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Topics - JBlitz404

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Off Topic / My school just posted their Lip Dub video.
« on: May 05, 2017, 12:30:27 PM »
Hey guys, I'm not dead.

Link there, it's pretty long; about 11 minutes at best. No, I wasn't in the video. I never participated anyway.

EDIT: More context


One of the questions I always asked myself every year.

Games / 17 Minutes of Friday the 13th Counselor Gameplay - IGN First
« on: December 16, 2016, 06:20:18 PM »

Gameplay just dropped for Friday the 13th: The Game. In case you guys didn't know, the beta is starting next week on Tuesday and runs until Friday.

Off Topic / Age and Average Game Time?
« on: November 28, 2016, 09:22:12 PM »
Just asking to see if this is actually possible to make something out of (as in a graph). All that is needed your average game time (I know you guys can calculate) and a general age. Thanks.

Off Topic / Any good grooming tips?
« on: November 16, 2016, 10:41:38 PM »
Okay, so while I was at my CAP meeting today, we were doing inspection, and one of the officers asked, "Do you shave?" And I was like, "Uh, no", and he told me to start shaving. I was pretty confused as the only minor hair I had was some fuzz above my lip. Turns out when I got home, I looked in the mirror, and there was like hair on and near my chin. I shaved it off eventually, but I'll need some tips to keep my grooming good. Any great tips on how so?

General Discussion / Asymmetrical Multiplayer game ideas?
« on: November 16, 2016, 08:29:29 AM »
With games like Evolve, Dead by Daylight, and the upcoming Friday the 13th game, I was thinking "what if we could create a game similar to those on Blockland?"

It's not necessarily similar to Boss Battles, I was thinking more on the line, that both teams have an objective to complete, and it's not the same general objective like in other games. Basically, a team has their own objective and another has their very own. I think it would be pretty cool if we could all pitch in and come up with various ideas. Not only would it be pretty sick, it will also be very fun, if executed correctly. What are your thoughts and ideas?

Off Topic / So I was browsing Reddit and I found this gem.
« on: October 03, 2016, 07:33:06 PM »
I was on /r/HighQualityGifs and I saw this video, freaking amazing. 17 people came together to pull this off. It's a parody of Taylor Swift's Shake it Off music video from 2014.

Video Link

Original Reddit Link

Off Topic / I just had the biggest stuff of my entire life.
« on: September 27, 2016, 08:41:49 AM »
I can't stress this enough, but please please please, (PSA) make sure to drink water and eat enough fiber.

I just had the biggest stuff of my life. It spanned from yesterday to this morning. I just got home from school, finished my homework, and all of that. Then I had the urge to go to the bathroom, it felt big, so I prepped for it. Got my phone, some earbuds, and just sat on the toilet listening to music. That was when the situation gone worse.

I was so close to it dropping and then suddenly, it became LODGED. I started to panic, "oh man am I going to die on a toilet???", it was awful. With all my might, I tried to force it out. Each push made me weaker, each attempt made me more tired. It got to the point in which my body was using so much water to try to push it out that I became dehydrated quick. I had to call my mom to get me my water bottle. It felt awful. Liquid stuff spewing into the toilet, but nothing is coming out. I started to cry because it hurt so bad, trust me, the pain is horrendous.

It eventually went back up and I got pissed since I have school tomorrow. My dad came home and I told him if he could get me anything to help. He later came back from Walgreens with some chocolate laxative. I then went to bed with a brick still stuck in my butt. Overnight, I kept getting up to take a piss. About 5 times. It wasn't until it reached 6:15 AM and I prepared for the finale. I went to the bathroom, plopped on the toilet seat, and waited. The pain was tremendous. I was wiggling around, crying my eyes out, and just taking in the pain. I could feel my star fish being pierced as it slowly came out. I had my mom bring me 2 glasses of water. Then it started coming out, I was shaking, my body ached, and I was cold. Then finally, it dropped into the toilet. My stuff was so big since my star fish still hurts as I'm typing this.

