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Topics - Gadgethm

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Gallery / Klendathu Drop: Version 1.3, Announcement on page 10!
« on: December 26, 2011, 07:18:46 PM »
Klendathu Drop
A ZAPT campaign map

Quote from: Comr4de
Now before we go over the map, Tingalz has aptly described the difficulty of this map.


If your team isn't coordinated you will die before you reach the first rest stop. I guarantee it. We're working to make an easier version that standard lemmings can play, and we'll call that "meatgrinder".

So, it's finally here.  After months of inactivity, Comr4de, Vionix, and I have completed a releasable version of Klendathu Drop.  The full version is still not quite finished, but this version is.  I give you: Klendathu Drop: Release 1


Spawn/Debriefing area

Armory etc.

Trusty drop pods which NEVER BREAK DOWN.

Oh look, the drop pods BROKE DOWN.

Small military outpost with blood and ammo.  Oh, and zombies.

Train tunnel with a witch.  Fun.

Radio station where you must contact your commander.

Hello zombie.

Dynamite-rigged bridge with a lamppost-hugging zombie.

The harried soldier attempts to unlock the military outpost while surrounded.

Overview of the military outpost.

The radio building where you must contact the commander for further orders.

Entrance to the canyon with a lovely gas station nearby.

The canyon with a tank at the end.  Tanks are fun.

Whoops, wrong button.

Zombies don't appreciate you walking on their graves.

Welcome to richardersons, home to all the richards and their sons. Oh, and another witch.

Safety - AT LAST.  
Of course, we didn't bother to place a saferoom brick, you're gonna have to do that yourself.

Ok, so.  For those of you who remember this from before, we had a couple other locations beyond this.  Like I said in the beginning, this is release 1, and the entire map isn't yet finished.  I will update this post when we get the last locations done.  



Klendathu Drop Release 1.3
Previous Versions:
Version 1.2
Version 1

Code: [Select]
Version 1.3:
- Squad mode now does not allow player respawn
- L4D Playertype now has 500 health for servers with many player zombies
- Witch now does 500 damage to accommodate for L4D playertype change
- L4D secondary items now include Classic, Covert, and Modern Pistol
- Fixed bug where zombies could trigger a radio event
- Removed unnecessary locations to lower brickcount
- Changed location of crowbar, now its more easily seen

Version 1.2:
- Incorporated T+T 2.1
- Fixed bug with drop pods that would result in doors not shutting (This still may happen, but definitely not as often.  Not sure what's wrong with them...)
- Survivor camp area has been revamped, along with the nearby terrain
- Added vault area; not playable but fun to look around in
- Radio shack now prevents player zombies from triggering the horde event
- Spawn weapons changed;assault now gets bullpup, sniper gets slug shotgun, SMG gets battle rifle, and support gets popgun.
- More doodads in highway zone
- Treasure chests added
- Added new transportation option in wasteland
- Most pipebombs replaced with tier+tac grenades. tier tac grenades can carry multiple instances, but the pipebomb attracts zombies. grenades and grenade sacks are for more common than pipebombs.
- Witch health increase to 1000.  Don't even think about provoking her.

Version 1:
- Released!
- Added squad mode. This selects four players (at most) to play as human. Everyone else is a zombie.
- Updated ZAPT to be compatible with V20
- Minor ZAPT bug fixes

Setting up a server

For those of you who are crazy enough to want to try to host this monster, there's a couple things you need to do. I've put them in a nice, friendly bullet point form for you.
  • Download the file above and extract it.
  • Inside should be the save file, a photo for the save file, and a folder called "Klendathu Addons"
  • Inside that folder is a text file with a list of all the addons needed, and the addons themselves.
  • Before transferring those addons to your Add-Ons folder, back up your Add-ons folder.  Some of the add-ons for Klendathu Drop are edited versions of their originals.
  • Host a server with ALL of those addons enabled, AND with the defaults enabled.  Make sure your quotas (Event, item, lights, etc) are set high, this map uses a lot of those.  Any other scripts you want can be added as well, so long as they don't interfere with ZAPT.  Also, use Trueno's colorset.
  • Load the bricks, then type $VCE::Server::ImmuneTime = 0; in your console.
  • Start a ZAPT minigame in Squad mode with a secondary weapon, Conc 'nade, medpack and pill.
  • turning your draw distance down to the minimum doesn't hurt gameplay and helps with the bricklag
  • Play to your heart's content!

This next bit only applies to Version 1.  If you have trouble with the pods, try resetting the minigame once or twice.  They are supposed to fix themselves.
If you want to run this campaign with less that 4 people, here's how to do so.
  • Follow the steps above and make sure everyone who's playing is in the minigame.
  • After everyone else has completed briefing, selected their weapons, and gotten into a pod, click the little red square in the southeast corner. (When you spawn, you're facing south.
  • Quickly run into an empty pod.  The rest should close automatically
  • Play like normal, have fun!

