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Topics - SphericalCube

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Off Topic / who was the nibba in chick fil a
« on: December 10, 2019, 05:08:46 PM »
who was the nibba in chick fil a around 11am

who 🤔

Suggestions & Requests / Multiple Names per Brick
« on: April 10, 2018, 11:45:57 PM »
I've been having some trouble with my event system on my Island Conquest server. It's made up of lots of different named bricks that do very similar actions, but must be in separate groups, and there's lots of systems that are like this. However, at the start of the minigame, all of them have to reset either their color to a blank white color, or turn invisible/no collision. Having to event each individual brick to do so is a pain in the ass, especially since something in the event addon I was using changed and now I have to fix every single brick on the server that uses it.

What I'm proposing is an addon that can give a brick several different names to allow it to be in multiple event groups.
Example: There are six bricks. Bricks A, B, C, D, E, and F. A, B, and C, are also all named X. D, E, and F are also all named Y. Each of the six bricks have their own name so that the individuality of events regarding them can be preserved if needed. However, if, for example, the eventer wanted to affect A, B, and C altogether, they could simply create a single named brick event for Brick X, instead of creating three named brick events for A, B, and C.

Is it possible to do this in BL?

General Discussion / Island Conquest
« on: April 08, 2018, 07:23:20 PM »
Island Conquest

Island Conquest is a capture point team deathmatch where the Pacific Federation battles an organization of fearless Rebels for control of the rural South Pacific island, Isla de Bloque.


I've hosted this a couple of times in the past with a good amount of popularity and decided to bring it back with a slightly catchier name, Conquest, instead of Domination. I've made further improvements on the gameplay since last time, and if you have any other suggestions, let me know here in the thread.

The server takes inspiration from an ArmA series style capture point game mode. There are a total of 5 points in key locations around the island. To win, one team must be in control of at least 4 points for 45 seconds (Game rules and balancing are subject to change). An objective of this size will take a considerable amount of teamwork and determination, so be ready to coordinate with your team.

Team Assets


Each team has a variety of vehicles to choose from. However, each must be earned by spending points to purchase vehicles. Vehicle spawn areas have an interface that is used to purchase assets for the team. Upon purchase of a vehicle, more buttons used to spawn vehicles and recover them will appear and be available for use. The ? buttons display the prices of all the different vehicles. Both teams are able to obtain a basic transport truck at the beginning of each round for free. Once a vehicle has been bought, it can be respawned for free until the next round.

Demonstration of buying a vehicle


Both bases have an intelligence room with a crude map inside. The map displays the rough location of each capture point and which team currently controls it. Each button is clickable and will display the name of its corresponding location.

Beginning of a round

After some battle time

The Build

Island Conquest makes use of Kobble's Isla de Bloque with permission.

Overview of the island (Image from Kobble's thread.)

Tactics and Tips

To succeed in Island Domination, working with your team is a must. Here's some basic tips and tactics to help out.

  • Always maintain control of the central capture point, Charlie, found in the village of Sanrefti. More often than not, dominance over this town will lead to easy access to its two neighboring points, Bravo (Radio Tower) and Delta (Power Plant).
  • Buy vehicles for your team! Mobility and firepower are critical for a map this size. Especially important early purchases are a helicopter or at the minimum, a standard HMMWV. These two vehicles have superb mobility. The BTR-60, Puma, and T-90 pack incredible firepower and are great for mid to late game.
  • It's never a bad idea to have someone stay back at a capture point and guard it. You never quite know where your enemy will pop up next.
  • Use the machine gun nests around the map to your advantage! The machine guns pack a punch, even at range.


SphericalCube [7504]
The Brighter Dark [2227]

Off Topic / GPU issues. What should I do?
« on: January 19, 2018, 05:30:40 PM »
It looks like my GTX 760 is showing signs of going bad. I'm getting lots of artifacts when the card is under load--not even heavy load-- and I've had several crashes. Some were just games crashing, but also a couple of system crashes. Is the card dying, or is there another issue? (pretty sure it's dying though)

My system:
Code: [Select]
CPU: AMD FX-8350

If it really is in its final days, I'm thinking about upgrading to a used 970 before total failure, but I also want to look at some other options. If you have any suggestions, it would be great if you left them below. Thanks!

