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Topics - No2mad2

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Games / Steam Family Sharing Announced OP Updated with FAQ
« on: September 11, 2013, 02:27:18 PM » <-- JOIN THIS GROUP TO TRY TO GET INTO THE LIMITED BETA

I want to try this! How can I join the Family Sharing Beta?

To express interest in beta participation, join the Family Sharing Group on the Steam community. The Family Sharing beta will begin in mid-September, when a thousand Steam accounts from this group will be granted access to share their Steam libraries. You’ll know you’ve been selected when you receive an email from Steam inviting you to try out the new feature.

How do I enable Family Sharing on my computer?

Family Sharing is enabled in one of two ways: You can either locally enable sharing in Account Settings, with Family Sharing & Devices, or remotely respond to a user’s Steam request to share your previously installed games via email.

Is there a limit to the number of devices I can authorize to share my Library?

Yes. A Steam account may authorize Family Sharing on up to 10 devices at a given time.

Can I share specific games, or do I have to share my whole library?

Libraries are shared and borrowed in their entirety.

Can all Steam games be shared with friends and family?

No, due to technical limitations, some Steam games may be unavailable for sharing. For example, titles that require an additional third-party key, account, or subscription in order to play cannot be shared between accounts.

Can a friend and I share a library and both play at the same time?

No, a shared library may only be accessed by one user at a time.

When I authorize a device to lend my library to others, do I limit my own ability to access and play my games?

As the lender, you may always access and play your games at any time. If you decide to start playing when a friend is already playing one of your games, he/she will be given a few minutes to either purchase the game or quit playing.

Sometimes the games I’ve borrowed are unavailable for me to play. Why?

Borrowed games are only available on devices that have been authorized by the lender. Borrowed games will be unavailable on even an authorized device when the lender’s library is currently in use on another computer.
Who owns and can access the DLC and in-game content associated with a borrowed title?

A borrower will have access to the lender’s DLC, but borrowers may not purchase DLC for a base game they don't own. Any player may purchase, trade, earn, or otherwise acquire in-game content while playing a game, but in-game items cannot be shared between accounts. These items remain the property of the account that purchased or acquired them, whether borrowing or lending the base game.

Can region-restricted content be shared across regions?

No, any region restrictions will remain in place when lending or borrowing content.

Will I be punished for any cheating or fraud conducted by other users while playing my games?

Your Family Sharing privileges may be revoked if your library is used by borrowers to conduct cheating or fraud. We recommend you only authorize familiar computers you know to be secure.
Limited Beta is rolling out next week. I'd be more than happy to lend you guys my games

Games / An Icy Teaser
« on: July 04, 2013, 03:57:32 PM »

Games / Steam might allow shared games in the future
« on: June 19, 2013, 08:29:36 AM »

Discuss hopes and dreams

Off Topic / No2mad2's Computer Conundrum II!
« on: May 02, 2013, 09:41:59 PM »
Hey guys, I'm back again with another computer problem that I can't fix because I'm a useless piece of stuff.

So basically, I use a Linksys "Gaming Adapter", which is plugged into my computer with an Ethernet cable. My computer connects to my wifi network from a router downstairs.

Now that we have that out of the way, the problem is that my computer classifies the adapter as a "wired" connection, even though it isnt. Meaning I have no control over network SSID preference. The CD that came with the adapter let's me browse networks to connect to after I install it. I'd rather not have to go through a setup process every time to see if I'm connected to my stuff. All I need is a way to get windows to realize that I'm connected to a wifi network with a wireless connection, not a wired one.

Is this due because the adapter is only connected to my computer via Ethernet and not USB?

Games / 12 Minute Dark Souls 2 Reveal Today
« on: April 09, 2013, 09:43:36 PM »

Off Topic / I made a ROBLOX RP Spoof
« on: February 23, 2013, 12:02:50 AM »
So, I just had this random sudden inspiration to get back to my copy of Sony Vegas and make a video.

I haven't used Vegas in three years, so please give constructive criticism.

Off Topic / Why Being Gay is a Choice
« on: October 21, 2012, 02:33:23 PM »
Robo inspired me to revisit this issue that many of you seem to jump on the bandwagon with.

