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Topics - Tenshi

Pages: [1]
Modification Help / oRBs Official Release
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:41:45 PM »
Hello One and All!

The blockland community is all to familiar with how enjoyable RTB made gameplay, moderation, chatting, and the overall experience in blockland.
I enjoyed RTB so much that I took it upon myself to revive and renew the favored client.
Thus oRBs was born, old Return to Blockland support.
The purpose of oRBs is to give users a friendly, familiar interface and means to message and keep contact with other uses via an in-game client that will also function to ease the modding process while providing an enjoyable experience in addition to the current blockland experience.
I've taken the liberty to add screenshots of some of the functionality of the client:

Of course oRBs would not be complete without a functional mod manager. Ease of convenience is the aim here and with the mod manager we hope to revive the modding community to at least a fraction of what it was during RTB's reign.

I am currently working on bringing back the RTB archive addons to oRBs, if you have an addon you would like to see immediately added simply post it on the oRBs forum.

There must be a base of operations for such a client and a place for users to come together to post suggestions, report bugs, and ask questions. Look no further we've already got the answer.

Of convenience for users, oRBs will automatically try and connect you to your oRBs user forums account!

I would like to thank all of you that have encouraged me to complete this work and who have assisted in the testing and development of oRBs despite the multiple attacks against my servers.

I hope you will enjoy using this as much as I have.

- DAProgs

You can get the latest version on the oRBs forum [][/url]
Or this []direct link[/url] to an older version that will auto-update.

Off Topic / oRBs Official Release
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:39:33 PM »
-OFF TOPIC for OFF TOPIC- So it fits I suppose

Hello One and All!

The blockland community is all to familiar with how enjoyable RTB made gameplay, moderation, chatting, and the overall experience in blockland.
I enjoyed RTB so much that I took it upon myself to revive and renew the favored client.
Thus oRBs was born, old Return to Blockland support.
The purpose of oRBs is to give users a friendly, familiar interface and means to message and keep contact with other uses via an in-game client that will also function to ease the modding process while providing an enjoyable experience in addition to the current blockland experience.
I've taken the liberty to add screenshots of some of the functionality of the client:

Of course oRBs would not be complete without a functional mod manager. Ease of convenience is the aim here and with the mod manager we hope to revive the modding community to at least a fraction of what it was during RTB's reign.

I am currently working on bringing back the RTB archive addons to oRBs, if you have an addon you would like to see immediately added simply post it on the oRBs forum.

There must be a base of operations for such a client and a place for users to come together to post suggestions, report bugs, and ask questions. Look no further we've already got the answer.

Of convenience for users, oRBs will automatically try and connect you to your oRBs user forums account!

I would like to thank all of you that have encouraged me to complete this work and who have assisted in the testing and development of oRBs despite the multiple attacks against my servers.

I hope you will enjoy using this as much as I have.

- DAProgs

You can get the latest version on the oRBs forum [][/url]
Or this []direct link[/url] to an older version that will auto-update.

Add-Ons / oRBs Official Release With Mod Manager
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:32:27 PM »
Hello One and All!

The blockland community is all to familiar with how enjoyable RTB made gameplay, moderation, chatting, and the overall experience in blockland.
I enjoyed RTB so much that I took it upon myself to revive and renew the favored client.
Thus oRBs was born, old Return to Blockland support.
The purpose of oRBs is to give users a friendly, familiar interface and means to message and keep contact with other uses via an in-game client that will also function to ease the modding process while providing an enjoyable experience in addition to the current blockland experience.
I've taken the liberty to add screenshots of some of the functionality of the client:

Of course oRBs would not be complete without a functional mod manager. Ease of convenience is the aim here and with the mod manager we hope to revive the modding community to at least a fraction of what it was during RTB's reign.

I am currently working on bringing back the RTB archive addons to oRBs, if you have an addon you would like to see immediately added simply post it on the oRBs forum.

There must be a base of operations for such a client and a place for users to come together to post suggestions, report bugs, and ask questions. Look no further we've already got the answer.

Of convenience for users, oRBs will automatically try and connect you to your oRBs user forums account!

I would like to thank all of you that have encouraged me to complete this work and who have assisted in the testing and development of oRBs despite the multiple attacks against my servers.

I hope you will enjoy using this as much as I have.

- DAProgs

You can get the latest version on the oRBs forum
Or this direct link to an older version that will auto-update.

Drama / "Boycott Tezuni's Blockland Server"
« on: July 20, 2015, 04:09:52 PM »
Are you tired of the tyranny that Tezuni and his administration brings to blockland? Well so is everybody else. Someone had the balls to make a steam group page dedicated to spreading the word about these injustices and bringing together like minded individuals to stand up to Tezuni!

Here is the content on the page:

Blockland isn't a business.
This is a group dedicated to boycotting Tezuni's prison escape server, in blockland.

Here's why

He makes more than enough. It says it's "Donation Funded" Yeah, okay. Last time I checked they were 300% past their goal
Which is 3 times needed. He has a excessive surplus. People shouldn't feed into it. Tezuni probably uses money as lube.

