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Topics - Nickpb 3.0

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Happy Birthday Lego Lad
« on: August 16, 2016, 10:08:18 PM »;u=43669

Sooo I just learned it's this dino lovers birthday and I had to make a topic for it. Happy birthday lego!

I won this game with the intent to give it away again

I'm thinking of a number between 1-300 everyone gets two guesses
i reserve the right to not give you the game if you guess correctly but are a cunt

thanks freek for supplying this game to me

Games / Someone play some Mass Effect 3 with me
« on: May 26, 2016, 11:28:46 AM »
Yeah I'm aware its outdated as forget and most people don't like the multiplayer but I'm such a big fan of it and I want some people to play multiplayer with. Tezuni and I currently play and are both pretty good so we could easily get to some platinum rounds with a good group :D

Lmk if you'd be interested in playing

So I wanted to start a chill discord for a some of the older and more mature members of the blockland forums

So introducing The Glory Hole (featuring the only confirmed girl on the blockland forums Neonfallout)
We have a few members and if ya want an invite to a discord were we just crack jokes, tell stories and discuss random stuff send me a pm :D

Off Topic / Dream posting
« on: March 30, 2016, 05:41:50 PM »
Alright so weird question. Have any of you had a dream where you post something on the forums?
More specifically l have vivid memories of posts i've made in threads that don't even exist...

discuss or derail into memes idgaf you do you blf

Off Topic / Jury duty today
« on: February 17, 2016, 10:39:34 AM »
Okay so jury duty in itself isn't a big deal like every citizen does it but today is my first time. Currently there two huge cases coming up in Arizona, one of them dealing with a terrorist bomber and another with the I-10 shooter. I would be absolutely ecstatic if I got called into one of these cases :D

Arizona has such a nice superior court house 

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