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Topics - Galeon

Pages: [1]
Gallery / Small 16x16 house.
« on: December 03, 2015, 01:51:15 AM »
I built this small little house that basically is my rp home (I don't join rps I just use it on freebuilds and such)
Anyways it took me about an hour to do it (the events was a pain).

Drama / Hairspray queen - 999 minute jailing.
« on: December 03, 2015, 01:36:20 AM »
This server I joined which had no actual name now I know this isn't really needed but she was jailing anyone who joined even though it's her server it was an starfish thing to do.
Like who just jails anyone who joins your server for no apparent reason?
Like what is the point of hosting if you are going to jail people who want to join?
If anyone is currently typing "WEL Galeun its their servr and maybe they didnt want peele thee and yadayada"
 remember this thing called private servers? If they didn't want people on they should have a private server, clearly they just wanted to be starfishs.

Off Topic / (kids at school love thingy)
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:46:51 PM »
Alright so I really hate this loving guy who we'll call "James"
Now James likes to spread his fake bullstuff demon hallucinations or some stuff that he "had".
He also is an annoying cunt about killing bugs. I killed a ladybug now everyone that he's friends with call me ladyslapper. He also constantly makes stupid remarks and stuff and is basically a jackass.
Anyways I have his kik and he is too open to some stuff and I know that. My friend over here though who is a lesbian and dated "James's" girlfriend who we will call "Ella" and she was a complete cunt and asked for love after a week. Now my lesbian friend who we will call "Anna" wants revenge because she doesn't approve of underage love and she also was really mean to her and made her really mad. So now Lesbo friend wants me to kik "James" and ask him if him and "Anna" had love. Turns out he fingered her and made her cum and I'm assuming (we only have proof of the fingering) that he prob also got a bj too. Anyways I got proof of the whole thing of me asking him and he told me all. Even proof admitting that he is "James" so I have proof of someone who took part in underage love. What do I do? I have like these extremist christian parents that would get mad if they knew I had all of this info/proof and got this kid in trouble.

Tl;dr I have proof of underage kiddies admitting to fingering girl who is in my classes and my lesbo friend dated that girl and she said she asked her for love and when she said no she dumped him and dated "James" and so she wants revenge but my christian ass parents CANNOT know about this.

Also all my good friends love this kid "james"

help me figure out what to do.

Help / Blockland(steam)-Not saving settings
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:33:52 PM »
My settings and whatnot won't save, and my player model doesn't load my decals/faces + addons that I put in the addon folder don't save.

Off Topic / Pranks you have pulled?
« on: November 30, 2015, 07:02:53 PM »
Anyone pulled a pretty good prank before?
Not something simple like paper under the mouse or some stuff, but like a real good prank that was well worth it?

I'll tell mine

When I was in 6th grade we had this cunty art teacher that would make us do just a drawing a day to try to get better.

I started making these smiley faces that would have slight lines that if at an angle you looked at them it would spell out
forget you Mr. (art teacher name).
He hung the photos up on a wall in order so many people saw it.
Never got caught and he never knew.

Sorry if thats sort of a cheapy stuff story but coming up with the perfect angles to make it pretty discreet on a bunch of photos to spell forget you mr. (name) was pretty hard.

Off Topic / What the fu-
« on: November 27, 2015, 01:03:21 PM »

Off Topic / Help finding christmas specials
« on: November 26, 2015, 04:15:36 PM »
 In need of finding christmas specials on youtube that are
decent quality and not sped up in any way
Cartoons like
looney toons
dexters lab
amazing world of gumball
teen titans (not the new one)
my gym partners a monkey
johnny bravo
camp lazlo
kids next door
and grim adventures of billy and mandy

Ones found
Ed edd n eddy
Fosters home.

Off Topic / Friend has serious internet addiction
« on: November 24, 2015, 09:30:19 PM »
Okay so I just got news from my mom that my best loving friend literally has mental health issues and recently his only escape is the internet and stuff and his dad tells my mom how it's like crack to him and how his dad deleted my from all his devices but he still got around to texting me and told my mom I taught him how to jailbreak (I didn't I told him what jailbreak is).

Turns out I can never contact my friend that got me through depression and a rough time in my life.


Help / Mac shaders don't work in general
« on: November 19, 2015, 03:42:10 PM »
They don't work at all. Doesn't change them at all. It stays off even if I change it, And I cannot download drivers because macs don't work like that. Any fix for the mac?

Forum Games / What are you doing as you read this?
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:03:37 PM »
Exactly what the name says what are you doing RIGHT now.

Help / Sound is extremely loud
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:32:01 PM »
So this only happens on my windows desktop
My macbook pro doesn't do this
but basically first person sounds are louder than all screamo bands combined into one giant concert. Oh and with the most expensive loudest speakers created by man.

How do I fix this? I feel like I cannot use first person anymore to this.

Off Topic / Any online therapist
« on: November 16, 2015, 04:08:37 PM »
Title says it. Any online therapist I can speak to without like signing up or doing any bs?

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