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Topics - DJ Charizard

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Off Topic / Roll Call (How has your life been?)
« on: May 04, 2021, 09:28:35 PM »
Im here for my yearly post and lurk around.

I miss being on a forum like this, especially since it filled the void when my old counter strike clan shut down their forum back in 2016/2017~.
Discord has been a wonderful piece of software though I can't complain about it.

How are y'all holding up? It's good to see a couple of old faces still around lurking in the dimly lit halls of this place.

2020/Covid in general honestly allowed me to get a serious hold of what I wanted to actually do with my life, and got me out of a really rough patch in my life. I'm becoming a commercial pilot now and I'm a little less ass at playing a Guitar, so I guess that's cool.

Did any of you experience the same thing or are you just living the same normal life from before? Reach any big life milestones lately?

Anyways, see y'all next year. Or until this place finally gets 404'd.

Off Topic / How has everyone been?
« on: May 03, 2019, 11:13:11 PM »
I'm curious about this place sometimes.

Off Topic / How's it been?
« on: June 03, 2018, 08:59:35 PM »
I've died like 5 times and wondered how everyone was doing.

So, how are you doing?

Off Topic / Its that time of year again [Depression Update]
« on: December 11, 2016, 01:26:23 PM »
Unfortunately, this time around it isn't good news. Im dealing with a lot of stress and life issues. My medication has been increased to 75mg (was originally 25mg) and its caused a noticeable change in my social and physical interactions with others. School has been a major cause of my problems but really there is nothing I can do about it.

I've felt for a long time that I've wanted to give up and legit just kill myself, but I've always found something to keep me hanging in there. I came close to ending it all a couple of weeks ago, and I don't want to go through that again.

Even though I say that I have had a majority of negative things happening to me, there have been some positive situations. My birthday recently went over pretty well. I've had the people close to me really help me throughout my situation, and I hope that everything turns around for me soon.

Forum Games / You Feels You Lose
« on: June 27, 2016, 11:45:57 PM »
If you feel sad or cry or feel anything like that, you lose.

I'll start off by showing you this video. This shows a family looking for a missing loved one after the Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 Japan, which then shows them figuring out that the loved one passed on.

Games / Nvm
« on: June 27, 2016, 11:41:13 PM »
10/10 would forum again.

As the title says, I have some new news about my depression. It's good news surprisingly. I've had my dose of Zoloft lowered to 30mg, and soon down to Zero. I haven't seen any signs of sadness, or anxiety for the past couple of weeks. I've had more contact with friends, done more with them, and even built better and stronger relationships with my family. Tomorrow I'll be heading to a certain [I really don't want to mention the name because of some member's maturity levels] memorial and museum in NYC with my grandmother whom which has been a major help during this period of my life and she's part of the why I've been doing so well.

Alright, now you can go back to 4chan or whatever you were doing.

Games / Starfox Zero Megathread V2 + Review
« on: April 30, 2016, 09:33:32 PM »

Console release date: April 22, 2016 ITS OUT NOW
Console released on: Nintendo Wii U

General Description

Starfox is back with an "original" title after an 11 year gap with Starfox Assault.
Star Fox Zero is being co-developed by Nintendo and PlatinumGames. The game was originally scheduled for release in November 2015, but was eventually delayed to April 2016 to allow for more development time. It is the sixth installment in the Star Fox series. Producer Shigeru Miyamoto stated the game is neither a prequel nor a strict remake of the first game, while Nintendo of America stated it is neither a sequel nor a prequel to the series.

Gameplay Description
Star Fox Zero largely follows the classic gameplay of its predecessors, such as Star Fox 64, in which players control Fox McCloud as he pilots his Arwing craft through various levels. The game is controlled using the Wii U GamePad, with the left control stick used to maneuver the craft while gyroscopic controls can be used to aim weapons. A roosterpit view is displayed on the GamePad's screen to assist with aiming. Various elements return from previous games, including Fox's teammates, Falco, Peppy, and Slippy, who can assist the player if they protect them from enemy attacks, as well as Star Wolf team rivals Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, Pigma Dengar, and Andrew Oikonny. Some of the game's vehicles can transform in certain situations. For example, the Arwing can transform into the Walker which was first seen in the cancelled Star Fox 2 on the Super Nintendo, which lets the player freely walk around on platforms. The Landmaster can transform into the Gravmaster, which can perform extended aerial maneuvers. A new vehicle introduced to the series is the Gyrowing, a drone-like helicopter which can lower a small robot that can enter small spaces and hack into computers. Several level locations have also returned, including Corneria, Zoness, and Titania, while two new locations, Sector Alpha and Area 3, have been added. Gameplay footage suggests that the snowy planet Fichina (Fortuna in Star Fox 64), the asteroid belt Meteo, and the missile-wrought Sector Z may also appear.

