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Topics - Blockland Anonymous

Pages: [1]
Drama / DirtyGal69's , Again...
« on: May 17, 2016, 09:21:59 PM »
        Recently myself and a friend joined a server just for the hell of it. After being banned for no reason for 1 minute or so we decided to rejoin and see why. After 32.25 Seconds (Yes we timed it just to see if it would happen again) we were banned yet again. It turned out that the admin banning us was Futuristic (BL_ID Unknown). We have had multiple run ups with Future and we have learned that he is pro bally one of the most annoying human beings to walk the earth. We messaged him on steam to see why he was banning us and after a short rage of some sort about us he threatened one of us that he was gonna kill us (Typical rage I guess). Anyway after a confrontation with the server host about the thing she later banned us for talking about the incident. It may just be me but I felt this ban was a little to much.

"drimk bleach"

Drama / Uh, What?
« on: May 10, 2016, 08:47:47 PM »
Recently I was going about just looking around at servers and I came across one with a possibly offensive rule. One of the rule stated "No Gays". I myself am not gay but others who are may find this offensive, even people who are not possibly. The host was 12345-Android-Junk-Yard    BL_ID 109158, Tell me what you think...

(2nd Rule)

Drama / I've been Blackmailed!
« on: December 02, 2015, 06:50:28 PM »
Recently I was looking about steam and I saw a post about a new Blockland Zombie Map. I thought "Oh boy" then I looked at who was hosting it, It was a young lad who had recently been invited to view one of my teams development folders, Im thinking to myself "hmm this is kinda odd" I look further into it and see that this young lad stated that himself and another person who I will not name where going to be hosting / creating this game mod and server. I felt kinda odd on this subject so I talked to another person on my team who had talked to this "young lad".  It turns out he had this "idea of his" not long after the folder was shared with him. Dont get me wrong but ive known this "young lad" for almost two years now and knowing from the past he can tend to "take" / "use" other peoples ideas, and you are probably saying "whats wrong with using other peoples ideas, we have all thought them" well let me say this "young lad" has been known to "use" as in copy exactly what has been made/use other peoples hard work to make maps/other things. So I ended up confronting this "young lad" and he became very angry insulting me :P  . After a little "fight" you could call it I get friend request from someone I will not name. This is where I was blackmailed, the man that friended me I did not know at time but was a "hacker" in some ways. I talked to him for a little then he later when I told him that I was thinking about posting this, please dont hack me for doing this by the way. He later says after I tell him bout this "How about we forget about this whole fourms thing or ill dox you and blacklist you" (for people that dont know what doxing is its when they take your IP and locate the general area you live in then post it online for people to see). Now im thinking "oh **** what did I get myself into" I ended up finding out that this "Hacker" was part of this "young lads" proclaimed "crew", It turns out that this "young lad" had found a way to blackmail me into not talking about what im typing right now! I ended up figuring everything out and saving my *** but I thought everyone should know.       

Also Wanna know who this "young lad" is?

His Blockland Name is "XD"
His BL_ID is 31332
Id suggejest banning or doing something for fear you to may be blackmailed.

                                                                                                                         Your Friend ,  Blockland Anonymous

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