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Topics - :D

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Drama / God Of Death stealing others work.
« on: October 15, 2010, 09:07:16 PM »
So I join someones server where they are hosting a defend the castle. When I spawn I realise idmediateley that it was hugums's DTC. So I then remembered when I joined the sever the welcome message involved: "And the map and events were made by God Of Death"
So I asked him:
Do you know who Hugums is?
He replied: "I don't know who that is :D"
So I said well it says his name right here so...
To which he replied: "Where?"
He searched and when he found it he changed the print bricks to "snake!"
I then said you know you should realy credit people for their builds.
Then I was banned for 21600 mins. Reason: You know too much

So just a warning for all of you out there, If you see this guy come to your server maybe don't load your best build. He might just steal it

Ill post a screeny of the ban if someone wants to see it.

Help / Can't join IRC
« on: October 11, 2010, 07:09:42 PM »
So I started up blockland which I hadent played in six days and go to see IRC and I get a message saying
*** Looking up your hostname...
*** Found your hostname (cached)
*** You are banned from CentralChat ([#26]) bye.)

I have no clue why I was banned I havent said anything on IRC chat cept to one of my friends for a long time, and even then that was on thursday then I hadent played until today.
I don't know why this is happening to me please help
PS: sometimes random friends sign into my name and use it. Could that be the problem? If so what do?

Help / Random hosting lag for host only?
« on: September 11, 2010, 07:13:11 PM »
So earlyer today my friend and I wanted to build something so I started my server like I normaly do.
The odd thing was how when I was loading and when I spawned I got lag spikes unlimitedly so I could bareley do anything. When I would move the mouse I would move it and then wait for it to move on screen.
No its not just a stuffty computer or some crap my hosting was fine before.
Also my friend gets this whenever he hosts and he has tryed resetting his server 10 times in the past hour.
Please help.

Suggestions & Requests / Avatar Favs
« on: August 28, 2010, 12:54:27 PM »
So I think it would be pretty cool if someone made it so we could fav more than just 10 avatars. I like to keep what I used to have as an avatar in the past and I also have the ones that I will change for in RP's so 10 slots isnt eneough
I was thinking you could press a button that would replace the
Setfav> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Which would open a window with maybe 25 slots or something

If you could make this I would greatly apreciate it. :D

Drama / Odjobs "4 way TDM"
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:39:38 PM »
So I join this server in hope of one server not full of badmins or just plain idiots.
I got half my wish.
So once I load and spawn I find that im on the "purple" team. Then there was the Yellow team I believe it was, who had a leader. So leaders get a faster playertype way overpowered weapons (including one shot kill guns and shoop lazers) So I tell them, that its unfair then I get kicked. When I come back I ask why I got kicked. Low and behold no anwser just a ban from someone named "Air Glider". It was a one minute ban for "U r no fun overpowered weps are fun" Once I came back for the final time Air Glider told me that I was making it a sad day.

Anyways I thought I would post this here in hopes of warning peopleto watch out for the people who have it thier way or no way.

Drama / Captain Cookie Joe's jail break
« on: July 30, 2010, 06:05:07 PM »
Allright so I decide to go to a jail server, they're normaly fun.
But not when you have almost every cop freekilling all the inmates
Theres not much of a story to tell its all they did
Freekill round reset
Freekill round reset
Althought there were some people trying to stop the cigarettes from freekilling.

So heres a list of the names and ID's of the freekillers
Name               | ID     
Devan              | 4794 NOTE: Devan stopped when I said I was posting this on the Bl forums and said "Sorry"
Dr. Victor Fries | 17788
darkspartain12| 22419
[iPod]               | 11534 This guy was the worst he never stopped and he was quite persistant on freekilling
Blocker             | 17777

I got lots of screenies

Also just so you know im not saying OMG BAN THEM its a heads up for you if you ever run into them
iIts also for the host so hHE can ban them

Help / Can't load with blockland minimised
« on: July 27, 2010, 12:15:39 PM »
Allright so when im in a server where theres alot of music I like to minus BL down and talk on MSN or look at the forums. But I noticed recently when I minus blockland when its loading ANYTHING Datablocks objects addons maps music, it gets an invalid packet. Then I go back to the server and load it while Blockland ISNT minused down and it loads perfectly fine.

Gallery / NUMBA NIEN The video
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:59:51 PM »
Allright so I made a quick video and wanted to share it with you guys
Its realy random

Drama / Gammer Munchy The hotel stealer
« on: July 16, 2010, 07:39:54 PM »
So I was looking through the servers and I saw a "Hotel RPG" or something hosted by  Gammer Munchy. I had recently been to John1701's Hotel because I saw it on the gallary and it was pretty cool. I join the server to see what I expect; The hotel was stolen :O!
So I say: Why did you steal this hotel?
No response
So I said it again. Still no response clearly this guy wasnt too happy with me so he decides :Lets get rid of the person who can prove im a fraud! Meaning he banned me permanently. Reason:
So this is just a heads up if your going in that direction and to John 1701 so that he knows people are stealing his hotel like a huge friend.

Watch out for noobs kids! They will do some gay stuff...

Drama / Gir(From Invader Zim) and his badmins
« on: May 17, 2010, 08:23:37 PM »
So I joined Gir (From Invader Zim)'s Server and this is how everything went
Using Gir Short for : Gir(From Invader Zim)
And Tails Short for : Tails the fox

Welcome To Blockland :D.
Gir : D:
Gir : Its :D
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
:D : D':
Tails : <D
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Tails: :D
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Gir : D:
Tails : no the :D pack
Gir : NO
Tails : :d
Gir : THE
Gir : 1337
Gir : PACK
Tails: :D
Gir : 1
Gir : 3
Gir : 3
Gir : 7
Gir : 1
Gir : 3
Gir : 3
Gir : 7
Quenton: snake!
Quenton: P
Quenton: E
Quenton: I
Quenton: N
Quenton: S
:D : Fail
Quenton: snake!
:D : You said Peins

BANNED Reason:
HOLY stuff forget PIECE OF richard

Later I joined the server and got banned after saying Hi
Reason: D: Cannon'd >:D >:D >:D

So this is mainly just a heads up for people to watch out for these badmin noobs.
They were building something at the time, it was fairly pathetic

Just letting you all know.

Help / List of broken addons?
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:02:29 AM »
I heard that there is a list of "CrC'S" or something that tells you all the addon's that stoped working with updates. If someone could post that list it would be helpful since I wanna see wich ones I have so taht I can delete them. Thanks

Drama / Damn Rtb Names
« on: January 16, 2010, 10:32:21 PM »
On the BL forums and on BL I can have my name as :D but on RTB forums they do not allow Colons so I cannot have :D I only have D why is it that they have done this D:

Help / Courrupt saves
« on: January 16, 2010, 06:40:07 PM »
allright so my BL saves are courrupt and now I can't load some of my saves (and for some reason can't start minigames)
I had my BL stuff on one computer and then got a new one so put my old hard drive in my new computer and now my saves don't work should I try re copy-pasting my saves into the save folder or am I screwed?
theres no point of posting a consol log I allready know my saves are courrupt.

Suggestions on how to fix (other than re copy-pasta) are greatly appreciated

Off Topic / Old meme is old?
« on: January 14, 2010, 09:16:44 PM »
I was a newcigarette to Blockland when this happened but I still see this face all over the place but whos this warren guy what was his story what happened to him?



Help / Runtime Error
« on: January 14, 2010, 08:52:58 PM »
Every time I load in my own server (Single Player counts) or when I attept to start a mini game I get an error from windows. Anyone know how to fix this?

Thank you

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