Off Topic / What was that moment in which you realized life sucks?
« on: September 24, 2016, 10:39:12 PM »

Off Topic / JBlitz and his Adventures in Tennessee - Update 4
« on: September 16, 2016, 11:14:11 PM »
Day 0 - 9:00 PM CST

y family and I are taking a trip to Nashville, Tennessee for the weekend to deliver some stuff to my relatives. I thought it would be pretty fun taking pictures and doing some "adventure". We're about to hit the road in 5 hours, so I'll keep you guys up to date. Just check back to this thread in the morning. I'll update the thread every x hours. Need some sleep first. (Pictures will be photodumped at the end, it'll be a text adventure for now.)

Day 1 - 4:00 AM CST

Holy crap, I'm tired. It feels awful when you don't get enough sleep. Getting my things finalized for the trip.

Day 1 - 4:42 AM CST

In the car. About to go. Imgur's being a pain to work with. No resizing options, lol.

Day 1 - 4:50 AM CST

We're moving now. Out of our small town already. Getting Starbucks for the time being.

Day 1 - 6:24 AM CST

We're in Indiana still working our way down. Took a nap. Man, the scenery is so flat and dull.

Off Topic / This mattress commercial has triggered a lot of people
« on: September 09, 2016, 10:16:57 PM »
It was pretty funny imo, but then again, 9/11 references, so there must be no innocence.

I just went to my first school football game ever by myself. Wow, there were TONS of 14 year olds there. Just watching the game and halfway through, I was already bored and annoyed. I got pretty hungry since I didn't eat anything since noon and it was night. During halftime, I went down to the food court and bought some nachos and some Gatorade for about $5. I started to eat at one of the tables when they told a specific group to go back to the bleachers. I thought they were talking about me as well, so I just went back to the bleachers even though I didn't want to. Went up and sat in the corner avoiding the 14 year olds, munching on some nachos that were surprisingly pretty good for $3.

Little did I realize, I was demolishing some nachos behind some teen couple. I was tearing those nachos apart like they owed me money. I chugged that Gatorade down like a madman. I could literally see the romantic mood fall down. I mean, seriously. Why would you bring your girlfriend to some high school football game? Like wow, we had a park and everything in my town, and the couple chose to attend some football game full of a bunch wailing 14 year olds experiencing their first school game. Not only that, but there were like 14 year olds going under the bleachers and making out, so it made not only my experience worse, but all of the adults and juniors/seniors even WORSE. It wasn't long until they got up and left. I just found it so hilarious. It may not seem embarrassing, but the overall atmosphere was pretty embarrassing.

Anyways, I just want you guys to share your moments at your school's sports games.

Music / Battlefield 1 - Music Megathread
« on: September 01, 2016, 08:27:29 PM »

End of Round

Uses: play this when a round is about to end in your minigame.

Length: ~26 seconds

Want to listen to this song? Click this LINK **HEADPHONE WARNING AT HIGH VOLUME**

Download the End of Round theme.


Main Theme

Uses: play this whenever you feel like it, whether it's beginning a round, ending a round, or just getting that awesome kill.

Length: ~16.5 seconds

Want to listen to this song? Click this LINK

Download the Main Theme.


Menu Music 1

Uses: play this when you have that glorious moment or when it's something awesome.

Length: ~33 Seconds

Want to listen to this song? Click this LINK **HEADPHONE WARNING AT HIGH VOLUME**

Download the Menu Theme 1.


Round End Screen

Uses: play this when the round ends. Works best if Slayer is installed.

Length: ~23.4 seconds

Want to listen to this song? Click this LINK

Download the Round End Screen theme.


Megathread Changelog

NOTHING IS HERE. Don't worry, another theme is coming in soon (should be arriving later this week)!


If there are any concerns, please let me know as soon as possible.



I will not REPEAT this, but the listening option does not represent FINAL quality! There's a difference in quality when changing sound types!

(~) This symbol right here means APPROXIMATELY. It's not a fancy symbol, it's telling you what the EXACT song length is.


- all content in this thread belongs to DICE LA and EA.

Off Topic / My shorts were unzipped today in school.
« on: August 31, 2016, 03:18:02 PM »
The shorts I were wearing, the zipper goes down a few times. I don't know why, though. However, for about 5 hours today in school, I've been walking around the halls with my books going to my classes and it turns out my zipper was unzipped like wtf. No one said anything about it, even at lunch. Heck, I was wondering why people were looking "down" there anyways. What do guys?

