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Topics - Miner Blockman

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Clan Discussion / cumguzzlers
« on: July 18, 2015, 11:47:04 PM »

coment below 2 join

Modification Help / Weapon Scripting Help Needed
« on: January 26, 2014, 10:08:18 AM »
I have started to create a weapons pack. I have modeled all the weapons and have animated most of the weapons. I have been able to script about two of the weapons after some hard work. I was wondering if someone who had a bit more experience would be interested in receiving these files and scripting them. I have them in a MediaFire folder already, you would just have to download them. Here are some pictures of the models:

These are just two, I have around 10

Modification Help / Creating Colorsets for Blockland
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:29:57 PM »
Colorsets are some of the easier Add-Ons to make. Let's get started.

First off all, create a folder in your Add-Ons folder.

And name it whatever you want... Remember the Add-on has to be in the format Colorset_<name>. For this tutorial, we're going to use Example as the name.

In your folder, Create two new text files.

Name them colorSet and description.

Open description. In it, you will put your information in the following format:

Code: [Select]
Title: <Whatever you named it before, without the colorset_ part.>
Author: <Your Blockland Name, some people choose to put their BL_ID in with it.>
<And an optional description right here>

Now you need to worry about your colorset. First of all, colorsets use RGB. There are two types of RGB. Decimal RGB and Normal RGB. Decimal RGB takes color hues 0.000-1.000. Normal RGB takes color hues 0-255. For example, Color: 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 (White), is the same as 255, 255, 255, 255. The first three numbers are red hues, blue hues, then yellow hues. The last number is the transparency, which works the same as the colors. 0 is invisible, 255 or 1.000 is solid. Some people choose color wheels to get these hues, but you can also use the avatar customization screen, like so:

So the hues would be 0.900 0.000 0.000 1.000. Now, let's take the first nine colors, or the standard in the standard colorset, and put them in our file.

That's how you make a row. But what about naming the row? Well, you would tell the row to end by naming it, like so:

I don't have a picture for this, but you can also use the Avatar Customization screen to mix colors, by clicking new, and playing with the sliders.

Now, I don't want to make a whole colorset, you do. So I'll just copy the default colorset.:

Save everything and start up Blockland. Start a custom game and select colorset. Your colorset should be in there:

You don't have to worry about zipping the colorset, unless you are going to upload it to the forums or RtB.

If you have any questions leave them below.

Help / dedicated.dat Missing?
« on: November 24, 2012, 07:04:04 PM »
I have a desire to host a dedicated server, but I've found that my dedicated.dat file is missing. I know how to host one and I even wrote a tutorial on how to back when I was a little nooblet, but somehow it got deleted or moved. I've tried searching in the start panel but nothing comes up.

Help / Slayer Crashing game
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:37:27 PM »
First of all, I'm almost one-hundred percent sure that this is in the wrong section.

I have been using the Team DeathMatch Game Mode until yesterday, when I was convinced by a friend to use Slayer. Having to Rebuild the spawns was getting old, but my capture points weren't working. In Slayer, I can't be sure either, because Slayer doesn't work.

When I start the default menu in the slayer gamemode create button, it works. But when I start my Custom Team DeathMatch, It brings this up in the console:

Slayer (Server): Sending Initial Data: Jelly
Slayer (Client): Handshake Accepted: Receiving Initial Data...
Executing config/client/Slayer/Favorites/fav_1.cs.
base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (27513): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'getName'
BackTrace: ->serverCmdSlayer_getPrefs_Tick->Slayer_PrefSO::setValue->MinigameSO::updateEnablePainting


Modification Help / Packaging Weapons
« on: September 18, 2012, 07:53:31 PM »
What do I need to package a weapon? I have the script, DTS, and Description in my weapon folder, but what about the colors? I've looked into several weapons folders, and the color names and sizes are all different. What do I need to name them, and do they need to be a certian size? I have one color, and the RGB for it is 300, 320, 380.

Modification Help / What's wrong with my script?
« on: September 16, 2012, 09:24:31 PM »
I'm trying to make a script  that clears music bricks. This isn't actually my first script, It's my first script that I cared enough about to try and fix.

This is what I have in my Script_ClearMusicBricks folder

Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
function servercmdClearMusicBricks


function camb()
   if($Server::BrickCount > 0)
messageAll('MsgClearBricks', "\c3" @ %client.getPlayerName() @ "\c0 cleared music bricks.");

   %groupCount = MainBrickGroup.getCount();
   for(%i = 0; %i < %groupCount; %i++)
      %group = MainBrickGroup.getObject(%i);
      %count = %group.getCount();
      for(%j = 0; %j < %count; %j++)
         %brick = %group.getObject(%j);

if(!%brick.getType() & $TypeMasks::fxDtsBrickData(brickmusicdata)


Title: Clear Music Bricks
     Author: Jelly
     No more annoying unauthorized music.


I was wondering if you guys could tell me why it's not showing up in my Add-Ons folder? I just started scripting a week ago.

Modification Help / Detecting Certain Bricks
« on: September 15, 2012, 09:54:20 PM »
Hello all. I'm new to coding, and so far, all of my scripts have failed. I've been trying over and over to make a script that will show up in my Add-Ons list. Not yet.

I was wondering if there was a way to detect a certain kind of brick. For example, lets say I was making a code where I turned all trees in the server red. How would I scan the bricks for trees?


Modification Help / Need Help Exporting an Add-On.
« on: September 01, 2012, 11:19:53 AM »
After about a year, I'm giving up trying to export to Python. I was wondering if there was a way that I could send my exported models to someone, have them export it, and send it back. If this is possible, is there anyone willing to do it? It would take thirty seconds.