Trailer Footage:

Gameplay Footage:

I just recently picked up Starfox Zero when I went to the Nintendo Store (Located in NYC) last thursday and was excited to finally play the long awaited new title in the Starfox franchise. 5 hours later I felt like I got my moneys worth, but at the same time I felt mildly annoyed. Starfox Zero plays on a whole new level with using the TV Screen as a third person floating camera of your ship while you use the Gamepad's motion controls to target enemies (You can turn this off, but it doesn't make things better to be frank.) This control scheme is just frustratingly difficult, but nevertheless after a couple of hours I can say that I was pretty good with it. The main campaign will last about 5 hours and is pretty short for my taste, but there are many secrets in each level and multiple levels have secret exits which can lead to a whole different area and boss fight. Many of the levels in the game have you go from a on rails shooter, to free-range mode which allows you to fully control your Arwing, but when this happens the control scheme really shows how much of a pain in the ass it is since you have to balance between the Gamepad screen, and the TV screen. The Gryowing hovercraft that you unlock about a quarter of the way through is a godly infuriating machine. It's slow, its clunky, and the I-Robot which you can drop to access computer terminals can get pretty old rather quickly. The stealth mission in this game really makes this game slow to an utter crawl and can feel tiresome and really break the experience for a little while. I can't bash this game too hard though, because the music that plays in the background and battles that you face are awesome for a lack of a better word. The bosses in this game are huge and some are a real challenge. I had to walk away from the game a couple of times because of how difficult the final boss was, but that was probably my fault with stupid mistakes. You also unlock many different modes after completing the main game, such as Arcade Mode which allows you to try and beat your record time and/or kills during a stage. Most stages have literally hundreds of enemies in which you can engage and will certainly put your skills to the test. This game really makes you want to keep going back to story mode to see how much better you can do with your newly obtained skills. Starfox Zero holds true to the franchise and is a must play for any Starfox fan.

Final Rating: 8.5/10

Off Topic / Back out of my hiatus. [Update on Depression]
« on: April 16, 2016, 07:41:03 PM »
Hey guys. I'm back from my (about a) month hiatus from the forums. I was turning into someone I really hated and I needed to take a break. I found that I was hostile, angry, and upset for no good reason. After going to therapy for a while, hanging out with friends, doing things that interest me such as drawing and gaming, and having people there for me, I feel that it's the right to come back. I made this post before I left suddenly and I feel like I need to put out an update for it. As for my depression, (the main reason why I'm even posting this.) It's gotten a hell of a lot better. I no longer feel [like] a void, and going on with my life has been a lot easier. I've stepped down from my dose on Zoloft and my personality has pretty much came back. I just just moping around and I wasn't like myself. I'm usually (at least I seem to think) a pretty energetic person. My friends tell me that I'm a lot cheerier, and honestly actually fun to hang around now. It's still lingering, but as I said before I can get through the day much easier now.

I don't expect or want to get anything from this post, I just wanted to let you guys know about my situation and my depression after basically falling from the face of the earth.

Oh, and college still sucks.

April Fools 2016 / Who are you?
« on: April 01, 2016, 05:18:12 PM »
And who am I?

Off Topic / My psychologist diagnosed me with Depression AMA
« on: March 05, 2016, 12:22:39 PM »
I've recently went to my therapist because I have a lot of things going on in my life currently that I need to talk to someone about. Part of my therapy is seeing a psychologist for medicine every once and a while. He saw fit that I had all the symptoms of Depression and now I have to take a pill everyday. Ask me anything, Idk.

Off Topic / What's with all of the drama boards getting locked?
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:57:51 PM »
I'm very confused as the reason why tbh as since there is no clear explanation.

Youtube livestream of subscriber count:

Honestly they total deserve it after this whole stuff show. Who knows, they might go out of business within the year if this keeps up.

Games / Starfox Zero [Megathread]
« on: January 30, 2016, 10:59:22 PM »
To start, here's the release date (for North America): April 22, 2016

Console the game is releasing on: Nintendo Wii U

General Description
Starfox is back with an "original" title after an 11 year gap with Starfox Assault.
Star Fox Zero is being co-developed by Nintendo and PlatinumGames. The game was originally scheduled for release in November 2015, but was eventually delayed to April 2016 to allow for more development time. It is the sixth installment in the Star Fox series. Producer Shigeru Miyamoto stated the game is neither a prequel nor a strict remake of the first game, while Nintendo of America stated it is neither a sequel nor a prequel to the series.

Gameplay Description
Star Fox Zero largely follows the classic gameplay of its predecessors, such as Star Fox 64, in which players control Fox McCloud as he pilots his Arwing craft through various levels. The game is controlled using the Wii U GamePad, with the left control stick used to maneuver the craft while gyroscopic controls can be used to aim weapons. A roosterpit view is displayed on the GamePad's screen to assist with aiming. Various elements return from previous games, including Fox's teammates, Falco, Peppy, and Slippy, who can assist the player if they protect them from enemy attacks, as well as Star Wolf team rivals Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, Pigma Dengar, and Andrew Oikonny. Some of the game's vehicles can transform in certain situations. For example, the Arwing can transform into the Walker which was first seen in the cancelled Star Fox 2 on the Super Nintendo, which lets the player freely walk around on platforms. The Landmaster can transform into the Gravmaster, which can perform extended aerial maneuvers. A new vehicle introduced to the series is the Gyrowing, a drone-like helicopter which can lower a small robot that can enter small spaces and hack into computers.[6][7] Several level locations have also returned, including Corneria, Zoness, and Titania, while two new locations, Sector Alpha and Area 3, have been added. Gameplay footage suggests that the snowy planet Fichina (Fortuna in Star Fox 64), the asteroid belt Meteo, and the missile-wrought Sector Z may also appear.


Off Topic / What's your favorite Rock song?
« on: January 30, 2016, 07:57:04 PM »
For me it's a hard choice, it's either

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