Games / [ARMA 3] SphericalCube's Classic Wasteland - Stratis
« on: January 06, 2018, 05:41:28 PM »
Me and a few friends are working on starting a up a new Arma 3 Wasteland community. We're going for a more classic style with base building, alongside player combat and missions, rather than solely player on player combat like other servers. The server uses an edited version of the popular Stratis A3Wasteland mission.

For now the server is hosted on my laptop and won't be online 24/7, since this is a small side project for the people involved. However, we're hoping to get some sort of dedicated hosting in the near future. We've created a discord chat for players as well.

Title:     SphericalCube's Classic Wasteland - Stratis
IP: (for direct connect)
Port:     2302 (for direct connect)

Server Status:

The community is still under construction (we don't even have an official name yet), but if you get the chance, stop by and play with us!

Help / Server crashing on start-up
« on: July 06, 2017, 03:40:27 AM »
My Blockland client keeps crashing whenever I try to start a server via the start a game menu. I'm fairly sure it has something to do with several addons conflicting. Thinking this, I looked at the console log after some of the crashes but I couldn't pinpoint anything (disclaimer: i don't really have any solid coding experience, especially with torque and blockland itself, so there's a good chance i just overlooked something important). I even tried disabling/reenabling certain addons I was suspicious of to try and fix the problem. Occasionally this does work, but only for a bit. Then the problem shows back up again. But that's just it, the most confusing part is that it seems to work some of the time, and not others. It crashes at very arbitrary points in the loading process, usually during the "loading addons/music" sections, but I did just see it happen as soon as loading objects finished.

I've been trying to start it up with all my addons so i can start working on a new server so if anyone can help me out that would be great. I only saved one console log file since I couldn't find anything important myself, but if someone wants to see a couple different trials I'll provide them as needed. Thanks!

Suggestions & Requests / Star Wars Ships
« on: December 30, 2016, 07:29:44 PM »
Lots of star wars themed stuff happening recently. I'm joining in on it, haha.

I'm looking to create some high quality star wars ships, since the older ones aren't really that great. So far, I made a model for a TIE fighter and an x-wing is currently in the works.
TIE model
Basically I need someone to help out with scripting these or at least show me the ropes so I can do it myself. With my last vehicle (the mi-24 heli), I got it as far as showing up in-game, but it was really broken. If anyone is up for the task it would be greatly appreciated. If this project takes off, there will probably be more ships made in the future, but let's start small.

Help / Insane server lag caused by several add-ons
« on: December 08, 2016, 09:27:54 PM »
I've been having a big problem on my server over the past couple of days. After enabling T+T weps to replace the old gravity cat pack on my TDM, they seem to conflict with some of stratofortress' and gravity cat's vehicles, which are crucial to the TDM, meaning I can't disable them. There's a ton of spam of this in the console:

Code: [Select]
Add-Ons/Vehicle_HumveeMod/humvee.cs (1133): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getId'
BackTrace: ->[SW_overheat]WeaponImage::onFire->[SW_projectileFix]WeaponImage::onFire->[RaycastingFire]WeaponImage::onFire->WeaponImage::onFire->[gc_PumaPackage]Projectile::onAdd->[TOWshootOnClick_Pack]Projectile::onAdd->[PrjEmit_Pack]Projectile::onAdd->[MLRSPackage]Projectile::onAdd->[gc_HumveePackage]Projectile::onAdd

Add-Ons/Vehicle_MLRS/Vehicle_MLRS.cs (1304): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getId'
BackTrace: ->[SW_overheat]WeaponImage::onFire->[SW_projectileFix]WeaponImage::onFire->[RaycastingFire]WeaponImage::onFire->WeaponImage::onFire->[gc_PumaPackage]Projectile::onAdd->[TOWshootOnClick_Pack]Projectile::onAdd->[PrjEmit_Pack]Projectile::onAdd->[MLRSPackage]Projectile::onAdd