If you should run into any problems with any of the steps above, please don't hesitate to PM me here, message me on steam, or message me on skype (gadgeth-m for skype)

Thanks to the following people, without whom this would have never been finished.
  • Comr4de (Main builder)
  • Vionix (Main builder)
  • Gadgethm (Main Eventer/Scripter)
  • Tingalz
  • Frog
  • Doomcop
  • Monkeyboy
  • Aqua
  • I have not
  • Legodude77
  • Conan
  • Other people I can't think of (Please message me if you helped with this so I can add you here)

Off Topic / Beer :D
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:49:24 PM »
Yum :D


Off Topic / Save a Glass Frog
« on: June 06, 2011, 03:59:51 AM »
So my brother is doing this project about Glass Frogs.  He has to make a facebook page and a report.  The more likes he gets on the facebook page, the more extra credit he gets.  So, I was wondering if the Blockland Forum could put aside its trolls and help a coolbro out?

Facebook page:  Like it, you know you want to. :D

Also, did I mention it's his birthday on the 9th? :P

Modification Help / Fake Player?
« on: January 06, 2011, 04:11:44 AM »
Is it at all possible to add a fake player to the player list?  I've done some searching, and so far, I can't find any info.  I'm not talking about clientsided either, I mean a fake player as in, someone joins and sees the player in the player list.

Off Topic / Animation program?
« on: October 03, 2010, 12:40:33 PM »
Yeah, so I'm thinking of learning to animate stuff.  Anyone know a good, free animating program?  I don't want to spend 200+ bucks on something Adobe made.

Modification Help / Color Picker
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:21:31 AM »
We've all seen the setBrickColor event, right?  I would like to know how I could create a color menu like that in a gui.  I've looked at Team Death Match, I've looked at Landscape Generator.  I'm not sure I understand.  Could someone help me out here?

Drama / Master Shadow Pheonix
« on: August 14, 2010, 12:36:55 PM »
I have nothing against Master Shadow Pheonix's attitude, nor his posts.  My problem comes every time I see his avatar and his profile.  Examples:

His avatar:

Quote from: Master Shadow Pheonix's profile page
Do not dance on Twin Towers.

Now, I know he put that little strip of text right under his avatar, but does it really excuse it?  Especially since people don't actually look profiles that often. 

I feel somewhat like I'm overreacting, but still, every time I see that picture, it really makes my day worse.  So, here is a message to you, Master Shadow Pheonix.  Change your damned avatar.  I really don't care what you change it too, so long as it is not so offensive as that.

His profile:

Change your avatar, Master Shadow Pheonix.  /Discuss

Modification Help / GetFakeDeadTime?
« on: July 25, 2010, 11:56:27 PM »
Whenever I kill a horse with a certain script enabled, I get this console spam.
Code: [Select]
base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (21371): Unknown command getFakeDeadTime.
  Object (21666) AIPlayer -> AIPlayer -> Player -> Player -> Player -> Player -> ShapeBase -> ShapeBase -> GameBase -> SceneObject -> NetObject -> SimObject
base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (21371): Unknown command getFakeDeadTime.
  Object (21666) AIPlayer -> AIPlayer -> Player -> Player -> Player -> Player -> ShapeBase -> ShapeBase -> GameBase -> SceneObject -> NetObject -> SimObject
base/server/scripts/allGameScripts.cs (21371): Unknown command getFakeDeadTime.
  Object (21666) AIPlayer -> AIPlayer -> Player -> Player -> Player -> Player -> ShapeBase -> ShapeBase -> GameBase -> SceneObject -> NetObject -> SimObject

Any ideas what this could mean, and how could I fix it?

Help / No Vehicle Damage?
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:43:23 PM »
Just as the title says, I have no vehicle damage.  This only applies to minigames, otherwise it works fine.  I will post an addon list for you to look at, but so far I have found nothing.  I have disabled bot events, vehicle events, and others, but it doesn't help. Any ideas?  Do you need a console.log?  Help plox.

Games / Motherload
« on: June 24, 2010, 06:14:47 PM »
Ever heard of it?  It's a pretty sweet little mining game, much better than the infinite mining we have now.  I think it would be interesting to put it in Blockland.  Here's a link: Link

Comments?  Questions?  Ideas?  Post here.

Also, I know this is "supposed" to be in modification discussion, but I figured since nothing has been done in this direction, it would do better here. :/

Modification Help / Two muzzlePoints
« on: June 07, 2010, 10:40:36 PM »
This is a quick question.  Is it possible to have two muzzlepoints in one weapon?  That way it fires from both points at once.  If not, how could one go about doing this?

Off Topic / Video Editing Software
« on: May 10, 2010, 12:30:46 AM »
Anybody got some good, free video editing software?  Like movie maker, but better.  That sort of thing.

Modification Help / SetNodeColor client sided?
« on: May 01, 2010, 02:38:40 AM »
I was asked by a friend to post this.  He has no forum account.

Ok, so how do you make it so when you fire a weapon and all the bots and other clients turn red and only you can see the people as red and everyone else sees them  as normal then when you unequip the item the red people turn back to normal color they were before you equiped the item.

He basically wants to know if he can make people turn all one color, but only in the view of the person with the item.  Any ideas?

Help / Default font.
« on: March 27, 2010, 06:44:34 PM »
What is the name and size of the default font, like the font that the chat is in?

What I mean is, I am trying to use this:  <font:arial:10> and then use <font:defaultfonthere:defaultsizehere> to turn the message back to normal.

Any ideas?

Modification Help / Set Events on a brick.
« on: March 24, 2010, 12:48:48 AM »
I would like to know how one would go about automatically setting events on a brick via script.  Like the JVS content starts with the events automatically.

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