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Topics - Alcatraz is Dearly Sorry

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Facechild did when I was using stealing SailorMan's Build and I instantly gave Facechild admin and he loaded a brick with a tree saying: "HELLO" or "HI"

So yeah, share your experiences!

Drama / Klaus - Spamming Falling Platforms
« on: March 08, 2015, 02:06:47 PM »

He joined and began to suddenly repeat the spam message and left.



1) If you want to copy something from the older thread, just make sure its funny.

2) Don't count your posts.

That's all, now post.



Post what you have heard that is sad.

Drama / Nicki Minaj - Anaconda - Spamming Tezuni's ROTATIONS
« on: March 01, 2015, 03:14:15 PM »
Note: This occured sometime earlier in February. I never got around to making a BLF account to post it, but here you go.

The drama'd user joined ROTATIONS and began to spam the entire lyrics of the song before leaving. The player was muted but stayed for the exact amount of time it would take until a typebot would have completely posted all the lyrics


General Discussion / Alcatraz's Airport RP
« on: March 01, 2015, 12:49:01 PM »
Alcatraz's Airport RP


This server is mainly about roleplaying has passengers arriving for a flight or a pilot arriving to fly. Or just a plain shop owner/airport employee. The main RP is about this question: Are you fit for a pilot's license? Do you want to work at the airport to get an income for flight training? Do you want to be a passenger? What is your RP path? Are you going to whine like a baby and get banned for whining about being pilot screaming: "AM PILOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"?


The build's first development started in sometime early 2014. The development was finished in sometime mid-2014. The build used to be a box airport. Then my friends started making contributions to the build. I accepted and declined some contributions. Eventually sometime along the way, our build became to be what it was today, but without the assignment of jets. One morning, I decided to assign the roles of all jets. One jet gets one role of an airline. The only exception is United, which has 2 jets. I am thinking of changing the 2nd jet to another airline.


The player first spawns infront of the airport or somewhere. They enter the airport and usually explore the map, seeing everything you have seen in the Gallery. Whenever I call a flight, I assign players to their locations, in the line. When players board a plane, they have the freedom to sit wherever except the roosterpit. When I get around to adding donations, players who don't donate are automatically assigned to the back of the plane.


Sorry, nothing here yet!

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Off Topic / Apologies for stupidity
« on: February 28, 2015, 01:39:07 PM »

I need to tell you the full story of what you may of heard in the I'm new thread.

At the beginning of when I bought Blockland, I was just 14. When I was 14, I had behavior similar to that of a 10 year old or a 13 year old. I think this is pretty self explanatory for the Modface1223 situation. Now let's quickly move on to the Alcatraz situation.

In September of 2013 or something i don't know, I first joined this Office RP, with my name changed to DerpProductions. Naturally I saved the Office build and freely used it on my server. One of the people who built it joined, and told me they were going to drama me for this. Now, I overreacted and began to quickly cover the evidence up by switching to the name of Alcatraz [US] and erased it. Naturally I played cool with everybody and kept registering accounts to try and stay alive, but I guess I failed hard. Now on to the main point, when I made that child enthusiast joke, I was really tired and finished my daily fapping so I decided to browse the forums. Next thing I know, I bumped into the topic, and made a creep joke. Regretted it, big time. When I was banned, I decided that my forum rep has Alcatraz was forgeted, so I decided to make the Elliptats account. I made an I'm new topic and acted all new. I guess I didn't know that making topics about yourself being new could expose alts. So after this, I decided to take a long break instead of registering immediately and loving it up more. For some time, I played it cool in game and acted regular. Eventually I found out that the best way to solve all of my problems is to make an apology thread and explain everything necessary. I really hope you guys and Badspot can forgive me for being a handicap. I will try and not act like a handicap, I will post on the forums less frequently, and always read the rules and make sure my posts aren't breaking the rules.


Some people were fully aware of my true identity when I made the switch, notable people are Block king124 and Snaked_Snake. I made a deal with some of my old friends from the Modface stage and promised not to steal anymore builds. I will only claim credit in the build if I had contributed in the development, made the build, or added some things to it to make it more innovative, like my Airplane RP build. Which features 2 cameras for the second officer of the RP. One camera mounted to the tail, and one camera for monitoring the area with the gear.
I'll also try to be more innovative and less stuffty blatant build steal obviousness. Peace, with those who have became victims of my stupidity, peace for those who were bystanders and watched on at my attempts to rise to the heavens, but fell, crashed and burned. I admit that I am really stupid, I admit everything that I have done stupid. I am deeply sorry, and I hope you can forgive.

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