Add-Ons/Weapon_Javelin/Weapon_Javelin.cs (731): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getId'
BackTrace: ->[SW_overheat]WeaponImage::onFire->[SW_projectileFix]WeaponImage::onFire->[RaycastingFire]WeaponImage::onFire->WeaponImage::onFire->[gc_PumaPackage]Projectile::onAdd->[TOWshootOnClick_Pack]Projectile::onAdd->[PrjEmit_Pack]Projectile::onAdd->[MLRSPackage]Projectile::onAdd->[gc_HumveePackage]Projectile::onAdd->[shrapGrenPackage]Projectile::onAdd->[Javelin]Projectile::onAdd

Whenever someone fires a gun with a high rate of fire, or several people fighting at once, the console spam lags out the server and lots of moderate length lagspikes hits everyone on the server as long as a gun is firing. It makes fighting really difficult. Originally this was only happening with the A-10 vehicle, but after disabling that, it started again with different addons. Any help would be appreciated. The entire console.log is included below

Island Domination
Federation v. Rebels

Island Domination is a capture point team deathmatch where the Pacific Federation battles an organization of fearless Rebels for control of the rural South Pacific island, Isla de Bloque.


The server takes inspiration from an ArmA series style capture point game mode. There are a total of 5 points in key locations around the island. To win, one team must be in control of at least 4 points for 75 seconds*. An objective of this size will take a considerable amount of teamwork and determination, so be ready to coordinate with your team.

*(Game rules and balancing are subject to change)

Team Assets


Each team has a variety of vehicles to choose from. However, each must be earned by spending points to purchase vehicles. Vehicle spawn areas have an interface that is used to purchase assets for the team. Upon purchase of a vehicle, more buttons used to spawn vehicles and recover them will appear and be available for use. The ? buttons display the prices of all the different vehicles. Both teams are able to obtain a basic transport truck at the beginning of each round for free. Once a vehicle has been bought, it can be respawned for free until the next round.

Demonstration of buying a vehicle


Both bases have an intelligence room with a crude map inside. The map displays the rough location of each capture point and which team currently controls it. Each button is clickable and will display the name of its corresponding location.

Beginning of a round

After some battle time

The Build

Island Domination makes use of Kobble's Isla de Bloque with permission.

Overview of the island (Image from Kobble's thread.)


Since the last time I hosted this, around two months ago, I have made some changes to improve and streamline gameplay. If you have any suggestions for the server, post them here or in the Discord server.

  • Rebel Uniforms are now a lighter color than before to make it easier to distinguish between teams.
  • Signs have been places alongside roads to ease navigation of the map and getting to control points.
  • Vehicle prices have been slightly adjusted. Some are now more expensive to improve balance.
  • Stratofortress' M1 Abrams has been added as an Armored Vehicle, now available for purchase for 65 points.
  • New sounds have been added to several vehicles.
  • The stock transport truck now spawns automatically on minigame reset.
  • Floating markers have been placed above each capture point and change color based on who owns them.
  • Transfer points to team mates with '/givePoints <player> <amount>'.


There isn't really much need for administration, so there's only a few at the moment.



I've created a Discord server specifically for Island Domination as well as any other servers I make in the future. There are three voice channels, one general, and one for each team. Moderation to keep cheaters out of channels of the opposite team will not always be available, which means most of the time they work on the honor system. Use them at your own risk.

Hosting by Blockland Glass

General Discussion / Importing Terrain Data
« on: October 17, 2016, 09:57:29 PM »
Would it be possible to extract data from a game like Arma 2/3 and import it into something like PTG and make a build out of it in Blockland? Or any similar methods? I'm looking to create another large-scale TDM and I'd like to use a map themed like the Chernarus map from the arma series. This is a really far fetched idea but I just want to know if there's any way to achieve something like this.

Off Topic / Level 16 achieved
« on: September 23, 2016, 12:22:51 AM »

It's my 16th birthday today! Today marks 8 years owning blockland. Man, time really flies.
It was a decent day at school, and I got a guitar. I've been wanting to learn how to play for a while now, so this is an awesome opportunity.
Anyway it's been a good day, and I'm hoping for a good year ahead.

If anyone is wondering who I am (pretty likely), I'm not well known on the forums, but I lurked for a long time on my old trainandspacelover account. it's about time I get into the community a bit more

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