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Topics - Captain Crazy

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Games / Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
« on: May 12, 2016, 12:57:49 PM »
You emerge from the shelter into the dim light of an overcast day, and look around for the first time since the disaster.
The world as you knew it is gone and in its place, a twisted mockery of all that was once familiar.
Everything was cast aside in that frantic race for the shelter. You have no food, nothing to drink, no weapons. Nothing but your ingenuity and the fierce determination to survive against appalling odds.
A grim prospect faces you. Perhaps worse even than the nightmares of last night, when you were tortured by dreams of the dead themselves rising to jealously tear life from the living.
You cast your eyes up the road and begin to walk towards a house in the far distance. Things may be bad right now, but you've got a sinking feeling that there are darker days ahead.
Developmental builds (recommended, most feature rich versions)

Cataclysm is a delightful, unforgiving, and deep roguelike game in which you play as a survivor of a biological-warfare induced apocalypse. The game is rendered in timeless ASCII graphics and will be immediately familiar to anybody who's played games such as Nethack or Dwarf Fortress. Zombies shuffle among the (sometimes ill-tempered) wilderness animals. Terrible beasts such as the Mi-go are on the prowl, as well as vorpal, renegade machines such as Chicken walkers.

The game strikes a fantastic balance between gameplay and depth. It is more streamlined and abstract than Dwarf Fortress's adventure mode, yet it allows you to build fortifications, farm, rig up booby traps and even entrepreneur  your own ride. Anybody who likes sinking their teeth and time into roguelikes ought to love this game.

Off Topic / blow off some steam, bitch about your internet
« on: July 16, 2012, 10:16:01 AM »
alright, before I say anything, you guys with good/great/awesome internet can forget off into another thread, don't bother bragging to us poor, flatcap wearing scamps that live in boxes

Here be a thread to rant about your internet. I'll bitch about mine because holy goddamn is it bad. I use FairPoint, only because it's cheap and they seem to cover every rural area in the country. I can't say much about its service in other areas but there's stuffloads of complaints for New England (I'm situated in A whole Bunch of Treesville, NH.). The company is apparently run by pet rocks, as demonstrated by this Wikipedia quote:
Many other problems have plagued the New England subscribers of FairPoint's services, including thousands of serious and recurring billing errors, very poor customer service, lack of (and delay of) an electronic bill-pay option, slow or intermittent services, and sluggish and inadequate response to customer complaints and service issues. As of August 2009, the State of Vermont has been in the process of considering revoking FairPoint's right to provide services in that state. FairPoint has consistently failed to meet deadlines to provide a response to Vermont and other states about how they intend to resolve the numerous problems.

And if a bunch of Vermontian grandmas can complain enough to nearly ban FairPoint from their state, think about what that does to ping on games - I can barely play TF2 online and I can't at all play SMP Minecraft at all (mostly because of Mojang's stuffty netcode but w/e).

Come on now folks, it's your turn to vent about garbage internet. It would be interesting to hear from other rural-situated folks too!

Off Topic / DREAM QUESTION - fingers n' eyeballs
« on: December 29, 2011, 01:08:48 AM »
A couple nights ago, I had a dream. The part I'm going to mention involved me, at a mall, at night. I put my finger through my palm (common reality check, though my dumb dream self thought nothing of it). All of a sudden, my eyes started vibrating. Like a phone or some stuff.

Is this something you've experienced before? Does a case of the eye-jigglies in dreamspace mean anything?

Help / Scroll Wheel is very unresponsive in Blockland
« on: November 27, 2011, 03:50:53 PM »
See title. Outside of Blockland, it works fine, scrolling pages like a champ and what not. In Blockland, I have to scroll it fast and forcefully to even see a response.

I've reinstalled both my mouse drivers and Blockland but to no avail. Scrolling works fine on my other mouse, but not this one. Anyone have a clue why?

Off Topic / Why there be a Sonichu on my newspaper
« on: September 25, 2011, 02:55:59 PM »
There's this comic on the sunday papes that's called "Slylock Fox and Comics For Kids". Standard kid fare, spot the difference, how to draw a thingamagoober. There's also a little part that shows kid's art that's submitted to a website of sorts.

"Today's terrific artist is Christian Weston Chandler, Age 9" the paper said, right next to lineart of Sonichu. Thing is, the brainchild of Sonichu is both an adult and autistic, not 9. Some funnyman must've uploaded his magnum opus to the site, because hey, it's close enough to a kid's drawing, right?

Also apparently this drawing was made by a 19 year old.

« on: August 29, 2011, 03:43:42 AM »

Welcome to Suburban Adventure!

You are John Doe, the average child. You enjoy the things children like; television, candy, and adventure, and detest the things children detest; rules, school, and cooties. And today is the day you realize that there's a whole wide world outside your room for exploration!

Your namecard is a useful asset, one that every citizen of Verdant Valley gets. Embedded with a small microchip, it syncs with the chip in your head to show vital info. It accordians out to show a useful guide for the standard maps in place in the town;

You have no idea what an artifact is or why "corpse" is listed. As far as you're aware, Verdant Valley has neither.

