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Topics - Prodigy Effects

Pages: [1]
Clan Discussion / Prodigy - The BL Sniping Clan
« on: July 13, 2016, 08:29:45 PM »
     After a long break of not dealing with Prodigy (mainly because I got investigateed), I decided today that I should bring it back. I understand that people did not like us for just what the clan was based on. That's fine, I don't need people to believe in me because I am me. No one else is me, so I don't need to care about anyone else. Our clan is based on primarily sniping, but no longer trickshotting. Trickshotting was fun while it lasted, but I feel like it was hard to recruit because of it. If you are interested in joining, please leave your BL_ID, And why you think you could help Prodigy. We will contact you if we feel like you are a decent applicant.

Drama / Resolute Gamer/Teck One + Kahnu Hacked Me
« on: July 08, 2016, 03:17:28 PM »
     So heres what happened, A while ago when I was "Prodigy Effects" I was investigateed by "Kahnu" and "Resolute Gamer". Lets take a look at some of his past dramas:

     If this doesn't prove anything, look at these screenshots of previous Skype conversations w/ him. It is quite pathetic that someone who I trusted would do this to me. He threatened to post some of my vine videos "on researchhub." On freaking researchHUB. That's just disappointing. Also, I have a picture of a conversation from "Kahnu/Buddha" who supposedly did most of the hacking.



Clan Discussion / Why Prodigy will stop trickshotting
« on: October 18, 2015, 01:44:22 AM »
     So it seems that one of the reasons people dislike the Prodigy clan is because of the whole trick shot aspect of it. That is not by any means why I am not going to press trick shots into the clan. I am going to stop doing it because in the clan, it was easier to get people to do amazing with a sniper. All of the people in the Prodigy Clan are good snipers, but some of them are not good trickshotters. So, will Prodigy members still do trickshots? I am not going to say yes or no, but I will say it is up to that member's own choice.

General Discussion / Prodigy Recruitment Challenge
« on: September 19, 2015, 05:19:51 PM »
     Prodigy needs members, simple as that. So what me and Ecstasy have decided to do is host a server. This server is a Sniper Deathmatch. While players are playing on this server, I will be selecting people who I think stand out from the crowd in terms of skill to join Prodigy. Now this server is mainly for fun however, and it does not revolve around the clan. I am just using it to recruit while others have fun. The server will be up from 5:18 PM EST, to 12:30 PM EST.

Clan Discussion / Prodigy - The new BL trickshotters
« on: September 04, 2015, 02:53:59 PM »
Prodigy is a clan I have wanted to make for a couple of months now. I tried to bring it up a month ago but faced a lot of rejection. So I took the clan down thinking that it would not go anywhere, but now I started it back up. Prodigy is a trickshotting clan, and no we are not here to compete with anyone or replace anyone if they have a trickshotting clan. I do not bother with basketball trickshotting or anything related to the sports items in the game. I use snipers to do my work, and that is how it will always be. I am looking for anyone who may want to join. If you want to join, my server will be up for about 2 hours after this post is done. Prodigy Effects out.

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