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Topics - Cortunix³

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / adulting is loving hard
« on: December 02, 2020, 07:48:43 PM »
I don't usually post stuff but man i need to vent, having depression and anxiety while going to work is so loving stressful. Some stuff people might find no big deal tires me out and makes me want to sleep all the time. It just makes me feel like a useless adult, i guess if there's anyone that can relate, don't feel bad you're not alone. I am just tired of feeling like a failure because of stupid little things that most people would overlook.

Off Topic / i am now reddit famous
« on: May 06, 2020, 03:31:09 AM »

Off Topic / no longer a teen
« on: April 14, 2020, 12:26:09 PM »
oh hey i am adult +2

General Discussion / my blockland may be broked
« on: June 29, 2019, 02:35:06 PM »

Off Topic / oh hey im 19
« on: April 14, 2019, 03:52:19 PM »
I've been here for too long jesus, wanted thank you guys tho.

Doing a birthday stream if you guys want to come and say hi

General Discussion / streaming some blockland
« on: July 14, 2018, 04:59:36 AM »
get it in here bois

Off Topic / I'm 18 now boys
« on: April 14, 2018, 12:12:53 PM »
It's my birthday today, and I would like to thank you guys for the long 7 loving years i've been in this community. I have met many people that pushed me forward, got me into computers. I'm gonna be streaming in like an hour if you guys would like to stop by and say hi. Again thank you everyone, this community means a lot to me.


Off Topic / im streaming csgo on twitch
« on: October 01, 2017, 06:23:53 PM »
im plugging in myself a bit but if u guys could come in even for like a couple minutes that would mean a lot
new meme

Off Topic / my stream keeps going offline
« on: July 20, 2017, 02:57:15 PM »
my internet is good and it says the bitrate is stable but my stream keeps going offline, anyone got a fix?

i tried using different servers on obs and trying obs studio still same issue

also tried close servers and far

Off Topic / Are traps gay?
« on: June 29, 2017, 05:17:30 AM »

Off Topic / sick as forget editing skills
« on: May 15, 2016, 12:54:03 AM »
now this may be csgo related, but holy forget this person is talented

Off Topic / Another scam attempt?
« on: May 05, 2016, 10:35:55 PM »
So this profile tried to scam me for my knife using the friend scam. which is if you didn't know someone adds a friend you know, then once they do that they say they are "trading" and they need to know if they are trustworthy, so then they get a person that is impersonating someone you know so you might trust them. So please report this friend, don't let him scam more people.
Quote from: chatlog
Never tell your password to anyone.
10:24 PM - MIkael @ Buying Keys: hello
10:24 PM - MIkael @ Buying Keys: sorry for bothering you
10:24 PM - Cortunix: no
10:25 PM - MIkael @ Buying Keys: i am making a dela with your friend and i just wanna make sure i cna trust him before i spend the money
10:25 PM - Cortunix: who
10:25 PM - Cortunix: yes he's trust worthy
Thursday, May 5, 2016
10:26 PM - Your chat with MIkael @ Buying Keys is now a multi-user chat.
10:26 PM - Kport5. entered chat.
10:26 PM - MIkael @ Buying Keys: ok cortunix
10:26 PM - MIkael @ Buying Keys: just trade your knife with your friend ksport5 just to prove me he is a serious guy to trade
10:26 PM - Cortunix: that's not kport
10:26 PM - MIkael @ Buying Keys: and then he trades you back in 1 min so i cna trust him
10:26 PM - Cortunix: uhg
10:26 PM - Cortunix: you're so obvious
10:26 PM - Cortunix: tsk
10:27 PM - Cortunix: you digust me
10:27 PM - Cortunix: exed.

Juan PabIo RamitreZ

Phoenix ★Long depzai★.




untold -J- SteeISeries

Brother of "Gambo X.Mas".


10:27 PM - Kport5. left chat.
10:27 PM - Cortunix: nice private profile
10:27 PM - Cortunix: and
10:27 PM - Cortunix: nice names
10:27 PM - Cortunix: nice scam attempt
10:27 PM - Cortunix: but no
10:27 PM - Cortunix: im no moron
10:27 PM - Cortunix: kys
10:28 PM - MIkael @ Buying Keys left chat.

Off Topic / Half a decade bday for my blockland account
« on: April 27, 2016, 08:33:41 PM »
Little bit late, but, happy belated bday my old account. I also can't believe it's been this long. Thanks to you guys i got into pc gaming much more, and also learned a thing or two about pc's. So i would like to thank this beautiful fine community. But in all seriousness, this community has given me so much, thank you.

Off Topic / yesterday was my bday
« on: April 15, 2016, 05:18:30 PM »
late but give me free stuff :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / So i found a great picture in english class
« on: March 24, 2016, 09:22:01 PM »

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