     Three years ago, I met this semi-geeky kid named Andrew. He and I were into computers at the time, so we would talk and discuss the latest and greatest on what computers were capable of. I should also mention, that we both liked these girls in one of the cliques at our school. Usually, during lunch, we'd go and mack on the women who ranked decently popular on the social caste. Over the course of the school year, neither of us "got the girl" we liked, and I told him that it wasn't that big of an issue. Andrew and I hung out still, but I noticed it took kind of a toll on him. He'd make remarks on how males higher in the social hierarchy were "total jerks / why doesn't she like me" sort of babble. I just told him they were stupid, and you don't need to worry about it.

tl;dr befriended geek who liked girls. didn't get the girl

     Anyways, fast forward a few years. I hadn't seen Andrew in quite some time, since we had different classes. I met back up with him on the first day of Sophomore year, and noticed he acted different. When I mentioned the subject of women, he said he "wasn't really into girls right now." Thinking the whole ordeal yesteryear had demolished his confidence, I calmly replied that he should check out some of the older women to change his mind. He just declined and I went on with my business.

tl;dr geek is hurt because no girls liked him, turns gay

     I had heard some rumours that Andrew had turned gay later that year. According to people he had turned into quite the pervert, except he would hit on guys from the lower classed kids in our school. I suddenly realised that what had happened years back completely changed him. He realised that since he was gay, girls would come see him as a safe person to talk to, and learn things. I'm sure it bothered him that he was now excluded from practically every guy clique, but he never showed it.

tl;dr geek realizes that he can hang with women because he's gay

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I probably should have told this earlier, during the Oreo gay thing, but oh well. I even provided tl;dr's after every paragraph so that you guys wouldn't have an excuse to skip the important stuff / make idiotic posts.

Everyone can stop living in their fantasy that there is a gay gene, and that we should totally praise these people. Human males are mentally hard-wired to find women appealing. I know for a fact I do. I'm not talking about animals or anything else. If you didn't figure out by now, people just want to be be accepted and fit in. So that's exactly what Andrew did, he tried to fit in with the girls.

The main point here is: People make the choice to be gay, they aren't born gay.

Thanks for your time. Let the games begin.

Games / Gameglobe Invitations - 4 left
« on: September 22, 2012, 08:14:44 PM »

I have 5 Gameglobe invitations left.

If you want one, please let me know by pm-ing me your email.

Games / So I Just Got a Planetside 2 Beta Key
« on: September 05, 2012, 05:52:17 PM »
I heard it's pretty good, does anyone else play?

Games / No2mad2's Custom MvM Server - Updated With Guide
« on: August 26, 2012, 07:18:49 PM »


Yeah okay, basically you follow these instructions
How to get this stuff to work.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\USER\team fortress 2\tf\
If there is a folder named scripts, open that folder; If not create a folder named "scripts"
If there is a folder inside scripts named items place mvm_upgrades.txt into there; if there is not a folder, create one named "items"
Your final directory should look like this
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\USER\team fortress 2\tf\scripts\items
TF2 will automatically load the stupid stuff and you will be able to access new upgrades. I will periodically release new revisions so you can have 2 times the fun.
PRETTY IMPORTANT NOTICE: Remember the location of this file. It will only work correctly on your own / No2mad2's server! Make sure you move / delete the file before joining another server! k thx bb
Download upgrade specs
Now thy enter!
Add to favorites!
Password: ducks55
(Or just type in console "connect; password ducks55")

Current Waves
Boss Wave: You will need a top notch highlander team to complete this. Lasts 3 heartless waves
Medieval Wave: Fight with swords and other medieval stuff against bad guys. 3 decently difficult waves. Fight demons!
Mafia Wave: Fight against some of the toughest mobsters around! 4 progressively harder waves! Tons of cash!
In Progress
Future Wave: Fight against robots that have gotten their hands on futuristic technology! 3 grueling long waves. - 18% Done