Off Topic / Increasing negative attention at No Man's Sky (LONG)
« on: August 27, 2016, 09:41:13 PM »
Let's face it. No Man's Sky didn't live up to our expectations. Grand features removed from launch, repetitive core gameplay, and not really that much surprises; it feels disappointing. It's a decent game, but it's not great or horrible either. Yet, I've been noticing things. Especially on YouTube. When the game released, the game received positive rep. Despite being flawed, it was fun. Though, as the days went on, it wasn't until when negative videos started churning out in fast rates which changed people's minds entirely. I do not disrespect their opinions, but I'm finding it weird how these channels are suddenly on the "No Man's Sky is disappointing" trend.


No Man's Sky, One Man's Lie

The video that kicked it all off (I think). Some of the clips present, are the SAME clips present in many negative media on this game.

A video criticizing the game. No problem with it for me though. Yet, it started the whole "trend" in my opinion.


Video focusing on the "multiplayer" not present in the game.

- No Man's Lie

ANOTHER video from this guy focusing on the cut content not in the final game. He could've let it be and shook it off, but I guess he needed more attention.

No Man's Sky in a Nutshell

A satire video trying to pluck the falling leaves from the tree before it dies. Honestly, it's not really humorous.

No Man's Sky (dunkview)

A video criticizing the game. No problem with it for me though. Yet, it started the whole "trend" in my opinion.

No Man's Sky - Game Review | False Advertising at Its Finest

Doesn't really seem like a review to me. It's a full on rant for the first 3 minutes, then it's subtle for the rest of the video.

No Man's Sky [PC] RANT & Review

Another "review". Literally the entire premise of the video, is in the title. Made very recently to release.

No Man's Sky SUCKS! Do Not Buy! (No Man's Sky Review)

Another video that's basically ranting. Pretty much fueling what everyone thinks. Kind of fishy, isn't it?

REFUND MATERIAL: No Man's Sky Review (No Man's Sky

Yet, again. Another video on telling people to avoid this game. Like I haven't seen this before.

The No Man's Sky Hype Train - Missing Features Compilation

Jesus Christ, how low effort is this video? Ripping parts of some clips and adding text that summarizes it.

New disappointment discovered : No Man's Sky

This video is just pointing out missing features with some bugs and stuff in between here and there. The SAME video. Yet, lots of likes. Pretty repetitive, huh?

A Buggy, Boring, Unfinished Ripoff - No Man's Sky Review

Another review ripping the game to shreds. Yet, it's being posted, what, DAYS[/b\] after the game released? You would think people got their point across.

No Man's Sky Marketing Is Probably Illegal | Feature Creep

A video discussing the game with missing features. Like I haven't seen this before. Well constructed video, but the same as all of the others. Lots of games do this, yet no one bats an eye. Something new, please?


This video pisses me off the most. Another RANT video that's drawn out for close to 50 loving minutes. Why?

No Man's Sky's Super Duper Secret

A video on the anticlimatic "ending" of No Man's Sky. Even since this topic has been discussed plenty of times, it still manages to snag attention on YouTube, even after 2 weeks(+) since the game released!


I simply don't understand. Are these people trying to cash in on this topic for some views? Other games have done this such as "Alien: Colonial Marines", Spore, and more. Yet, there wasn't a lot of negative attention (still had attention, just not as much) when those games came out. Though, hold your horses, I'm just SCRATCHING the surface of negative attention at No Man's Sky. There are DOZENS of articles, videos, and threads about how this game is disappointing. Whether it's actual rants, circlejerks, or plain "this game sucks!", No Man's Sky can't escape it. It has simply invaded other forum sites and gaming sites that I enjoy, which makes it hard to just not think about it. It's NOT a bad game. However, it's not great either.

I'm simply baffled on how people are  possibly using this as an opportunity to cash in on viewers and gain attention. Basically, manipulating people at best. Possibly if they're doing this, it's pretty disgusting, but there's nothing that can be done about it. The damage has been done, but it's still going strong. The game already has a bad rep. Fires were started and now no one knows how to put them out.

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