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Topics - themasterofblocks

Pages: [1]
Drama / And now more stuffty servers ayy
« on: March 25, 2016, 09:46:11 AM »
Hello, last time i made a drama post it was about a loving cancerous FNAF roleplay, and to my (Non existent) surprise, there's ANOTHER one i have to talk about. No, it may not be FNAF (praise the sun) but in fact a fallout RP called Dom the gallades fallout RP (Oh whoopdie loving doo, someone with an OC name, you know this is gonna be fantastic kids.)

So here's the story, i joined, took a look around. I usually look around to see if an RP's good or not, this one looked OK, but the map isn't the point THE MOTHER loving ADMINS WERE TERRIBLE. So, this admin called "jurisimoniu" or some stuff, started being mean to some guy for "Fail rping." While doing this in all caps and stuff grammar, i decided to step in by saying a few things like telling him to stop and what not. So after this he started directing the insults over to me, so i let out my inner grammar national socialist and started correcting to maybe get him to stop or some stuff, and then he started telling me to kill myself and other horrible things. So we were having a full on argument, before i got banned permanently for this reason: STOP BEING MEAN TO A ADMIN. After this bullstuff event i went onto the beautiful glorious godlike blockland forums blockland forums and posted this post and stuff.

So if you're ever looking around for a good RP server, whatever you do stay away from that one.
Tune in next millennium for another stuffty post from themasterofblocks (also known as bloxcer, and no i do not play roblox, the name has nothing to do with it :I)

(Also sorry for some stuffty grammar, im polish and English isn't my second language..)

Off Topic / I am not Releasetheblocks2
« on: April 11, 2015, 10:38:18 AM »
A Lot  of people are posting on the forums That i am  Some guy called Releasetheblocks2 I am not releasetheblocks I have no idea who he is.

Off Topic / Off topic threads that just need to die.
« on: April 10, 2015, 04:48:03 AM »
1.Furry megathread

I don't have to explain myself with this one .-.

More will be coming m8s

Off Topic / Whatever you want to post thread
« on: April 06, 2015, 05:46:51 PM »
Post whatever you want Weird stuff normal stuff it doesn't Even feking matter man

Don't be a non MLG friend

User was banned for this post

Drama / Another Stupid FNAF RP
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:08:53 AM »
Gather round bruhs Here is the (not so sweg) Story about a fnaf rp i decided to join.

So i decided to join a fnaf server Cause i was bored since i have played fnaf before i thought it would be a good idea.

I was wrong as stuff  My own friend (who happens to play Blockland) even warned me not to go on those servers. However i did not listen And i had to suffer. The owner of the server had of course named Himself Foxy.  UGH Another FNAF fanboy.
Now i wasn't on it for long I decided to RP As a security guard for some reason i was given a gun which of course Does not happen in the game at all Well it was an RP it didn't matter. There was two super admins Foxy and Some Guy who forgot his name for now i shall call Him Randomguy  Halfway through the rp Randomguy came into the office here is the dialogue

Randomguy:*walks into office through open door*
Me:(OOC) The hell i closed the doors
Randomguy: IDC Now stop fail rping!
(By now i was planning on leaving. Plus according to him I Was the fail Rper -.-)
Me:*Screams* Arghh! its a animatronic! (not the best RPing i have ever done)
Randomguy:*kills you*
Me:(ooc) Ever heard of PTK?
Randomguy:(OOC) No you know what fine i will die!
(Obviously robots cannot die. This guy is a total idiot)
Randomguy:(OOC) Alright now kill me with the gun.
Me*Like he said i shot him three times (since we were in a minigame free killing was enabled)*

It read on chat that i killed him now this is when it Gets annoying. Everything was lagging all of a sudden this message read on my screen: You were banned for 2984 minutes reason:Killing an admin and fail rping

..... And that was the not so sweg story Also if you ever see foxys fnaf rp Don't join

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