Okay, so you're stuck. Not sure of the team composition that you'll need? Want to know how each bot functions? You're in the right place to ask for help!
Boss Wave:
Suggested team composition: 2-3 Heavies, 1-2 Engineers, 1 Medic, all others Heavy DPS
What you're up against:
Support Busters, Spies, and Snipers
2 Soft enrage Tanks
21 Giant Pyros
5 Giant 4.5k HP Steelfist Heavies
2 Normal Giant Heavies
24 Normal Demoknights
2 Normal Tanks
5 Giant Spammer Demomen
84 Normal Pyros
84 Stun Scouts
55 Huntsman Snipers
12 KGB Heavies
1 Giant Pyro with Medics | Wave 2 End Boss
General Fizzle 40k HP Spam Soldier | Wave 3 Mid Boss
Doktor Slag Uber Medic 1k HP | Wave 3 Mid Boss
The Doombringer 10k HP KGB Heavy | Wave 3 Mid Boss
Doktor Cogs Kritz Medic 1k HP | Wave 3 Mid Boss
The Champ 50k HP KGB Heavy | Wave 3 Late Boss
Dual 50k HP Fast Tank Pair | Wave 3 Late Boss
Death 100k HP Natascha Heavy; Immune to knockback; Deals High Damage; Moves slowly (Final Boss)

Notes: This is an incredibly difficult encounter. The first wave will have you on your knees. Completing this wave with a video will earn you fantastic prizes! A Highlander team is almost required. Upgrading all of your weapons is absolutely necessary.

Topic design credited to the one and only Trogtor! Hurray!

I've been attempting to solve this problem for weeks now, as it shows up randomly, then disappears.

The Roblox technical forum is a living hell for trying to solve problems of this nature. For any of you who play Roblox, this shouldn't be too surprising.

The problem:
Clicking "Play" on any game causes Roblox to bring up the error message specified in the title.
I've tried
  • reinstalling Roblox
  • restarting my computer
  • opening a thread at Roblox (it was ignored)
  • ruthlessly scouring the internet

Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU
4.00 GB of RAM
GTX 560

Any help?

« on: August 07, 2012, 11:59:05 AM »

Loadout is a free-to-play third-person shooter that revolves around the player's choice though customizing their weapon. It is being released this Summer. :O




VIDEOS - Gameplay with weapon, Blue Balls - More weapon creation, Greg's Proxy Scuttle

Looks interesting and I'll add more info and spruce this up later.

Off Topic / Douchebag Guys - A Rant
« on: June 30, 2012, 08:32:17 AM »
Alright, normally I'm never ticked off this much, but today I woke up with a heart full of anger. A young brute, known as Austin Thakur, had loveually harassed women I care about, gotten his ass beat in fights yet still brags about his muscle size, posts shirtless pictures of himself, (he's tubby) etc. etc. I check for anything outstanding on Facebook whenever I get up, and see his posts. He's the kind of guy that who thinks he is greatest human to walk the Earth, and that we should cherish his presence. He copies well known saying and gets upward of 100 likes, he posts pictures only to show his "carefree" personality. Whenever he gets into trouble, he knows his "friends" of Facebook will back him up, only because they are oblivious to what is going on. I've gotten to the point of where I'm sick of it, because he is now flirting with a woman who I passionately loved. Just seeing her talk to him made feel like absolutely nothing, a peck of sand blowing away in the wind, and ant flicked away / stepped on. I'm sure you all know who this kind of guy is, and I just need to ask one question, and have the answer before I die. Why do people like Austin grow such a fan base? He hasn't contributed to the common good, I've been around him for years now, and nothing good has come from him. I could go on ranting all day. Yeah, I'll admit I am jealous. He has the fame, the respect, women fall all over him for his charismatic responses. I've attempted to ask a good girl friend of mine why everyone likes this ape, and she said, "I like his smile and he's funny. :)" Why? I informed her that he had loveually assaulted women, that she was friends with, and she could give less of a forget. "I'm okay with him as long as he doesn't do anything to me. :)" Dumb girl probably wants to be touched by him.

There's my story, I need to go run everything off now. Go ahead and discuss.

Off Topic / DVD-ROM Drive Cannot Play DVDs?
« on: June 19, 2012, 03:24:03 PM »
Alright, so I'm on a different computer right now, and it has an older disc drive. The drive itself says, "DVD ROM" on it, so I assumed that it could play DVDs. When I put in a blank DVD though, it says there is nothing in the drive. Someone said to download the latest codec, but I couldn't find any.

Model: DH-52C2P(08C) CD-RW/DVD-ROM Drive

Can this drive detect DVDs, or do I need to go buy another drive?

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