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Topics - Lady_Sevacre

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Breaking: Fight for your life
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:56:33 AM »

A fight is like a game of chess, where your pieces are your body, your momentum, your weapons, and your skills.

In this forum game, Breaking, there are no life bars, no stats, and no predetermined moves. You need to control this character like an actual fight. "Punch him" will be much less useful than "Put a foot in between his legs to get close, then jab him in the stomach to knock him off balance".

Right now, you have just woken up and a man is about to punch you in the face. What is your next action?

Off Topic / Map yourself
« on: July 02, 2015, 01:14:04 AM »
Basically a few months back after seeing this dreadful abomination of a picture:

I set to work on making a better one later that night, this is the first time I'm giving it to anyone else though.
For people who want to choose the lady body:

And for those who want the male body:

You can click the images to get a higher resolution version.

And lastly here's mines:

and also one i did when i first made this

Off Topic / Blockland Anonymous Confessional (ROUND SEVEN)
« on: June 28, 2015, 04:27:54 AM »
Hey there its me everyone's favorite Sevacre.
I've had this idea for a thread for a while, basically you'll send stories or confessions or anything you need to get off your chest to me. I'll post it here in this thread, giving feedback and advice, and show it to other posters in this thread so they can chime in too. Or we can all laugh if you're sending us a silly story of something you've wanted to say but dont want to be recognized for.

Send an email to:

Use this for an anonymous emailer, if you're uncomfortable using your real email:
 GuerrillaMail(Doesn't always work)
 Anonymous Mail
 W3-Anonymous Emailer
 Send Anonymous Email
 Send Email
 Anon Email
Here's some rules for sending emails, to keep you more secure:
 -Don't put your name in there anywhere. I will erase any name you give yourself.
 -You can talk about anything, although if it's an obvious joke just for kicks, I won't post it, unless its hilarious of course.
 -If you want to get it off your chest but dont want me to post it, you can ask me to do that, if you'd also like me to reply via email, then you can ask for that too.
 -Again, unless stated otherwise, I will post it in this thread (anonymously, no one will know who you are) so beware of what details you disclose.

I can't tell if this would be a community project or an off-topic, but I'm going with off-topic.

Want to jump ahead?
Here's a list of my confession dumps!
Round One
Round Two
Round Three
Round Four
Round Five
Round Six
Round Seven

if no one wants this, feel free to let this thread die <3

Forum Games / You're all John
« on: April 03, 2015, 04:24:49 AM »

"Hey there, I'm John. Just your every day normal guy doing normal things. But I'm tired of my life as it is and I want to go on adventur-"

"Hold on I have to take this."

"You're a loving friend."

...And the adventure begins now.

Its simple! Every post in this thread is a voice in John's head! Whenever you post, I'll roll a 100 sided die to see how much your post influenced John, those with higher influence will affect the next post!

This will be done entirely through images I find on google, and if they aren't exactly what i need, then I'll just edit them through some of my image editing programs.

You can literally post anything you want to influence John's decisions, or heck, possibly influence the laws of reality, all you need to know now is...

John is falling from a 50 story building. How are we going to stop that?

hi im everyones favorite sevacre and i do things
these things include drawerings as you can see here:

or even stories and such:

BoostxSev(hint, im the one on the right~!)
Timeline of D2-Auditors
Sevidal Power Classification Systemwhich is being worked on as we speak

sometimes i even organize little things like that Collab Comic Brawl! infact im plannin on some more :p

most of my drawerins are done in mspaint with a mouse, but as of late ive been drawerin in a notebook with a pen, so just hang in there if you want to see some real neat stuff <3
for those of you wonderin, requests are more or less always open. but i only do the ones that i think would be fun/challengin to do <3

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