Help / Some Guns not doing damage.
« on: August 02, 2012, 02:10:51 PM »
I was using the following addons:
DB Shotgun
TF2 Scattergun
TF2 Shotgun
Guns akimbo
Riot Shield
Sniper Rifle
880 Rifle

However, when I fought with them, only the TF2 Guns and 880 Rifle would kill. The rest would do nothing. I usedthe rest of the TF2 Guns I had and they all killed too. But not even Guns Akimbo kills anymore. How do I fix this?

Clan Discussion / AFS: All for Something
« on: March 16, 2012, 09:50:28 PM »
To some people i'm known for my crappy clans, which is probably going to get this less veiws. Honestly, I don't care, this is only supposed to have a few people in it

This is a very private clan that only one in ten people get in. It reminds me of a school type layout, but that is not what I was going for origonally.

The clan would be devided into groups:

Builders. This would include 7-10 people and is for people who can use default bricks to make cool detail. Try only using one or two color tones to make a good build.

Eventers: Course would include 3-5 people. Again, this would be using defaults. It would be creating advanced events with few codes.

Pre-Addon makers: Includes 3 people. This would be a course that you do not need to know how  to do anything. Taking this course would require the Builders/Eventers advanced course. Read more below.

Other Guys: Course would include 7- 10 people. This would more be a everything course. this would help you figure out what you wanted to be once you reach the Civie Rank. This would start with a kind of "What people like in a server" and hosting tips. Then it would focus a little bit on building and eventing.

   Your course provider would give you a test, and you will most likely pass. If you pass you get to go to the Intermedate courses, which are listed below:

Mechanical/physics builders: This would include 3-5 people. This is the intermediate version of Builders. This would use some brick addons off of RtB.

Future scripters: 3 people. This is the advanced version of Eventers. This uses bolth old variables and VCE.

Educated addon makers: 3 people. This course includes Vehicles, Weapons and Playertypes.

Future Gamemode makers. 3-5 people. These people learn to edit gamemode scripts and if they are lucky, learn to make them.

   Once you complete the course, you take another test to get your "Degree". Once you have your degree you get to take one of these three courses. I call these self-taught courses. You don't have a owner, exept for the first part where he tells you information:

Builders/Eventers: 3-5 people. Gives you a chance to know others, share tips with them and other crap. I don't really care what goes on here.

Searchers: This is a private course and information is only avalibile to 2nd Rank Officers. (Read more below)

Admin/Owner Interns: This is for anybody who wants to be admin when someone quits. An owner is someone who hosts a server.

   Then you have different rankings you can be. This determines how much power and respect you have, and what you can do. The way you get a new ranking is to pass the required amount of tests.

Newbie: Requires nothing, you become a newbie when you join the clan. Then you sign up for a course.

Civie: This requires you to have completed an intermediate test. With this you would do what you would do in a normal clan. Roam around and join clan servers. This gives you the power to take another course. If you complete the second test and get a "Degree". If you do not, you still become a civie. If you do, you become a civie and have the power to take the third level Advanced courses.

3rd Rank Grade: This requires you to have completed Two intermediate tests, but does not require a degree. With this you have the power to start another begginer course, and also gives me more respect over you.

2nd Rank Officer.: This requires you to have completed two intermediate tests also. This is the same as a 3rd Rank Grade, but this requires a degree. As you have probably read, this also gives you the chance to be a searcher, and gives me even more respect

1st Rank Saregant: Admins are picky. This is the admin class, and requires you to have taken the searcher course, have forty two degrees and also requires you to know how to jump up and down on your third arm.

List of requirements:
Slight knowledge(Nobody over 35000)

I am glad to say I have nobody in this yet.

P.M. Me. We will find a good time to meet, And I will temporarily(Or perminantally) Add you to my freinds. The app must include

What biginner course your interested in


I need course hosters, because this is a new clan, I am willing to accept more people.

General Discussion / How to scare the stuff out of someone
« on: February 07, 2012, 10:37:42 PM »
I happen to be doing this right now.
First off, go here:
Host a freebuild.
Leave blockland in small screen so you can quickly switch to that.
For starters, delete all your bodyparts except your head. Then wear whatever you think the creepiest face is.
The link tells you how to talk as someone. You can do that to creep the person out. Then it also tells you how to fake admin someone, that is kind of creepy (not really) But you can change the color to red. And then type whatever. Another good thing to do is to kill them.

You have seen my examples, now use it to do other stuff.

I want this to die quickly so I'm locking it.

Mapping Help / Tourque Constructor Substitute?
« on: November 23, 2010, 10:19:40 PM »
Is there a program to make interiors besides Tourque Constructor?

Clan Discussion / TC
« on: October 31, 2010, 11:00:45 AM »

Twin Clans


Twin Clans! It is the combonation of two clans, UMoB and BeU.

What do we do?

UMoB made movies, They still do that, their best being 5 days a week. We build gigantic builds with lots of eventing. We also play lots of TDMs, Ctf, C&R...

Where does all this go?

Our website! On our website we have all the movies we have made, (Not right now, they are still being uploaded) High scores on the games, and more!

Coming soon:
There will soon be ranks, and we are getting a clan to go against in the games.

Off Topic / Da zombie pumkin!
« on: October 24, 2010, 02:46:46 PM »
I am planning to carve a pumpkin in the face of a blockland zombie, seeing how that would be easy. I was planning to use the zombie face, color it all black, but you could see how that wouldn't work. Can someone get me something more like this except not exactly out of game, or just spend the hour to color the dang thing?

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