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Topics - Rolfey95

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Hey look, new forums.
« on: July 11, 2018, 04:42:39 AM »
So badspot has conpletely changed how the forums look (and appears to have added some small features?). What do you guys think about the new fourm?

The new racetracks are here!

And as a bonus, an update to a classic vehicle addon!

Hockenheimring 2.0


Harbour Island Racetrack

NOTE: If you experience a lot of lag near the garages, clear all vehicles. Fixes the issue.


Mitsubishi Evo 8 V1.4


Click on the image to watch the new Evo8 showcase and racetrack showcases!

BLSC main topic thread:

Gallery / [Video] Project: Blackmore
« on: February 05, 2018, 03:57:41 PM »

Some old project I found in my saves that I want to start working on again.

And yes, before you go and say anything (If you where going to), I am aware I could've put this video in the same topic as the BLSC videos. I didn't though because the project shown in this video has nothing to do with racing, so it wouldn't have fit in.

(And yes, I know there is no audio. I have no idea why)




If you watched the original demo video for this racetrack you'll be able to see some differences between the 2.


Wow look at all these racing videos!
(Even more videos in video descriptions)

Gallery / Here we go again! [NEW RACETRACK BUILD PREVIEW - STILL WIP]
« on: July 31, 2017, 07:08:35 AM »
It's so close to being done I think its time I gave some sneaky previews! ;)





Also look I spelt Sponsor correctly this time!
for those curious the Brick Count is in the 146K

I am aware that there was once the same topic back in 2015, but the link in that post now no longer works, so I have to make a new one.
So yeah, anyone got a working version? I am trying out some new and hopefully cool things with my new racetrack and with that I'd like to use the pipe wrench and gas mod (I've already got the gas mod).

General Discussion / Is anyone else having this problem?
« on: June 02, 2017, 06:22:18 AM »
For the Help related part of this topic, click HERE.

So basically, Blockland has become useless, and I wanted to see who else is experiencing this:
(I know one other is)

Looking at these images, they do seem a lil' big, if anyone has a problem with that I wont hesitate to reduce the scaling, just ask nicely.

Help / Blockland suddenly not working correctly
« on: June 02, 2017, 06:21:18 AM »

If you haven't, read this HERE and then you'll understand what this topic is about.
I am to lazy to repeat myself.

Help / Bots wont attack
« on: April 22, 2017, 02:34:27 AM »
I'll cut down right to it:

What I am making requires a slayer team death match, and also requires zombie bots, but they will not attack players in this game mode and also can not be killed. How can I resolve this?
Using slayer death match or default minigame creator makes them attack and killable. Using onBotSpawn > Bot > SetTeam > Enemy dosnt work either. What do I put in the blank space when using that event?

Your help is appreciated.

is live!

Addon List:

Click on the image to watch the launch video where 8bitcube and Krastin (totally them) have a shoot out!

BLSC main topic thread:

With the completion of Hockenheimring, the first proper racing track for Blockland and the first track of the Blockland Super Cup Racing Tournament, I think I should now announce the offical next 3 tracks.

The Tracks:
Track 1: Hockenheimring
*NEW* Track 2: Laguna Seca
*NEW* Track 3: An island racetrack, im still thinking of a name
Track 4: Mt Panorama, Bathurst

The order may change between Track 2 and Track 3.
Who is excited for these to not only be released but a racing tournament to be held with these tracks?
Opinions and feed pack is appreciated.


This is not only a historic track in real life but ALSO a historic track in Blockland!
Originally started by 8bitcube (who visited the track recently!) and Krastin, it generated much excitement in the community to see such a brilliant track brought to this game.
Sadly they never got around to finishing it and it was scattered around but never truly finished. (Fart-Garfunkel tried)
Then I found it again (well I found Fart-Garfunkel's version) and decided it was time to finish it!

Now we are here. Its done and its perfect, so why not have a party to celebrate?

On the day, there will be much racing, music and much talking! (of course)
Vehicles will range from Motorbikes to F1's to Dodge Challengers.
(There will be a minigame)
(You'll need it) Discord:

If enough people would like to there will be team based races!
Ask around, find people, check time availability and get ready to race! The server will be up a few times before the actual launch day so you'll have plenty of time for practice!
Timezone: Australia Sydney, GMT +11

Date: Australian Sydney time: 7:00AM - Sunday March 5th
US New York time: 3:00PM - Saturday March 4th
Europe/England London time: 8:00PM - Saturday March 4th

Here are some images for you to enjoy!

Suggestions & Requests / Vehicle Restoration Requests!
« on: February 19, 2017, 02:09:23 AM »
(This is rather early but still gona post it)
Everyone that I've talked to about the Mitsubishi Evolution VIII has said the modified version is very good, and some said I should do more.

So, what vehicle should I do next?
Should I eventually make an add-on topic them?

PLEASE if possible provide download links to your requested vehicles!

You should really double check with the original content creators on modifying their addons and re-posting them to the public.

I will be dont worry, I am NOT just going to modify someone's vehicle then upload it. That'd be wrong of me, ESPECIALLY of I claim it as my own work. I am not for that, and never will do it myself.

I more then likely will not going to do any of NightHawks vehicles or Filipe's vehicles, due to both are still working on new vehicles and/or updating or remaking old ones.

I mainly want to focus on very old vehicles that people enjoyed, by people who either no longer play or will never update them again.

« on: February 18, 2017, 07:02:28 PM »
I fixed my hosting!
The Hockenheimring server is back folks, and its completely finished!
You can also race the Modified Evo8 on it!
Cya there folks! ;)


Long ago (3 years ago) TheTurtorn made a Mitsubishi Evolution VIII vehicle add-on. It was a fairly popular add-on and one of my personal favorites.
For a long time now I have wanted someone to edit it so it performs better.

Better camera angle
More controllable
Removed tire emitters

But no one wanted to, so I decided to do it myself.
So here it is folks, the modified Mitsubishi Evolution VIII, with all 3 variants included.
(this will be up on glass eventually)
No models or garage decorations where changed, just the code.

NOTE: He gave permission:
Oooh, this is cool

Sorry about not replying earlier, you can modify my cars however you want

Click the first image for a comparison video!

Change log
18/2/2017: V1.0 - Released
19/2/2017: V1.1 - Fixed bounciness, no longer looks like your driving a bouncy castle. Made the Rally slightly faster.
13/3/2017: V1.1 Released in glass!
12/3/17 & 13/3/17: V1.2 to V1.3.1 - fixing support_garage issue
19/5/2018: V1.4 - lots of changes to each vehicles to make them more varied (Rally Evo8, Street Evo8, Basic Evo8)

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