Who here has played minecraft? Anybody? Good. You'd know that nearly all of the community server, there, are ran by big, bad gaming groups. Imagine a world of Blockland, where you would start a fun, little server. Perhaps called "Family RP" Now, you get a few players, just enoug. You have a fun time. Imagine if there were multiple gaming communities, like garries mod.
Servers would turn into "xX_SynergyExplosionGaming_Xx's Build". A server which one be on the verge of around 200 people, typically. Now, imagine if "xX_SynergyExplosionGaming_Xx" opened a new server, called "[SEG] Trench Wars." Now there's two people, maybe twenty peoply from server one will join. But then 160 other people join. Now there's 3 servers. 10 people from server 1 and two join. That's twenty. But then 180 others join. (190)(3) = 570. 570 people in there "Gaming Community." So now that leaves even less people for the little ones. And then the little ones join the bigger servers, which causes them to get even worse. Blockland's worst members of the community, such as anime fuccbois, and so forth already congregate there. If eveybody is forced to go THERE, because there are no more small, quaint and fun servers left. So then nobody, but the anime fuccbois have fun. (And they're just the worst. Hear "Tezuni." That's probably the most japanese - fiction name I've ever heard. So most likely named after an anime charactors, therefor an Anime fuccboi.

Imagine your principle was a skinny, starfishish person, who loved anime. They're mean, and is the tall tale which of all the students. Now imagine if he only hires teachers who were also anime luvers, named maybe "Mr. Hikari," or "Mrs. Kaori" or "Mr. Yukio" and maybe "Mr. Tadashi." Now imagine having to constanty walk on eggshells around this person.

(Walking on eggshells - An expression, meaning you have to be extreme sensative with what you do, say and think.)

And if you say one thing wrong, they'll send you to Mr. Hakaduryokohimikimo. You don't want that.

If people are paying to keep the server running, and get special perks, imagine them as investors. Usually the business manager would hold content of the Investor's opinions before doing something, such as adding onto the map, making someone admin or doing anything of that such, maybe even giving what they call their "Sponsers" ban immunity.

None of this is done, in these servers. The abusive administration, and host, do anything at their free will. And yet, everyone still joins.

Do you want to live in a world

With a Blockland like


Do you hate Tezuni and his ways?
Does this picture make you want to murder or have love with him?

If so, donate today to the anti-tezuni group fund! All proceeds will go to stopping this tyrannical dictator from leaving his fingerprints on blockland ever again!
This link in no way is related to Tezuni

Donate today to let your hate be heard and willed into a stone richard that might be tenderly put up his ass!

Off Topic / Appreciate Dread's handsomeness thread
« on: July 05, 2015, 04:47:18 PM »
I'm looking for one of his past posts and I can't find it so I thought i'd look for his profile. Any help is appreciated

Off Topic / It's Official, me and TwenteFreak are boyfriends
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:37:35 PM »
Today me and Twentefreak decided to take our blossoming friendship to another level, he is now my bf.
Ravencroft is on temporarily leave whilst I am dating twente.

How could you not want his richard inside you love this face

Sweet jesus I NEED THIS

post ur support kthks and a pic of who you're dating if you are not single
me and him are going to try for babies

Off Topic / Furdle's Wood and other nice places to sit
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:32:50 PM »
I enjoy sitting on Furdle's Wood. Do you? Discuss other fun places to sit like Ravencraft's face.

and tez, forgot tez is fun to sit on
his lap preferably
the D

Off Topic / Cutest Male Forumers - POLL ADDED
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:42:33 AM »
Links in the poll to user pictures are being provided by user KickFlow
I check them before I add them but ya know how that goes

no girls allowed!1!1!1111
except bubbagum

Lets compile a list shall we

1. Big Brother - Adonis in mortal form
2. Ravencroft - my boyfriend, we've been dating for three months <3
3. ECKS - that beard tho~
4. TwenteFreak - u just wait
5. Plornt - That hair tho
6. Tokerovin
7. YK
8. Mura
9. Furdle
10. Reficul - Ass for days
11. Tezuni - mmmm
12. Frontrox - THAT D THO
13. Rusty
14. Bones4
15. Doorman - uguu~
16. Bisjac
17. Pixel - AKA Colten
18. Betelgeuse
19. Nickpb
20. Mod-Man
21. Trifax
22. Clone V. 117
23. XR-7

Post your suggestions and a pic of the person so I can fit them into this list
Also please do not be offended by your place in this list, there are a lot more male forumers and you being on this list means I find you more aesthetically pleasing than them

kikflow ur no 18

Also if you want to supply links to pics for users on this list just put it in with a reply
Personality of the users were taken into account when making this list

DISCUSS the list, possible additions, and what you would like to do to these forumers (loveually); they are all 18 or older (if they are not, I shall happily remove them from the list)

1.0 Added NickPB to list
1.1 Added Betelgeuse
      -Added Poll
1.2 Added Trifax

Betelgeuse is the current reining King of CMF

« on: November 04, 2014, 08:50:57 AM »


Off Topic / Dear Blogland, today I ...
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:04:28 AM »
Locked me dam keys in me car

Waiting on roadside assistance to git here
Thinking naughty thoughts about Furdle and ravencraft


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