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Topics - Slordemz

Pages: [1]
Help / Server can not verify your blockland ID
« on: February 09, 2015, 05:09:12 PM »
Ok, so a lot of people have this problem but mine has a little twist. Instead of me joining servers and it says this error, when people try to join my server is says this error. Has anyone experienced this before? If you have please help.

General Discussion / Meatsale's 3v3 American Football Tournament *Closed*
« on: February 07, 2015, 07:35:49 PM »

How To Sign Up
Very simple, post your IGN and your teammates IGN and your Blockland ID's to enter. Also put your team colors. Also, put your team name.

Number 1 rule. You HAVE to read the rules in order to play in games.
ALL NFL rules are included.
Do not trash talk the players a lot or your team will get penalized.
Be nice to the officials or you will be penalized.
Do not take to long to call a play or you will be called for a delay of game.
Do not tackle after the whistle or when the center is lined up or you will be penalized.
If you or any of your teammates leave during the game you can 3v2 or the opposing team will win by default.
You will have 3 timeouts through the game. Each timeout is 1 minute.
You will have 1 blitz for every 4 downs. The QB can run if you blitz. 3 yards behind the line of scrimmage is a blitz. It is only. considered a blitz if the defender is close to the qb not 10 yards to the left/right. The reciever cannot bait them.
It is legal to flick it to someone behind you and they throw it. But, if you flick it to someone behind you the defense has the right to go after them. That is not considered a blitz.
If you kick it off behind the endzone the receiving team will take it at the 30.
Both of your feet have to be inbounds for it to be a catch.
When the player is tackled and the ball goes up in the air, it is NOT a fumble.
Crossing or Standing on the TD line is a TD.
After a touchdown the team will first, do a PAT. Then they will kick it off. You kick it off by throwing it to the other team from your end zone. If you kick it way out of bounds the opposing team starts at the 30. If it hits the endzone then goes out of bounds, the opposing team lines up at the 20.
If the QB does not throw it in 15 seconds, the other team can blitz. That will not be considered there blitz for the 4 downs.
For the coin toss we will use
When the player is tackled and the ball pops lose it is NOT a fumble.
If it is a bad snap and the QB has to go and run to get it, He can not run until the defense blitzes. If the defense does blitz on a snap, It is not one if their blitzes.
Both feet MUST touch the ground for it to be a completed pass.
On a kickoff, when the ball reaches the the opposing teams 20 yard line, it is free ball.

How To Play
Tackling - Jump, crouch, and hit into the player that has the ball.
Throwing - Hold left click for about 3 seconds and release.
Snapping - Right click with the ball in your hand.
Taking a Field Goal - Jump while backwards and right click aiming for the goal post. The center will snap it at the 2.
Punting - Same thing as taking a field goal. TIP: If you hold left click, jump, and right click the ball goes farther.

The Field

Any more questions add meatsale on steam at crazycarey2.

Logo made by Google Glass.

If you do not have enough teammates, you can still enter and I will make you teammates with someone else who enters. You can tell me if you do not want that and you want to find a teammate yourself. Just tell me if you want me to pair you up with teammates.

Crisp Crew - Cheesemaster55, Tbone107, and Wohoyaa. (Green and Yellow) 1-1
Fatal Three - Google Glass, Chill, and WALDO. Sub(s) - *Unknown*. (Red and Blue) 1-1
Satanic Sluts - Ron Paul, Chakada, and Stealthy Jenna. (Red) 2-0
Team TSoE - EV0_, No Name_, and M16. Sub(s) - Ethan8014, seargant, and IXC00KIES. (Green and Black) 1-1

How It Works
There is going go be 2 divisions, division A and division B. 2 teams from different divisions vs every week. Whoever gets the best records plays each other.  Whoever wins goes to the BlockBowl.

Division A
Crisp Crew
Fatal Three

Division B
Satanic Sluts
Team TSoE

Fatal Three vs Satanic Sluts (Monday 7:30 PM EST)
Crisp Crew vs Team TSoE (Momday 5:00 PM EST)

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