You've recently moved from an apartment to a full-fledged house. Your room is on the second floor, and Dad's is on the first. So far your room lacks the comforts of your old one, and has moving boxes strewn about. There's an exclamation-point marked yellow box containing your belongings, and the staircase down is to your right. What do you do, adventurer?


Here is at Fun Good Games Eagle Affordable is we show you our games for Collection! For mens of years we work for you create of games for luxury enjoyment is

so what you of for waiting for of Gameing Future! Please for the Selection of Fun Good Games Eagle Affordable we show you games selection. e

Клоун Около Веселых вечеринок

Here is fun game for Youths is where you is talk to the Clown is carnival. Player that you must Complete the level and is levels for complete, the prise. The scene and clown where Bobo and the Learning Experiense hopefully your child enrich


  • Is up to you but also the Balloon
  • Many Color for enrich 8
  • Capitalism
  • For the Youthes
  • Hours

Большой человек борется другие правила борьбы разделе

We work hard on Celebrities Game where fight you Hank is strong and wrestles. He man muscles for the best family glory and Works hard for Hank's family big family of 6. Where the fighting is Excite you may win but also choice of Victory or Challenge victory we worked

Worry that kids find game is not worry because just enough for the punchings of tot but no swars of blood or fluids but Clean fun for Family..

  • Find out the Wrestling
  • Many secrets for the enjoys
  • Where's the egg a joke
  • whoops

Для боевой славы хранитель мира, чтобы успокоить восстание восстание. заботиться о великой республики после остановки надежды и разума. Чтобы отмести старые и вступить в новое. Это жизнь, великий дух, Отче наш, и все. Длительный срок Отче наш. Мы любим наш Отец Республики и будем работать наши пальцы до кости, если это означает, что в угоду Отче наш Великой Республики

We all out of this game call back

Forum Games / Adventure!
« on: July 05, 2011, 07:04:26 AM »
Gon' make one of them choose your own's.

Hello, stranger! Welcome to Adventure.

Here you are, just sittin' there. You don't recall where or why you've been sitting for the last hour, if you're even wearing clothes, and you've even forgotten your own name!

Concentrate, pal. Remember your own name!

That sizzling sound indicates you've forgotten your name. Care to give yourself a new one?


I bought that computer a little bit ago as a budget computer that could run games and that could be called my own. It runs Minecraft fine (Fancy, Normal render distance, fullscreen) but it doesn't do so hot on more detailed games like TF2, Half-Life 2 and other games. I need to know what I should replace or add to make it better, and if those changes would actually work for my computer.

I want to be able to run all of my games on high settings, native resolution. I don't play really demanding games, but I'd love to have console-level performance on GTA IV, at least. What parts would I need for all of this?

Off Topic / loving bugs
« on: May 29, 2011, 11:38:54 PM »
fucking bugs

alright, gonna give you some backstory to why I made this thread. there's cool, pretty bugs like butterflies and luna moths and grasshoppers and crickets and cute, fat caterpillars that you don't see too much. There's also the obnoxious, biting, buzzing, overly common and disease-carrying bugs that flock during the summer months.

just two minutes ago I saw a huge cranefly, a bug that's totally harmless but big, clumsy, and loud. took that forgeter outside by it's wings.

after returning to my comp, a big-assed beetle called a may-beetle flew in through a crack in my window. these are also bugs known for being absolutely handicapped, having the flying prowess of a drunken man and sounding like a helicopter. these things are about the size of quarters, and are big, fat forgeters, so smacking them with a shoe would leave a mess. so I released it outside (i had to do this twice yesterday).

these same situations play over again year after year. I bet if I looked outside on the porch I'd see a dozen dead may-beetles on the ground, and a stuffload of bugs buzzing around the light. Any of you cool dudes ever have to deal with bugs? Cool bugs? stuffty bugs?

« on: May 01, 2011, 10:32:53 PM »
  Synergize! Empower your workplace! Total cyber-immersion! Join the next generation of Web 1.0! This and more: The internet!


Simply put, think of all the magazines ever. Now connect these magazines with tubes and make the magazines readable on plastic boxes! That's the internet in a nutsack. Contrary to popular beliefs, the internet is neither a crime or witchcraft.

This is only the lip of the Ice-Burger that the internet has in store for you! Stake out your cyber-kilobytes today!


The internet is a great platform for cyber-activities. Share your thoughts on a "Facial Networking site" and participate in Chat-Boxes with your friendlies! Play 16 color games! That's more colors than I can count on my hands, and I'm pretty darned tootin' at counting!


Simply purchase a "Computer" (previously mentioned plastic magazine box) and an internet box (we forget what these are called, ask Monty at customer services for the name and approximate weight). Hook these babies up and you're ready to gain access to the internet!

