really do not like it.

pictures i got from tv:

in a previous interview they had a weeb run down what happens in this festival, there are shops that sell 'traditional' japanese clothing, the mango and the animu is sold there, but there is also an anime 'treasure hunt' where the winner gets rewards, the rewards are probably a thousand body pillows or something.

god help me

Forum Games / The Road to Glory - TEW 2010 [Monday, Week 1, January 2015]
« on: September 16, 2015, 02:25:53 PM »
About this:

First of all, before you read anything else in the thread I have to warn you that this thread is about wrestling, please attempt to read up on pro-wrestling a little bit if you are going to attempt to participate in this thread.

I will be playing TEW 2010 booker mode, in which I control the owner and head booker of a major or minor wrestling promotion, people are going to participate in this thread by 'creating' their own wrestlers or otherwise called 'workers', you will have to roleplay

People can participate in this thread and create characters by adding my STEAM ACCOUNT and discussing specific details that you want your wrestling character and yourself to have, such as your moveset, your experience in specific roles such as being an announcer, a wrestler or anything you wish to be as long as you can be active in the world of pro-wrestling.

If you for any reason chose to speak to any character or address the crowd whilst you are in-character yourself, unless I explicitly state that you are both sent out in the ring to cut a promo, then it has to be done through personal messages on the forums or on Steam chat, if I state that you are out in the ring talking to another guy or talking to the crowd on the MICROPHONE then please post what you are saying in the thread.

please don't kill me for liking wrestling, thanks.

How you can participate:

Provided you have given me enough information over a personal message using Steam to create a character to represent you in this thread, you will probably ask yourself if you can do anything other than merely stand there.

Before we get to any lists

But anyways, to answer your questions, I have writen down a list of things you could possibly do during your time in any wrestling company:

  • Call out whoever you like, feud with the top guys in the roster of any promotion you are in and come out on the top.
  • Roleplay passively with others, go in-character and actually develop some sort of personality, speak to the bossman and ask him for favors or chat up another wrestler.
  • Fight your way up the ranks of BCW or other wrestling promotions to become one of the most feared or respected wrestlers in the entire roster by battling your way through.
  • Become the best in the world and main event pay-per-views, etch your name in history by joining the Hall of Immortals and being right next to guys like Stone Cold, The Rock, Mick Foley and many more legends.

The Rules:

1 - Sorry, but please don't ask me to increase your wrestler's statistics, I want to keep this as realistic but fun at the same time as possible, so you cannot just be an overall A++ wrestler from the get-go.

2 - If you want for any reason to create a tag team between you and another player, please ask the other player if they accept or decline your offer as I require both men/women to agree before making such a decision, after all it does allow you to compete for a new title.

3 - If you wish to request a match against a specific opponent, ask me via a personal message through the forums or by sending me a message using Steam, after all your requests are meant to be private.

4 - This isn't more of a rule, but you can ask me to create a female wrestler, unlike any WWE games female wrestlers can play an important part in the show and therefore aren't a waste of time to create.

5 - Please don't bug me if you want to get a certain match against a certain opponent, I am attempting to create matches and cards for shows according to what I think is best for business.

Created Wrestler Roster, 4/999 slots filled.

Jack Esleki, made by: Zharthon

Currently holds no championship.
Overall Rating: A
Currently in: BCW
Alignment: Face
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Match Specialty: Hardcore

Johnson Leeroy, made by: mattsos/SimpleOS

Currently holds no championship.
Overall Rating: B+
Currently in: BCW
Alignment: Heel
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Match Specialty: Steel Cage

Max Kenta, made by: Maxwell

Currently holds no championship.
Overall Rating: B+
Currently in: BCW
Alignment: Face
Weight Class: Light Heavyweight
Match Specialty: Ladder

John Enchiladas, made by: Frontrox

Currently holds no championship.
Overall Rating: B
Currently in: BCW
Alignment: Heel
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Match Specialty: First Blood

Tag Team Roster

No Tag Teams have been created yet!

Wrestling 101 and Terminology

Angle - A fictional storyline. An angle usually begins when one wrestler attacks another (physically or verbally), which results in revenge. An angle may be as small as a single match or a vendetta that lasts for years. It is not uncommon to see an angle become retconned due to it not getting over with the fans, or if one of the wrestlers currently involved in the angle is fired.

Babyface - A wrestler positioned as a hero, who the crowd are typically cheering for in a match. Often simply known as a "face".

Blading - A wrestler intentionally cutting himself to provoke bleeding. Also known as "juicing".

Botch - To attempt a scripted move or spoken line that does not come out as it was originally planned.

Drop - To lose a match or championship (the loser agreed to drop the match to the winner).

Finish - The planned end of a match.

Heel - A wrestler who is villainous, who is booked to be booed by fans. Faces are the opposite of heels, and heels commonly perform against faces.

I am sorry but as hard as it is to believe, you cannot have all top guys in a wrestling promotion, somebody has to be the underdog and there is nothing I can do to change that golden rule, some guys will have to lose over and over again while some guys might win every single match, not everybody can be John Cena

News, results of shows to come soon and much more to come soon.

Just to again clarify something, this is an RP, you have free control of your characters and you can RP doing whatever you feel like doing with your character, whether it is leaving the arena and making yourself unavailable to be in any matches or drinking heavily before you go out to the ring to speak.

Honestly now, you just create your character and RP whenever a show is on or during your free time when no show is going on, it's pretty easy to understand the basic gist of it so if you still happen to have any questions, just ask away.

Forum Games / BLF is a detective - LA Noire [Upon Reflection]
« on: September 10, 2015, 06:14:34 AM »

The game takes place in the city of Los Angeles, in the year 1947, with players assuming the role of Los Angeles Police Department officer, and later detective, Cole Phelps. The game starts with Phelps as a uniformed patrolman, and follows his career as he advances through the police department bureaus (desks) of Traffic, Homicide, Vice and Arson. Each desk gives players a new partner who will help Phelps in his investigation of a number of cases based on a specific type of crime. The game assigns players with cases that they must solve. After each case, players receive a rating of 1–5 stars depending on their performance in both interrogations and searching for clues.

But in a turn of events which surprised nobody ever, the BLF will get to control Cole Phelps during his journey and make all the decisions for him, ranging from investigating crime scenes he is sent to, interrogating suspects and finding out who was the man and/or woman behind the crimes you are going to investigate during your stay in the LAPD as a detective/patrolman.


1. Please do not attempt to forget up the game for others by making the obviously wrong decisions on purpose.

2. Don't rush to a decision, in every case there are pieces of evidence which are crucial during interrogations, review the evidence and make a decision, not the other way around.

3. Sadly though, there are some really graphic scenes in this game which I will have to censor in one way or the other, please don't ask me to uncensor these scenes, as most of them directly break forum rules.

4. When a decision is made in an interrogation or a crime scene investigation, do not ask me to revert to an old savefile to make a different decision, because I cannot revert back to a previous save.

Player Stats:

Clues found: 0
Cases solved: 0
Rank: Rookie Detective

Clues found: 0
Cases solved: 0
Rank: Rookie Detective

Clues found: 1
Cases solved: 0
Rank: Rookie Detective

Clues found: 1
Cases solved: 0
Rank: Rookie Detective

Case Stats:

No cases have been solved yet, no stats available as of yet.

Off Topic / renai circulation parodies
« on: August 31, 2015, 12:10:39 PM »
this is it ladies and gentlemen, today we witness:

humanity at it's finest

after viewing all four videos, answer the following questions:

1. did you feel the need to commit Self Delete?

thank you for your time.

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