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Topics - Milk Queen

Pages: [1]
Drama / Setro 2 - Total loving creep
« on: February 20, 2018, 11:45:03 PM »
Hi everyone, long time so seesies. I was up last night when I  got a message on Kik from "Setro2" or "Lance", a Blockland player. I dont remember ever talking to him, but he might have been in a group chat with me at some point...? Not sure, but he acted like a loving weirdo, and while I hesitated on doing this, I felt the community needed to know at some point

Chat logs:

I dont know if this is "the norm" around here, but please dont contact me with these kinds of requests. Setro2 has sent me really nasty pictures after this convo and I blocked him this morning. Please take action, thanks.

Off Topic / Lord Tony stole my avatar
« on: August 01, 2017, 10:02:53 PM »
Please stop Tony, stick to television.

   - Milk Queen

Off Topic / I got a boyfriend
« on: May 29, 2017, 11:07:17 PM »
He's someone from around here, I'll leave you to guess. Name starts with a C________. He's SOOO sweet, and the greatest guy ever <3

Off Topic / Post your grades
« on: December 09, 2016, 11:23:11 PM »

its that time of the year where my grades peak so I get to show them off :)
post yours please so i can laugh

Off Topic / happy late birthday to mi
« on: September 11, 2016, 12:38:06 AM »
My bday was on the 8th :o
SORRY I DON'T POST HERE OFTEN i'm just busy with other stuff atm. I dont get on steam that often so sorry if anyones wanted to play games
Did anyone else here have a birthday on the 8th? cause if so that's p cool

Off Topic / Freek and i divorced AMA
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:29:42 AM »
it's official. Freeks gay so I friendzoned him and now he's a gay emo.

no jk, when our relationship started it wasn't anything major to begin with because we had already been friends, so it was more of a "Hey i think you're cute and we're already good friends so why not" kinda thing. This doesnt change anything in our friendship whatsoever because it was both of our ideas, its not out of the question if we date again or not.
So yeah ama

Off Topic / We have a glorious new member
« on: March 12, 2016, 10:45:24 PM »

The beautiful big man himself has finally taken it upon himself to be apart of this blessing community. all hail ray william johnson :-)

Off Topic / Hello Forum!
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:33:59 PM »
You may remember me as being the anonymous voice responding to all of your questions in this thread:

Well, after a few days, I have finally signed up for the forum! I don't plan on posting much just because I am more involved academically than I am online. I'm still very baffled that the old thread made by Freek went to 47 pages just because of the interactions between myself and all of you, so Freek and I decided that I should just made a new topic for questions if any of you still have anything to ask me. Right now I'm at Freek's house posting this, just because my Internet at home is currently stuff, and because spending time with him is pretty fun c: (He is also really bad at Geometry, so he always needs my help with his homework, lol.) Before you ask, "Why the name Milk Queen???", I chose this name because I did not know any other aliases that I would want to keep, so I kind of ripped off my friends old alias, "buttermilkqueen". Anyway, if any of you still want to ask questions, I'll be answering 99% of them!

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