I NEED HELP WITH THIS! I AM EITHER A. a toddler OR B. a charcoal briquette in business casual attire

Thankfully, we're here to help in this tumultuous, stone cold, hound-dog, etc. etc. environment of non-caring and non-solubles. Call us at 1-800-INTER-NETTE. Ask for Monty if you ail from the rather common condition of a taste of blood from prolonged bodily contact with Internet boxes.

Creativity / Captain Crazy's Drawing Thread, II
« on: April 28, 2011, 07:25:11 PM »
Yeah, restarting.

Startin' with one new drawing.

I'll post a new drawing every now and then. Requests if I feel like it.

Games / Stick Ranger
« on: April 17, 2011, 08:58:14 PM »
Stick Ranger is a neat "Action RPG" starring micro-sized pixel stickmen who fight through hordes of colorful, cheery enemies.

Seeing as the japanese game maker isn't too savvy at "translating", I'll explain to you the finer points of Stick Ranger.


Boxer: The Boxer is the first class. His rapid-fire fists deliver a flurry of low-damage blows that whittle down the opponent's health.
Investing STR: Raises minimum and maximum attack by a bit.
Investing DEX: Lowers minimum and maximum time between blows by a bit, to a minimum range of 5-10.
Investing MAG: For every blow with a magical weapon that connects, Boxer gets 1 bonus MP.

Gladiator: The Gladiator is the second class. He's a swordsman who's powerful blows rely on the many swords you'll find throughout the game.
Investing STR: Raises max attack by 1.
Investing DEX: Raises min attack by 1.
Investing MAG: For every blow with a magical weapon that connects, Gladiator gets 1 bonus MP.

Sniper: The Sniper is the third class. He uses bows to fire volleys of high-arcing arrows that do good damage from afar.
Investing STR: Raises range by 2.
Investing DEX: Raises min and max attack slightly.
Investing MAG: For every shot with a magical weapon that connects, Sniper gets 1 bonus MP.

Magician: The Magician is the fourth class. A mainstay on any team, he uses magical orbs to fry, freeze, electrify and explode opponents.
Investing STR: Raises range by 2.
Investing DEX: Lowers time between attacks slightly.
Investing MAG: Raises attack slightly.

Priest: The Priest is the fifth class. He casts an aura that buffs friendly's stats, such as defense and attack.
Investing STR: Raises Aura of Attack (red) by 1%.
Investing DEX: Raises Aura of Defense (green) by 0.2.
Investing MAG: Raises Aura of Range (blue) by 2.

Gunner: The Gunner is the sixth class. He has many weapons such as handguns and bazookas that use your gold to hit hard and from afar.
Investing STR: Raises Attack by 2%.
Investing DEX: Raises rate of fire by a small bit.
Investing MAG: Lowers the cost of ammunition by 1$, to a minimum of 1$ per shot.

Whipper: The Whipper is the seventh class. His flail can hit from farther away than swords or gloves, and can brandish many elemental effects.
Investing STR: Raises min and max attack slightly.
Investing DEX: Projectiles per blow + 0.2.
Investing MAG: For every blow with a magical weapon that connects, Whipper gets 1 bonus MP.

LP: Life Points.. This determines how much health a stickman has. Leveling STR, DEX, and MAG also adds smaller portions of LP to your guys.
STR: Strength. Affects each class differently.
DEX: Dexterity. Affects each class differently.
MAG: Magic power. Affects each class differently.

ATT: Attack power of a weapon. Displayed as a range, like 10-25.
MP: Magic Points. Determines how much magic power is needed to engage magical weapon's special attack.

Range: Measured in pixels. Determines how far away a stickman will do damage from.

Defense: Measured how much damage is reduced when a stickman is attacked. Buffed by the Priest's green aura.

Type: Elemental category of the attack. Types include Fire, Electric, Ice and Poison. Jewels increase the elemental power of weapons.

BULLETS: Determines how much projectiles are fired from the Whipper's magical attack.

Compo Items

Compo (Composite) items are special items that permanently modify a weapon. There are a few different types of Compo Items.


Off Topic / Suggest me a good computer
« on: April 10, 2011, 11:43:36 PM »
My brother told me that my dad aims to get me a computer for my birthday ('probly because I've been using my parents comp since my piddly netbook broke)

I'd like one that's real beefy and quality (or at least contains parts that are compatible with one another), one that can run highly demanding games smoothly. Preferably prebuilt, seeing as my dad's know-how of computers is pretty much limited to computers at the bowling alley that are older than I are, and I'm technologically handicapped when it comes to mashing computer parts together.

I'm really sick of having choppy performances on games that aren't even that demanding (like Half Life 2). I know I've made threads like this before and I'm sorry about that but I think stuff's actually gonna happen this time.

(Side note: forgetin' documentary on about exploding toads. So hardcore.)

Suggestions & Requests / Headshot-able Playertype
« on: March 27, 2011, 09:55:37 AM »
I would like a playertype that receives 2.5x the damage when shot in the head by any ranged weapon. This would be useful for Deathmatches and other games where shooting eachother is required.

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